layout: default
title: Helper methods
parent: JavaScript client
nav_order: 2

# Helper methods

Helper methods simplify the use of complicated API tasks. For the client's complete API documentation and additional examples, see the [JS client API documentation](https://opensearch-project.github.io/opensearch-js/2.2/index.html).

## Bulk helper

The bulk helper simplifies making complex bulk API requests.

### Usage

The following code creates a bulk helper instance:

const { Client } = require('@opensearch-project/opensearch')
const documents = require('./docs.json')

const client = new Client({ ... })

const result = await client.helpers.bulk({
  datasource: documents,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return {
      index: { _index: 'example-index' }

{% include copy.html %}

Bulk helper operations return an object with the following fields:

  total: number,
  failed: number,
  retry: number,
  successful: number,
  time: number,
  bytes: number,
  aborted: boolean

#### Bulk helper configuration options

When creating a new bulk helper instance, you can use the following configuration options.

| Option | Data type | Required/Default | Description 
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :---
| `datasource` | An array, async generator or a readable stream of strings or objects | Required | Represents the documents you need to create, delete, index, or update. 
| `onDocument` | Function | Required | A function to be invoked with each document in the given `datasource`. It returns the operation to be executed for this document. Optionally, the document can be manipulated for `create` and `index` operations by returning a new document as part of the function's result.
| `concurrency` | Integer | Optional. Default is 5. | The number of requests to be executed in parallel. 
| `flushBytes` | Integer |  Optional. Default is 5,000,000. | Maximum bulk body size to send in bytes.
| `flushInterval` | Integer |  Optional. Default is 30,000. | Time in milliseconds to wait before flushing the body after the last document has been read.
| `onDrop` | Function | Optional. Default is `noop`. | A function to be invoked for every document that can’t be indexed after reaching the maximum number of retries. 
| `refreshOnCompletion` | Boolean | Optional. Default is false. | Whether or not a refresh should be run on all affected indexes at the end of the bulk operation. 
| `retries` | Integer |  Optional. Defaults to the client's  `maxRetries` value. | The number of times an operation is retried before `onDrop` is called for that document.
| `wait` | Integer |  Optional. Default is 5,000. | Time in milliseconds to wait before retrying an operation.

### Examples

The following examples illustrate the index, create, update, and delete bulk helper operations. For more information and advanced index actions, see the [`opensearch-js` guides](https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-js/tree/main/guides) in GitHub.  

#### Index

The index operation creates a new document if it doesn’t exist and recreates the document if it already exists.

The following bulk operation indexes documents into `example-index`:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return {
      index: { _index: 'example-index' }
{% include copy.html %}

The following bulk operation indexes documents into `example-index` with document overwrite:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return [
        index: { _index: 'example-index' }
      { ...doc, createdAt: new Date().toISOString() }
{% include copy.html %}

#### Create

The create operation creates a new document only if the document does not already exist.

The following bulk operation creates documents in the `example-index`:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return {
      create: { _index: 'example-index', _id: doc.id }
{% include copy.html %}

The following bulk operation creates documents in the `example-index` with document overwrite:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return [
        create: { _index: 'example-index', _id: doc.id }
      { ...doc, createdAt: new Date().toISOString() }
{% include copy.html %}

#### Update

The update operation updates the document with the fields being sent. The document must already exist in the index.

The following bulk operation updates documents in the `arrayOfDocuments`:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    // The update operation always requires a tuple to be returned, with the
    // first element being the action and the second being the update options.
    return [
        update: { _index: 'example-index', _id: doc.id }
      { doc_as_upsert: true }
{% include copy.html %}

The following bulk operation updates documents in the `arrayOfDocuments` with document overwrite:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return [
        update: { _index: 'example-index', _id: doc.id }
        doc: { ...doc, createdAt: new Date().toISOString() },
        doc_as_upsert: true
{% include copy.html %}

#### Delete

The delete operation deletes a document.

The following bulk operation deletes documents from the `example-index`:

  datasource: arrayOfDocuments,
  onDocument (doc) {
    return {
      delete: { _index: 'example-index', _id: doc.id }
{% include copy.html %}