* JAVA-32410: Update mockito-core to version 5.11.0 * Fix rollback mockito upgrade. * wip * WIP: Update jee-7 wildfly versions * WIP: Fix jersey tests * WIP: rollback powermock module * wip: fix test in spring-data-dynamodb * wip: fix test in spring-security-legacy-oidc * wip: rollback quarkus * wip: fix greeter-spring-boot-autoconfigure * JAVA-33535: Fix spring-core module integration test JAVA-33535: rollback junit-5 module mockito version. * Fix byte-buddy * Fix log4j dependency in apache-poi
Mockito Articles that are also part of the e-book
This module contains articles about Mockito that are also part of an Ebook.
Relevant articles:
- Getting Started with Mockito @Mock, @Spy, @Captor and @InjectMocks
- Mockito When/Then Cookbook
- Mockito’s Mock Methods
- Mockito Verify Cookbook
- Mockito ArgumentMatchers
- Mockito – Using Spies
- Using Mockito ArgumentCaptor
- Mocking Void Methods with Mockito
- Mocking Static Methods With Mockito
- Mock Final Classes and Methods with Mockito
- Mocking Exception Throwing using Mockito
- Mockito and JUnit 5 – Using ExtendWith
Since this is a module tied to an e-book, it should not be moved or used to store the code for any further article.