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package common
import (
// A driver is able to talk to HyperV and perform certain
// operations with it. Some of the operations on here may seem overly
// specific, but they were built specifically in mind to handle features
// of the HyperV builder for Packer, and to abstract differences in
// versions out of the builder steps, so sometimes the methods are
// extremely specific.
type Driver interface {
// Checks if the VM named is running.
IsRunning(string) (bool, error)
// Checks if the VM named is off.
IsOff(string) (bool, error)
//How long has VM been on
Uptime(vmName string) (uint64, error)
// Start starts a VM specified by the name given.
Start(string) error
// Stop stops a VM specified by the name given.
Stop(string) error
// Verify checks to make sure that this driver should function
// properly. If there is any indication the driver can't function,
// this will return an error.
Verify() error
// Finds the MAC address of the NIC nic0
Mac(string) (string, error)
// Finds the IP address of a VM connected that uses DHCP by its MAC address
IpAddress(string) (string, error)
// Finds the hostname for the ip address
GetHostName(string) (string, error)
// Finds the IP address of a host adapter connected to switch
GetHostAdapterIpAddressForSwitch(string) (string, error)
// Type scan codes to virtual keyboard of vm
TypeScanCodes(string, string) error
//Get the ip address for network adaptor
GetVirtualMachineNetworkAdapterAddress(string) (string, error)
//Set the vlan to use for switch
SetNetworkAdapterVlanId(string, string) error
//Set the vlan to use for machine
SetVirtualMachineVlanId(string, string) error
SetVmNetworkAdapterMacAddress(string, string) error
//Replace the network adapter with a (non-)legacy adapter
ReplaceVirtualMachineNetworkAdapter(string, bool) error
UntagVirtualMachineNetworkAdapterVlan(string, string) error
CreateExternalVirtualSwitch(string, string) error
GetVirtualMachineSwitchName(string) (string, error)
ConnectVirtualMachineNetworkAdapterToSwitch(string, string) error
CreateVirtualSwitch(string, string) (bool, error)
DeleteVirtualSwitch(string) error
CheckVMName(string) error
CreateVirtualMachine(string, string, string, int64, int64, int64, string, uint, bool, bool, string) error
AddVirtualMachineHardDrive(string, string, string, int64, int64, string) error
CloneVirtualMachine(string, string, string, bool, string, string, string, int64, string, bool) error
DeleteVirtualMachine(string) error
GetVirtualMachineGeneration(string) (uint, error)
SetVirtualMachineCpuCount(string, uint) error
SetVirtualMachineMacSpoofing(string, bool) error
SetVirtualMachineDynamicMemory(string, bool) error
SetVirtualMachineSecureBoot(string, bool, string) error
SetVirtualMachineVirtualizationExtensions(string, bool) error
EnableVirtualMachineIntegrationService(string, string) error
ExportVirtualMachine(string, string) error
PreserveLegacyExportBehaviour(string, string) error
MoveCreatedVHDsToOutputDir(string, string) error
CompactDisks(string) (string, error)
RestartVirtualMachine(string) error
CreateDvdDrive(string, string, uint) (uint, uint, error)
MountDvdDrive(string, string, uint, uint) error
SetBootDvdDrive(string, uint, uint, uint) error
UnmountDvdDrive(string, uint, uint) error
DeleteDvdDrive(string, uint, uint) error
MountFloppyDrive(string, string) error
UnmountFloppyDrive(string) error
// Connect connects to a VM specified by the name given.
Connect(string) (context.CancelFunc, error)
// Disconnect disconnects to a VM specified by the context cancel function.