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package openstack
import (
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
2016-11-28 13:59:26 +13:00
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
packerssh "github.com/mitchellh/packer/communicator/ssh"
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
// CommHost looks up the host for the communicator.
func CommHost(
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
client *gophercloud.ServiceClient,
sshinterface string,
sshipversion string) func(multistep.StateBag) (string, error) {
2013-08-31 12:37:07 -07:00
return func(state multistep.StateBag) (string, error) {
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
s := state.Get("server").(*servers.Server)
// If we have a specific interface, try that
if sshinterface != "" {
if addr := sshAddrFromPool(s, sshinterface, sshipversion); addr != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Using IP address %s from specified interface %s to connect", addr, sshinterface)
return addr, nil
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
// If we have a floating IP, use that
2016-11-28 13:59:26 +13:00
ip := state.Get("access_ip").(*floatingips.FloatingIP)
2015-06-12 10:02:04 -04:00
if ip != nil && ip.IP != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Using floating IP %s to connect", ip.IP)
return ip.IP, nil
2014-02-27 00:34:24 -08:00
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
if s.AccessIPv4 != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Using AccessIPv4 %s to connect", s.AccessIPv4)
return s.AccessIPv4, nil
2014-02-27 00:34:24 -08:00
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
// Try to get it from the requested interface
if addr := sshAddrFromPool(s, sshinterface, sshipversion); addr != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Using IP address %s to connect", addr)
return addr, nil
2014-02-27 00:34:24 -08:00
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
s, err := servers.Get(client, s.ID).Extract()
2014-02-27 00:34:24 -08:00
if err != nil {
return "", err
2015-06-12 00:16:43 -04:00
state.Put("server", s)
2014-02-27 00:34:24 -08:00
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return "", errors.New("couldn't determine IP address for server")
// SSHConfig returns a function that can be used for the SSH communicator
// config for connecting to the instance created over SSH using a private key
// or a password.
func SSHConfig(useAgent bool, username, password string) func(multistep.StateBag) (*ssh.ClientConfig, error) {
return func(state multistep.StateBag) (*ssh.ClientConfig, error) {
if useAgent {
authSock := os.Getenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
if authSock == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set")
sshAgent, err := net.Dial("unix", authSock)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to SSH Agent socket %q: %s", authSock, err)
return &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: username,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
}, nil
privateKey, hasKey := state.GetOk("privateKey")
if hasKey {
signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(privateKey.(string)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting up SSH config: %s", err)
return &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: username,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
}, nil
} else {
return &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: username,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
}}, nil
func sshAddrFromPool(s *servers.Server, desired string, sshIPVersion string) string {
// Get all the addresses associated with this server. This
// was taken directly from Terraform.
for pool, networkAddresses := range s.Addresses {
// If we have an SSH interface specified, skip it if no match
if desired != "" && pool != desired {
"[INFO] Skipping pool %s, doesn't match requested %s",
pool, desired)
elements, ok := networkAddresses.([]interface{})
if !ok {
"[ERROR] Unknown return type for address field: %#v",
for _, element := range elements {
var addr string
address := element.(map[string]interface{})
if address["OS-EXT-IPS:type"] == "floating" {
addr = address["addr"].(string)
} else if sshIPVersion == "4" {
if address["version"].(float64) == 4 {
addr = address["addr"].(string)
} else if sshIPVersion == "6" {
if address["version"].(float64) == 6 {
addr = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", address["addr"].(string))
} else {
if address["version"].(float64) == 6 {
addr = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", address["addr"].(string))
} else {
addr = address["addr"].(string)
if addr != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Detected address: %s", addr)
2015-06-15 09:34:35 -07:00
return addr
return ""