The following table lists all range field types that OpenSearch supports.
Field data type | Description
:--- | :---
`integer_range` | A range of [integer]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/numeric/) values.
`long_range` | A range of [long]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/numeric/) values.
`double_range` | A range of [double]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/numeric/) values.
`float_range` | A range of [float]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/numeric/) values.
`ip_range` | A range of [IP addresses]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/ip/) in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Start and end IP addresses may be in different formats.
`date_range` | A range of [date]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/date/) values. Start and end dates may be in different [formats]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/date/#formats). Internally, all dates are stored as unsigned 64-bit integers representing milliseconds since the epoch.
## Example
Create a mapping with a double range and a date range:
A range query on a range field returns documents within that range. Along with the field to be matched, you can further specify a date format or relational operators with the following optional parameters:
format | A [format]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/supported-field-types/date/#formats) for dates in this query. Default is the field's mapped format.
relation | Provides a relation between the query's date range and the document's date range. There are three types of relations that you can specify:<br> 1. `intersects` matches documents for which there are dates that belong to both the query's date range and document's date range. This is the default. <br> 2. `contains` matches documents for which the query's date range is a subset of the document's date range. <br> 3. `within` matches documents for which the document's date range is a subset of the query's date range.
For a full description of range query usage, including all range query parameters, see [Range query]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch/query-dsl/term/#range).
The above query will return document 1 for the `within` and `intersects` relations but will not return it for the `contains` relation.
### IP address ranges
You can specify IP address ranges in two formats: as a range and in [CIDR notation](
The following table lists the parameters accepted by range field types. All parameters are optional.
Parameter | Description
:--- | :---
`boost` | A floating-point value that specifies the weight of this field toward the relevance score. Values above 1.0 increase the field's relevance. Values between 0.0 and 1.0 decrease the field's relevance. Default is 1.0.
`coerce` | A Boolean value that signals to truncate decimals for integer values and to convert strings to numeric values. Default is `true`.
`index` | A Boolean value that specifies whether the field should be searchable. Default is `true`.
`store` | A Boolean value that specifies whether the field value should be stored and can be retrieved separately from the _source field. Default is `false`.