azure: use auto-generated partials

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Delorme 2019-06-06 16:46:24 +02:00
parent 8df433be47
commit 13fedfaa09
1 changed files with 3 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -66,25 +66,7 @@ you should specify `subscription_id`, `client_id` and one of `client_secret`,
### Required:
- `image_publisher` (string) - PublisherName for your base image. See
for details.
CLI example `az vm image list-publishers --location westus`
- `image_offer` (string) - Offer for your base image. See
for details.
CLI example
`az vm image list-offers --location westus --publisher Canonical`
- `image_sku` (string) - SKU for your base image. See
for details.
CLI example
`az vm image list-skus --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer`
<%= partial "partials/builder/azure/arm/Config-required" %>
#### VHD or Managed Image
@ -178,184 +160,8 @@ Providing `temp_resource_group_name` or `location` in combination with
### Optional:
- `azure_tags` (object of name/value strings) - the user can define up to 15
tags. Tag names cannot exceed 512 characters, and tag values cannot exceed
256 characters. Tags are applied to every resource deployed by a Packer
build, i.e. Resource Group, VM, NIC, VNET, Public IP, KeyVault, etc.
- `cloud_environment_name` (string) - One of `Public`, `China`, `Germany`, or
`USGovernment`. Defaults to `Public`. Long forms such as
`USGovernmentCloud` and `AzureUSGovernmentCloud` are also supported.
- `custom_data_file` (string) - Specify a file containing custom data to inject
into the cloud-init process. The contents of the file are read and injected
into the ARM template. The custom data will be passed to cloud-init for
processing at the time of provisioning. See
to learn more about custom data, and how it can be used to influence the
provisioning process.
- `custom_managed_image_name` (string) - Specify the source managed image's
name to use. If this value is set, do not set image\_publisher,
image\_offer, image\_sku, or image\_version. If this value is set, the
value `custom_managed_image_resource_group_name` must also be set. See
to learn more about managed images.
- `custom_managed_image_resource_group_name` (string) - Specify the source
managed image's resource group used to use. If this value is set, do not
set image\_publisher, image\_offer, image\_sku, or image\_version. If this
value is set, the value `custom_managed_image_name` must also be set. See
to learn more about managed images.
- `image_version` (string) - Specify a specific version of an OS to boot from.
Defaults to `latest`. There may be a difference in versions available
across regions due to image synchronization latency. To ensure a consistent
version across regions set this value to one that is available in all
regions where you are deploying.
CLI example
`az vm image list --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --sku 16.04.0-LTS --all`
- `image_url` (string) - Specify a custom VHD to use. If this value is set, do
not set image\_publisher, image\_offer, image\_sku, or image\_version.
- `managed_image_storage_account_type` (string) - Specify the storage account
type for a managed image. Valid values are Standard\_LRS and Premium\_LRS.
The default is Standard\_LRS.
- `os_disk_size_gb` (number) - Specify the size of the OS disk in GB
(gigabytes). Values of zero or less than zero are ignored.
- `disk_caching_type` (string) - Specify the disk caching type. Valid values
are None, ReadOnly, and ReadWrite. The default value is ReadWrite.
- `disk_additional_size` (array of integers) - The size(s) of any additional
hard disks for the VM in gigabytes. If this is not specified then the VM
will only contain an OS disk. The number of additional disks and maximum
size of a disk depends on the configuration of your VM. See
for more information.
For VHD builds the final artifacts will be named
`PREFIX-dataDisk-<n>.UUID.vhd` and stored in the specified capture
container along side the OS disk. The additional disks are included in the
deployment template `PREFIX-vmTemplate.UUID`.
For Managed build the final artifacts are included in the managed image.
The additional disk will have the same storage account type as the OS disk,
as specified with the `managed_image_storage_account_type` setting.
- `os_type` (string) - If either `Linux` or `Windows` is specified Packer will
automatically configure authentication credentials for the provisioned
machine. For `Linux` this configures an SSH authorized key. For `Windows`
this configures a WinRM certificate.
- `plan_info` (object) - Used for creating images from Marketplace images.
Please refer to [Deploy an image with Marketplace
terms]( for more details. Not
all Marketplace images support programmatic deployment, and support is
controlled by the image publisher.
An example plan\_info object is defined below.
``` json
"plan_info": {
"plan_name": "rabbitmq",
"plan_product": "rabbitmq",
"plan_publisher": "bitnami"
`plan_name` (string) - The plan name, required. `plan_product` (string) -
The plan product, required. `plan_publisher` (string) - The plan publisher,
required. `plan_promotion_code` (string) - Some images accept a promotion
code, optional.
Images created from the Marketplace with `plan_info` **must** specify
`plan_info` whenever the image is deployed. The builder automatically adds
tags to the image to ensure this information is not lost. The following
tags are added.
1. PlanName
2. PlanProduct
3. PlanPublisher
4. PlanPromotionCode
- `shared_image_gallery` (object) - Use a [Shared Gallery
as the source for this build. *VHD targets are incompatible with this build
type* - the target must be a *Managed Image*.
"shared_image_gallery": {
"subscription": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000",
"resource_group": "ResourceGroup",
"gallery_name": "GalleryName",
"image_name": "ImageName",
"image_version": "1.0.0"
"managed_image_name": "TargetImageName",
"managed_image_resource_group_name": "TargetResourceGroup"
- `temp_compute_name` (string) - temporary name assigned to the VM. If this
value is not set, a random value will be assigned. Knowing the resource
group and VM name allows one to execute commands to update the VM during a
Packer build, e.g. attach a resource disk to the VM.
- `tenant_id` (string) - The account identifier with which your `client_id` and
`subscription_id` are associated. If not specified, `tenant_id` will be
looked up using `subscription_id`.
- `private_virtual_network_with_public_ip` (boolean) - This value allows you to
set a `virtual_network_name` and obtain a public IP. If this value is not
set and `virtual_network_name` is defined Packer is only allowed to be
executed from a host on the same subnet / virtual network.
- `virtual_network_name` (string) - Use a pre-existing virtual network for the
VM. This option enables private communication with the VM, no public IP
address is **used** or **provisioned** (unless you set
- `virtual_network_resource_group_name` (string) - If virtual\_network\_name is
set, this value **may** also be set. If virtual\_network\_name is set, and
this value is not set the builder attempts to determine the resource group
containing the virtual network. If the resource group cannot be found, or
it cannot be disambiguated, this value should be set.
- `virtual_network_subnet_name` (string) - If virtual\_network\_name is set,
this value **may** also be set. If virtual\_network\_name is set, and this
value is not set the builder attempts to determine the subnet to use with
the virtual network. If the subnet cannot be found, or it cannot be
disambiguated, this value should be set.
- `vm_size` (string) - Size of the VM used for building. This can be changed
when you deploy a VM from your VHD. See
information. Defaults to `Standard_A1`.
CLI example `az vm list-sizes --location westus`
- `async_resourcegroup_delete` (boolean) - If you want packer to delete the
temporary resource group asynchronously set this value. It's a boolean
value and defaults to false. **Important** Setting this true means that
your builds are faster, however any failed deletes are not reported.
- `managed_image_os_disk_snapshot_name` (string) - If
managed\_image\_os\_disk\_snapshot\_name is set, a snapshot of the OS disk
is created with the same name as this value before the VM is captured.
- `managed_image_data_disk_snapshot_prefix` (string) - If
managed\_image\_data\_disk\_snapshot\_prefix is set, snapshot of the data
disk(s) is created with the same prefix as this value before the VM is
- `managed_image_zone_resilient` (bool) - Store the image in zone-resilient storage. You need to create it
in a region that supports [availability zones](
<%= partial "partials/builder/azure/arm/Config-not-required" %>
<%= partial "partials/builder/azure/arm/ClientConfig-not-required" %>
## Basic Example