- (contains the @Struct annotation which is the annotation the ticket is about. - Struct unit test class. No unit test present because the hibernate dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect does not support the @Struct annotation despite the fact that Apache Derby has support for CREATE TYPE ( ddls. - properties file, just for reference, not being used in unit tests.
Hibernate JPA
This module contains articles specific to use of Hibernate as a JPA implementation, such as Locking, Bootstrapping, One-to-One Relationship, Persistence Context, and more.
Relevant articles:
- JPA Attribute Converters
- Pessimistic Locking in JPA
- Bootstrapping JPA Programmatically in Java
- Optimistic Locking in JPA
- Criteria API – An Example of IN Expressions
- One-to-One Relationship in JPA
- Enabling Transaction Locks in Spring Data JPA
- JPA/Hibernate Persistence Context
- Quick Guide to EntityManager#getReference()
- JPA Entities and the Serializable Interface