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Copyright (c) 2017-2018 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package simulator
import (
type VirtualMachine struct {
log string
sid int32
run container
uid uuid.UUID
imc *types.CustomizationSpec
func asVirtualMachineMO(obj mo.Reference) (*mo.VirtualMachine, bool) {
vm, ok := getManagedObject(obj).Addr().Interface().(*mo.VirtualMachine)
return vm, ok
func NewVirtualMachine(ctx *Context, parent types.ManagedObjectReference, spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) (*VirtualMachine, types.BaseMethodFault) {
vm := &VirtualMachine{}
vm.Parent = &parent
folder := Map.Get(parent)
f, _ := asFolderMO(folder)
folderPutChild(ctx, f, vm)
if spec.Name == "" {
return vm, &types.InvalidVmConfig{Property: ""}
if spec.Files == nil || spec.Files.VmPathName == "" {
return vm, &types.InvalidVmConfig{Property: "configSpec.files.vmPathName"}
rspec := types.DefaultResourceConfigSpec()
vm.Guest = &types.GuestInfo{}
vm.Config = &types.VirtualMachineConfigInfo{
ExtraConfig: []types.BaseOptionValue{&types.OptionValue{Key: "govcsim", Value: "TRUE"}},
Tools: &types.ToolsConfigInfo{},
MemoryAllocation: &rspec.MemoryAllocation,
CpuAllocation: &rspec.CpuAllocation,
LatencySensitivity: &types.LatencySensitivity{Level: types.LatencySensitivitySensitivityLevelNormal},
vm.Layout = &types.VirtualMachineFileLayout{}
vm.LayoutEx = &types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
vm.Snapshot = nil // intentionally set to nil until a snapshot is created
vm.Storage = &types.VirtualMachineStorageInfo{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
vm.Summary.Guest = &types.VirtualMachineGuestSummary{}
vm.Summary.Vm = &vm.Self
vm.Summary.Storage = &types.VirtualMachineStorageSummary{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
vmx := vm.vmx(spec)
if vmx.Path == "" {
// Append VM Name as the directory name if not specified
vmx.Path = spec.Name
dc := Map.getEntityDatacenter(folder.(mo.Entity))
ds := Map.FindByName(vmx.Datastore, dc.Datastore).(*Datastore)
dir := path.Join(ds.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().Url, vmx.Path)
if path.Ext(vmx.Path) == ".vmx" {
dir = path.Dir(dir)
// Ignore error here, deferring to createFile
_ = os.Mkdir(dir, 0700)
} else {
// Create VM directory, renaming if already exists
name := dir
for i := 0; i < 1024; /* just in case */ i++ {
err := os.Mkdir(name, 0700)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", dir, i)
return nil, &types.FileFault{File: name}
vmx.Path = path.Join(path.Base(name), spec.Name+".vmx")
spec.Files.VmPathName = vmx.String()
dsPath := path.Dir(spec.Files.VmPathName)
vm.uid = sha1UUID(spec.Files.VmPathName)
defaults := types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
NumCPUs: 1,
NumCoresPerSocket: 1,
MemoryMB: 32,
Uuid: vm.uid.String(),
InstanceUuid: newUUID(strings.ToUpper(spec.Files.VmPathName)),
Version: esx.HardwareVersion,
Files: &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{
SnapshotDirectory: dsPath,
SuspendDirectory: dsPath,
LogDirectory: dsPath,
// Add the default devices
defaults.DeviceChange, _ = object.VirtualDeviceList(esx.VirtualDevice).ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd)
err := vm.configure(&defaults)
if err != nil {
return vm, err
vm.Runtime.PowerState = types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff
vm.Runtime.ConnectionState = types.VirtualMachineConnectionStateConnected
vm.Summary.Runtime = vm.Runtime
vm.Summary.QuickStats.GuestHeartbeatStatus = types.ManagedEntityStatusGray
vm.Summary.OverallStatus = types.ManagedEntityStatusGreen
vm.ConfigStatus = types.ManagedEntityStatusGreen
return vm, nil
func (o *VirtualMachine) RenameTask(r *types.Rename_Task) soap.HasFault {
return RenameTask(o, r)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) event() types.VmEvent {
host := Map.Get(*vm.Runtime.Host).(*HostSystem)
return types.VmEvent{
Event: types.Event{
Datacenter: datacenterEventArgument(host),
ComputeResource: host.eventArgumentParent(),
Host: host.eventArgument(),
Vm: &types.VmEventArgument{
EntityEventArgument: types.EntityEventArgument{Name: vm.Name},
Vm: vm.Self,
func (vm *VirtualMachine) apply(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) {
if spec.Files == nil {
spec.Files = new(types.VirtualMachineFileInfo)
apply := []struct {
src string
dst *string
{spec.AlternateGuestName, &vm.Config.AlternateGuestName},
{spec.Annotation, &vm.Config.Annotation},
{spec.Firmware, &vm.Config.Firmware},
{spec.InstanceUuid, &vm.Config.InstanceUuid},
{spec.LocationId, &vm.Config.LocationId},
{spec.NpivWorldWideNameType, &vm.Config.NpivWorldWideNameType},
{spec.Name, &vm.Name},
{spec.Name, &vm.Config.Name},
{spec.Name, &vm.Summary.Config.Name},
{spec.GuestId, &vm.Config.GuestId},
{spec.GuestId, &vm.Config.GuestFullName},
{spec.GuestId, &vm.Summary.Guest.GuestId},
{spec.GuestId, &vm.Summary.Config.GuestId},
{spec.GuestId, &vm.Summary.Config.GuestFullName},
{spec.Uuid, &vm.Config.Uuid},
{spec.Uuid, &vm.Summary.Config.Uuid},
{spec.InstanceUuid, &vm.Config.InstanceUuid},
{spec.InstanceUuid, &vm.Summary.Config.InstanceUuid},
{spec.Version, &vm.Config.Version},
{spec.Files.VmPathName, &vm.Config.Files.VmPathName},
{spec.Files.VmPathName, &vm.Summary.Config.VmPathName},
{spec.Files.SnapshotDirectory, &vm.Config.Files.SnapshotDirectory},
{spec.Files.SuspendDirectory, &vm.Config.Files.SuspendDirectory},
{spec.Files.LogDirectory, &vm.Config.Files.LogDirectory},
for _, f := range apply {
if f.src != "" {
*f.dst = f.src
applyb := []struct {
src *bool
dst **bool
{spec.NestedHVEnabled, &vm.Config.NestedHVEnabled},
{spec.CpuHotAddEnabled, &vm.Config.CpuHotAddEnabled},
{spec.CpuHotRemoveEnabled, &vm.Config.CpuHotRemoveEnabled},
{spec.GuestAutoLockEnabled, &vm.Config.GuestAutoLockEnabled},
{spec.MemoryHotAddEnabled, &vm.Config.MemoryHotAddEnabled},
{spec.MemoryReservationLockedToMax, &vm.Config.MemoryReservationLockedToMax},
{spec.MessageBusTunnelEnabled, &vm.Config.MessageBusTunnelEnabled},
{spec.NpivTemporaryDisabled, &vm.Config.NpivTemporaryDisabled},
{spec.NpivOnNonRdmDisks, &vm.Config.NpivOnNonRdmDisks},
{spec.ChangeTrackingEnabled, &vm.Config.ChangeTrackingEnabled},
for _, f := range applyb {
if f.src != nil {
*f.dst = f.src
if spec.Flags != nil {
vm.Config.Flags = *spec.Flags
if spec.LatencySensitivity != nil {
vm.Config.LatencySensitivity = spec.LatencySensitivity
if spec.ManagedBy != nil {
vm.Config.ManagedBy = spec.ManagedBy
if spec.BootOptions != nil {
vm.Config.BootOptions = spec.BootOptions
if spec.RepConfig != nil {
vm.Config.RepConfig = spec.RepConfig
if spec.Tools != nil {
vm.Config.Tools = spec.Tools
if spec.ConsolePreferences != nil {
vm.Config.ConsolePreferences = spec.ConsolePreferences
if spec.CpuAffinity != nil {
vm.Config.CpuAffinity = spec.CpuAffinity
if spec.CpuAllocation != nil {
vm.Config.CpuAllocation = spec.CpuAllocation
if spec.MemoryAffinity != nil {
vm.Config.MemoryAffinity = spec.MemoryAffinity
if spec.MemoryAllocation != nil {
vm.Config.MemoryAllocation = spec.MemoryAllocation
if spec.LatencySensitivity != nil {
vm.Config.LatencySensitivity = spec.LatencySensitivity
if spec.MemoryMB != 0 {
vm.Config.Hardware.MemoryMB = int32(spec.MemoryMB)
vm.Summary.Config.MemorySizeMB = vm.Config.Hardware.MemoryMB
if spec.NumCPUs != 0 {
vm.Config.Hardware.NumCPU = spec.NumCPUs
vm.Summary.Config.NumCpu = vm.Config.Hardware.NumCPU
if spec.NumCoresPerSocket != 0 {
vm.Config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket = spec.NumCoresPerSocket
if spec.GuestId != "" {
vm.Guest.GuestFamily = guestFamily(spec.GuestId)
vm.Config.Modified = time.Now()
var extraConfigAlias = map[string]string{
"ip0": "SET.guest.ipAddress",
func extraConfigKey(key string) string {
if k, ok := extraConfigAlias[key]; ok {
return k
return key
func (vm *VirtualMachine) applyExtraConfig(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) {
var changes []types.PropertyChange
for _, c := range spec.ExtraConfig {
val := c.GetOptionValue()
key := strings.TrimPrefix(extraConfigKey(val.Key), "SET.")
if key == val.Key {
vm.Config.ExtraConfig = append(vm.Config.ExtraConfig, c)
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: key, Val: val.Value})
switch key {
case "guest.ipAddress":
if len(vm.Guest.Net) > 0 {
ip := val.Value.(string)
vm.Guest.Net[0].IpAddress = []string{ip}
changes = append(changes,
types.PropertyChange{Name: "summary." + key, Val: ip},
types.PropertyChange{Name: "", Val: vm.Guest.Net},
case "guest.hostName":
changes = append(changes,
types.PropertyChange{Name: "summary." + key, Val: val.Value},
if len(changes) != 0 {
Map.Update(vm, changes)
func validateGuestID(id string) types.BaseMethodFault {
for _, x := range GuestID {
if id == string(x) {
return nil
return &types.InvalidArgument{InvalidProperty: "configSpec.guestId"}
func (vm *VirtualMachine) configure(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) types.BaseMethodFault {
if spec.MemoryAllocation != nil {
if err := updateResourceAllocation("memory", spec.MemoryAllocation, vm.Config.MemoryAllocation); err != nil {
return err
if spec.CpuAllocation != nil {
if err := updateResourceAllocation("cpu", spec.CpuAllocation, vm.Config.CpuAllocation); err != nil {
return err
if spec.GuestId != "" {
if err := validateGuestID(spec.GuestId); err != nil {
return err
return vm.configureDevices(spec)
func getVMFileType(fileName string) types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileType {
var fileType types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileType
fileExt := path.Ext(fileName)
fileNameNoExt := strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, fileExt)
switch fileExt {
case ".vmx":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeConfig
case ".core":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeCore
case ".vmdk":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeDiskDescriptor
if strings.HasSuffix(fileNameNoExt, "-digest") {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeDigestDescriptor
extentSuffixes := []string{"-flat", "-delta", "-s", "-rdm", "-rdmp"}
for _, suffix := range extentSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(fileNameNoExt, suffix) {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeDiskExtent
} else if strings.HasSuffix(fileNameNoExt, "-digest"+suffix) {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeDigestExtent
case ".psf":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeDiskReplicationState
case ".vmxf":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeExtendedConfig
case ".vmft":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeFtMetadata
case ".log":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeLog
case ".nvram":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeNvram
case ".png", ".bmp":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeScreenshot
case ".vmsn":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSnapshotData
case ".vmsd":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSnapshotList
case ".xml":
if strings.HasSuffix(fileNameNoExt, "-aux") {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSnapshotManifestList
case ".stat":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeStat
case ".vmss":
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSuspend
case ".vmem":
if strings.Contains(fileNameNoExt, "Snapshot") {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSnapshotMemory
} else {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSuspendMemory
case ".vswp":
if strings.HasPrefix(fileNameNoExt, "vmx-") {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeUwswap
} else {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSwap
case "":
if strings.HasPrefix(fileNameNoExt, "imcf-") {
fileType = types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeGuestCustomization
return fileType
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addFileLayoutEx(datastorePath object.DatastorePath, fileSize int64) int32 {
var newKey int32
for _, layoutFile := range vm.LayoutEx.File {
if layoutFile.Name == datastorePath.String() {
return layoutFile.Key
if layoutFile.Key >= newKey {
newKey = layoutFile.Key + 1
fileType := getVMFileType(filepath.Base(datastorePath.Path))
switch fileType {
case types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeNvram, types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSnapshotList:
case types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeLog:
case types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileTypeSwap:
vm.LayoutEx.File = append(vm.LayoutEx.File, types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo{
Accessible: types.NewBool(true),
BackingObjectId: "",
Key: newKey,
Name: datastorePath.String(),
Size: fileSize,
Type: string(fileType),
UniqueSize: fileSize,
vm.LayoutEx.Timestamp = time.Now()
return newKey
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addConfigLayout(name string) {
for _, config := range vm.Layout.ConfigFile {
if config == name {
vm.Layout.ConfigFile = append(vm.Layout.ConfigFile, name)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addLogLayout(name string) {
for _, log := range vm.Layout.LogFile {
if log == name {
vm.Layout.LogFile = append(vm.Layout.LogFile, name)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addSwapLayout(name string) {
vm.Layout.SwapFile = name
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addSnapshotLayout(snapshot types.ManagedObjectReference, dataKey int32) {
for _, snapshotLayout := range vm.Layout.Snapshot {
if snapshotLayout.Key == snapshot {
var snapshotFiles []string
for _, file := range vm.LayoutEx.File {
if file.Key == dataKey || file.Type == "diskDescriptor" {
snapshotFiles = append(snapshotFiles, file.Name)
vm.Layout.Snapshot = append(vm.Layout.Snapshot, types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutSnapshotLayout{
Key: snapshot,
SnapshotFile: snapshotFiles,
func (vm *VirtualMachine) addSnapshotLayoutEx(snapshot types.ManagedObjectReference, dataKey int32, memoryKey int32) {
for _, snapshotLayoutEx := range vm.LayoutEx.Snapshot {
if snapshotLayoutEx.Key == snapshot {
vm.LayoutEx.Snapshot = append(vm.LayoutEx.Snapshot, types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExSnapshotLayout{
DataKey: dataKey,
Disk: vm.LayoutEx.Disk,
Key: snapshot,
MemoryKey: memoryKey,
vm.LayoutEx.Timestamp = time.Now()
// Updates both vm.Layout.Disk and vm.LayoutEx.Disk
func (vm *VirtualMachine) updateDiskLayouts() types.BaseMethodFault {
var disksLayout []types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutDiskLayout
var disksLayoutEx []types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskLayout
disks := object.VirtualDeviceList(vm.Config.Hardware.Device).SelectByType((*types.VirtualDisk)(nil))
for _, disk := range disks {
disk := disk.(*types.VirtualDisk)
diskBacking := disk.Backing.(*types.VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)
diskLayout := &types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutDiskLayout{Key: disk.Key}
diskLayoutEx := &types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskLayout{Key: disk.Key}
// Iterate through disk and its parents
for {
dFileName := diskBacking.GetVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo().FileName
var fileKeys []int32
// Add disk descriptor and extent files
for _, diskName := range vdmNames(dFileName) {
// get full path including datastore location
p, fault := parseDatastorePath(diskName)
if fault != nil {
return fault
datastore := vm.useDatastore(p.Datastore)
dFilePath := path.Join(datastore.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().Url, p.Path)
var fileSize int64
// If file can not be opened - fileSize will be 0
if dFileInfo, err := os.Stat(dFilePath); err == nil {
fileSize = dFileInfo.Size()
diskKey := vm.addFileLayoutEx(*p, fileSize)
fileKeys = append(fileKeys, diskKey)
diskLayout.DiskFile = append(diskLayout.DiskFile, dFileName)
diskLayoutEx.Chain = append(diskLayoutEx.Chain, types.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskUnit{
FileKey: fileKeys,
if parent := diskBacking.Parent; parent != nil {
diskBacking = parent
} else {
disksLayout = append(disksLayout, *diskLayout)
disksLayoutEx = append(disksLayoutEx, *diskLayoutEx)
vm.Layout.Disk = disksLayout
vm.LayoutEx.Disk = disksLayoutEx
vm.LayoutEx.Timestamp = time.Now()
return nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) updateStorage() types.BaseMethodFault {
// Committed - sum of Size for each file in vm.LayoutEx.File
// Unshared - sum of Size for each disk (.vmdk) in vm.LayoutEx.File
// Uncommitted - disk capacity minus disk usage (only currently used disk)
var datastoresUsage []types.VirtualMachineUsageOnDatastore
disks := object.VirtualDeviceList(vm.Config.Hardware.Device).SelectByType((*types.VirtualDisk)(nil))
for _, file := range vm.LayoutEx.File {
p, fault := parseDatastorePath(file.Name)
if fault != nil {
return fault
datastore := vm.useDatastore(p.Datastore)
dsUsage := &types.VirtualMachineUsageOnDatastore{
Datastore: datastore.Self,
for idx, usage := range datastoresUsage {
if usage.Datastore == datastore.Self {
datastoresUsage = append(datastoresUsage[:idx], datastoresUsage[idx+1:]...)
dsUsage = &usage
dsUsage.Committed = file.Size
if path.Ext(file.Name) == ".vmdk" {
dsUsage.Unshared = file.Size
for _, disk := range disks {
disk := disk.(*types.VirtualDisk)
backing := disk.Backing.(types.BaseVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo).GetVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo()
if backing.FileName == file.Name {
dsUsage.Uncommitted = disk.CapacityInBytes
datastoresUsage = append(datastoresUsage, *dsUsage)
vm.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage = datastoresUsage
vm.Storage.Timestamp = time.Now()
storageSummary := &types.VirtualMachineStorageSummary{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
for _, usage := range datastoresUsage {
storageSummary.Committed += usage.Committed
storageSummary.Uncommitted += usage.Uncommitted
storageSummary.Unshared += usage.Unshared
vm.Summary.Storage = storageSummary
return nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) RefreshStorageInfo(ctx *Context, req *types.RefreshStorageInfo) soap.HasFault {
body := new(methods.RefreshStorageInfoBody)
if vm.Runtime.Host == nil {
// VM not fully created
return body
// Validate that all files in vm.LayoutEx.File can still be found
for idx := len(vm.LayoutEx.File) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
file := vm.LayoutEx.File[idx]
p, fault := parseDatastorePath(file.Name)
if fault != nil {
body.Fault_ = Fault("", fault)
return body
if _, err := os.Stat(p.String()); err != nil {
vm.LayoutEx.File = append(vm.LayoutEx.File[:idx], vm.LayoutEx.File[idx+1:]...)
// Directories will be used to locate VM files.
// Does not include information about virtual disk file locations.
locations := []string{
for _, directory := range locations {
if directory == "" {
p, fault := parseDatastorePath(directory)
if fault != nil {
body.Fault_ = Fault("", fault)
return body
datastore := vm.useDatastore(p.Datastore)
directory := path.Join(datastore.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().Url, p.Path)
if path.Ext(p.Path) == ".vmx" {
directory = path.Dir(directory) // vm.Config.Files.VmPathName can be a directory or full path to .vmx
if _, err := os.Stat(directory); err != nil {
// Can not access the directory
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(directory)
if err != nil {
body.Fault_ = soap.ToSoapFault(err)
return body
for _, file := range files {
datastorePath := object.DatastorePath{
Datastore: p.Datastore,
Path: strings.TrimPrefix(file.Name(), datastore.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().Url),
vm.addFileLayoutEx(datastorePath, file.Size())
fault := vm.updateDiskLayouts()
if fault != nil {
body.Fault_ = Fault("", fault)
return body
vm.LayoutEx.Timestamp = time.Now()
body.Res = new(types.RefreshStorageInfoResponse)
return body
func (vm *VirtualMachine) findDatastore(name string) *Datastore {
host := Map.Get(*vm.Runtime.Host).(*HostSystem)
return Map.FindByName(name, host.Datastore).(*Datastore)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) useDatastore(name string) *Datastore {
ds := vm.findDatastore(name)
if FindReference(vm.Datastore, ds.Self) == nil {
vm.Datastore = append(vm.Datastore, ds.Self)
return ds
func (vm *VirtualMachine) vmx(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) object.DatastorePath {
var p object.DatastorePath
vmx := vm.Config.Files.VmPathName
if spec != nil {
vmx = spec.Files.VmPathName
return p
func (vm *VirtualMachine) createFile(spec string, name string, register bool) (*os.File, types.BaseMethodFault) {
p, fault := parseDatastorePath(spec)
if fault != nil {
return nil, fault
ds := vm.useDatastore(p.Datastore)
file := path.Join(ds.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().Url, p.Path)
if name != "" {
if path.Ext(p.Path) == ".vmx" {
file = path.Dir(file) // vm.Config.Files.VmPathName can be a directory or full path to .vmx
file = path.Join(file, name)
if register {
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(file))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("register %s: %s", vm.Reference(), err)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, &types.NotFound{}
return nil, &types.InvalidArgument{}
return f, nil
_, err := os.Stat(file)
if err == nil {
fault := &types.FileAlreadyExists{FileFault: types.FileFault{File: file}}
log.Printf("%T: %s", fault, file)
return nil, fault
// Create parent directory if needed
dir := path.Dir(file)
_, err = os.Stat(dir)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
_ = os.Mkdir(dir, 0700)
f, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("create(%s): %s", file, err)
return nil, &types.FileFault{
File: file,
return f, nil
// Rather than keep an fd open for each VM, open/close the log for each messages.
// This is ok for now as we do not do any heavy VM logging.
func (vm *VirtualMachine) logPrintf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(vm.log, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0)
if err != nil {
log.New(f, "vmx ", log.Flags()).Printf(format, v...)
_ = f.Close()
func (vm *VirtualMachine) create(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, register bool) types.BaseMethodFault {
if spec.Version != "" {
v := strings.TrimPrefix(spec.Version, "vmx-")
_, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unsupported hardware version: %s", spec.Version)
return new(types.NotSupported)
files := []struct {
spec string
name string
use *string
{vm.Config.Files.VmPathName, "", nil},
{vm.Config.Files.VmPathName, fmt.Sprintf("%s.nvram", vm.Name), nil},
{vm.Config.Files.LogDirectory, "vmware.log", &vm.log},
for _, file := range files {
f, err := vm.createFile(file.spec,, register)
if err != nil {
return err
if file.use != nil {
*file.use = f.Name()
_ = f.Close()
return vm.configureDevices(spec)
var vmwOUI = net.HardwareAddr([]byte{0x0, 0xc, 0x29})
// From
// "The host generates generateMAC addresses that consists of the VMware OUI 00:0C:29 and the last three octets in hexadecimal
// format of the virtual machine UUID. The virtual machine UUID is based on a hash calculated by using the UUID of the
// ESXi physical machine and the path to the configuration file (.vmx) of the virtual machine."
func (vm *VirtualMachine) generateMAC(unit int32) string {
id := []byte(vm.Config.Uuid)
offset := len(id) - len(vmwOUI)
key := id[offset] + byte(unit) // add device unit number, giving each VM NIC a unique MAC
id = append([]byte{key}, id[offset+1:]...)
mac := append(vmwOUI, id...)
return mac.String()
func numberToString(n int64, sep rune) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if n < 0 {
n = -n
s := strconv.FormatInt(n, 10)
pos := 3 - (len(s) % 3)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if pos == 3 {
if i != 0 {
pos = 0
return buf.String()
func getDiskSize(disk *types.VirtualDisk) int64 {
if disk.CapacityInBytes == 0 {
return disk.CapacityInKB * 1024
return disk.CapacityInBytes
func (vm *VirtualMachine) validateSwitchMembers(id string) types.BaseMethodFault {
var dswitch *DistributedVirtualSwitch
var find func(types.ManagedObjectReference)
find = func(child types.ManagedObjectReference) {
s, ok := Map.Get(child).(*DistributedVirtualSwitch)
if ok && s.Uuid == id {
dswitch = s
walk(Map.Get(child), find)
f := Map.getEntityDatacenter(vm).NetworkFolder
walk(Map.Get(f), find) // search in NetworkFolder and any sub folders
if dswitch == nil {
log.Printf("DVS %s cannot be found", id)
return new(types.NotFound)
h := Map.Get(*vm.Runtime.Host).(*HostSystem)
c := hostParent(&h.HostSystem)
isMember := func(val types.ManagedObjectReference) bool {
for _, mem := range dswitch.Summary.HostMember {
if mem == val {
return true
log.Printf("%s is not a member of VDS %s", h.Name, dswitch.Name)
return false
for _, ref := range c.Host {
if !isMember(ref) {
return &types.InvalidArgument{InvalidProperty: "spec.deviceChange.device.port.switchUuid"}
return nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) configureDevice(devices object.VirtualDeviceList, spec *types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec) types.BaseMethodFault {
device := spec.Device
d := device.GetVirtualDevice()
var controller types.BaseVirtualController
if d.Key <= 0 {
// Keys can't be negative; Key 0 is reserved
d.Key = devices.NewKey()
d.Key *= -1
// Choose a unique key
for {
if devices.FindByKey(d.Key) == nil {
label := devices.Name(device)
summary := label
dc := Map.getEntityDatacenter(Map.Get(*vm.Parent).(mo.Entity))
switch x := device.(type) {
case types.BaseVirtualEthernetCard:
controller = devices.PickController((*types.VirtualPCIController)(nil))
var net types.ManagedObjectReference
var name string
switch b := d.Backing.(type) {
case *types.VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo:
name = b.DeviceName
summary = name
net = Map.FindByName(b.DeviceName, dc.Network).Reference()
b.Network = &net
case *types.VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo:
summary = fmt.Sprintf("DVSwitch: %s", b.Port.SwitchUuid)
net.Type = "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
net.Value = b.Port.PortgroupKey
if err := vm.validateSwitchMembers(b.Port.SwitchUuid); err != nil {
return err
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "summary.config.numEthernetCards", Val: vm.Summary.Config.NumEthernetCards + 1},
{Name: "network", Val: append(vm.Network, net)},
c := x.GetVirtualEthernetCard()
if c.MacAddress == "" {
if c.UnitNumber == nil {
devices.AssignController(device, controller)
c.MacAddress = vm.generateMAC(*c.UnitNumber - 7) // Note 7 == PCI offset
if spec.Operation == types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd {
vm.Guest.Net = append(vm.Guest.Net, types.GuestNicInfo{
Network: name,
IpAddress: nil,
MacAddress: c.MacAddress,
Connected: true,
DeviceConfigId: c.Key,
case *types.VirtualDisk:
summary = fmt.Sprintf("%s KB", numberToString(x.CapacityInKB, ','))
switch b := d.Backing.(type) {
case types.BaseVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo:
info := b.GetVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo()
var path object.DatastorePath
if path.Path == "" {
filename, err := vm.genVmdkPath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
info.FileName = filename
err := vdmCreateVirtualDisk(spec.FileOperation, &types.CreateVirtualDisk_Task{
Datacenter: &dc.Self,
Name: info.FileName,
if err != nil {
return err
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "summary.config.numVirtualDisks", Val: vm.Summary.Config.NumVirtualDisks + 1},
p, _ := parseDatastorePath(info.FileName)
ds := vm.findDatastore(p.Datastore)
info.Datastore = &ds.Self
// XXX: compare disk size and free space until windows stat is supported
Map.WithLock(ds, func() {
ds.Summary.FreeSpace -= getDiskSize(x)
ds.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().FreeSpace = ds.Summary.FreeSpace
case *types.VirtualCdrom:
if b, ok := d.Backing.(types.BaseVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo); ok {
summary = "ISO " + b.GetVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo().FileName
if d.UnitNumber == nil && controller != nil {
devices.AssignController(device, controller)
if d.DeviceInfo == nil {
d.DeviceInfo = &types.Description{
Label: label,
Summary: summary,
} else {
info := d.DeviceInfo.GetDescription()
if info.Label == "" {
info.Label = label
if info.Summary == "" {
info.Summary = summary
return nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) removeDevice(devices object.VirtualDeviceList, spec *types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec) object.VirtualDeviceList {
key := spec.Device.GetVirtualDevice().Key
for i, d := range devices {
if d.GetVirtualDevice().Key != key {
devices = append(devices[:i], devices[i+1:]...)
switch device := spec.Device.(type) {
case *types.VirtualDisk:
if spec.FileOperation == types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperationDestroy {
var file string
switch b := device.Backing.(type) {
case types.BaseVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo:
file = b.GetVirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo().FileName
p, _ := parseDatastorePath(file)
ds := vm.findDatastore(p.Datastore)
Map.WithLock(ds, func() {
ds.Summary.FreeSpace += getDiskSize(device)
ds.Info.GetDatastoreInfo().FreeSpace = ds.Summary.FreeSpace
if file != "" {
dc := Map.getEntityDatacenter(vm)
dm := Map.VirtualDiskManager()
if dc == nil {
continue // parent was destroyed
dm.DeleteVirtualDiskTask(internalContext, &types.DeleteVirtualDisk_Task{
Name: file,
Datacenter: &dc.Self,
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "summary.config.numVirtualDisks", Val: vm.Summary.Config.NumVirtualDisks - 1},
case types.BaseVirtualEthernetCard:
var net types.ManagedObjectReference
switch b := device.GetVirtualEthernetCard().Backing.(type) {
case *types.VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo:
net = *b.Network
case *types.VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo:
net.Type = "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
net.Value = b.Port.PortgroupKey
networks := vm.Network
RemoveReference(&networks, net)
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "summary.config.numEthernetCards", Val: vm.Summary.Config.NumEthernetCards - 1},
{Name: "network", Val: networks},
return devices
func (vm *VirtualMachine) genVmdkPath(p object.DatastorePath) (string, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if p.Datastore == "" {
if p.Path == "" {
p.Path = vm.Config.Name
} else {
p.Path = path.Dir(p.Path)
vmdir := p.String()
index := 0
for {
var filename string
if index == 0 {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("%s.vmdk", vm.Config.Name)
} else {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d.vmdk", vm.Config.Name, index)
f, err := vm.createFile(vmdir, filename, false)
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case *types.FileAlreadyExists:
return "", err
_ = f.Close()
_ = os.Remove(f.Name())
return path.Join(vmdir, filename), nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) configureDevices(spec *types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec) types.BaseMethodFault {
devices := object.VirtualDeviceList(vm.Config.Hardware.Device)
for i, change := range spec.DeviceChange {
dspec := change.GetVirtualDeviceConfigSpec()
device := dspec.Device.GetVirtualDevice()
invalid := &types.InvalidDeviceSpec{DeviceIndex: int32(i)}
switch dspec.FileOperation {
case types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperationCreate:
switch dspec.Device.(type) {
case *types.VirtualDisk:
if device.UnitNumber == nil {
return invalid
switch dspec.Operation {
case types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd:
if devices.FindByKey(device.Key) != nil && device.ControllerKey == 0 {
// Note: real ESX does not allow adding base controllers (ControllerKey = 0)
// after VM is created (returns success but device is not added).
} else if device.UnitNumber != nil && devices.SelectByType(dspec.Device).Select(func(d types.BaseVirtualDevice) bool {
base := d.GetVirtualDevice()
if base.UnitNumber != nil {
if base.ControllerKey != device.ControllerKey {
return false
return *base.UnitNumber == *device.UnitNumber
return false
}) != nil {
// UnitNumber for this device type is taken
return invalid
key := device.Key
err := vm.configureDevice(devices, dspec)
if err != nil {
return err
devices = append(devices, dspec.Device)
if key != device.Key {
// Update ControllerKey refs
for i := range spec.DeviceChange {
ckey := &spec.DeviceChange[i].GetVirtualDeviceConfigSpec().Device.GetVirtualDevice().ControllerKey
if *ckey == key {
*ckey = device.Key
case types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationEdit:
rspec := *dspec
rspec.Device = devices.FindByKey(device.Key)
if rspec.Device == nil {
return invalid
devices = vm.removeDevice(devices, &rspec)
device.DeviceInfo.GetDescription().Summary = "" // regenerate summary
err := vm.configureDevice(devices, dspec)
if err != nil {
return err
devices = append(devices, dspec.Device)
case types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationRemove:
devices = vm.removeDevice(devices, dspec)
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "config.hardware.device", Val: []types.BaseVirtualDevice(devices)},
vm.applyExtraConfig(spec) // Do this after device config, as some may apply to the devices themselves (e.g. ethernet ->
return nil
type powerVMTask struct {
state types.VirtualMachinePowerState
ctx *Context
func (c *powerVMTask) Run(task *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
c.logPrintf("running power task: requesting %s, existing %s",
c.state, c.VirtualMachine.Runtime.PowerState)
if c.VirtualMachine.Runtime.PowerState == c.state {
return nil, &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: c.state,
ExistingState: c.VirtualMachine.Runtime.PowerState,
var boot types.AnyType
if c.state == types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn {
boot = time.Now()
event := c.event()
switch c.state {
case types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn:
&types.VmStartingEvent{VmEvent: event},
&types.VmPoweredOnEvent{VmEvent: event},
case types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff:
&types.VmStoppingEvent{VmEvent: event},
&types.VmPoweredOffEvent{VmEvent: event},
case types.VirtualMachinePowerStateSuspended:
&types.VmSuspendingEvent{VmEvent: event},
&types.VmSuspendedEvent{VmEvent: event},
Map.Update(c.VirtualMachine, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "runtime.powerState", Val: c.state},
{Name: "summary.runtime.powerState", Val: c.state},
{Name: "summary.runtime.bootTime", Val: boot},
return nil, nil
func (vm *VirtualMachine) PowerOnVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.PowerOnVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
if vm.Config.Template {
return &methods.PowerOnVM_TaskBody{
Fault_: Fault("cannot powerOn a template", &types.InvalidState{}),
runner := &powerVMTask{vm, types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn, ctx}
task := CreateTask(runner.Reference(), "powerOn", runner.Run)
return &methods.PowerOnVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.PowerOnVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) PowerOffVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.PowerOffVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
runner := &powerVMTask{vm, types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff, ctx}
task := CreateTask(runner.Reference(), "powerOff", runner.Run)
return &methods.PowerOffVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.PowerOffVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) SuspendVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.SuspendVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
runner := &powerVMTask{vm, types.VirtualMachinePowerStateSuspended, ctx}
task := CreateTask(runner.Reference(), "suspend", runner.Run)
return &methods.SuspendVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.SuspendVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ResetVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ResetVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "reset", func(task *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
res := vm.PowerOffVMTask(ctx, &types.PowerOffVM_Task{This: vm.Self})
ctask := Map.Get(res.(*methods.PowerOffVM_TaskBody).Res.Returnval).(*Task)
if ctask.Info.Error != nil {
return nil, ctask.Info.Error.Fault
_ = vm.PowerOnVMTask(ctx, &types.PowerOnVM_Task{This: vm.Self})
return nil, nil
return &methods.ResetVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.ResetVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ReconfigVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.ReconfigVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "reconfigVm", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
VmEvent: vm.event(),
ConfigSpec: req.Spec,
if vm.Config.Template {
expect := types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
Name: req.Spec.Name,
Annotation: req.Spec.Annotation,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(&req.Spec, &expect) {
log.Printf("template reconfigure only allows name and annotation change")
return nil, new(types.NotSupported)
err := vm.configure(&req.Spec)
return nil, err
return &methods.ReconfigVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.ReconfigVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) UpgradeVMTask(req *types.UpgradeVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
body := &methods.UpgradeVM_TaskBody{}
task := CreateTask(vm, "upgradeVm", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if vm.Config.Version != esx.HardwareVersion {
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{{
Name: "config.version", Val: esx.HardwareVersion,
return nil, nil
body.Res = &types.UpgradeVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
return body
func (vm *VirtualMachine) DestroyTask(ctx *Context, req *types.Destroy_Task) soap.HasFault {
dc := ctx.Map.getEntityDatacenter(vm)
task := CreateTask(vm, "destroy", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if dc == nil {
return nil, &types.ManagedObjectNotFound{Obj: vm.Self} // If our Parent was destroyed, so were we.
r := vm.UnregisterVM(ctx, &types.UnregisterVM{
This: req.This,
if r.Fault() != nil {
return nil, r.Fault().VimFault().(types.BaseMethodFault)
// Remove all devices
devices := object.VirtualDeviceList(vm.Config.Hardware.Device)
spec, _ := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationRemove)
vm.configureDevices(&types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{DeviceChange: spec})
// Delete VM files from the datastore (ignoring result for now)
m := Map.FileManager()
_ = m.DeleteDatastoreFileTask(&types.DeleteDatastoreFile_Task{
This: m.Reference(),
Name: vm.Config.Files.LogDirectory,
Datacenter: &dc.Self,
return nil, nil
return &methods.Destroy_TaskBody{
Res: &types.Destroy_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) SetCustomValue(ctx *Context, req *types.SetCustomValue) soap.HasFault {
return SetCustomValue(ctx, req)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) UnregisterVM(ctx *Context, c *types.UnregisterVM) soap.HasFault {
r := &methods.UnregisterVMBody{}
if vm.Runtime.PowerState == types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff,
ExistingState: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
return r
host := Map.Get(*vm.Runtime.Host).(*HostSystem)
Map.RemoveReference(host, &host.Vm, vm.Self)
if vm.ResourcePool != nil {
switch pool := Map.Get(*vm.ResourcePool).(type) {
case *ResourcePool:
Map.RemoveReference(pool, &pool.Vm, vm.Self)
case *VirtualApp:
Map.RemoveReference(pool, &pool.Vm, vm.Self)
for i := range vm.Datastore {
ds := Map.Get(vm.Datastore[i]).(*Datastore)
Map.RemoveReference(ds, &ds.Vm, vm.Self)
ctx.postEvent(&types.VmRemovedEvent{VmEvent: vm.event()})
if f, ok := asFolderMO(Map.getEntityParent(vm, "Folder")); ok {
folderRemoveChild(ctx, f, c.This)
r.Res = new(types.UnregisterVMResponse)
return r
type vmFolder interface {
CreateVMTask(ctx *Context, c *types.CreateVM_Task) soap.HasFault
func (vm *VirtualMachine) CloneVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.CloneVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
pool := req.Spec.Location.Pool
if pool == nil {
if !vm.Config.Template {
pool = vm.ResourcePool
folder, _ := asFolderMO(Map.Get(req.Folder))
host := Map.Get(*vm.Runtime.Host).(*HostSystem)
event := vm.event()
VmCloneEvent: types.VmCloneEvent{
VmEvent: event,
DestFolder: folderEventArgument(folder),
DestName: req.Name,
DestHost: *host.eventArgument(),
vmx := vm.vmx(nil)
vmx.Path = req.Name
if ref := req.Spec.Location.Datastore; ref != nil {
ds := Map.Get(*ref).(*Datastore).Name
vmx.Datastore = ds
task := CreateTask(vm, "cloneVm", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if pool == nil {
return nil, &types.InvalidArgument{InvalidProperty: "spec.location.pool"}
config := types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
Name: req.Name,
GuestId: vm.Config.GuestId,
Files: &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{
VmPathName: vmx.String(),
if req.Spec.Config != nil {
config.ExtraConfig = req.Spec.Config.ExtraConfig
defaultDevices := object.VirtualDeviceList(esx.VirtualDevice)
devices := vm.Config.Hardware.Device
for _, device := range devices {
var fop types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation
if defaultDevices.Find(object.VirtualDeviceList(devices).Name(device)) != nil {
// Default devices are added during CreateVMTask
switch disk := device.(type) {
case *types.VirtualDisk:
// TODO: consider VirtualMachineCloneSpec.DiskMoveType
fop = types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperationCreate
// Leave FileName empty so CreateVM will just create a new one under VmPathName
disk.Backing.(*types.VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo).FileName = ""
disk.Backing.(*types.VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo).Parent = nil
config.DeviceChange = append(config.DeviceChange, &types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec{
Operation: types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd,
Device: device,
FileOperation: fop,
res := Map.Get(req.Folder).(vmFolder).CreateVMTask(ctx, &types.CreateVM_Task{
This: folder.Self,
Config: config,
Pool: *pool,
Host: vm.Runtime.Host,
ctask := Map.Get(res.(*methods.CreateVM_TaskBody).Res.Returnval).(*Task)
if ctask.Info.Error != nil {
return nil, ctask.Info.Error.Fault
ref := ctask.Info.Result.(types.ManagedObjectReference)
clone := Map.Get(ref).(*VirtualMachine)
clone.configureDevices(&types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{DeviceChange: req.Spec.Location.DeviceChange})
if req.Spec.Config != nil && req.Spec.Config.DeviceChange != nil {
clone.configureDevices(&types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{DeviceChange: req.Spec.Config.DeviceChange})
if req.Spec.Template {
_ = clone.MarkAsTemplate(&types.MarkAsTemplate{This: clone.Self})
VmCloneEvent: types.VmCloneEvent{VmEvent: clone.event()},
SourceVm: *event.Vm,
return ref, nil
return &methods.CloneVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.CloneVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) RelocateVMTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RelocateVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "relocateVm", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
var changes []types.PropertyChange
if ref := req.Spec.Datastore; ref != nil {
ds := Map.Get(*ref).(*Datastore)
Map.RemoveReference(ds, &ds.Vm, *ref)
// TODO: migrate vm.Config.Files, vm.Summary.Config.VmPathName, vm.Layout and vm.LayoutEx
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "datastore", Val: []types.ManagedObjectReference{*ref}})
if ref := req.Spec.Pool; ref != nil {
pool := Map.Get(*ref).(*ResourcePool)
Map.RemoveReference(pool, &pool.Vm, *ref)
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "resourcePool", Val: ref})
if ref := req.Spec.Host; ref != nil {
host := Map.Get(*ref).(*HostSystem)
Map.RemoveReference(host, &host.Vm, *ref)
changes = append(changes,
types.PropertyChange{Name: "", Val: ref},
types.PropertyChange{Name: "", Val: ref},
if ref := req.Spec.Folder; ref != nil {
folder := Map.Get(*ref).(*Folder)
folder.MoveIntoFolderTask(ctx, &types.MoveIntoFolder_Task{
List: []types.ManagedObjectReference{vm.Self},
Map.Update(vm, changes)
return nil, nil
return &methods.RelocateVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.RelocateVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) customize() {
if vm.imc == nil {
changes := []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "", Val: ""},
hostname := ""
address := ""
switch c := vm.imc.Identity.(type) {
case *types.CustomizationLinuxPrep:
hostname = customizeName(vm, c.HostName)
case *types.CustomizationSysprep:
hostname = customizeName(vm, c.UserData.ComputerName)
for i, s := range vm.imc.NicSettingMap {
nic := &vm.Guest.Net[i]
if s.MacAddress != "" {
nic.MacAddress = s.MacAddress
if nic.DnsConfig == nil {
nic.DnsConfig = new(types.NetDnsConfigInfo)
if s.Adapter.DnsDomain != "" {
nic.DnsConfig.DomainName = s.Adapter.DnsDomain
if len(s.Adapter.DnsServerList) != 0 {
nic.DnsConfig.IpAddress = s.Adapter.DnsServerList
if hostname != "" {
nic.DnsConfig.HostName = hostname
if len(vm.imc.GlobalIPSettings.DnsSuffixList) != 0 {
nic.DnsConfig.SearchDomain = vm.imc.GlobalIPSettings.DnsSuffixList
if nic.IpConfig == nil {
nic.IpConfig = new(types.NetIpConfigInfo)
switch ip := s.Adapter.Ip.(type) {
case *types.CustomizationCustomIpGenerator:
case *types.CustomizationDhcpIpGenerator:
case *types.CustomizationFixedIp:
if address == "" {
address = ip.IpAddress
nic.IpAddress = []string{ip.IpAddress}
nic.IpConfig.IpAddress = []types.NetIpConfigInfoIpAddress{{
IpAddress: ip.IpAddress,
case *types.CustomizationUnknownIpGenerator:
if len(vm.imc.NicSettingMap) != 0 {
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "", Val: vm.Guest.Net})
if hostname != "" {
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "guest.hostName", Val: hostname})
if address != "" {
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "guest.ipAddress", Val: address})
vm.imc = nil
Map.Update(vm, changes)
func (vm *VirtualMachine) CustomizeVMTask(req *types.CustomizeVM_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "customizeVm", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if vm.Runtime.PowerState == types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn {
return nil, &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff,
ExistingState: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
if vm.Config.Tools.PendingCustomization != "" {
return nil, new(types.CustomizationPending)
if len(vm.Guest.Net) != len(req.Spec.NicSettingMap) {
return nil, &types.NicSettingMismatch{
NumberOfNicsInSpec: int32(len(req.Spec.NicSettingMap)),
NumberOfNicsInVM: int32(len(vm.Guest.Net)),
vm.imc = &req.Spec
vm.Config.Tools.PendingCustomization = uuid.New().String()
return nil, nil
return &methods.CustomizeVM_TaskBody{
Res: &types.CustomizeVM_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) CreateSnapshotTask(req *types.CreateSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "createSnapshot", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
var changes []types.PropertyChange
if vm.Snapshot == nil {
vm.Snapshot = &types.VirtualMachineSnapshotInfo{}
snapshot := &VirtualMachineSnapshot{}
snapshot.Vm = vm.Reference()
snapshot.Config = *vm.Config
treeItem := types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree{
Snapshot: snapshot.Self,
Vm: snapshot.Vm,
Name: req.Name,
Description: req.Description,
Id: atomic.AddInt32(&vm.sid, 1),
CreateTime: time.Now(),
State: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
Quiesced: req.Quiesce,
BackupManifest: "",
ReplaySupported: types.NewBool(false),
cur := vm.Snapshot.CurrentSnapshot
if cur != nil {
parent := Map.Get(*cur).(*VirtualMachineSnapshot)
parent.ChildSnapshot = append(parent.ChildSnapshot, snapshot.Self)
ss := findSnapshotInTree(vm.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList, *cur)
ss.ChildSnapshotList = append(ss.ChildSnapshotList, treeItem)
} else {
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{
Name: "snapshot.rootSnapshotList",
Val: append(vm.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList, treeItem),
changes = append(changes, types.PropertyChange{Name: "snapshot.currentSnapshot", Val: snapshot.Self})
Map.Update(vm, changes)
return snapshot.Self, nil
return &methods.CreateSnapshot_TaskBody{
Res: &types.CreateSnapshot_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) RevertToCurrentSnapshotTask(req *types.RevertToCurrentSnapshot_Task) soap.HasFault {
body := &methods.RevertToCurrentSnapshot_TaskBody{}
if vm.Snapshot == nil || vm.Snapshot.CurrentSnapshot == nil {
body.Fault_ = Fault("snapshot not found", &types.NotFound{})
return body
task := CreateTask(vm, "revertSnapshot", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
return nil, nil
body.Res = &types.RevertToCurrentSnapshot_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
return body
func (vm *VirtualMachine) RemoveAllSnapshotsTask(ctx *Context, req *types.RemoveAllSnapshots_Task) soap.HasFault {
task := CreateTask(vm, "RemoveAllSnapshots", func(t *Task) (types.AnyType, types.BaseMethodFault) {
if vm.Snapshot == nil {
return nil, nil
refs := allSnapshotsInTree(vm.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList)
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "snapshot", Val: nil},
for _, ref := range refs {
return nil, nil
return &methods.RemoveAllSnapshots_TaskBody{
Res: &types.RemoveAllSnapshots_TaskResponse{
Returnval: task.Run(),
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ShutdownGuest(ctx *Context, c *types.ShutdownGuest) soap.HasFault {
r := &methods.ShutdownGuestBody{}
// should be poweron
if vm.Runtime.PowerState == types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOn,
ExistingState: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
return r
// change state
vm.Runtime.PowerState = types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff
vm.Summary.Runtime.PowerState = types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff
event := vm.event()
&types.VmGuestShutdownEvent{VmEvent: event},
&types.VmPoweredOffEvent{VmEvent: event},
Map.Update(vm, []types.PropertyChange{
{Name: "runtime.powerState", Val: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff},
{Name: "summary.runtime.powerState", Val: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff},
r.Res = new(types.ShutdownGuestResponse)
return r
func (vm *VirtualMachine) MarkAsTemplate(req *types.MarkAsTemplate) soap.HasFault {
r := &methods.MarkAsTemplateBody{}
if vm.Config.Template {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", new(types.NotSupported))
return r
if vm.Runtime.PowerState != types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff,
ExistingState: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
return r
vm.Config.Template = true
vm.Summary.Config.Template = true
vm.ResourcePool = nil
r.Res = new(types.MarkAsTemplateResponse)
return r
func (vm *VirtualMachine) MarkAsVirtualMachine(req *types.MarkAsVirtualMachine) soap.HasFault {
r := &methods.MarkAsVirtualMachineBody{}
if !vm.Config.Template {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", new(types.NotSupported))
return r
if vm.Runtime.PowerState != types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff {
r.Fault_ = Fault("", &types.InvalidPowerState{
RequestedState: types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff,
ExistingState: vm.Runtime.PowerState,
return r
vm.Config.Template = false
vm.Summary.Config.Template = false
vm.ResourcePool = &req.Pool
if req.Host != nil {
vm.Runtime.Host = req.Host
r.Res = new(types.MarkAsVirtualMachineResponse)
return r
func findSnapshotInTree(tree []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree, ref types.ManagedObjectReference) *types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree {
if tree == nil {
return nil
for i, ss := range tree {
if ss.Snapshot == ref {
return &tree[i]
target := findSnapshotInTree(ss.ChildSnapshotList, ref)
if target != nil {
return target
return nil
func findParentSnapshot(tree types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree, ref types.ManagedObjectReference) *types.ManagedObjectReference {
for _, ss := range tree.ChildSnapshotList {
if ss.Snapshot == ref {
return &tree.Snapshot
res := findParentSnapshot(ss, ref)
if res != nil {
return res
return nil
func findParentSnapshotInTree(tree []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree, ref types.ManagedObjectReference) *types.ManagedObjectReference {
if tree == nil {
return nil
for _, ss := range tree {
res := findParentSnapshot(ss, ref)
if res != nil {
return res
return nil
func removeSnapshotInTree(tree []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree, ref types.ManagedObjectReference, removeChildren bool) []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree {
if tree == nil {
return tree
var result []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree
for _, ss := range tree {
if ss.Snapshot == ref {
if !removeChildren {
result = append(result, ss.ChildSnapshotList...)
} else {
ss.ChildSnapshotList = removeSnapshotInTree(ss.ChildSnapshotList, ref, removeChildren)
result = append(result, ss)
return result
func allSnapshotsInTree(tree []types.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree) []types.ManagedObjectReference {
var result []types.ManagedObjectReference
if tree == nil {
return result
for _, ss := range tree {
result = append(result, ss.Snapshot)
result = append(result, allSnapshotsInTree(ss.ChildSnapshotList)...)
return result