2020-09-09 04:27:48 -04:00
package scw
import (
const (
documentationLink = "https://github.com/scaleway/scaleway-sdk-go/blob/master/scw/README.md"
defaultConfigPermission = 0600
// Reserved name for the default profile.
DefaultProfileName = "default"
const configFileTemplate = ` # Scaleway configuration file
# https : //github.com/scaleway/scaleway-sdk-go/tree/master/scw#scaleway-config
# This configuration file can be used with :
# - Scaleway SDK Go ( https : //github.com/scaleway/scaleway-sdk-go)
# - Scaleway CLI ( > 2.0 .0 ) ( https : //github.com/scaleway/scaleway-cli)
# - Scaleway Terraform Provider ( https : //www.terraform.io/docs/providers/scaleway/index.html)
# You need an access key and a secret key to connect to Scaleway API .
2020-10-07 10:04:00 -04:00
# Generate your token at the following address : https : //console.scaleway.com/project/credentials
2020-09-09 04:27:48 -04:00
# An access key is a secret key identifier .
{ { if . AccessKey } } access_key : { { . AccessKey } } { { else } } # access_key : SCW11111111111111111 { { end } }
# The secret key is the value that can be used to authenticate against the API ( the value used in X - Auth - Token HTTP - header ) .
# The secret key MUST remain secret and not given to anyone or published online .
{ { if . SecretKey } } secret_key : { { . SecretKey } } { { else } } # secret_key : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
# Your organization ID is the identifier of your account inside Scaleway infrastructure .
{ { if . DefaultOrganizationID } } default_organization_id : { { . DefaultOrganizationID } } { { else } } # default_organization_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
# Your project ID is the identifier of the project your resources are attached to ( beta ) .
{ { if . DefaultProjectID } } default_project_id : { { . DefaultProjectID } } { { else } } # default_project_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
# A region is represented as a geographical area such as France ( Paris ) or the Netherlands ( Amsterdam ) .
# It can contain multiple availability zones .
# Example of region : fr - par , nl - ams
{ { if . DefaultRegion } } default_region : { { . DefaultRegion } } { { else } } # default_region : fr - par { { end } }
# A region can be split into many availability zones ( AZ ) .
# Latency between multiple AZ of the same region are low as they have a common network layer .
# Example of zones : fr - par - 1 , nl - ams - 1
{ { if . DefaultZone } } default_zone : { { . DefaultZone } } { { else } } # default_zone : fr - par - 1 { { end } }
# APIURL overrides the API URL of the Scaleway API to the given URL .
# Change that if you want to direct requests to a different endpoint .
{ { if . APIURL } } apiurl : { { . APIURL } } { { else } } # api_url : https : //api.scaleway.com{{ end }}
# Insecure enables insecure transport on the client .
# Default to false
{ { if . Insecure } } insecure : { { . Insecure } } { { else } } # insecure : false { { end } }
# A configuration is a named set of Scaleway properties .
# Starting off with a Scaleway SDK or Scaleway CLI , you ’ ll work with a single configuration named default .
# You can set properties of the default profile by running either scw init or scw config set .
# This single default configuration is suitable for most use cases .
{ { if . ActiveProfile } } active_profile : { { . ActiveProfile } } { { else } } # active_profile : myProfile { { end } }
# To improve the Scaleway CLI we rely on diagnostic and usage data .
# Sending such data is optional and can be disable at any time by setting send_telemetry variable to false .
{ { if . SendTelemetry } } send_telemetry : { { . SendTelemetry } } { { else } } # send_telemetry : false { { end } }
# To work with multiple projects or authorization accounts , you can set up multiple configurations with scw config configurations create and switch among them accordingly .
# You can use a profile by either :
# - Define the profile you want to use as the SCW_PROFILE environment variable
# - Use the GetActiveProfile ( ) function in the SDK
# - Use the -- profile flag with the CLI
# You can define a profile using the following syntax :
{ { if gt ( len . Profiles ) 0 } }
profiles :
{ { - range $ k , $ v := . Profiles } }
{ { $ k } } :
{ { if $ v . AccessKey } } access_key : { { $ v . AccessKey } } { { else } } # access_key : SCW11111111111111111 { { end } }
{ { if $ v . SecretKey } } secret_key : { { $ v . SecretKey } } { { else } } # secret_key : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
{ { if $ v . DefaultOrganizationID } } default_organization_id : { { $ v . DefaultOrganizationID } } { { else } } # default_organization_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
{ { if $ v . DefaultProjectID } } default_project_id : { { $ v . DefaultProjectID } } { { else } } # default_project_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111 { { end } }
{ { if $ v . DefaultZone } } default_zone : { { $ v . DefaultZone } } { { else } } # default_zone : fr - par - 1 { { end } }
{ { if $ v . DefaultRegion } } default_region : { { $ v . DefaultRegion } } { { else } } # default_region : fr - par { { end } }
{ { if $ v . APIURL } } api_url : { { $ v . APIURL } } { { else } } # api_url : https : //api.scaleway.com{{ end }}
{ { if $ v . Insecure } } insecure : { { $ v . Insecure } } { { else } } # insecure : false { { end } }
{ { end } }
{ { - else } }
# profiles :
# myProfile :
# access_key : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111
# secret_key : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111
# default_organization_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111
# default_project_id : 11111111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 111111111111
# default_zone : fr - par - 1
# default_region : fr - par
# api_url : https : //api.scaleway.com
# insecure : false
{ { end - } }
type Config struct {
Profile ` yaml:",inline" `
ActiveProfile * string ` yaml:"active_profile,omitempty" json:"active_profile,omitempty" `
Profiles map [ string ] * Profile ` yaml:"profiles,omitempty" json:"profiles,omitempty" `
type Profile struct {
AccessKey * string ` yaml:"access_key,omitempty" json:"access_key,omitempty" `
SecretKey * string ` yaml:"secret_key,omitempty" json:"secret_key,omitempty" `
APIURL * string ` yaml:"api_url,omitempty" json:"api_url,omitempty" `
Insecure * bool ` yaml:"insecure,omitempty" json:"insecure,omitempty" `
DefaultOrganizationID * string ` yaml:"default_organization_id,omitempty" json:"default_organization_id,omitempty" `
DefaultProjectID * string ` yaml:"default_project_id,omitempty" json:"default_project_id,omitempty" `
DefaultRegion * string ` yaml:"default_region,omitempty" json:"default_region,omitempty" `
DefaultZone * string ` yaml:"default_zone,omitempty" json:"default_zone,omitempty" `
SendTelemetry * bool ` yaml:"send_telemetry,omitempty" json:"send_telemetry,omitempty" `
func ( p * Profile ) String ( ) string {
p2 := * p
p2 . SecretKey = hideSecretKey ( p2 . SecretKey )
configRaw , _ := yaml . Marshal ( p2 )
return string ( configRaw )
// clone deep copy config object
func ( c * Config ) clone ( ) * Config {
c2 := & Config { }
configRaw , _ := yaml . Marshal ( c )
_ = yaml . Unmarshal ( configRaw , c2 )
return c2
func ( c * Config ) String ( ) string {
c2 := c . clone ( )
c2 . SecretKey = hideSecretKey ( c2 . SecretKey )
for _ , p := range c2 . Profiles {
p . SecretKey = hideSecretKey ( p . SecretKey )
configRaw , _ := yaml . Marshal ( c2 )
return string ( configRaw )
func ( c * Config ) IsEmpty ( ) bool {
return c . String ( ) == "{}\n"
func hideSecretKey ( key * string ) * string {
if key == nil {
return nil
newKey := auth . HideSecretKey ( * key )
return & newKey
func unmarshalConfV2 ( content [ ] byte ) ( * Config , error ) {
var config Config
err := yaml . Unmarshal ( content , & config )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & config , nil
// MustLoadConfig is like LoadConfig but panic instead of returning an error.
func MustLoadConfig ( ) * Config {
c , err := LoadConfigFromPath ( GetConfigPath ( ) )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
return c
// LoadConfig read the config from the default path.
func LoadConfig ( ) ( * Config , error ) {
return LoadConfigFromPath ( GetConfigPath ( ) )
// LoadConfigFromPath read the config from the given path.
func LoadConfigFromPath ( path string ) ( * Config , error ) {
_ , err := os . Stat ( path )
if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return nil , configFileNotFound ( path )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
file , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( path )
if err != nil {
return nil , errors . Wrap ( err , "cannot read config file" )
_ , err = unmarshalConfV1 ( file )
if err == nil {
// reject V1 config
return nil , errors . New ( "found legacy config in %s: legacy config is not allowed, please switch to the new config file format: %s" , path , documentationLink )
confV2 , err := unmarshalConfV2 ( file )
if err != nil {
return nil , errors . Wrap ( err , "content of config file %s is invalid" , path )
return confV2 , nil
// GetProfile returns the profile corresponding to the given profile name.
func ( c * Config ) GetProfile ( profileName string ) ( * Profile , error ) {
if profileName == "" {
return nil , errors . New ( "profileName cannot be empty" )
if profileName == DefaultProfileName {
return & c . Profile , nil
p , exist := c . Profiles [ profileName ]
if ! exist {
return nil , errors . New ( "given profile %s does not exist" , profileName )
// Merge selected profile on top of default profile
return MergeProfiles ( & c . Profile , p ) , nil
// GetActiveProfile returns the active profile of the config based on the following order:
// env SCW_PROFILE > config active_profile > config root profile
func ( c * Config ) GetActiveProfile ( ) ( * Profile , error ) {
switch {
case os . Getenv ( ScwActiveProfileEnv ) != "" :
logger . Debugf ( "using active profile from env: %s=%s" , ScwActiveProfileEnv , os . Getenv ( ScwActiveProfileEnv ) )
return c . GetProfile ( os . Getenv ( ScwActiveProfileEnv ) )
case c . ActiveProfile != nil :
logger . Debugf ( "using active profile from config: active_profile=%s" , ScwActiveProfileEnv , * c . ActiveProfile )
return c . GetProfile ( * c . ActiveProfile )
default :
return & c . Profile , nil
// SaveTo will save the config to the default config path. This
// action will overwrite the previous file when it exists.
func ( c * Config ) Save ( ) error {
return c . SaveTo ( GetConfigPath ( ) )
// HumanConfig will generate a config file with documented arguments.
func ( c * Config ) HumanConfig ( ) ( string , error ) {
tmpl , err := template . New ( "configuration" ) . Parse ( configFileTemplate )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
var buf bytes . Buffer
err = tmpl . Execute ( & buf , c )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return buf . String ( ) , nil
// SaveTo will save the config to the given path. This action will
// overwrite the previous file when it exists.
func ( c * Config ) SaveTo ( path string ) error {
path = filepath . Clean ( path )
// STEP 1: Render the configuration file as a file
file , err := c . HumanConfig ( )
if err != nil {
return err
// STEP 2: create config path dir in cases it didn't exist before
err = os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( path ) , 0700 )
if err != nil {
return err
// STEP 3: write new config file
err = ioutil . WriteFile ( path , [ ] byte ( file ) , defaultConfigPermission )
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MergeProfiles merges profiles in a new one. The last profile has priority.
func MergeProfiles ( original * Profile , others ... * Profile ) * Profile {
np := & Profile {
AccessKey : original . AccessKey ,
SecretKey : original . SecretKey ,
APIURL : original . APIURL ,
Insecure : original . Insecure ,
DefaultOrganizationID : original . DefaultOrganizationID ,
DefaultProjectID : original . DefaultProjectID ,
DefaultRegion : original . DefaultRegion ,
DefaultZone : original . DefaultZone ,
for _ , other := range others {
if other . AccessKey != nil {
np . AccessKey = other . AccessKey
if other . SecretKey != nil {
np . SecretKey = other . SecretKey
if other . APIURL != nil {
np . APIURL = other . APIURL
if other . Insecure != nil {
np . Insecure = other . Insecure
if other . DefaultOrganizationID != nil {
np . DefaultOrganizationID = other . DefaultOrganizationID
if other . DefaultProjectID != nil {
np . DefaultProjectID = other . DefaultProjectID
if other . DefaultRegion != nil {
np . DefaultRegion = other . DefaultRegion
if other . DefaultZone != nil {
np . DefaultZone = other . DefaultZone
return np