const copyLabels = document.querySelectorAll('.copy-label'); const copyCurlLabels = document.querySelectorAll('.copy-curl-label'); addButtons(copyLabels, false); addButtons(copyCurlLabels, true); function addButtons(labels, curl) { labels.forEach((copyLabel) => { const snippet = copyLabel.parentNode.previousElementSibling; const text = snippet.innerText.trim(); var buttonWrap = document.createElement('div'); buttonWrap.className = 'copy-button-wrap'; buttonWrap.appendChild(createButton(text, 'Copy', 'Copy snippet to clipboard', false)); if (curl) { buttonWrap.appendChild(createButton(text, 'Copy as cURL', 'Copy snippet as cURL', true)); } = 0; = 0; snippet.parentNode.replaceChild(buttonWrap, snippet.nextElementSibling); }); } function createButton(textToCopy, buttonText, buttonAriaLabel, curl) { var copyButton = document.createElement('button'); copyButton.className = 'copy-button'; copyButton.type = 'button'; copyButton.innerText = buttonText; copyButton.ariaLabel = buttonAriaLabel; if (curl) { copyButton.addEventListener('click', function onClick() { // Copy snippet as curl window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(addCurl(textToCopy)); }); } else { copyButton.addEventListener('click', function onClick() { // Copy snippet to clipboard window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy); }); } return copyButton; } function addCurl(textToCopy) { const firstSpaceIndex = textToCopy.indexOf(" "); const httpMethod = textToCopy.substring(0, firstSpaceIndex); const firstCurlyIndex = textToCopy.indexOf("{"); var body; var path; if (firstCurlyIndex == -1) { body = ""; path = textToCopy.substring(firstSpaceIndex + 1); } else { body = textToCopy.substring(firstCurlyIndex); path = textToCopy.substring(firstSpaceIndex + 1, firstCurlyIndex).trim(); } var result = "curl -X" + httpMethod + " \"http://localhost:9200"; if (!(path.startsWith("/"))) { result += "/"; } result += path + "\""; if (body.length > 0) { result += " -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'\n" + body + "'"; } return result; }