* BAEL-656 - Add new DAO interface and Impl classes * BAEL-656 - Add new model class * BAEL-656 - Add new Service class * BAEL-656 - Add configuration files * BAEL-656 - maven upgrade for tomcat-dbcp version * BAEL-656 - Add JUnit Test classes * BAEL-656 - upgrade tomcat-dbcp version * BAEL-656 - for update of tomcat-dbcp version * Delete exceptionDemoPersistanceConfig.xml * BAEL-656 - Add renamed file * Update NoHibernateSessBoundUsingAnnoSessionBeanMainIntegrationTest.java * Update NoHibernateSessBoundUsingLocalSessionBeanMainIntegrationTest.java
Spring with Hibernate 3 Example Project
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Quick Start
git clone git://github.com/eugenp/REST.git
mvn install
mvn cargo:run
- note: starts on port