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2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
# triton-go
`triton-go` is an idiomatic library exposing a client SDK for Go applications
using Joyent's Triton Compute and Storage (Manta) APIs.
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
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2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
## Usage
Triton uses [HTTP Signature][4] to sign the Date header in each HTTP request
made to the Triton API. Currently, requests can be signed using either a private
key file loaded from disk (using an [`authentication.PrivateKeySigner`][5]), or
using a key stored with the local SSH Agent (using an [`SSHAgentSigner`][6].
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
To construct a Signer, use the `New*` range of methods in the `authentication`
package. In the case of `authentication.NewSSHAgentSigner`, the parameters are
the fingerprint of the key with which to sign, and the account name (normally
stored in the `TRITON_ACCOUNT` environment variable). There is also support for
passing in a username, this will allow you to use an account other than the main
Triton account. For example:
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
input := authentication.SSHAgentSignerInput{
KeyID: "a4:c6:f3:75:80:27:e0:03:a9:98:79:ef:c5:0a:06:11",
AccountName: "AccountName",
Username: "Username",
sshKeySigner, err := authentication.NewSSHAgentSigner(input)
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("NewSSHAgentSigner: %s", err)
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
An appropriate key fingerprint can be generated using `ssh-keygen`.
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
ssh-keygen -Emd5 -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed 's/MD5://'
Each top level package, `account`, `compute`, `identity`, `network`, all have
their own seperate client. In order to initialize a package client, simply pass
the global `triton.ClientConfig` struct into the client's constructor function.
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
config := &triton.ClientConfig{
TritonURL: os.Getenv("TRITON_URL"),
MantaURL: os.Getenv("MANTA_URL"),
AccountName: accountName,
Username: os.Getenv("TRITON_USER"),
Signers: []authentication.Signer{sshKeySigner},
c, err := compute.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("compute.NewClient: %s", err)
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
Constructing `compute.Client` returns an interface which exposes `compute` API
resources. The same goes for all other packages. Reference their unique
documentation for more information.
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
The same `triton.ClientConfig` will initialize the Manta `storage` client as
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
c, err := storage.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("storage.NewClient: %s", err)
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
## Error Handling
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
If an error is returned by the HTTP API, the `error` returned from the function
will contain an instance of `compute.TritonError` in the chain. Error wrapping
is performed using the [errwrap][7] library from HashiCorp.
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
## Acceptance Tests
Acceptance Tests run directly against the Triton API, so you will need either a
local installation of Triton or an account with Joyent's Public Cloud offering
in order to run them. The tests create real resources (and thus cost real
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
In order to run acceptance tests, the following environment variables must be
- `TRITON_TEST` - must be set to any value in order to indicate desire to create
- `TRITON_URL` - the base endpoint for the Triton API
- `TRITON_ACCOUNT` - the account name for the Triton API
- `TRITON_KEY_ID` - the fingerprint of the SSH key identifying the key
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
Additionally, you may set `TRITON_KEY_MATERIAL` to the contents of an unencrypted
private key. If this is set, the PrivateKeySigner (see above) will be used - if
not the SSHAgentSigner will be used. You can also set `TRITON_USER` to run the tests
against an account other than the main Triton account
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
### Example Run
The verbose output has been removed for brevity here.
$ HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:8888 \
TRITON_URL=https://us-sw-1.api.joyent.com \
TRITON_KEY_ID=a4:c6:f3:75:80:27:e0:03:a9:98:79:ef:c5:0a:06:11 \
go test -v -run "TestAccKey"
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
=== RUN TestAccKey_Create
--- PASS: TestAccKey_Create (12.46s)
=== RUN TestAccKey_Get
--- PASS: TestAccKey_Get (4.30s)
=== RUN TestAccKey_Delete
--- PASS: TestAccKey_Delete (15.08s)
ok github.com/joyent/triton-go 31.861s
## Example API
There's an `examples/` directory available with sample code setup for many of
the APIs within this library. Most of these can be run using `go run` and
referencing your SSH key file use by your active `triton` CLI profile.
$ eval "$(triton env us-sw-1)"
$ TRITON_KEY_FILE=~/.ssh/triton-id_rsa go run examples/compute/instances.go
The following is a complete example of how to initialize the `compute` package
client and list all instances under an account. More detailed usage of this
library follows.
package main
import (
triton "github.com/joyent/triton-go"
func main() {
keyID := os.Getenv("TRITON_KEY_ID")
accountName := os.Getenv("TRITON_ACCOUNT")
keyMaterial := os.Getenv("TRITON_KEY_MATERIAL")
userName := os.Getenv("TRITON_USER")
var signer authentication.Signer
var err error
if keyMaterial == "" {
input := authentication.SSHAgentSignerInput{
KeyID: keyID,
AccountName: accountName,
Username: userName,
signer, err = authentication.NewSSHAgentSigner(input)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error Creating SSH Agent Signer: {{err}}", err)
} else {
var keyBytes []byte
if _, err = os.Stat(keyMaterial); err == nil {
keyBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(keyMaterial)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading key material from %s: %s",
keyMaterial, err)
block, _ := pem.Decode(keyBytes)
if block == nil {
"Failed to read key material '%s': no key found", keyMaterial)
if block.Headers["Proc-Type"] == "4,ENCRYPTED" {
"Failed to read key '%s': password protected keys are\n"+
"not currently supported. Please decrypt the key prior to use.", keyMaterial)
} else {
keyBytes = []byte(keyMaterial)
input := authentication.PrivateKeySignerInput{
KeyID: keyID,
PrivateKeyMaterial: keyBytes,
AccountName: accountName,
Username: userName,
signer, err = authentication.NewPrivateKeySigner(input)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error Creating SSH Private Key Signer: {{err}}", err)
config := &triton.ClientConfig{
TritonURL: os.Getenv("TRITON_URL"),
AccountName: accountName,
Username: userName,
Signers: []authentication.Signer{signer},
c, err := compute.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("compute.NewClient: %s", err)
listInput := &compute.ListInstancesInput{}
instances, err := c.Instances().List(context.Background(), listInput)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("compute.Instances.List: %v", err)
numInstances := 0
for _, instance := range instances {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("-- Instance: %v", instance.Name))
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
[4]: https://github.com/joyent/node-http-signature/blob/master/http_signing.md
[5]: https://godoc.org/github.com/joyent/triton-go/authentication
[6]: https://godoc.org/github.com/joyent/triton-go/authentication
2017-04-26 12:12:57 -07:00
[7]: https://github.com/hashicorp/go-errwrap