--- layout: default title: OpenSearch Dashboards quickstart guide nav_order: 2 has_children: false redirect_from: - /dashboards/quickstart-dashboards/ --- # OpenSearch Dashboards quickstart guide This quickstart guide provides tutorials on using OpenSearch Dashboards applications and tools. You can use these tutorials, either in your own environment or on [OpenSearch Playground](https://playground.opensearch.org/app/home#/), to learn the following fundamental concepts: - **Adding sample data:** Use preloaded visualizations, dashboards, and other tools to explore OpenSearch Dashboards before adding your own data. - **Using the Discover application:** Analyze your data to gain insights. - **Using the Dashboards application:** Create and store data visualizations. - **Turning dark mode on or off:** Change the Dashboards theme. To dock or undock the navigation pane, select the {::nomarkdown}menu icon{:/} icon and then **Dock navigation** or **Undock navigation**. The OpenSearch Dashboards home page is shown in the following image. OpenSearch Dashboards home page {::nomarkdown}alert icon{:/} **Note**
Before you get started, make sure you've installed OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. For information about installation and configuration, see [Install and configure OpenSearch]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/install-and-configure/install-opensearch/index/) and [Install and configure OpenSearch Dashboards]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/install-and-configure/install-dashboards/index/). {: .note} ## Adding sample data The following tutorials use the [**Sample flight data**](https://playground.opensearch.org/app/home#/tutorial_directory) dataset. {: .note} To add sample data, follow these steps: 1. On the OpenSearch Dashboards **Home** page, choose **Add sample data**. Alternatively, choose **Add data** on the upper-right toolbar. 2. On the **Add sample data** page, choose the dataset(s) you want to add to Dashboards. The following image shows the available sample datasets. Adding sample data window ## Using the Discover application With [**Discover**]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/discover/index-discover/), you can: - Choose data for analysis, set a time range for that data, search it using [Dashboards Query Language (DQL)]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/dql/), and filter the results. - Analyze your data by querying and filtering, viewing results in a table, and examining documents. - Create histograms to display the distribution of your data. Follow these steps to use the Discover tool: 1. From the OpenSearch Dashboards navigation menu, choose **Discover**. 2. On the **Discover** page, choose the index pattern `opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_flights` from the dropdown menu on the upper left. 3. Select the {::nomarkdown}calendar icon{:/} icon to change the [time filter]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/discover/time-filter/) from the default of **Last 15 minutes** to **Last 7 days**. 4. In the DQL search bar, enter `FlightDelay:true AND DestCountry: US AND FlightDelayMin >= 60` and select **Update**. Results are shown for US-bound flights delayed by 60 minutes or more. 5. Filter data by selecting **Add filter** from the DQL search bar and then selecting a **Field**, **Operator**, and **Value** from the dropdown lists in the **Edit Filter** pop-up window. For example, select `FlightDelayType`, **is**, and **Weather Delay**. The resulting view is shown in the following image. Discover output of steps 1 through 6 ## Using the Dashboards application With **Dashboards**, you can: - Display data in a single view. - Build dynamic dashboards. - Create and share reports. - Embed analytics to differentiate your applications. The **Dashboards** application creates and stores visualizations generated from your data. Follow these steps to use the application: 1. On the OpenSearch Dashboards **Home** page, choose **Dashboards**. A list of dashboards generated from the sample data appears. 2. In the search toolbar, search for and select **[Flights] Global Flight Dashboard**. You'll see a dashboard preloaded with visualizations, including charts, maps, and data tables. 3. To add other panels to the dashboard, select the **Edit** button and then choose **Add** from the toolbar. The **Add panels** window opens. 4. In the search toolbar in the **Add panels** window, search for and select the existing panel **[Flights] Delay Buckets**. A pop-up message confirms that you've added the panel. 5. Select close `x` to exit the **Add panels** window. 6. The newly added panel is now displayed on the dashboard. The resulting view is shown in the following image. Add panel tutorial screen view For information about using a specific data visualization type, such as VisBuilder, go to [Building data visualizations]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/visualize/viz-index/). For information about using dashboards and visualizations in **Observability**, go to [Observability]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/observing-your-data/). {: .note} ### Interacting with data using dashboards Interactive dashboards allow you to analyze data in more depth and filter it in several ways. With **Dashboards**, you can use dashboard-level filters to directly interact with data. Using the **[Flights] Global Flight Dashboard** dashboard, follow these steps to further analyze and filter the sample flight data: 1. On the **[Flights] Airline Carrier** panel, choose **OpenSearch-Air**. The dashboard updates automatically. 2. Choose **Save** to save the dashboard. Alternatively, you can use the dashboard toolbar to apply filters by following these steps: 1. In the dashboard toolbar, choose **Add filter**. 2. From the **Field**, **Operator**, and **Value** dropdown lists, choose **Carrier**, **is**, and **OpenSearch-Air**, respectively, as shown in the following image. 3. Choose **Save**. The dashboard updates automatically. The resulting view is shown in the following image. Screenshot of Dashboard tutorial panel view ## Turning dark mode on or off Changing the Dashboards theme requires admin permissions. If you are an admin, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to **Management** > **Dashboards Management** > **Advanced Settings**. 2. Scroll down to the **Appearance** section and locate the **Dark mode** option. 3. Use the toggle switch to turn dark mode on or off for all users of your Dashboards instance, as shown in the image following these steps. 4. Select the **Save changes** button and then the **Reload** button. The updated theme is applied immediately. Dark mode view ## Next steps - Go to [Building data visualizations]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/visualize/viz-index/) to learn more about Dashboards data visualizations. - Go to [Creating dashboards]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/quickstart-dashboards/) to learn more about creating dashboards. - Go to [Analyzing data]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/dashboards/discover/index-discover/) to learn more about using Dashboards to analyze data. - Go to [Ingest APIs]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/api-reference/ingest-apis/index/) and [Ingest pipelines]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/ingest-pipelines/) to learn more about using OpenSearch for data ingestion.