You can use the left and right arrows to move the window of time behind the current range of dates or ahead of the current range of dates. When you use these arrows, the start date and end date appear in the date range field. You can then select each one to set an absolute, relative, or current date and time. For absolute and relative changes, select the **Update** button to apply the changes.
<imgsrc="{{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/images/Security/date-pick.png"alt="Altering date range"width="55%">
As an alternative, you can select an option in the **Commonly used** section (see the preceding image of the calendar dropdown list) to conveniently set a window of time. Options include date ranges such as **Today**, **Yesterday**, **this week**, and **week to date**.
When one of the commonly used windows of time is selected, you can select the **Show dates** label in the date range field to populate the range of dates. Following that, you can select either the start date or end date to specify by an absolute, relative, or current date and time setting. For absolute and relative changes, select the **Update** button to apply the changes.
As one more alternative, you can select an option from the **Recently used date ranges** section to go back to a previous setting.
## The Alerts list
The Alerts list displays all findings according to the time when the alert was triggered, the alert's trigger name, the detector that triggered the alert, the alert status, and alert severity.
Use the **Alert severity** dropdown list to filter the list of alerts by severity. Use the **Status** dropdown list to filter the list by alert status.