* JAVA-30484: Move code to new module - Spring Data JPA * JAVA-30484: remove the duplicate code from the old modules.
Spring Data JPA Articles that are also part of the e-book
This module contains articles about Spring Data JPA that are also part of an Ebook.
Since this is a module tied to an e-book, it should not be moved or used to store the code for any further article.
Relevant Articles
- Introduction to Spring Data JPA
- Customizing the Result of JPA Queries with Aggregation Functions
- CrudRepository, JpaRepository, and PagingAndSortingRepository in Spring Data
- New CRUD Repository Interfaces in Spring Data 3
- Derived Query Methods in Spring Data JPA Repositories
- Spring Data JPA @Query
- Spring Data JPA Projections
- Spring Data JPA @Modifying Annotation
- Generate Database Schema with Spring Data JPA
- Pagination and Sorting using Spring Data JPA