* BAEL-4706 - Spring Boot with Spring Batch * BAEL-3948 - Fix test(s) in spring-batch which leaves repository.sqlite changed * BAEL-4736 - Convert JSONArray to List of Object using camel-jackson * BAEL-4756 - Mockito MockSettings * BAEL-4756 - Mockito MockSettings - fix spelling * BAEL-2674 - Upgrade the Okhttp article Co-authored-by: Jonathan Cook <jcook@sciops.esa.int>
This module contains articles about HTTP libraries.
Relevant Articles:
- A Guide to OkHttp
- A Guide to Google-Http-Client
- Asynchronous HTTP with async-http-client in Java
- WebSockets with AsyncHttpClient
- Integrating Retrofit with RxJava
- Introduction to Retrofit
- A Guide to Unirest
- Creating REST Microservices with Javalin
- A Quick Guide to Timeouts in OkHttp
- A Quick Guide to Post Requests with OkHttp
- More articles [next -->]