UserAgentstring// SDK name/version/system information
IsDebugbool// Enable debug mode. Default is false.
Timeoutuint// Timeout in seconds. By default it's 60.
SecurityTokenstring// STS Token
IsCnamebool// If cname is in the endpoint.
HTTPTimeoutHTTPTimeout// HTTP timeout
HTTPMaxConnsHTTPMaxConns// Http max connections
IsUseProxybool// Flag of using proxy.
ProxyHoststring// Flag of using proxy host.
IsAuthProxybool// Flag of needing authentication.
ProxyUserstring// Proxy user
ProxyPasswordstring// Proxy password
IsEnableMD5bool// Flag of enabling MD5 for upload.
MD5Thresholdint64// Memory footprint threshold for each MD5 computation (16MB is the default), in byte. When the data is more than that, temp file is used.
IsEnableCRCbool// Flag of enabling CRC for upload.