2021-08-10 11:54:40 -07:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2023-04-04 15:49:27 -04:00
# Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
require 'net/http'
require 'jekyll/hooks'
require 'jekyll/document'
require 'json'
require 'set'
require 'uri'
require 'pathname'
require 'typhoeus'
require 'ruby-link-checker'
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require 'ruby-enum'
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# This singleton checks links during build to warn or fail upon finding dead links.
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# `JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER`, set on the environment, will cause verification of external links
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# Valid values: internal, all.
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# Usage: `JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER=internal bundle exec jekyll build --trace`
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# `JEKYLL_FATAL_LINK_CHECKER`, set on the environment, is the same as `JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER`
# except that it fails the build if there are broken links. it takes the same valid values
# Usage: `JEKYLL_FATAL_LINK_CHECKER=internal bundle exec jekyll build --trace`
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module Jekyll::LinkChecker
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class CheckTypes
include Ruby :: Enum
define :INTERNAL , 'internal'
define :EXTERNAL , 'external'
define :ALL , 'all'
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# The collection that will get stores as the output
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# Pattern to identify documents that should be excluded based on their URL
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@excluded_paths = %r{ ( \ .(css|js|json|map|xml|txt|yml)$|/version-selector \ .tpl$) }i . freeze
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# Pattern to identify certain HTML tags whose content should be excluded from indexing
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@href_matcher = / <a[^>]+href=(['"])(.+?) \ 1 /im . freeze
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# Pattern to check for external URLs
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@external_matcher = %r{ ^https?:// } . freeze
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# List of domains to ignore
# playground.opensearch.org is causing an infinite redirect
# LinkedIn mostly fails with 999 status codes
@ignored_domains = [
'localhost' ,
'playground.opensearch.org' , # inifite redirect, https://github.com/opensearch-project/dashboards-anywhere/issues/172
'crates.io' , # 404s on bots
'www.cloudflare.com' , # 403s on bots
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'platform.openai.com' , # 403s on bots
2024-02-19 11:56:44 -05:00
'mvnrepository.com' , # 403s on bots
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'example.issue.link' # a fake example link from the template
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# Pattern of local paths to ignore
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@ignored_paths = %r{ (^/javadocs|^mailto:) } . freeze
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# Holds the list of failures
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# Build flags driven by environment variables
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@check_internal_links # Enables checking internal links
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@check_external_links # Enables checking external links
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@fail_on_error # Indicates the need to fail the build for dead links
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# Defines the priority of the plugin
# The hooks are registered with a very low priority to make sure they runs after any content modifying hook
def self . priority
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def self . check_links?
check_external_links? || check_internal_links?
def self . check_external_links?
! ! @check_external_links
def self . check_internal_links?
! ! @check_internal_links
def self . fail_on_error?
! ! @fail_on_error
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# Initializes the singleton by recording the site
def self . init ( site )
@site = site
@urls = { }
@failures = [ ]
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@fail_on_error = true if ENV . key? ( 'JEKYLL_FATAL_LINK_CHECKER' )
check_flag = fail_on_error? ? ENV [ 'JEKYLL_FATAL_LINK_CHECKER' ] : ENV [ 'JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER' ]
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unless check_flag
return Jekyll . logger . info 'LinkChecker:' , 'disabled. Enable with JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER on the environment'
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unless CheckTypes . values . include? ( check_flag )
Jekyll . logger . info " LinkChecker: [Notice] Could not initialize, Valid values for #{ fail_on_error? ? 'JEKYLL_FATAL_LINK_CHECKER' : 'JEKYLL_LINK_CHECKER' } are #{ CheckTypes . values } "
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@external_link_checker = LinkChecker :: Typhoeus :: Hydra :: Checker . new (
logger : Jekyll . logger ,
hydra : { max_concurrency : 2 } ,
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retries : 3 ,
user_agent : 'OpenSearch Documentation Website Link Checker/1.0'
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@external_link_checker . on :failure , :error do | result |
@failures << " #{ result } , linked to in #{ result . options [ :location ] } "
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@check_external_links = [ CheckTypes :: EXTERNAL , CheckTypes :: ALL ] . include? ( check_flag )
@check_internal_links = [ CheckTypes :: INTERNAL , CheckTypes :: ALL ] . include? ( check_flag )
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# Process a Page as soon as its content is ready
Jekyll :: Hooks . register :pages , :post_convert , priority : priority do | page |
process ( page )
# Process a Document as soon as its content is ready
Jekyll :: Hooks . register :documents , :post_convert , priority : priority do | document |
process ( document )
# Verify gathered links after Jekyll is done writing all its stuff
Jekyll :: Hooks . register :site , :post_write , priority : priority do | site |
verify ( site )
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if check_links?
Jekyll . logger . info " LinkChecker: [Notice] Initialized successfully and will check #{ check_flag } links "
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Jekyll . logger . info 'LinkChecker: [Notice] The build will fail if a dead link is found' if fail_on_error?
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rescue StandardError = > e
Jekyll . logger . error 'LinkChecker: [Error] Failed to initialize Link Checker'
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# Processes a Document or Page and adds the links to a collection
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# It also checks for anchors to parts of the same page/doc
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def self . process ( page )
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return unless check_links?
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return if @excluded_paths . match ( page . path )
hrefs = page . content . scan ( @href_matcher )
hrefs . each do | ( _ , href ) |
relative_path = page . path [ 0 ] == '/' ? Pathname . new ( page . path ) . relative_path_from ( Dir . getwd ) : page . path
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if href . eql? '#'
elsif href . start_with? '#'
Jekyll . logger . info relative_path if ( page . content =~ / <[a-z0-9-]+[^>]+(?:id|name)=" #{ href [ 1 .. ] } " /i ) . nil?
if ( page . content =~ / <[a-z0-9-]+[^>]+(?:id|name)=" #{ href [ 1 .. ] } " /i ) . nil?
@failures << " # #{ href [ 1 .. ] } , linked in ./ #{ relative_path } "
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@urls [ href ] = Set [ ] unless @urls . key? ( href )
@urls [ href ] << relative_path
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# Saves the collection as a JSON file
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def self . verify ( _site )
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return unless check_links?
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@base_url_matcher = %r{ ^ #{ @site . config [ " url " ] } #{ @site . baseurl } (/.*)$ } . freeze
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@urls . sort_by { | _url , _pages | rand } . each do | url , pages |
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location = " ./ #{ pages . to_a . join ( ', ./' ) } "
@failures << " #{ url } , linked to in #{ location } " unless check ( url , location )
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@external_link_checker . run
unless @failures . empty?
msg = " Found #{ @failures . size } dead link #{ @failures . size > 1 ? 's' : '' } : \n #{ @failures . join ( " \n " ) } "
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if ! @failures . empty?
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if fail_on_error?
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Jekyll . logger . error " \n LinkChecker: [Error] #{ msg } \n " . red
raise msg
Jekyll . logger . warn " \n LinkChecker: [Warning] #{ msg } \n " . red
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Jekyll . logger . info " \n LinkChecker: [Success] No broken links! \n " . green
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# Check if URL is accessible
def self . check ( url , location )
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match = @base_url_matcher . match ( url )
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url = match [ 1 ] unless match . nil?
url = @site . config [ 'url' ] + url if url . start_with? '/docs/'
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if @external_matcher =~ url
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return true unless check_external_links?
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check_external ( url , location )
return true unless check_internal_links?
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check_internal ( url , location )
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# Check if an external URL is accessible
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def self . check_external ( url , location )
url = begin
URI ( url )
rescue StandardError
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return true if url . is_a? ( URI ) && @ignored_domains . include? ( url . host )
@external_link_checker . check ( url , { location : location } )
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# Check if an internal link is accessible
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def self . check_internal ( url , location )
Jekyll . logger . info " LinkChecker: [Info] Checking #{ url } " . cyan
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return true if @ignored_paths =~ url
path , hash = url . split ( '#' )
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unless path =~ %r{ \ .[^/] { 2, } $ }
path << '/' unless path . end_with? '/'
path << 'index.html' unless path . end_with? 'index.html'
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filename = File . join ( @site . config [ 'destination' ] , path )
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return false unless File . file? ( filename )
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content = File . read ( filename )
unless content . include? '<title>Redirecting'
return true if hash . nil? || hash . empty?
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return ! ( content =~ / <[a-z0-9-]+[^>]+id=" #{ hash } " /i ) . nil?
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match = content . match ( @href_matcher )
if match . nil?
Jekyll . logger . warn " LinkChecker: [Warning] Cannot check #{ url } due to an unfollowable redirect "
return true
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redirect = match [ 2 ]
redirect << '#' + hash unless hash . nil? || hash . empty?
check ( redirect , location )
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# Before any Document or Page is processed, initialize the LinkChecker
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Jekyll :: Hooks . register :site , :pre_render , priority : Jekyll :: LinkChecker . priority do | site |
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Jekyll :: LinkChecker . init ( site )