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<!-- Code generated from the comments of the Config struct in builder/docker/config.go; DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY -->
- `author` (string) - Set the author (e-mail) of a commit.
- `changes` ([]string) - Dockerfile instructions to add to the commit. Example of instructions
are CMD, ENTRYPOINT, ENV, and EXPOSE. Example: [ "USER ubuntu", "WORKDIR
/app", "EXPOSE 8080" ]
- `container_dir` (string) - The directory inside container to mount temp directory from host server
for work file provisioner. This defaults to c:/packer-files on windows
and /packer-files on other systems.
- `exec_user` (string) - Username (UID) to run remote commands with. You can also set the group
name/ID if you want: (UID or UID:GID). You may need this if you get
permission errors trying to run the shell or other provisioners.
- `privileged` (bool) - If true, run the docker container with the `--privileged` flag. This
defaults to false if not set.
- `pull` (bool) - If true, the configured image will be pulled using `docker pull` prior
to use. Otherwise, it is assumed the image already exists and can be
used. This defaults to true if not set.
- `run_command` ([]string) - An array of arguments to pass to docker run in order to run the
container. By default this is set to ["-d", "-i", "-t",
"--entrypoint=/bin/sh", "--", "{{.Image}}"] if you are using a linux
container, and ["-d", "-i", "-t", "--entrypoint=powershell", "--",
"{{.Image}}"] if you are running a windows container. {{.Image}} is a
template variable that corresponds to the image template option. Passing
the entrypoint option this way will make it the default entrypoint of
the resulting image, so running docker run -it --rm will start the
docker image from the /bin/sh shell interpreter; you could run a script
or another shell by running docker run -it --rm -c /bin/bash. If your
docker image embeds a binary intended to be run often, you should
consider changing the default entrypoint to point to it.
- `volumes` (map[string]string) - A mapping of additional volumes to mount into this container. The key of
the object is the host path, the value is the container path.
- `fix_upload_owner` (bool) - If true, files uploaded to the container will be owned by the user the
container is running as. If false, the owner will depend on the version
of docker installed in the system. Defaults to true.
- `windows_container` (bool) - If "true", tells Packer that you are building a Windows container
running on a windows host. This is necessary for building Windows
containers, because our normal docker bindings do not work for them.
- `login` (bool) - This is used to login to dockerhub to pull a private base container. For
pushing to dockerhub, see the docker post-processors
- `login_password` (string) - The password to use to authenticate to login.
- `login_server` (string) - The server address to login to.
- `login_username` (string) - The username to use to authenticate to login.
- `ecr_login` (bool) - Defaults to false. If true, the builder will login in order to pull the
image from Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR). The builder only logs in
for the duration of the pull. If true login_server is required and
login, login_username, and login_password will be ignored. For more
information see the section on ECR.