OpenSearch Benchmark uses command line flags to change Benchmark's behavior. Not all flags can be used with each command. To find out which flags are supported by a specific command, enter `opensearch-benchmark <command> --h`.
All command flags are added to a command using the following syntax:
opensearch-benchmark <command> --<command-flag>
Flags that accept comma-separated values, such `--telemetry`, can also accept a JSON array. This can be defined by passing a file path ending in `.json` or inline as a JSON string.
This can be either a directory that contains a `workload.json` file or a `.json` file with an arbitrary name that contains a workload specification. `--workload-path` and `--workload-repository` as well as `--workload` are mutually exclusive.
This defines the repository from which OpenSearch Benchmark loads workloads. `--workload-path` and `--workload-repository` as well as `--workload` are mutually exclusive.
Defines the workload to use based on the workload's name. You can find a list of preloaded workloads using `opensearch-benchmark list workloads`. `--workload-path` and `--workload-repository` as well as `--workload` are mutually exclusive.
Defines which variables to inject into the workload. Variables injected must be available in the workload. To see which parameters are valid in the official workloads, select the workload from [the workloads repository](
Defines the test procedures to use with each workload. You can find a list of test procedures that the workload supports by specifying the workload in the `info` command, for example, `opensearch-benchmark info --workload=<workload_name>`. To look up information on a specific test procedure, use the command `opensearch-benchmark info --workload=<workload_name> --test-procedure=<test-procedure>`.
Downloads the specified OpenSearch distribution based on version number. For a list of released OpenSearch versions, see [Version history](
Defines the `--provision-config-instance` to use. You can view possible configuration instances by using the command `opensearch-benchmark list provision-config-instances`.
Defines the current source code revision to use for running a benchmark test. Default is `current`.
This command flag can use the following options:
-`current`: Uses the source tree's current revision based on your OpenSearch distribution.
-`latest`: Fetches the latest revision from the main branch of the source tree.
You can also use a timestamp or commit ID from the source tree. When using a timestamp, specify `@ts`, where "ts" is a valid ISO 8601 timestamp, for example, `@2013-07-27T10:37:00Z`.
The `--pipeline` option selects a pipeline to run. You can find a list of pipelines supported by OpenSearch Benchmark by running `opensearch-benchmark list pipelines`.
Enables the provided telemetry devices when the devices are provided using a comma-separated list. You can find a list of possible telemetry devices by using `opensearch-benchmark list telemetry`.
Enables setting parameters for telemetry devices. Accepts a list of comma-separated key-value pairs, each of which are delimited by a colon or a JSON file name.
Limits the number of search results for recent test runs. Default is `10`.
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## latency-percentiles
<!-- vale on -->
Specifies a comma-separated list of latency percentiles to report after the workload runs. Accepts `ints` or `floats` with values between `0` and `100` inclusive. Does not accept `min`, `median`, `mean`, or `max`. Default is `50,90,99,99.9,99.99,100`.
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## throughput-percentiles
<!-- vale on -->
Specifies a list of throughput percentiles to report after the workload runs, in addition to min/median/mean/max which is always displayed. Like `--latency-percentiles`, the setting accepts `ints` or `floats` with values between `0` and `100` inclusive. Does not accept `min`, `median`, `mean`, or `max`. Default is `None`.
<!-- vale off -->
## randomization-enabled
<!-- vale on -->
Enables randomization of values in range queries, where the values are drawn from standard value functions registered with `register_standard_value_source` in the workload's `` file.
A standard value function is a no-argument function that generates a random pair of values for a certain field, in a dict with keys `"gte"`, `"lte"`, and optionally `"format"`.
If this argument is `True` but a search operation does not have a registered standard value function, OpenSearch Benchmark raises a `SystemSetupError`.
Default is `False`.
<!-- vale off -->
## randomization-repeat-frequency
<!-- vale on -->
Sets what fraction of randomized query values can be repeated. Takes values between `0.0` and `1.0`. Default is `0.3`. This setting does not work when `--randomization-enabled` is not used.
<!-- vale off -->
## randomization-n
<!-- vale on -->
Sets how many distinct repeatable pair values are generated for each operation when randomization is used. Default is `5000`. This setting does not work when `--randomization-enabled` is not used.