You can view metrics derived from Performance Analyzer in a PerfTop dashboard. A PerfTop dashboard is a command line interface (CLI) for displaying the metrics. A PerfTop dashboard consists of three main elements: tables, line graphs, and bar graphs. Using JSON, you define a grid of rows and columns and then place elements within that grid, with each element spanning as many rows and columns as you specify.
- Tables show metrics per dimension. For example, if your metric is `CPU_Utilization` and your dimension `ShardID`, a PerfTop table shows a row for each shard on each node.
- Bar graphs are aggregated for the cluster, unless you add `nodeName` to the dashboard. See the [options for all elements](#all-elements).
- Line graphs are aggregated for each node. Each line represents a node.
## Position elements
PerfTop positions elements within a grid. For example, consider this 12 * 12 grid.
Options include labels, colors, and a refresh interval. Different elements types have different options.
Dashboards support the 16 ANSI colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. For the "bright" variants of these colors, use the numbers 8--15. If your terminal supports 256 colors, you can also use hex codes (e.g. `#6D40ED`).
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### All elements
Option | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :---
`label` | String or integer | The text in the upper-left corner of the box.
`labelColor` | String or integer | The color of the label.
`refreshInterval` | Integer | The number of milliseconds between calls to the Performance Analyzer API for new data. Minimum value is 5000.
`dimensionFilters` | String array | The dimension value to display for the graph. For example, if you query for `metric=Net_Throughput&agg=sum&dim=Direction` and the possible dimension values are `in` and `out`, you can define `dimensionFilters: ["in"]` to only display the metric data for `in` dimension
`nodeName` | String | If non-null, lets you restrict elements to individual nodes. You can specify the node name directly in the dashboard file, but the better approach is to use `"nodeName": "#nodeName"` in the dashboard and include the `--nodename <node_name>` argument when starting PerfTop.
### Tables
Option | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :---
`bg` | String or integer | The background color.
`fg` | String or integer | The text color.
`selectedFg` | String or integer | The text color for focused text.
`selectedBg` | String or integer | The background color for focused text.
`columnSpacing` | Integer | The amount of space (measured in characters) between columns.
`keys` | Boolean | Has no impact at this time.
### Bars
Option | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :---
`barWidth` | Integer | The width of each bar (measured in characters) in the graph.
`xOffset` | Integer | The amount of space (measured in characters) between the y-axis and the first bar in the graph.
`maxHeight` | Integer | The maximum height of each bar (measured in characters) in the graph.
### Lines
Option | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :---
`showNthLabel` | Integer | Which of the `xAxis` labels to show. For example, `"showNthLabel": 2` shows every other label.
`showLegend` | Boolean | Whether or not to display a legend for the line graph.
`legend.width` | Integer | The width of the legend (measured in characters) in the graph.
`xAxis` | String array | Array of labels for the x-axis. For example, `["0:00", "0:10", "0:20", "0:30", "0:40", "0:50"]`.
`colors` | String array | Array of line colors to choose from. For example, `["magenta", "cyan"]`. If you don't provide this value, PerfTop chooses random colors for each line.