Apache HttpClient
This module contains articles about Apache HttpClient
The Course
The "REST With Spring" Classes: http://bit.ly/restwithspring
Relevant Articles:
- Apache HttpClient – Cancel Request
- Apache HttpClient Cookbook
- Apache HttpClient – Follow Redirects for POST
- Multipart Upload with Apache HttpClient
- Apache HttpAsyncClient Tutorial
- Apache HttpClient Tutorial
- Advanced Apache HttpClient Configuration
- Apache HttpClient – Do Not Follow Redirects
- Custom User-Agent in Apache HttpClient
- Apache HttpClient Connection Management
- How to Set TLS Version in Apache HttpClient
- Reading an HTTP Response Body as a String in Java
- How To Get Cookies From the Apache HttpClient Response
- Enabling Logging for Apache HttpClient
- Apache HttpClient vs. CloseableHttpClient
- Apache HttpClient – Cancel Request
- Apache HttpClient with SSL
- Apache HttpClient Timeout
- Custom HTTP Header with the Apache HttpClient
- Apache HttpClient vs. CloseableHttpClient
- Expand Shortened URLs with Apache HttpClient
- Retrying Requests using Apache HttpClient
- Apache HttpClient – Follow Redirects for POST
Running the Tests
To run the live tests, use the command: mvn clean install -Plive This will start an embedded Jetty server on port 8082 using the Cargo plugin configured in the pom.xml file, for the live Maven profile