--- layout: default title: Get model parent: Model APIs grand_parent: ML Commons API nav_order: 20 --- # Get a model To retrieve information about a model, you can: - [Get a model by ID](#get-a-model-by-id) - [Search for a model](#search-for-a-model) ## Get a model by ID You can retrieve model information using the `model_id`. For information about user access for this API, see [Model access control considerations]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/ml-commons-plugin/api/model-apis/index/#model-access-control-considerations). ## Path and HTTP methods ```json GET /_plugins/_ml/models/ ``` #### Example request ```json GET /_plugins/_ml/models/N8AE1osB0jLkkocYjz7D ``` {% include copy-curl.html %} #### Example response ```json { "name" : "all-MiniLM-L6-v2_onnx", "algorithm" : "TEXT_EMBEDDING", "version" : "1", "model_format" : "TORCH_SCRIPT", "model_state" : "LOADED", "model_content_size_in_bytes" : 83408741, "model_content_hash_value" : "9376c2ebd7c83f99ec2526323786c348d2382e6d86576f750c89ea544d6bbb14", "model_config" : { "model_type" : "bert", "embedding_dimension" : 384, "framework_type" : "SENTENCE_TRANSFORMERS", "all_config" : """{"_name_or_path":"nreimers/MiniLM-L6-H384-uncased","architectures":["BertModel"],"attention_probs_dropout_prob":0.1,"gradient_checkpointing":false,"hidden_act":"gelu","hidden_dropout_prob":0.1,"hidden_size":384,"initializer_range":0.02,"intermediate_size":1536,"layer_norm_eps":1e-12,"max_position_embeddings":512,"model_type":"bert","num_attention_heads":12,"num_hidden_layers":6,"pad_token_id":0,"position_embedding_type":"absolute","transformers_version":"4.8.2","type_vocab_size":2,"use_cache":true,"vocab_size":30522}""" }, "created_time" : 1665961344044, "last_uploaded_time" : 1665961373000, "last_loaded_time" : 1665961815959, "total_chunks" : 9 } ``` ## Search for a model Use this command to search for models you've already created. The response will contain only those model versions to which you have access. For example, if you send a match all query, model versions for the following model group types will be returned: - All public model groups in the index. - Private model groups for which you are the model owner. - Model groups that share at least one backend role with your backend roles. For more information, see [Model access control]({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/ml-commons-plugin/model-access-control/). ### Path and HTTP methods ```json GET /_plugins/_ml/models/_search POST /_plugins/_ml/models/_search ``` #### Example request: Searching for all models ```json POST /_plugins/_ml/models/_search { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "size": 1000 } ``` {% include copy-curl.html %} #### Example request: Searching for models with algorithm "FIT_RCF" ```json POST /_plugins/_ml/models/_search { "query": { "term": { "algorithm": { "value": "FIT_RCF" } } } } ``` {% include copy-curl.html %} #### Example response ```json { "took" : 8, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : { "value" : 2, "relation" : "eq" }, "max_score" : 2.4159138, "hits" : [ { "_index" : ".plugins-ml-model", "_id" : "-QkKJX8BvytMh9aUeuLD", "_version" : 1, "_seq_no" : 12, "_primary_term" : 15, "_score" : 2.4159138, "_source" : { "name" : "FIT_RCF", "version" : 1, "content" : "xxx", "algorithm" : "FIT_RCF" } }, { "_index" : ".plugins-ml-model", "_id" : "OxkvHn8BNJ65KnIpck8x", "_version" : 1, "_seq_no" : 2, "_primary_term" : 8, "_score" : 2.4159138, "_source" : { "name" : "FIT_RCF", "version" : 1, "content" : "xxx", "algorithm" : "FIT_RCF" } } ] } } ```