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//go:generate struct-markdown
//go:generate mapstructure-to-hcl2 -type Config,CustomerEncryptionKey
package googlecompute
import (
2020-04-29 12:13:22 -07:00
compute "google.golang.org/api/compute/v1"
// used for ImageName and ImageFamily
var validImageName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z]([-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?$`)
// Config is the configuration structure for the GCE builder. It stores
// both the publicly settable state as well as the privately generated
// state of the config object.
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
Comm communicator.Config `mapstructure:",squash"`
// The JSON file containing your account credentials. Not required if you
// run Packer on a GCE instance with a service account. Instructions for
// creating the file or using service accounts are above.
AccountFile string `mapstructure:"account_file" required:"false"`
// The project ID that will be used to launch instances and store images.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ProjectId string `mapstructure:"project_id" required:"true"`
// Full or partial URL of the guest accelerator type. GPU accelerators can
// only be used with `"on_host_maintenance": "TERMINATE"` option set.
// Example:
// `"projects/project_id/zones/europe-west1-b/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-k80"`
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
AcceleratorType string `mapstructure:"accelerator_type" required:"false"`
// Number of guest accelerator cards to add to the launched instance.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
AcceleratorCount int64 `mapstructure:"accelerator_count" required:"false"`
// The name of a pre-allocated static external IP address. Note, must be
// the name and not the actual IP address.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Address string `mapstructure:"address" required:"false"`
// If true, the default service account will not be used if
// service_account_email is not specified. Set this value to true and omit
// service_account_email to provision a VM with no service account.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
DisableDefaultServiceAccount bool `mapstructure:"disable_default_service_account" required:"false"`
// The name of the disk, if unset the instance name will be used.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
DiskName string `mapstructure:"disk_name" required:"false"`
// The size of the disk in GB. This defaults to 10, which is 10GB.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
DiskSizeGb int64 `mapstructure:"disk_size" required:"false"`
// Type of disk used to back your instance, like pd-ssd or pd-standard.
// Defaults to pd-standard.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
DiskType string `mapstructure:"disk_type" required:"false"`
2020-03-30 16:10:51 +02:00
// Create a Shielded VM image with Secure Boot enabled. It helps ensure that
// the system only runs authentic software by verifying the digital signature
// of all boot components, and halting the boot process if signature verification
// fails. [Details](https://cloud.google.com/security/shielded-cloud/shielded-vm)
EnableSecureBoot bool `mapstructure:"enable_secure_boot" required:"false"`
2020-03-30 16:10:51 +02:00
// Create a Shielded VM image with virtual trusted platform module
// Measured Boot enabled. A vTPM is a virtualized trusted platform module,
// which is a specialized computer chip you can use to protect objects,
// like keys and certificates, that you use to authenticate access to your
// system. [Details](https://cloud.google.com/security/shielded-cloud/shielded-vm)
EnableVtpm bool `mapstructure:"enable_vtpm" required:"false"`
2020-03-30 16:10:51 +02:00
// Integrity monitoring helps you understand and make decisions about the
// state of your VM instances. Note: integrity monitoring relies on having
// vTPM enabled. [Details](https://cloud.google.com/security/shielded-cloud/shielded-vm)
EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool `mapstructure:"enable_integrity_monitoring" required:"false"`
// Whether to use an IAP proxy.
IAPConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
// The unique name of the resulting image. Defaults to
2020-03-23 20:02:12 -04:00
// `packer-{{timestamp}}`.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ImageName string `mapstructure:"image_name" required:"false"`
// The description of the resulting image.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ImageDescription string `mapstructure:"image_description" required:"false"`
// Image encryption key to apply to the created image. Possible values:
// * kmsKeyName - The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS.
// * RawKey: - A 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encodes in RFC 4648 base64.
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "kmsKeyName": "projects/${project}/locations/${region}/keyRings/computeEngine/cryptoKeys/computeEngine/cryptoKeyVersions/4"
// }
// ```
ImageEncryptionKey *CustomerEncryptionKey `mapstructure:"image_encryption_key" required:"false"`
// The name of the image family to which the resulting image belongs. You
// can create disks by specifying an image family instead of a specific
// image name. The image family always returns its latest image that is not
// deprecated.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ImageFamily string `mapstructure:"image_family" required:"false"`
// Key/value pair labels to apply to the created image.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ImageLabels map[string]string `mapstructure:"image_labels" required:"false"`
// Licenses to apply to the created image.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ImageLicenses []string `mapstructure:"image_licenses" required:"false"`
// Storage location, either regional or multi-regional, where snapshot
// content is to be stored and only accepts 1 value. Always defaults to a nearby regional or multi-regional
// location.
// multi-regional example:
// ```json
// {
// "image_storage_locations": ["us"]
// }
// ```
// regional example:
// ```json
// {
// "image_storage_locations": ["us-east1"]
// }
// ```
ImageStorageLocations []string `mapstructure:"image_storage_locations" required:"false"`
// A name to give the launched instance. Beware that this must be unique.
2020-03-23 20:02:12 -04:00
// Defaults to `packer-{{uuid}}`.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
InstanceName string `mapstructure:"instance_name" required:"false"`
// Key/value pair labels to apply to the launched instance.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Labels map[string]string `mapstructure:"labels" required:"false"`
// The machine type. Defaults to "n1-standard-1".
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
MachineType string `mapstructure:"machine_type" required:"false"`
// Metadata applied to the launched instance.
// All metadata configuration values are expected to be of type string.
// Google metadata options that take a value of `TRUE` or `FALSE` should be
// set as a string (i.e `"TRUE"` `"FALSE"` or `"true"` `"false"`).
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Metadata map[string]string `mapstructure:"metadata" required:"false"`
// Metadata applied to the launched instance. Values are files.
MetadataFiles map[string]string `mapstructure:"metadata_files"`
// A Minimum CPU Platform for VM Instance. Availability and default CPU
// platforms vary across zones, based on the hardware available in each GCP
// zone.
// [Details](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/specify-min-cpu-platform)
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
MinCpuPlatform string `mapstructure:"min_cpu_platform" required:"false"`
// The Google Compute network id or URL to use for the launched instance.
// Defaults to "default". If the value is not a URL, it will be
// interpolated to
2020-06-02 17:22:40 -04:00
// `projects/((network_project_id))/global/networks/((network))`. This value
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
// is not required if a subnet is specified.
Network string `mapstructure:"network" required:"false"`
// The project ID for the network and subnetwork to use for launched
// instance. Defaults to project_id.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
NetworkProjectId string `mapstructure:"network_project_id" required:"false"`
// If true, the instance will not have an external IP. use_internal_ip must
// be true if this property is true.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
OmitExternalIP bool `mapstructure:"omit_external_ip" required:"false"`
// Sets Host Maintenance Option. Valid choices are `MIGRATE` and
// `TERMINATE`. Please see [GCE Instance Scheduling
// Options](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/setting-instance-scheduling-options),
// as not all machine\_types support `MIGRATE` (i.e. machines with GPUs).
// If preemptible is true this can only be `TERMINATE`. If preemptible is
// false, it defaults to `MIGRATE`
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
OnHostMaintenance string `mapstructure:"on_host_maintenance" required:"false"`
// If true, launch a preemptible instance.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Preemptible bool `mapstructure:"preemptible" required:"false"`
// The time to wait for instance state changes. Defaults to "5m".
StateTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"state_timeout" required:"false"`
// The region in which to launch the instance. Defaults to the region
// hosting the specified zone.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Region string `mapstructure:"region" required:"false"`
// The service account scopes for launched
// instance. Defaults to:
// ```json
// [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"
// ]
// ```
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Scopes []string `mapstructure:"scopes" required:"false"`
// The service account to be used for launched instance. Defaults to the
// project's default service account unless disable_default_service_account
// is true.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
ServiceAccountEmail string `mapstructure:"service_account_email" required:"false"`
// The source image to use to create the new image from. You can also
// specify source_image_family instead. If both source_image and
// source_image_family are specified, source_image takes precedence.
// Example: "debian-8-jessie-v20161027"
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
SourceImage string `mapstructure:"source_image" required:"true"`
// The source image family to use to create the new image from. The image
// family always returns its latest image that is not deprecated. Example:
// "debian-8".
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
SourceImageFamily string `mapstructure:"source_image_family" required:"true"`
2020-02-20 12:54:35 +01:00
// A list of project IDs to search for the source image. Packer will search the first
// project ID in the list first, and fall back to the next in the list, until it finds the source image.
SourceImageProjectId []string `mapstructure:"source_image_project_id" required:"false"`
// The path to a startup script to run on the launched instance from which the image will
// be made. When set, the contents of the startup script file will be added to the instance metadata
// under the `"startup_script"` metadata property. See [Providing startup script contents directly](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/startupscript#providing_startup_script_contents_directly) for more details.
// When using `startup_script_file` the following rules apply:
// - The contents of the script file will overwrite the value of the `"startup_script"` metadata property at runtime.
// - The contents of the script file will be wrapped in Packer's startup script wrapper, unless `wrap_startup_script` is disabled. See `wrap_startup_script` for more details.
// - Not supported by Windows instances. See [Startup Scripts for Windows](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/startupscript#providing_a_startup_script_for_windows_instances) for more details.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
StartupScriptFile string `mapstructure:"startup_script_file" required:"false"`
// For backwards compatibility this option defaults to `"true"` in the future it will default to `"false"`.
// If "true", the contents of `startup_script_file` or `"startup_script"` in the instance metadata
// is wrapped in a Packer specific script that tracks the execution and completion of the provided
// startup script. The wrapper ensures that the builder will not continue until the startup script has been executed.
// - The use of the wrapped script file requires that the user or service account
// running the build has the compute.instance.Metadata role.
WrapStartupScriptFile config.Trilean `mapstructure:"wrap_startup_script" required:"false"`
// The Google Compute subnetwork id or URL to use for the launched
// instance. Only required if the network has been created with custom
// subnetting. Note, the region of the subnetwork must match the region or
// zone in which the VM is launched. If the value is not a URL, it will be
// interpolated to
2020-06-02 17:22:40 -04:00
// `projects/((network_project_id))/regions/((region))/subnetworks/((subnetwork))`
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Subnetwork string `mapstructure:"subnetwork" required:"false"`
// Assign network tags to apply firewall rules to VM instance.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Tags []string `mapstructure:"tags" required:"false"`
// If true, use the instance's internal IP instead of its external IP
// during building.
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
UseInternalIP bool `mapstructure:"use_internal_ip" required:"false"`
// Can be set instead of account_file. If set, this builder will use
// HashiCorp Vault to generate an Oauth token for authenticating against
// Google's cloud. The value should be the path of the token generator
// within vault.
// For information on how to configure your Vault + GCP engine to produce
// Oauth tokens, see https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/gcp
// You must have the environment variables VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN set,
// along with any other relevant variables for accessing your vault
// instance. For more information, see the Vault docs:
// https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/commands/#environment-variables
// Example:`"vault_gcp_oauth_engine": "gcp/token/my-project-editor",`
VaultGCPOauthEngine string `mapstructure:"vault_gcp_oauth_engine"`
// The zone in which to launch the instance used to create the image.
// Example: "us-central1-a"
2019-06-06 16:29:25 +02:00
Zone string `mapstructure:"zone" required:"true"`
account *jwt.Config
imageAlreadyExists bool
ctx interpolate.Context
build using HCL2 (#8423) This follows #8232 which added the code to generate the code required to parse HCL files for each packer component. All old config files of packer will keep on working the same. Packer takes one argument. When a directory is passed, all files in the folder with a name ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” will be parsed using the HCL2 format. When a file ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” is passed it will be parsed using the HCL2 format. For every other case; the old packer style will be used. ## 1. the hcl2template pkg can create a packer.Build from a set of HCL (v2) files I had to make the packer.coreBuild (which is our one and only packer.Build ) a public struct with public fields ## 2. Components interfaces get a new ConfigSpec Method to read a file from an HCL file. This is a breaking change for packer plugins. a packer component can be a: builder/provisioner/post-processor each component interface now gets a `ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec` which allows packer to tell what is the layout of the hcl2 config meant to configure that specific component. This ObjectSpec is sent through the wire (RPC) and a cty.Value is now sent through the already existing configuration entrypoints: Provisioner.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error Builder.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) PostProcessor.Configure(raws ...interface{}) error close #1768 Example hcl files: ```hcl // file amazon-ebs-kms-key/run.pkr.hcl build { sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.first", ] provisioner "shell" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } post-processor "shell-local" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } } // amazon-ebs-kms-key/source.pkr.hcl source "amazon-ebs" "first" { ami_name = "hcl2-test" region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.micro" kms_key_id = "c729958f-c6ba-44cd-ab39-35ab68ce0a6c" encrypt_boot = true source_ami_filter { filters { virtualization-type = "hvm" name = "amzn-ami-hvm-????.??.?.????????-x86_64-gp2" root-device-type = "ebs" } most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"] } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvda" volume_size = 20 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = "true" } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvdf" volume_size = 500 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = true encrypted = true } ami_regions = ["eu-central-1"] run_tags { Name = "packer-solr-something" stack-name = "DevOps Tools" } communicator = "ssh" ssh_pty = true ssh_username = "ec2-user" associate_public_ip_address = true } ```
2019-12-17 11:25:56 +01:00
func (c *Config) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) {
c.ctx.Funcs = TemplateFuncs
err := config.Decode(c, &config.DecodeOpts{
Interpolate: true,
InterpolateContext: &c.ctx,
InterpolateFilter: &interpolate.RenderFilter{
Exclude: []string{
}, raws...)
if err != nil {
build using HCL2 (#8423) This follows #8232 which added the code to generate the code required to parse HCL files for each packer component. All old config files of packer will keep on working the same. Packer takes one argument. When a directory is passed, all files in the folder with a name ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” will be parsed using the HCL2 format. When a file ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” is passed it will be parsed using the HCL2 format. For every other case; the old packer style will be used. ## 1. the hcl2template pkg can create a packer.Build from a set of HCL (v2) files I had to make the packer.coreBuild (which is our one and only packer.Build ) a public struct with public fields ## 2. Components interfaces get a new ConfigSpec Method to read a file from an HCL file. This is a breaking change for packer plugins. a packer component can be a: builder/provisioner/post-processor each component interface now gets a `ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec` which allows packer to tell what is the layout of the hcl2 config meant to configure that specific component. This ObjectSpec is sent through the wire (RPC) and a cty.Value is now sent through the already existing configuration entrypoints: Provisioner.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error Builder.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) PostProcessor.Configure(raws ...interface{}) error close #1768 Example hcl files: ```hcl // file amazon-ebs-kms-key/run.pkr.hcl build { sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.first", ] provisioner "shell" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } post-processor "shell-local" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } } // amazon-ebs-kms-key/source.pkr.hcl source "amazon-ebs" "first" { ami_name = "hcl2-test" region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.micro" kms_key_id = "c729958f-c6ba-44cd-ab39-35ab68ce0a6c" encrypt_boot = true source_ami_filter { filters { virtualization-type = "hvm" name = "amzn-ami-hvm-????.??.?.????????-x86_64-gp2" root-device-type = "ebs" } most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"] } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvda" volume_size = 20 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = "true" } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvdf" volume_size = 500 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = true encrypted = true } ami_regions = ["eu-central-1"] run_tags { Name = "packer-solr-something" stack-name = "DevOps Tools" } communicator = "ssh" ssh_pty = true ssh_username = "ec2-user" associate_public_ip_address = true } ```
2019-12-17 11:25:56 +01:00
return nil, err
var errs *packer.MultiError
// Set defaults.
if c.Network == "" && c.Subnetwork == "" {
c.Network = "default"
if c.NetworkProjectId == "" {
c.NetworkProjectId = c.ProjectId
if c.DiskSizeGb == 0 {
c.DiskSizeGb = 20
if c.DiskType == "" {
c.DiskType = "pd-standard"
// Disabling the vTPM also disables integrity monitoring, because integrity
// monitoring relies on data gathered by Measured Boot.
if !c.EnableVtpm {
if c.EnableIntegrityMonitoring {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("You cannot enable Integrity Monitoring when vTPM is disabled."))
if c.ImageDescription == "" {
c.ImageDescription = "Created by Packer"
if c.OnHostMaintenance == "MIGRATE" && c.Preemptible {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("on_host_maintenance must be TERMINATE when using preemptible instances."))
// Setting OnHostMaintenance Correct Defaults
// "MIGRATE" : Possible and default if Preemptible is false
// "TERMINATE": Required if Preemptible is true
if c.Preemptible {
c.OnHostMaintenance = "TERMINATE"
} else {
if c.OnHostMaintenance == "" {
c.OnHostMaintenance = "MIGRATE"
// Make sure user sets a valid value for on_host_maintenance option
if !(c.OnHostMaintenance == "MIGRATE" || c.OnHostMaintenance == "TERMINATE") {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("on_host_maintenance must be one of MIGRATE or TERMINATE."))
if c.ImageName == "" {
img, err := interpolate.Render("packer-{{timestamp}}", nil)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse image name: %s ", err))
} else {
c.ImageName = img
// used for ImageName and ImageFamily
2019-09-16 13:50:43 -07:00
imageErrorText := "Invalid image %s %q: The first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash"
if len(c.ImageName) > 63 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("Invalid image name: Must not be longer than 63 characters"))
if !validImageName.MatchString(c.ImageName) {
2019-09-16 13:50:43 -07:00
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(imageErrorText, "name", c.ImageName)))
if len(c.ImageFamily) > 63 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("Invalid image family: Must not be longer than 63 characters"))
if c.ImageFamily != "" {
if !validImageName.MatchString(c.ImageFamily) {
2019-09-16 13:50:43 -07:00
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(imageErrorText, "family", c.ImageFamily)))
if len(c.ImageStorageLocations) > 1 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("Invalid image storage locations: Must not have more than 1 region"))
if c.InstanceName == "" {
c.InstanceName = fmt.Sprintf("packer-%s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
if c.DiskName == "" {
c.DiskName = c.InstanceName
if c.MachineType == "" {
c.MachineType = "n1-standard-1"
if c.StateTimeout == 0 {
c.StateTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
// Set up communicator
if es := c.Comm.Prepare(&c.ctx); len(es) > 0 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, es...)
// set defaults for IAP
if c.IAPConfig.IAPHashBang == "" {
2020-04-29 12:13:22 -07:00
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
c.IAPConfig.IAPHashBang = ""
} else {
c.IAPConfig.IAPHashBang = "/bin/sh"
if c.IAPConfig.IAPExt == "" {
2020-04-29 12:13:22 -07:00
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
c.IAPConfig.IAPExt = ".cmd"
// Configure IAP: Update SSH config to use localhost proxy instead
if c.IAPConfig.IAP {
if c.Comm.Type == "ssh" {
c.Comm.SSHHost = "localhost"
} else {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error: IAP tunnel currently only implemnted for" +
" SSH communicator")
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, err)
// Process required parameters.
if c.ProjectId == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a project_id must be specified"))
if c.Scopes == nil {
c.Scopes = []string{
if c.SourceImage == "" && c.SourceImageFamily == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a source_image or source_image_family must be specified"))
if c.Zone == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, errors.New("a zone must be specified"))
if c.Region == "" && len(c.Zone) > 2 {
// get region from Zone
region := c.Zone[:len(c.Zone)-2]
c.Region = region
// Authenticating via an account file
if c.AccountFile != "" {
if c.VaultGCPOauthEngine != "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, fmt.Errorf("You cannot "+
"specify both account_file and vault_gcp_oauth_engine."))
cfg, err := ProcessAccountFile(c.AccountFile)
if err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs, err)
c.account = cfg
if c.OmitExternalIP && c.Address != "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(fmt.Errorf("you can not specify an external address when 'omit_external_ip' is true"))
if c.OmitExternalIP && !c.UseInternalIP {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(fmt.Errorf("'use_internal_ip' must be true if 'omit_external_ip' is true"))
if c.AcceleratorCount > 0 && len(c.AcceleratorType) == 0 {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(fmt.Errorf("'accelerator_type' must be set when 'accelerator_count' is more than 0"))
if c.AcceleratorCount > 0 && c.OnHostMaintenance != "TERMINATE" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(fmt.Errorf("'on_host_maintenance' must be set to 'TERMINATE' when 'accelerator_count' is more than 0"))
// If DisableDefaultServiceAccount is provided, don't allow a value for ServiceAccountEmail
if c.DisableDefaultServiceAccount && c.ServiceAccountEmail != "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(fmt.Errorf("you may not specify a 'service_account_email' when 'disable_default_service_account' is true"))
if c.StartupScriptFile != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(c.StartupScriptFile); err != nil {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(
errs, fmt.Errorf("startup_script_file: %v", err))
if c.WrapStartupScriptFile == config.TriUnset {
c.WrapStartupScriptFile = config.TriTrue
// Check for any errors.
if errs != nil && len(errs.Errors) > 0 {
build using HCL2 (#8423) This follows #8232 which added the code to generate the code required to parse HCL files for each packer component. All old config files of packer will keep on working the same. Packer takes one argument. When a directory is passed, all files in the folder with a name ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” will be parsed using the HCL2 format. When a file ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” is passed it will be parsed using the HCL2 format. For every other case; the old packer style will be used. ## 1. the hcl2template pkg can create a packer.Build from a set of HCL (v2) files I had to make the packer.coreBuild (which is our one and only packer.Build ) a public struct with public fields ## 2. Components interfaces get a new ConfigSpec Method to read a file from an HCL file. This is a breaking change for packer plugins. a packer component can be a: builder/provisioner/post-processor each component interface now gets a `ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec` which allows packer to tell what is the layout of the hcl2 config meant to configure that specific component. This ObjectSpec is sent through the wire (RPC) and a cty.Value is now sent through the already existing configuration entrypoints: Provisioner.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error Builder.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) PostProcessor.Configure(raws ...interface{}) error close #1768 Example hcl files: ```hcl // file amazon-ebs-kms-key/run.pkr.hcl build { sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.first", ] provisioner "shell" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } post-processor "shell-local" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } } // amazon-ebs-kms-key/source.pkr.hcl source "amazon-ebs" "first" { ami_name = "hcl2-test" region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.micro" kms_key_id = "c729958f-c6ba-44cd-ab39-35ab68ce0a6c" encrypt_boot = true source_ami_filter { filters { virtualization-type = "hvm" name = "amzn-ami-hvm-????.??.?.????????-x86_64-gp2" root-device-type = "ebs" } most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"] } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvda" volume_size = 20 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = "true" } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvdf" volume_size = 500 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = true encrypted = true } ami_regions = ["eu-central-1"] run_tags { Name = "packer-solr-something" stack-name = "DevOps Tools" } communicator = "ssh" ssh_pty = true ssh_username = "ec2-user" associate_public_ip_address = true } ```
2019-12-17 11:25:56 +01:00
return nil, errs
build using HCL2 (#8423) This follows #8232 which added the code to generate the code required to parse HCL files for each packer component. All old config files of packer will keep on working the same. Packer takes one argument. When a directory is passed, all files in the folder with a name ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” will be parsed using the HCL2 format. When a file ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” is passed it will be parsed using the HCL2 format. For every other case; the old packer style will be used. ## 1. the hcl2template pkg can create a packer.Build from a set of HCL (v2) files I had to make the packer.coreBuild (which is our one and only packer.Build ) a public struct with public fields ## 2. Components interfaces get a new ConfigSpec Method to read a file from an HCL file. This is a breaking change for packer plugins. a packer component can be a: builder/provisioner/post-processor each component interface now gets a `ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec` which allows packer to tell what is the layout of the hcl2 config meant to configure that specific component. This ObjectSpec is sent through the wire (RPC) and a cty.Value is now sent through the already existing configuration entrypoints: Provisioner.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error Builder.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) PostProcessor.Configure(raws ...interface{}) error close #1768 Example hcl files: ```hcl // file amazon-ebs-kms-key/run.pkr.hcl build { sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.first", ] provisioner "shell" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } post-processor "shell-local" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } } // amazon-ebs-kms-key/source.pkr.hcl source "amazon-ebs" "first" { ami_name = "hcl2-test" region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.micro" kms_key_id = "c729958f-c6ba-44cd-ab39-35ab68ce0a6c" encrypt_boot = true source_ami_filter { filters { virtualization-type = "hvm" name = "amzn-ami-hvm-????.??.?.????????-x86_64-gp2" root-device-type = "ebs" } most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"] } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvda" volume_size = 20 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = "true" } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvdf" volume_size = 500 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = true encrypted = true } ami_regions = ["eu-central-1"] run_tags { Name = "packer-solr-something" stack-name = "DevOps Tools" } communicator = "ssh" ssh_pty = true ssh_username = "ec2-user" associate_public_ip_address = true } ```
2019-12-17 11:25:56 +01:00
return nil, nil
type CustomerEncryptionKey struct {
// KmsKeyName: The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google
// Cloud KMS.
KmsKeyName string `json:"kmsKeyName,omitempty"`
// RawKey: Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded
// in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
RawKey string `json:"rawKey,omitempty"`
func (k *CustomerEncryptionKey) ComputeType() *compute.CustomerEncryptionKey {
if k == nil {
return nil
return &compute.CustomerEncryptionKey{
KmsKeyName: k.KmsKeyName,
RawKey: k.RawKey,