* This commit is related to BAEL-6429 This commit aims to add a .html file named test. * This commit is related to BAEL-6429 This commit aims to add a test class named "OpenHtmlFilesUnitTest". * Update OpenHtmlFilesUnitTest.java The java.awt.HeadlessException occures, indicating that the current environment lacks a graphical display necessary for the Desktop class to function properly. So i commented the method.
Core Java IO
This module contains articles about core Java input and output (IO)
Relevant Articles:
- Get File Extension From MIME Type in Java
- How to Remove Line Breaks From a File in Java
- Difference Between ZipFile and ZipInputStream in Java
- How to Write Strings to OutputStream in Java
- Read a File and Split It Into Multiple Files in Java
- Read and Write Files in Java Using Separate Threads
- Convert an OutputStream to a Byte Array in Java
- Reading a .gz File Line by Line Using GZIPInputStream
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