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<!-- Code generated from the comments of the SSH struct in helper/communicator/config.go; DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY -->
- `ssh_host` (string) - The address to SSH to. This usually is automatically configured by the
- `ssh_port` (int) - The port to connect to SSH. This defaults to `22`.
- `ssh_username` (string) - The username to connect to SSH with. Required if using SSH.
- `ssh_password` (string) - A plaintext password to use to authenticate with SSH.
- `ssh_keypair_name` (string) - If specified, this is the key that will be used for SSH with the
2020-03-13 11:04:10 +01:00
machine. The key must match a key pair name loaded up into the remote.
By default, this is blank, and Packer will generate a temporary keypair
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unless [`ssh_password`](#ssh_password) is used.
[`ssh_private_key_file`](#ssh_private_key_file) or
[`ssh_agent_auth`](#ssh_agent_auth) must be specified when
[`ssh_keypair_name`](#ssh_keypair_name) is utilized.
- `temporary_key_pair_name` (string) - The name of the temporary key pair to generate. By default, Packer
generates a name that looks like `packer_<UUID>`, where &lt;UUID&gt; is
a 36 character unique identifier.
- `ssh_clear_authorized_keys` (bool) - If true, Packer will attempt to remove its temporary key from
`~/.ssh/authorized_keys` and `/root/.ssh/authorized_keys`. This is a
mostly cosmetic option, since Packer will delete the temporary private
key from the host system regardless of whether this is set to true
(unless the user has set the `-debug` flag). Defaults to "false";
currently only works on guests with `sed` installed.
- `ssh_private_key_file` (string) - Path to a PEM encoded private key file to use to authenticate with SSH.
The `~` can be used in path and will be expanded to the home directory
of current user.
- `ssh_pty` (bool) - If `true`, a PTY will be requested for the SSH connection. This defaults
to `false`.
- `ssh_timeout` (duration string | ex: "1h5m2s") - The time to wait for SSH to become available. Packer uses this to
determine when the machine has booted so this is usually quite long.
Example value: `10m`.
- `ssh_agent_auth` (bool) - If true, the local SSH agent will be used to authenticate connections to
the source instance. No temporary keypair will be created, and the
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values of [`ssh_password`](#ssh_password) and
[`ssh_private_key_file`](#ssh_private_key_file) will be ignored. The
environment variable `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` must be set for this option to work
- `ssh_disable_agent_forwarding` (bool) - If true, SSH agent forwarding will be disabled. Defaults to `false`.
- `ssh_handshake_attempts` (int) - The number of handshakes to attempt with SSH once it can connect. This
defaults to `10`.
- `ssh_bastion_host` (string) - A bastion host to use for the actual SSH connection.
- `ssh_bastion_port` (int) - The port of the bastion host. Defaults to `22`.
- `ssh_bastion_agent_auth` (bool) - If `true`, the local SSH agent will be used to authenticate with the
bastion host. Defaults to `false`.
- `ssh_bastion_username` (string) - The username to connect to the bastion host.
- `ssh_bastion_password` (string) - The password to use to authenticate with the bastion host.
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- `ssh_bastion_interactive` (bool) - If `true`, the keyboard-interactive used to authenticate with bastion host.
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- `ssh_bastion_private_key_file` (string) - Path to a PEM encoded private key file to use to authenticate with the
bastion host. The `~` can be used in path and will be expanded to the
home directory of current user.
- `ssh_file_transfer_method` (string) - `scp` or `sftp` - How to transfer files, Secure copy (default) or SSH
File Transfer Protocol.
- `ssh_proxy_host` (string) - A SOCKS proxy host to use for SSH connection
- `ssh_proxy_port` (int) - A port of the SOCKS proxy. Defaults to `1080`.
- `ssh_proxy_username` (string) - The optional username to authenticate with the proxy server.
- `ssh_proxy_password` (string) - The optional password to use to authenticate with the proxy server.
- `ssh_keep_alive_interval` (duration string | ex: "1h5m2s") - How often to send "keep alive" messages to the server. Set to a negative
value (`-1s`) to disable. Example value: `10s`. Defaults to `5s`.
- `ssh_read_write_timeout` (duration string | ex: "1h5m2s") - The amount of time to wait for a remote command to end. This might be
useful if, for example, packer hangs on a connection after a reboot.
Example: `5m`. Disabled by default.
- `ssh_remote_tunnels` ([]string) -
build using HCL2 (#8423) This follows #8232 which added the code to generate the code required to parse HCL files for each packer component. All old config files of packer will keep on working the same. Packer takes one argument. When a directory is passed, all files in the folder with a name ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” will be parsed using the HCL2 format. When a file ending with “.pkr.hcl” or “.pkr.json” is passed it will be parsed using the HCL2 format. For every other case; the old packer style will be used. ## 1. the hcl2template pkg can create a packer.Build from a set of HCL (v2) files I had to make the packer.coreBuild (which is our one and only packer.Build ) a public struct with public fields ## 2. Components interfaces get a new ConfigSpec Method to read a file from an HCL file. This is a breaking change for packer plugins. a packer component can be a: builder/provisioner/post-processor each component interface now gets a `ConfigSpec() hcldec.ObjectSpec` which allows packer to tell what is the layout of the hcl2 config meant to configure that specific component. This ObjectSpec is sent through the wire (RPC) and a cty.Value is now sent through the already existing configuration entrypoints: Provisioner.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error Builder.Prepare(raws ...interface{}) ([]string, error) PostProcessor.Configure(raws ...interface{}) error close #1768 Example hcl files: ```hcl // file amazon-ebs-kms-key/run.pkr.hcl build { sources = [ "", ] provisioner "shell" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } post-processor "shell-local" { inline = [ "sleep 5" ] } } // amazon-ebs-kms-key/source.pkr.hcl source "amazon-ebs" "first" { ami_name = "hcl2-test" region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.micro" kms_key_id = "c729958f-c6ba-44cd-ab39-35ab68ce0a6c" encrypt_boot = true source_ami_filter { filters { virtualization-type = "hvm" name = "amzn-ami-hvm-????.??.?.????????-x86_64-gp2" root-device-type = "ebs" } most_recent = true owners = ["amazon"] } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvda" volume_size = 20 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = "true" } launch_block_device_mappings { device_name = "/dev/xvdf" volume_size = 500 volume_type = "gp2" delete_on_termination = true encrypted = true } ami_regions = ["eu-central-1"] run_tags { Name = "packer-solr-something" stack-name = "DevOps Tools" } communicator = "ssh" ssh_pty = true ssh_username = "ec2-user" associate_public_ip_address = true } ```
2019-12-17 11:25:56 +01:00
- `ssh_local_tunnels` ([]string) -
- `ssh_public_key` ([]byte) - SSH Internals
- `ssh_private_key` ([]byte) - SSH Private Key