* This commit is related to BAEL-7181 This commit aims to add a class "TimestampToLong.java" that provides several approaches to convert timestamp string into long. * This commit is related to BAEL-7181 This commit aims to add a test class "TimestampToLongUnitTest.java" that provides several approaches to convert timestamp string into long.
Java Date/time conversion Cookbooks and Examples
This module contains articles about converting between Java date and time objects.
Relevant Articles:
- Converting Between LocalDate and XMLGregorianCalendar
- Convert Time to Milliseconds in Java
- Convert Date to LocalDate or LocalDateTime and Back
- Convert Between java.time.Instant and java.sql.Timestamp
- Convert Between LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime
- Conversion From 12-Hour Time to 24-Hour Time in Java
- Convert Epoch Time to LocalDate and LocalDateTime