const yesButton = document.getElementById('yes'); const noButton = document.getElementById('no'); const numCharsLabel = document.getElementById('num-chars'); const sendButton = document.getElementById('send'); const commentTextArea = document.getElementById('comment'); const thankYouText = document.getElementById('thank-you'); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', updateTextArea); document.addEventListener('click', function(event) { const { target } = event; if (target.matches('.feedback-issue')) { gtag('event', 'submit_issue_click'); } else if (target.matches('.feedback-edit')) { gtag('event', 'edit_page_click'); } else if (target.matches('.feedback-button')) { sendButton.disabled = false; } else if (target.matches('.send-button')) { sendFeedback(); } else if (target.matches('.copy-button')) { window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(target.getAttribute('data-text')); } else if (target.matches('.btn-contribute')) {'', '_blank'); } }); commentTextArea.addEventListener('input', updateTextArea); function updateTextArea() { const text = commentTextArea.value.trim(); if (!yesButton.checked && !noButton.checked) { text.length > 0 ? sendButton.disabled = false : sendButton.disabled = true; } // calculate the number of characters remaining counter = 350 - commentTextArea.value.length; numCharsLabel.innerText = counter + " characters left"; } function sendFeedback() { let helpful = 'none'; if (yesButton.checked) { helpful = 'yes'; } else if (noButton.checked) { helpful = 'no'; } let comment = commentTextArea.value.trim(); if(comment.length == 0) { comment = 'none'; } if (helpful === 'none' && comment === 'none') return; // split the comment into 100-char parts because of GA limitation on custom dimensions const commentLines = ["", "", "", ""]; for (let i = 0; i <= (comment.length - 1)/100; i++) { commentLines[i] = comment.substring(i * 100, Math.min((i + 1)*100, comment.length)); } gtag('event', 'feedback_click', { 'helpful': helpful, 'comment': commentLines[0], 'comment_2': commentLines[1], 'comment_3': commentLines[2], 'comment_4': commentLines[3], }); // show the hidden feedback text thankYouText.classList.remove('hidden'); // disable the feedback buttons yesButton.disabled = true; noButton.disabled = true; // disable the text area commentTextArea.disabled = true; // disable the send button sendButton.disabled = true; }