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gopkg.in/cheggaaa/pb.v1 v1.0.27/go.mod h1:V/YB90LKu/1FcN3WVnfiiE5oMCibMjukxqG/qStrOgw=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7 h1:xOHLXZwVvI9hhs+cLKq5+I5onOuwQLhQwiu63xxlHs4=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7/go.mod h1:Tz8NjZHkW78fSQdbUxIjBTcgA1z1m8ZHf0WmKUhAMys=
gopkg.in/gemnasium/logrus-airbrake-hook.v2 v2.1.2 h1:OAj3g0cR6Dx/R07QgQe8wkA9RNjB2u4i700xBkIT4e0=
gopkg.in/gemnasium/logrus-airbrake-hook.v2 v2.1.2/go.mod h1:Xk6kEKp8OKb+X14hQBKWaSkCsqBpgog8nAV2xsGOxlo=
gopkg.in/h2non/gock.v1 v1.0.12 h1:o3JJqe+h7R9Ay6LtMeFrKz1WnokrJDrNpDQs9KGqVn8=
gopkg.in/h2non/gock.v1 v1.0.12/go.mod h1:KHI4Z1sxDW6P4N3DfTWSEza07YpkQP7KJBfglRMEjKY=
gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 h1:73M5CoZyi3ZLMOyDlQh031Cx6N9NDJ2Vvfl76EDAgDc=
gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1/go.mod h1:cWUDdTG/fYaXco+Dcufb5Vnc6Gp2YChqWtbxRZE0mXw=
gopkg.in/jarcoal/httpmock.v1 v1.0.0-20181117152235-275e9df93516 h1:H6trpavCIuipdInWrab8l34Mf+GGVfphniHostMdMaQ=
gopkg.in/jarcoal/httpmock.v1 v1.0.0-20181117152235-275e9df93516/go.mod h1:d3R+NllX3X5e0zlG1Rful3uLvsGC/Q3OHut5464DEQw=
gopkg.in/ldap.v2 v2.5.1 h1:wiu0okdNfjlBzg6UWvd1Hn8Y+Ux17/u/4nlk4CQr6tU=
gopkg.in/ldap.v2 v2.5.1/go.mod h1:oI0cpe/D7HRtBQl8aTg+ZmzFUAvu4lsv3eLXMLGFxWk=
gopkg.in/mgo.v2 v2.0.0-20180705113604-9856a29383ce h1:xcEWjVhvbDy+nHP67nPDDpbYrY+ILlfndk4bRioVHaU=
gopkg.in/mgo.v2 v2.0.0-20180705113604-9856a29383ce/go.mod h1:yeKp02qBN3iKW1OzL3MGk2IdtZzaj7SFntXj72NppTA=
gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 h1:uRGJdciOHaEIrze2W8Q3AKkepLTh2hOroT7a+7czfdQ=
gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7/go.mod h1:dt/ZhP58zS4L8KSrWDmTeBkI65Dw0HsyUHuEVlX15mw=
gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2 v2.9.1 h1:kb0VV7NuIojvRfzwslQeP3yArBqJHW9tOl4t38VS1jM=
gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2 v2.9.1/go.mod h1:/3Dn1Npt9+MYyLpYYXjInO/5jvMLamn+AEGwNEOatn8=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1 h1:mUhvW9EsL+naU5Q3cakzfE91YhliOondGd6ZrsDBHQE=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gotest.tools v2.2.0+incompatible h1:VsBPFP1AI068pPrMxtb/S8Zkgf9xEmTLJjfM+P5UIEo=
gotest.tools v2.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:DsYFclhRJ6vuDpmuTbkuFWG+y2sxOXAzmJt81HFBacw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
grpc.go4.org v0.0.0-20170609214715-11d0a25b4919/go.mod h1:77eQGdRu53HpSqPFJFmuJdjuHRquDANNeA4x7B8WQ9o=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20180728063816-88497007e858/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# go-ansiterm
This is a cross platform Ansi Terminal Emulation library. It reads a stream of Ansi characters and produces the appropriate function calls. The results of the function calls are platform dependent.
For example the parser might receive "ESC, [, A" as a stream of three characters. This is the code for Cursor Up (http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/CUU). The parser then calls the cursor up function (CUU()) on an event handler. The event handler determines what platform specific work must be done to cause the cursor to move up one position.
The parser (parser.go) is a partial implementation of this state machine (http://vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.png). There are also two event handler implementations, one for tests (test_event_handler.go) to validate that the expected events are being produced and called, the other is a Windows implementation (winterm/win_event_handler.go).
See parser_test.go for examples exercising the state machine and generating appropriate function calls.
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
const LogEnv = "DEBUG_TERMINAL"
// ANSI constants
// References:
// -- http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-048.htm
// -- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html
// -- http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/console_codes.4.html
// -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
// -- http://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser
// -- http://vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.svg
// -- http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
// -- http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/ansicode.txt
const (
// ECMA-48 Set Graphics Rendition
// Note:
// -- Constants leading with an underscore (e.g., _ANSI_xxx) are unsupported or reserved
// -- Fonts could possibly be supported via SetCurrentConsoleFontEx
// -- Windows does not expose the per-window cursor (i.e., caret) blink times
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_00 = 10
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_01 = 11
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_02 = 12
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_03 = 13
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_04 = 14
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_05 = 15
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_06 = 16
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_07 = 17
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_08 = 18
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_09 = 19
_ANSI_SGR_FONT_10 = 20
// 50 - 65: Unsupported
ANSI_BEL = 0x07
ANSI_TAB = 0x09
DCS_ENTRY = 0x90
ANSI_CMD_G0 = '('
ANSI_CMD_G1 = ')'
ANSI_CMD_G2 = '*'
ANSI_CMD_G3 = '+'
KEY_ESC_CSI = "\x1B["
KEY_ESC_N = "\x1BN"
KEY_ESC_O = "\x1BO"
func getByteRange(start byte, end byte) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 0, 32)
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
bytes = append(bytes, byte(i))
return bytes
var toGroundBytes = getToGroundBytes()
var executors = getExecuteBytes()
// SPACE 20+A0 hex Always and everywhere a blank space
// Intermediate 20-2F hex !"#$%&'()*+,-./
var intermeds = getByteRange(0x20, 0x2F)
// Parameters 30-3F hex 0123456789:;<=>?
// CSI Parameters 30-39, 3B hex 0123456789;
var csiParams = getByteRange(0x30, 0x3F)
var csiCollectables = append(getByteRange(0x30, 0x39), getByteRange(0x3B, 0x3F)...)
var upperCase = getByteRange(0x40, 0x5F)
// Lowercase 60-7E hex `abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
var lowerCase = getByteRange(0x60, 0x7E)
// Alphabetics 40-7E hex (all of upper and lower case)
var alphabetics = append(upperCase, lowerCase...)
var printables = getByteRange(0x20, 0x7F)
var escapeIntermediateToGroundBytes = getByteRange(0x30, 0x7E)
var escapeToGroundBytes = getEscapeToGroundBytes()
// See http://www.vt100.net/emu/vt500_parser.png for description of the complex
// byte ranges below
func getEscapeToGroundBytes() []byte {
escapeToGroundBytes := getByteRange(0x30, 0x4F)
escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, getByteRange(0x51, 0x57)...)
escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x59)
escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x5A)
escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, 0x5C)
escapeToGroundBytes = append(escapeToGroundBytes, getByteRange(0x60, 0x7E)...)
return escapeToGroundBytes
func getExecuteBytes() []byte {
executeBytes := getByteRange(0x00, 0x17)
executeBytes = append(executeBytes, 0x19)
executeBytes = append(executeBytes, getByteRange(0x1C, 0x1F)...)
return executeBytes
func getToGroundBytes() []byte {
groundBytes := []byte{0x18}
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x1A)
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, getByteRange(0x80, 0x8F)...)
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, getByteRange(0x91, 0x97)...)
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x99)
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x9A)
groundBytes = append(groundBytes, 0x9C)
return groundBytes
// Delete 7F hex Always and everywhere ignored
// C1 Control 80-9F hex 32 additional control characters
// G1 Displayable A1-FE hex 94 additional displayable characters
// Special A0+FF hex Same as SPACE and DELETE
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type ansiContext struct {
currentChar byte
paramBuffer []byte
interBuffer []byte
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type csiEntryState struct {
func (csiState csiEntryState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
csiState.parser.logf("CsiEntry::Handle %#x", b)
nextState, err := csiState.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
case sliceContains(alphabetics, b):
return csiState.parser.ground, nil
case sliceContains(csiCollectables, b):
return csiState.parser.csiParam, nil
case sliceContains(executors, b):
return csiState, csiState.parser.execute()
return csiState, nil
func (csiState csiEntryState) Transition(s state) error {
csiState.parser.logf("CsiEntry::Transition %s --> %s", csiState.Name(), s.Name())
switch s {
case csiState.parser.ground:
return csiState.parser.csiDispatch()
case csiState.parser.csiParam:
switch {
case sliceContains(csiParams, csiState.parser.context.currentChar):
case sliceContains(intermeds, csiState.parser.context.currentChar):
return nil
func (csiState csiEntryState) Enter() error {
return nil
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type csiParamState struct {
func (csiState csiParamState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
csiState.parser.logf("CsiParam::Handle %#x", b)
nextState, err := csiState.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
case sliceContains(alphabetics, b):
return csiState.parser.ground, nil
case sliceContains(csiCollectables, b):
return csiState, nil
case sliceContains(executors, b):
return csiState, csiState.parser.execute()
return csiState, nil
func (csiState csiParamState) Transition(s state) error {
csiState.parser.logf("CsiParam::Transition %s --> %s", csiState.Name(), s.Name())
switch s {
case csiState.parser.ground:
return csiState.parser.csiDispatch()
return nil
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type escapeIntermediateState struct {
func (escState escapeIntermediateState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
escState.parser.logf("escapeIntermediateState::Handle %#x", b)
nextState, err := escState.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
case sliceContains(intermeds, b):
return escState, escState.parser.collectInter()
case sliceContains(executors, b):
return escState, escState.parser.execute()
case sliceContains(escapeIntermediateToGroundBytes, b):
return escState.parser.ground, nil
return escState, nil
func (escState escapeIntermediateState) Transition(s state) error {
escState.parser.logf("escapeIntermediateState::Transition %s --> %s", escState.Name(), s.Name())
switch s {
case escState.parser.ground:
return escState.parser.escDispatch()
return nil
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type escapeState struct {
func (escState escapeState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
escState.parser.logf("escapeState::Handle %#x", b)
nextState, err := escState.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
return escState.parser.csiEntry, nil
return escState.parser.oscString, nil
case sliceContains(executors, b):
return escState, escState.parser.execute()
case sliceContains(escapeToGroundBytes, b):
return escState.parser.ground, nil
case sliceContains(intermeds, b):
return escState.parser.escapeIntermediate, nil
return escState, nil
func (escState escapeState) Transition(s state) error {
escState.parser.logf("Escape::Transition %s --> %s", escState.Name(), s.Name())
switch s {
case escState.parser.ground:
return escState.parser.escDispatch()
case escState.parser.escapeIntermediate:
return escState.parser.collectInter()
return nil
func (escState escapeState) Enter() error {
return nil
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type AnsiEventHandler interface {
// Print
Print(b byte) error
// Execute C0 commands
Execute(b byte) error
// CUrsor Up
CUU(int) error
// CUrsor Down
CUD(int) error
// CUrsor Forward
CUF(int) error
// CUrsor Backward
CUB(int) error
// Cursor to Next Line
CNL(int) error
// Cursor to Previous Line
CPL(int) error
// Cursor Horizontal position Absolute
CHA(int) error
// Vertical line Position Absolute
VPA(int) error
// CUrsor Position
CUP(int, int) error
// Horizontal and Vertical Position (depends on PUM)
HVP(int, int) error
// Text Cursor Enable Mode
DECTCEM(bool) error
// Origin Mode
DECOM(bool) error
// 132 Column Mode
DECCOLM(bool) error
// Erase in Display
ED(int) error
// Erase in Line
EL(int) error
// Insert Line
IL(int) error
// Delete Line
DL(int) error
// Insert Character
ICH(int) error
// Delete Character
DCH(int) error
// Set Graphics Rendition
SGR([]int) error
// Pan Down
SU(int) error
// Pan Up
SD(int) error
// Device Attributes
DA([]string) error
// Set Top and Bottom Margins
DECSTBM(int, int) error
// Index
IND() error
// Reverse Index
RI() error
// Flush updates from previous commands
Flush() error
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type groundState struct {
func (gs groundState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
gs.parser.context.currentChar = b
nextState, err := gs.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
case sliceContains(printables, b):
return gs, gs.parser.print()
case sliceContains(executors, b):
return gs, gs.parser.execute()
return gs, nil
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type oscStringState struct {
func (oscState oscStringState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
oscState.parser.logf("OscString::Handle %#x", b)
nextState, err := oscState.baseState.Handle(b)
if nextState != nil || err != nil {
return nextState, err
switch {
case isOscStringTerminator(b):
return oscState.parser.ground, nil
return oscState, nil
// See below for OSC string terminators for linux
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html
func isOscStringTerminator(b byte) bool {
if b == ANSI_BEL || b == 0x5C {
return true
return false
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
import (
type AnsiParser struct {
currState state
eventHandler AnsiEventHandler
context *ansiContext
csiEntry state
csiParam state
dcsEntry state
escape state
escapeIntermediate state
error state
ground state
oscString state
stateMap []state
logf func(string, ...interface{})
type Option func(*AnsiParser)
func WithLogf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {
return func(ap *AnsiParser) {
ap.logf = f
func CreateParser(initialState string, evtHandler AnsiEventHandler, opts ...Option) *AnsiParser {
ap := &AnsiParser{
eventHandler: evtHandler,
context: &ansiContext{},
for _, o := range opts {
if isDebugEnv := os.Getenv(LogEnv); isDebugEnv == "1" {
logFile, _ := os.Create("ansiParser.log")
logger := log.New(logFile, "", log.LstdFlags)
if ap.logf != nil {
l := ap.logf
ap.logf = func(s string, v ...interface{}) {
l(s, v...)
logger.Printf(s, v...)
} else {
ap.logf = logger.Printf
if ap.logf == nil {
ap.logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
ap.csiEntry = csiEntryState{baseState{name: "CsiEntry", parser: ap}}
ap.csiParam = csiParamState{baseState{name: "CsiParam", parser: ap}}
ap.dcsEntry = dcsEntryState{baseState{name: "DcsEntry", parser: ap}}
ap.escape = escapeState{baseState{name: "Escape", parser: ap}}
ap.escapeIntermediate = escapeIntermediateState{baseState{name: "EscapeIntermediate", parser: ap}}
ap.error = errorState{baseState{name: "Error", parser: ap}}
ap.ground = groundState{baseState{name: "Ground", parser: ap}}
ap.oscString = oscStringState{baseState{name: "OscString", parser: ap}}
ap.stateMap = []state{
ap.currState = getState(initialState, ap.stateMap)
ap.logf("CreateParser: parser %p", ap)
return ap
func getState(name string, states []state) state {
for _, el := range states {
if el.Name() == name {
return el
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) Parse(bytes []byte) (int, error) {
for i, b := range bytes {
if err := ap.handle(b); err != nil {
return i, err
return len(bytes), ap.eventHandler.Flush()
func (ap *AnsiParser) handle(b byte) error {
ap.context.currentChar = b
newState, err := ap.currState.Handle(b)
if err != nil {
return err
if newState == nil {
ap.logf("WARNING: newState is nil")
return errors.New("New state of 'nil' is invalid.")
if newState != ap.currState {
if err := ap.changeState(newState); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) changeState(newState state) error {
ap.logf("ChangeState %s --> %s", ap.currState.Name(), newState.Name())
// Exit old state
if err := ap.currState.Exit(); err != nil {
ap.logf("Exit state '%s' failed with : '%v'", ap.currState.Name(), err)
return err
// Perform transition action
if err := ap.currState.Transition(newState); err != nil {
ap.logf("Transition from '%s' to '%s' failed with: '%v'", ap.currState.Name(), newState.Name, err)
return err
// Enter new state
if err := newState.Enter(); err != nil {
ap.logf("Enter state '%s' failed with: '%v'", newState.Name(), err)
return err
ap.currState = newState
return nil
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
import (
func parseParams(bytes []byte) ([]string, error) {
paramBuff := make([]byte, 0, 0)
params := []string{}
for _, v := range bytes {
if v == ';' {
if len(paramBuff) > 0 {
// Completed parameter, append it to the list
s := string(paramBuff)
params = append(params, s)
paramBuff = make([]byte, 0, 0)
} else {
paramBuff = append(paramBuff, v)
// Last parameter may not be terminated with ';'
if len(paramBuff) > 0 {
s := string(paramBuff)
params = append(params, s)
return params, nil
func parseCmd(context ansiContext) (string, error) {
return string(context.currentChar), nil
func getInt(params []string, dflt int) int {
i := getInts(params, 1, dflt)[0]
return i
func getInts(params []string, minCount int, dflt int) []int {
ints := []int{}
for _, v := range params {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(v)
// Zero is mapped to the default value in VT100.
if i == 0 {
i = dflt
ints = append(ints, i)
if len(ints) < minCount {
remaining := minCount - len(ints)
for i := 0; i < remaining; i++ {
ints = append(ints, dflt)
return ints
func (ap *AnsiParser) modeDispatch(param string, set bool) error {
switch param {
case "?3":
return ap.eventHandler.DECCOLM(set)
case "?6":
return ap.eventHandler.DECOM(set)
case "?25":
return ap.eventHandler.DECTCEM(set)
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) hDispatch(params []string) error {
if len(params) == 1 {
return ap.modeDispatch(params[0], true)
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) lDispatch(params []string) error {
if len(params) == 1 {
return ap.modeDispatch(params[0], false)
return nil
func getEraseParam(params []string) int {
param := getInt(params, 0)
if param < 0 || 3 < param {
param = 0
return param
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
func (ap *AnsiParser) collectParam() error {
currChar := ap.context.currentChar
ap.logf("collectParam %#x", currChar)
ap.context.paramBuffer = append(ap.context.paramBuffer, currChar)
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) collectInter() error {
currChar := ap.context.currentChar
ap.logf("collectInter %#x", currChar)
ap.context.paramBuffer = append(ap.context.interBuffer, currChar)
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) escDispatch() error {
cmd, _ := parseCmd(*ap.context)
intermeds := ap.context.interBuffer
ap.logf("escDispatch currentChar: %#x", ap.context.currentChar)
ap.logf("escDispatch: %v(%v)", cmd, intermeds)
switch cmd {
case "D": // IND
return ap.eventHandler.IND()
case "E": // NEL, equivalent to CRLF
err := ap.eventHandler.Execute(ANSI_CARRIAGE_RETURN)
if err == nil {
err = ap.eventHandler.Execute(ANSI_LINE_FEED)
return err
case "M": // RI
return ap.eventHandler.RI()
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) csiDispatch() error {
cmd, _ := parseCmd(*ap.context)
params, _ := parseParams(ap.context.paramBuffer)
ap.logf("Parsed params: %v with length: %d", params, len(params))
ap.logf("csiDispatch: %v(%v)", cmd, params)
switch cmd {
case "@":
return ap.eventHandler.ICH(getInt(params, 1))
case "A":
return ap.eventHandler.CUU(getInt(params, 1))
case "B":
return ap.eventHandler.CUD(getInt(params, 1))
case "C":
return ap.eventHandler.CUF(getInt(params, 1))
case "D":
return ap.eventHandler.CUB(getInt(params, 1))
case "E":
return ap.eventHandler.CNL(getInt(params, 1))
case "F":
return ap.eventHandler.CPL(getInt(params, 1))
case "G":
return ap.eventHandler.CHA(getInt(params, 1))
case "H":
ints := getInts(params, 2, 1)
x, y := ints[0], ints[1]
return ap.eventHandler.CUP(x, y)
case "J":
param := getEraseParam(params)
return ap.eventHandler.ED(param)
case "K":
param := getEraseParam(params)
return ap.eventHandler.EL(param)
case "L":
return ap.eventHandler.IL(getInt(params, 1))
case "M":
return ap.eventHandler.DL(getInt(params, 1))
case "P":
return ap.eventHandler.DCH(getInt(params, 1))
case "S":
return ap.eventHandler.SU(getInt(params, 1))
case "T":
return ap.eventHandler.SD(getInt(params, 1))
case "c":
return ap.eventHandler.DA(params)
case "d":
return ap.eventHandler.VPA(getInt(params, 1))
case "f":
ints := getInts(params, 2, 1)
x, y := ints[0], ints[1]
return ap.eventHandler.HVP(x, y)
case "h":
return ap.hDispatch(params)
case "l":
return ap.lDispatch(params)
case "m":
return ap.eventHandler.SGR(getInts(params, 1, 0))
case "r":
ints := getInts(params, 2, 1)
top, bottom := ints[0], ints[1]
return ap.eventHandler.DECSTBM(top, bottom)
ap.logf("ERROR: Unsupported CSI command: '%s', with full context: %v", cmd, ap.context)
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) print() error {
return ap.eventHandler.Print(ap.context.currentChar)
func (ap *AnsiParser) clear() error {
ap.context = &ansiContext{}
return nil
func (ap *AnsiParser) execute() error {
return ap.eventHandler.Execute(ap.context.currentChar)
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
type stateID int
type state interface {
Enter() error
Exit() error
Handle(byte) (state, error)
Name() string
Transition(state) error
type baseState struct {
name string
parser *AnsiParser
func (base baseState) Enter() error {
return nil
func (base baseState) Exit() error {
return nil
func (base baseState) Handle(b byte) (s state, e error) {
switch {
case b == CSI_ENTRY:
return base.parser.csiEntry, nil
case b == DCS_ENTRY:
return base.parser.dcsEntry, nil
return base.parser.escape, nil
case b == OSC_STRING:
return base.parser.oscString, nil
case sliceContains(toGroundBytes, b):
return base.parser.ground, nil
return nil, nil
func (base baseState) Name() string {
return base.name
func (base baseState) Transition(s state) error {
if s == base.parser.ground {
execBytes := []byte{0x18}
execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x1A)
execBytes = append(execBytes, getByteRange(0x80, 0x8F)...)
execBytes = append(execBytes, getByteRange(0x91, 0x97)...)
execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x99)
execBytes = append(execBytes, 0x9A)
if sliceContains(execBytes, base.parser.context.currentChar) {
return base.parser.execute()
return nil
type dcsEntryState struct {
type errorState struct {
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package ansiterm
import (
func sliceContains(bytes []byte, b byte) bool {
for _, v := range bytes {
if v == b {
return true
return false
func convertBytesToInteger(bytes []byte) int {
s := string(bytes)
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return i
@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
import (
// Windows keyboard constants
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx.
const (
VK_PRIOR = 0x21 // PAGE UP key
VK_NEXT = 0x22 // PAGE DOWN key
VK_END = 0x23 // END key
VK_HOME = 0x24 // HOME key
VK_LEFT = 0x25 // LEFT ARROW key
VK_UP = 0x26 // UP ARROW key
VK_RIGHT = 0x27 // RIGHT ARROW key
VK_DOWN = 0x28 // DOWN ARROW key
VK_SELECT = 0x29 // SELECT key
VK_PRINT = 0x2A // PRINT key
VK_INSERT = 0x2D // INS key
VK_DELETE = 0x2E // DEL key
VK_HELP = 0x2F // HELP key
VK_F1 = 0x70 // F1 key
VK_F2 = 0x71 // F2 key
VK_F3 = 0x72 // F3 key
VK_F4 = 0x73 // F4 key
VK_F5 = 0x74 // F5 key
VK_F6 = 0x75 // F6 key
VK_F7 = 0x76 // F7 key
VK_F8 = 0x77 // F8 key
VK_F9 = 0x78 // F9 key
VK_F10 = 0x79 // F10 key
VK_F11 = 0x7A // F11 key
VK_F12 = 0x7B // F12 key
NUMLOCK_ON = 0x0020
CAPSLOCK_ON = 0x0080
type ansiCommand struct {
CommandBytes []byte
Command string
Parameters []string
IsSpecial bool
func newAnsiCommand(command []byte) *ansiCommand {
if isCharacterSelectionCmdChar(command[1]) {
// Is Character Set Selection commands
return &ansiCommand{
CommandBytes: command,
Command: string(command),
IsSpecial: true,
// last char is command character
lastCharIndex := len(command) - 1
ac := &ansiCommand{
CommandBytes: command,
Command: string(command[lastCharIndex]),
IsSpecial: false,
// more than a single escape
if lastCharIndex != 0 {
start := 1
// skip if double char escape sequence
if command[0] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY && command[1] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY {
// convert this to GetNextParam method
ac.Parameters = strings.Split(string(command[start:lastCharIndex]), ansiterm.ANSI_PARAMETER_SEP)
return ac
func (ac *ansiCommand) paramAsSHORT(index int, defaultValue int16) int16 {
if index < 0 || index >= len(ac.Parameters) {
return defaultValue
param, err := strconv.ParseInt(ac.Parameters[index], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return defaultValue
return int16(param)
func (ac *ansiCommand) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("0x%v \"%v\" (\"%v\")",
strings.Join(ac.Parameters, "\",\""))
// isAnsiCommandChar returns true if the passed byte falls within the range of ANSI commands.
// See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/console_codes.4.html.
func isAnsiCommandChar(b byte) bool {
switch {
case ansiterm.ANSI_COMMAND_FIRST <= b && b <= ansiterm.ANSI_COMMAND_LAST && b != ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_SECONDARY:
return true
case b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G1 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_OSC || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_DECPAM || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_DECPNM:
// non-CSI escape sequence terminator
return true
case b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_STR_TERM || b == ansiterm.ANSI_BEL:
// String escape sequence terminator
return true
return false
func isXtermOscSequence(command []byte, current byte) bool {
return (len(command) >= 2 && command[0] == ansiterm.ANSI_ESCAPE_PRIMARY && command[1] == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_OSC && current != ansiterm.ANSI_BEL)
func isCharacterSelectionCmdChar(b byte) bool {
return (b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G0 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G1 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G2 || b == ansiterm.ANSI_CMD_G3)
// bytesToHex converts a slice of bytes to a human-readable string.
func bytesToHex(b []byte) string {
hex := make([]string, len(b))
for i, ch := range b {
hex[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%X", ch)
return strings.Join(hex, "")
// ensureInRange adjusts the passed value, if necessary, to ensure it is within
// the passed min / max range.
func ensureInRange(n int16, min int16, max int16) int16 {
if n < min {
return min
} else if n > max {
return max
} else {
return n
func GetStdFile(nFile int) (*os.File, uintptr) {
var file *os.File
switch nFile {
case syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE:
file = os.Stdin
case syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE:
file = os.Stdout
case syscall.STD_ERROR_HANDLE:
file = os.Stderr
panic(fmt.Errorf("Invalid standard handle identifier: %v", nFile))
fd, err := syscall.GetStdHandle(nFile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Invalid standard handle identifier: %v -- %v", nFile, err))
return file, uintptr(fd)
@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
import (
// The methods below make extensive use of the "unsafe" package to obtain the required pointers.
// Beginning in Go 1.3, the garbage collector may release local variables (e.g., incoming arguments, stack
// variables) the pointers reference *before* the API completes.
// As a result, in those cases, the code must hint that the variables remain in active by invoking the
// dummy method "use" (see below). Newer versions of Go are planned to change the mechanism to no longer
// require unsafe pointers.
// If you add or modify methods, ENSURE protection of local variables through the "use" builtin to inform
// the garbage collector the variables remain in use if:
// -- The value is not a pointer (e.g., int32, struct)
// -- The value is not referenced by the method after passing the pointer to Windows
// See http://golang.org/doc/go1.3.
var (
kernel32DLL = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
getConsoleCursorInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("GetConsoleCursorInfo")
setConsoleCursorInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorInfo")
setConsoleCursorPositionProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorPosition")
setConsoleModeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleMode")
getConsoleScreenBufferInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo")
setConsoleScreenBufferSizeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleScreenBufferSize")
scrollConsoleScreenBufferProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA")
setConsoleTextAttributeProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleTextAttribute")
setConsoleWindowInfoProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("SetConsoleWindowInfo")
writeConsoleOutputProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("WriteConsoleOutputW")
readConsoleInputProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("ReadConsoleInputW")
waitForSingleObjectProc = kernel32DLL.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject")
// Windows Console constants
const (
// Console modes
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx.
// Character attributes
// Note:
// -- The attributes are combined to produce various colors (e.g., Blue + Green will create Cyan).
// Clearing all foreground or background colors results in black; setting all creates white.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682088(v=vs.85).aspx#_win32_character_attributes.
FOREGROUND_BLUE uint16 = 0x0001
FOREGROUND_GREEN uint16 = 0x0002
FOREGROUND_RED uint16 = 0x0004
FOREGROUND_MASK uint16 = 0x000F
BACKGROUND_BLUE uint16 = 0x0010
BACKGROUND_GREEN uint16 = 0x0020
BACKGROUND_RED uint16 = 0x0040
BACKGROUND_MASK uint16 = 0x00F0
COMMON_LVB_MASK uint16 = 0xFF00
// Input event types
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683499(v=vs.85).aspx.
KEY_EVENT = 0x0001
MOUSE_EVENT = 0x0002
MENU_EVENT = 0x0008
FOCUS_EVENT = 0x0010
// WaitForSingleObject return codes
WAIT_ABANDONED = 0x00000080
WAIT_SIGNALED = 0x0000000
WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x00000102
// WaitForSingleObject wait duration
// Windows API Console types
// -- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682101(v=vs.85).aspx for Console specific types (e.g., COORD)
// -- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa296569(v=vs.60).aspx for comments on alignment
type (
CHAR_INFO struct {
UnicodeChar uint16
Attributes uint16
Size uint32
Visible int32
CursorPosition COORD
Attributes uint16
MaximumWindowSize COORD
COORD struct {
X int16
Y int16
SMALL_RECT struct {
Left int16
Top int16
Right int16
Bottom int16
// INPUT_RECORD is a C/C++ union of which KEY_EVENT_RECORD is one case, it is also the largest
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683499(v=vs.85).aspx.
EventType uint16
KeyDown int32
RepeatCount uint16
VirtualKeyCode uint16
VirtualScanCode uint16
UnicodeChar uint16
ControlKeyState uint32
// boolToBOOL converts a Go bool into a Windows int32.
func boolToBOOL(f bool) int32 {
if f {
return int32(1)
} else {
return int32(0)
// GetConsoleCursorInfo retrieves information about the size and visiblity of the console cursor.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683163(v=vs.85).aspx.
func GetConsoleCursorInfo(handle uintptr, cursorInfo *CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO) error {
r1, r2, err := getConsoleCursorInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cursorInfo)), 0)
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// SetConsoleCursorInfo sets the size and visiblity of the console cursor.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686019(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle uintptr, cursorInfo *CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleCursorInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cursorInfo)), 0)
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// SetConsoleCursorPosition location of the console cursor.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686025(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle uintptr, coord COORD) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleCursorPositionProc.Call(handle, coordToPointer(coord))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// GetConsoleMode gets the console mode for given file descriptor
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683167(v=vs.85).aspx.
func GetConsoleMode(handle uintptr) (mode uint32, err error) {
err = syscall.GetConsoleMode(syscall.Handle(handle), &mode)
return mode, err
// SetConsoleMode sets the console mode for given file descriptor
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleMode(handle uintptr, mode uint32) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleModeProc.Call(handle, uintptr(mode), 0)
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer.
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683171(v=vs.85).aspx.
func GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle uintptr) (*CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, error) {
err := checkError(getConsoleScreenBufferInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&info)), 0))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &info, nil
func ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(handle uintptr, scrollRect SMALL_RECT, clipRect SMALL_RECT, destOrigin COORD, char CHAR_INFO) error {
r1, r2, err := scrollConsoleScreenBufferProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&scrollRect)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&clipRect)), coordToPointer(destOrigin), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&char)))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// SetConsoleScreenBufferSize sets the size of the console screen buffer.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686044(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(handle uintptr, coord COORD) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleScreenBufferSizeProc.Call(handle, coordToPointer(coord))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// SetConsoleTextAttribute sets the attributes of characters written to the
// console screen buffer by the WriteFile or WriteConsole function.
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686047(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle uintptr, attribute uint16) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleTextAttributeProc.Call(handle, uintptr(attribute), 0)
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// SetConsoleWindowInfo sets the size and position of the console screen buffer's window.
// Note that the size and location must be within and no larger than the backing console screen buffer.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686125(v=vs.85).aspx.
func SetConsoleWindowInfo(handle uintptr, isAbsolute bool, rect SMALL_RECT) error {
r1, r2, err := setConsoleWindowInfoProc.Call(handle, uintptr(boolToBOOL(isAbsolute)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rect)))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// WriteConsoleOutput writes the CHAR_INFOs from the provided buffer to the active console buffer.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687404(v=vs.85).aspx.
func WriteConsoleOutput(handle uintptr, buffer []CHAR_INFO, bufferSize COORD, bufferCoord COORD, writeRegion *SMALL_RECT) error {
r1, r2, err := writeConsoleOutputProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), coordToPointer(bufferSize), coordToPointer(bufferCoord), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(writeRegion)))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// ReadConsoleInput reads (and removes) data from the console input buffer.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684961(v=vs.85).aspx.
func ReadConsoleInput(handle uintptr, buffer []INPUT_RECORD, count *uint32) error {
r1, r2, err := readConsoleInputProc.Call(handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), uintptr(len(buffer)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(count)))
return checkError(r1, r2, err)
// WaitForSingleObject waits for the passed handle to be signaled.
// It returns true if the handle was signaled; false otherwise.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687032(v=vs.85).aspx.
func WaitForSingleObject(handle uintptr, msWait uint32) (bool, error) {
r1, _, err := waitForSingleObjectProc.Call(handle, uintptr(uint32(msWait)))
switch r1 {
return false, nil
return true, nil
return false, err
// String helpers
func (info CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Size(%v) Cursor(%v) Window(%v) Max(%v)", info.Size, info.CursorPosition, info.Window, info.MaximumWindowSize)
func (coord COORD) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", coord.X, coord.Y)
func (rect SMALL_RECT) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v,%v),(%v,%v)", rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom)
// checkError evaluates the results of a Windows API call and returns the error if it failed.
func checkError(r1, r2 uintptr, err error) error {
// Windows APIs return non-zero to indicate success
if r1 != 0 {
return nil
// Return the error if provided, otherwise default to EINVAL
if err != nil {
return err
return syscall.EINVAL
// coordToPointer converts a COORD into a uintptr (by fooling the type system).
func coordToPointer(c COORD) uintptr {
// Note: This code assumes the two SHORTs are correctly laid out; the "cast" to uint32 is just to get a pointer to pass.
return uintptr(*((*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&c))))
// use is a no-op, but the compiler cannot see that it is.
// Calling use(p) ensures that p is kept live until that point.
func use(p interface{}) {}
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
import "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm"
const (
// collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes modifies the passed Windows text mode flags to reflect the
// request represented by the passed ANSI mode.
func collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes(windowsMode uint16, inverted bool, baseMode uint16, ansiMode int16) (uint16, bool) {
switch ansiMode {
// Mode styles
case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BOLD:
windowsMode = windowsMode | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY
case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_DIM, ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_BOLD_DIM_OFF:
case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_UNDERLINE:
windowsMode = windowsMode | COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE
case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_REVERSE:
inverted = true
case ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_REVERSE_OFF:
inverted = false
// Foreground colors
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_MASK) | (baseMode & FOREGROUND_MASK)
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK)
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_RED
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ FOREGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | FOREGROUND_BLUE
// Background colors
// Black with no intensity
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_MASK) | (baseMode & BACKGROUND_MASK)
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK)
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_RED
windowsMode = (windowsMode &^ BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) | BACKGROUND_BLUE
return windowsMode, inverted
// invertAttributes inverts the foreground and background colors of a Windows attributes value
func invertAttributes(windowsMode uint16) uint16 {
return (COMMON_LVB_MASK & windowsMode) | ((FOREGROUND_MASK & windowsMode) << 4) | ((BACKGROUND_MASK & windowsMode) >> 4)
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
const (
horizontal = iota
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) getCursorWindow(info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) SMALL_RECT {
if h.originMode {
sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window)
return SMALL_RECT{
Top: sr.top,
Bottom: sr.bottom,
Left: 0,
Right: info.Size.X - 1,
} else {
return SMALL_RECT{
Top: info.Window.Top,
Bottom: info.Window.Bottom,
Left: 0,
Right: info.Size.X - 1,
// setCursorPosition sets the cursor to the specified position, bounded to the screen size
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) setCursorPosition(position COORD, window SMALL_RECT) error {
position.X = ensureInRange(position.X, window.Left, window.Right)
position.Y = ensureInRange(position.Y, window.Top, window.Bottom)
err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, position)
if err != nil {
return err
h.logf("Cursor position set: (%d, %d)", position.X, position.Y)
return err
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorVertical(param int) error {
return h.moveCursor(vertical, param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorHorizontal(param int) error {
return h.moveCursor(horizontal, param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursor(moveMode int, param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
position := info.CursorPosition
switch moveMode {
case horizontal:
position.X += int16(param)
case vertical:
position.Y += int16(param)
if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorLine(param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
position := info.CursorPosition
position.X = 0
position.Y += int16(param)
if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) moveCursorColumn(param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
position := info.CursorPosition
position.X = int16(param) - 1
if err = h.setCursorPosition(position, h.getCursorWindow(info)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
import "github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm"
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearRange(attributes uint16, fromCoord COORD, toCoord COORD) error {
// Ignore an invalid (negative area) request
if toCoord.Y < fromCoord.Y {
return nil
var err error
var coordStart = COORD{}
var coordEnd = COORD{}
xCurrent, yCurrent := fromCoord.X, fromCoord.Y
xEnd, yEnd := toCoord.X, toCoord.Y
// Clear any partial initial line
if xCurrent > 0 {
coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent
coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yCurrent
err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd)
if err != nil {
return err
xCurrent = 0
yCurrent += 1
// Clear intervening rectangular section
if yCurrent < yEnd {
coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent
coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yEnd-1
err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd)
if err != nil {
return err
xCurrent = 0
yCurrent = yEnd
// Clear remaining partial ending line
coordStart.X, coordStart.Y = xCurrent, yCurrent
coordEnd.X, coordEnd.Y = xEnd, yEnd
err = h.clearRect(attributes, coordStart, coordEnd)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearRect(attributes uint16, fromCoord COORD, toCoord COORD) error {
region := SMALL_RECT{Top: fromCoord.Y, Left: fromCoord.X, Bottom: toCoord.Y, Right: toCoord.X}
width := toCoord.X - fromCoord.X + 1
height := toCoord.Y - fromCoord.Y + 1
size := uint32(width) * uint32(height)
if size <= 0 {
return nil
buffer := make([]CHAR_INFO, size)
char := CHAR_INFO{ansiterm.FILL_CHARACTER, attributes}
for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
buffer[i] = char
err := WriteConsoleOutput(h.fd, buffer, COORD{X: width, Y: height}, COORD{X: 0, Y: 0}, ®ion)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
// effectiveSr gets the current effective scroll region in buffer coordinates
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) effectiveSr(window SMALL_RECT) scrollRegion {
top := addInRange(window.Top, h.sr.top, window.Top, window.Bottom)
bottom := addInRange(window.Top, h.sr.bottom, window.Top, window.Bottom)
if top >= bottom {
top = window.Top
bottom = window.Bottom
return scrollRegion{top: top, bottom: bottom}
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollUp(param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window)
return h.scroll(param, sr, info)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollDown(param int) error {
return h.scrollUp(-param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) deleteLines(param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
start := info.CursorPosition.Y
sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window)
// Lines cannot be inserted or deleted outside the scrolling region.
if start >= sr.top && start <= sr.bottom {
sr.top = start
return h.scroll(param, sr, info)
} else {
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) insertLines(param int) error {
return h.deleteLines(-param)
// scroll scrolls the provided scroll region by param lines. The scroll region is in buffer coordinates.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scroll(param int, sr scrollRegion, info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) error {
h.logf("scroll: scrollTop: %d, scrollBottom: %d", sr.top, sr.bottom)
h.logf("scroll: windowTop: %d, windowBottom: %d", info.Window.Top, info.Window.Bottom)
// Copy from and clip to the scroll region (full buffer width)
scrollRect := SMALL_RECT{
Top: sr.top,
Bottom: sr.bottom,
Left: 0,
Right: info.Size.X - 1,
// Origin to which area should be copied
destOrigin := COORD{
X: 0,
Y: sr.top - int16(param),
char := CHAR_INFO{
UnicodeChar: ' ',
Attributes: h.attributes,
if err := ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(h.fd, scrollRect, scrollRect, destOrigin, char); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) deleteCharacters(param int) error {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
return h.scrollLine(param, info.CursorPosition, info)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) insertCharacters(param int) error {
return h.deleteCharacters(-param)
// scrollLine scrolls a line horizontally starting at the provided position by a number of columns.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) scrollLine(columns int, position COORD, info *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) error {
// Copy from and clip to the scroll region (full buffer width)
scrollRect := SMALL_RECT{
Top: position.Y,
Bottom: position.Y,
Left: position.X,
Right: info.Size.X - 1,
// Origin to which area should be copied
destOrigin := COORD{
X: position.X - int16(columns),
Y: position.Y,
char := CHAR_INFO{
UnicodeChar: ' ',
Attributes: h.attributes,
if err := ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(h.fd, scrollRect, scrollRect, destOrigin, char); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
// AddInRange increments a value by the passed quantity while ensuring the values
// always remain within the supplied min / max range.
func addInRange(n int16, increment int16, min int16, max int16) int16 {
return ensureInRange(n+increment, min, max)
@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package winterm
import (
type windowsAnsiEventHandler struct {
fd uintptr
file *os.File
sr scrollRegion
buffer bytes.Buffer
attributes uint16
inverted bool
wrapNext bool
drewMarginByte bool
originMode bool
marginByte byte
curPos COORD
logf func(string, ...interface{})
type Option func(*windowsAnsiEventHandler)
func WithLogf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {
return func(w *windowsAnsiEventHandler) {
w.logf = f
func CreateWinEventHandler(fd uintptr, file *os.File, opts ...Option) ansiterm.AnsiEventHandler {
infoReset, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil
h := &windowsAnsiEventHandler{
fd: fd,
file: file,
infoReset: infoReset,
attributes: infoReset.Attributes,
for _, o := range opts {
if isDebugEnv := os.Getenv(ansiterm.LogEnv); isDebugEnv == "1" {
logFile, _ := os.Create("winEventHandler.log")
logger := log.New(logFile, "", log.LstdFlags)
if h.logf != nil {
l := h.logf
h.logf = func(s string, v ...interface{}) {
l(s, v...)
logger.Printf(s, v...)
} else {
h.logf = logger.Printf
if h.logf == nil {
h.logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
return h
type scrollRegion struct {
top int16
bottom int16
// simulateLF simulates a LF or CR+LF by scrolling if necessary to handle the
// current cursor position and scroll region settings, in which case it returns
// true. If no special handling is necessary, then it does nothing and returns
// false.
// In the false case, the caller should ensure that a carriage return
// and line feed are inserted or that the text is otherwise wrapped.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) simulateLF(includeCR bool) (bool, error) {
if h.wrapNext {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return false, err
pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return false, err
sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window)
if pos.Y == sr.bottom {
// Scrolling is necessary. Let Windows automatically scroll if the scrolling region
// is the full window.
if sr.top == info.Window.Top && sr.bottom == info.Window.Bottom {
if includeCR {
pos.X = 0
return false, nil
// A custom scroll region is active. Scroll the window manually to simulate
// the LF.
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return false, err
h.logf("Simulating LF inside scroll region")
if err := h.scrollUp(1); err != nil {
return false, err
if includeCR {
pos.X = 0
if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
} else if pos.Y < info.Window.Bottom {
// Let Windows handle the LF.
if includeCR {
pos.X = 0
return false, nil
} else {
// The cursor is at the bottom of the screen but outside the scroll
// region. Skip the LF.
h.logf("Simulating LF outside scroll region")
if includeCR {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return false, err
pos.X = 0
if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
// executeLF executes a LF without a CR.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) executeLF() error {
handled, err := h.simulateLF(false)
if err != nil {
return err
if !handled {
// Windows LF will reset the cursor column position. Write the LF
// and restore the cursor position.
pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
if pos.X != 0 {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("Resetting cursor position for LF without CR")
if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Print(b byte) error {
if h.wrapNext {
if _, err := h.simulateLF(true); err != nil {
return err
pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
if pos.X == info.Size.X-1 {
h.wrapNext = true
h.marginByte = b
} else {
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Execute(b byte) error {
switch b {
case ansiterm.ANSI_TAB:
// Move to the next tab stop, but preserve auto-wrap if already set.
if !h.wrapNext {
pos, info, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
pos.X = (pos.X + 8) - pos.X%8
if pos.X >= info.Size.X {
pos.X = info.Size.X - 1
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case ansiterm.ANSI_BEL:
return nil
case ansiterm.ANSI_BACKSPACE:
if h.wrapNext {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
if pos.X > 0 {
return nil
case ansiterm.ANSI_VERTICAL_TAB, ansiterm.ANSI_FORM_FEED:
// Treat as true LF.
return h.executeLF()
case ansiterm.ANSI_LINE_FEED:
// Simulate a CR and LF for now since there is no way in go-ansiterm
// to tell if the LF should include CR (and more things break when it's
// missing than when it's incorrectly added).
handled, err := h.simulateLF(true)
if handled || err != nil {
return err
return h.buffer.WriteByte(ansiterm.ANSI_LINE_FEED)
if h.wrapNext {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
pos, _, err := h.getCurrentInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
if pos.X != 0 {
pos.X = 0
return nil
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUU(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CUU: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorVertical(-param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUD(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CUD: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorVertical(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUF(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CUF: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorHorizontal(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUB(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CUB: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorHorizontal(-param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CNL(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CNL: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorLine(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CPL(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CPL: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorLine(-param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CHA(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CHA: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.moveCursorColumn(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) VPA(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("VPA: [[%d]]", param)
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
window := h.getCursorWindow(info)
position := info.CursorPosition
position.Y = window.Top + int16(param) - 1
return h.setCursorPosition(position, window)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) CUP(row int, col int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("CUP: [[%d %d]]", row, col)
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
window := h.getCursorWindow(info)
position := COORD{window.Left + int16(col) - 1, window.Top + int16(row) - 1}
return h.setCursorPosition(position, window)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) HVP(row int, col int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("HVP: [[%d %d]]", row, col)
return h.CUP(row, col)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECTCEM(visible bool) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DECTCEM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(visible)})
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECOM(enable bool) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DECOM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(enable)})
h.originMode = enable
return h.CUP(1, 1)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECCOLM(use132 bool) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DECCOLM: [%v]", []string{strconv.FormatBool(use132)})
if err := h.ED(2); err != nil {
return err
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
targetWidth := int16(80)
if use132 {
targetWidth = 132
if info.Size.X < targetWidth {
if err := SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(h.fd, COORD{targetWidth, info.Size.Y}); err != nil {
h.logf("set buffer failed: %v", err)
return err
window := info.Window
window.Left = 0
window.Right = targetWidth - 1
if err := SetConsoleWindowInfo(h.fd, true, window); err != nil {
h.logf("set window failed: %v", err)
return err
if info.Size.X > targetWidth {
if err := SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(h.fd, COORD{targetWidth, info.Size.Y}); err != nil {
h.logf("set buffer failed: %v", err)
return err
return SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, COORD{0, 0})
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) ED(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("ED: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
// [J -- Erases from the cursor to the end of the screen, including the cursor position.
// [1J -- Erases from the beginning of the screen to the cursor, including the cursor position.
// [2J -- Erases the complete display. The cursor does not move.
// Notes:
// -- Clearing the entire buffer, versus just the Window, works best for Windows Consoles
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
var start COORD
var end COORD
switch param {
case 0:
start = info.CursorPosition
end = COORD{info.Size.X - 1, info.Size.Y - 1}
case 1:
start = COORD{0, 0}
end = info.CursorPosition
case 2:
start = COORD{0, 0}
end = COORD{info.Size.X - 1, info.Size.Y - 1}
err = h.clearRange(h.attributes, start, end)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the whole buffer was cleared, move the window to the top while preserving
// the window-relative cursor position.
if param == 2 {
pos := info.CursorPosition
window := info.Window
pos.Y -= window.Top
window.Bottom -= window.Top
window.Top = 0
if err := SetConsoleCursorPosition(h.fd, pos); err != nil {
return err
if err := SetConsoleWindowInfo(h.fd, true, window); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) EL(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("EL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param))
// [K -- Erases from the cursor to the end of the line, including the cursor position.
// [1K -- Erases from the beginning of the line to the cursor, including the cursor position.
// [2K -- Erases the complete line.
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
var start COORD
var end COORD
switch param {
case 0:
start = info.CursorPosition
end = COORD{info.Size.X, info.CursorPosition.Y}
case 1:
start = COORD{0, info.CursorPosition.Y}
end = info.CursorPosition
case 2:
start = COORD{0, info.CursorPosition.Y}
end = COORD{info.Size.X, info.CursorPosition.Y}
err = h.clearRange(h.attributes, start, end)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) IL(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("IL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param))
return h.insertLines(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DL(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DL: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param))
return h.deleteLines(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) ICH(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("ICH: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param))
return h.insertCharacters(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DCH(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DCH: [%v]", strconv.Itoa(param))
return h.deleteCharacters(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SGR(params []int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
strings := []string{}
for _, v := range params {
strings = append(strings, strconv.Itoa(v))
h.logf("SGR: [%v]", strings)
if len(params) <= 0 {
h.attributes = h.infoReset.Attributes
h.inverted = false
} else {
for _, attr := range params {
if attr == ansiterm.ANSI_SGR_RESET {
h.attributes = h.infoReset.Attributes
h.inverted = false
h.attributes, h.inverted = collectAnsiIntoWindowsAttributes(h.attributes, h.inverted, h.infoReset.Attributes, int16(attr))
attributes := h.attributes
if h.inverted {
attributes = invertAttributes(attributes)
err := SetConsoleTextAttribute(h.fd, attributes)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SU(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("SU: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.scrollUp(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) SD(param int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("SD: [%v]", []string{strconv.Itoa(param)})
return h.scrollDown(param)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DA(params []string) error {
h.logf("DA: [%v]", params)
// DA cannot be implemented because it must send data on the VT100 input stream,
// which is not available to go-ansiterm.
return nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) DECSTBM(top int, bottom int) error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("DECSTBM: [%d, %d]", top, bottom)
// Windows is 0 indexed, Linux is 1 indexed
h.sr.top = int16(top - 1)
h.sr.bottom = int16(bottom - 1)
// This command also moves the cursor to the origin.
return h.CUP(1, 1)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) RI() error {
if err := h.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
h.logf("RI: []")
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
sr := h.effectiveSr(info.Window)
if info.CursorPosition.Y == sr.top {
return h.scrollDown(1)
return h.moveCursorVertical(-1)
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) IND() error {
h.logf("IND: []")
return h.executeLF()
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) Flush() error {
h.curInfo = nil
if h.buffer.Len() > 0 {
h.logf("Flush: [%s]", h.buffer.Bytes())
if _, err := h.buffer.WriteTo(h.file); err != nil {
return err
if h.wrapNext && !h.drewMarginByte {
h.logf("Flush: drawing margin byte '%c'", h.marginByte)
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return err
charInfo := []CHAR_INFO{{UnicodeChar: uint16(h.marginByte), Attributes: info.Attributes}}
size := COORD{1, 1}
position := COORD{0, 0}
region := SMALL_RECT{Left: info.CursorPosition.X, Top: info.CursorPosition.Y, Right: info.CursorPosition.X, Bottom: info.CursorPosition.Y}
if err := WriteConsoleOutput(h.fd, charInfo, size, position, ®ion); err != nil {
return err
h.drewMarginByte = true
return nil
// cacheConsoleInfo ensures that the current console screen information has been queried
// since the last call to Flush(). It must be called before accessing h.curInfo or h.curPos.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) getCurrentInfo() (COORD, *CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, error) {
if h.curInfo == nil {
info, err := GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.fd)
if err != nil {
return COORD{}, nil, err
h.curInfo = info
h.curPos = info.CursorPosition
return h.curPos, h.curInfo, nil
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) updatePos(pos COORD) {
if h.curInfo == nil {
panic("failed to call getCurrentInfo before calling updatePos")
h.curPos = pos
// clearWrap clears the state where the cursor is in the margin
// waiting for the next character before wrapping the line. This must
// be done before most operations that act on the cursor.
func (h *windowsAnsiEventHandler) clearWrap() {
h.wrapNext = false
h.drewMarginByte = false
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
sudo: false
language: go
- go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
- 1.10.x
- master
- test -z "$(gofmt -s -l . | tee /dev/stderr)"
- test -z "$(golint ./... | tee /dev/stderr)"
- go vet ./...
- go build -v ./...
- go test -v ./...
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
language: go
- 1.6
- go get -u github.com/ChrisTrenkamp/goxpath
- go get -u github.com/ChrisTrenkamp/goxpath/cmd/goxpath
- go get -u github.com/wadey/gocovmerge
- go list -f '{{if gt (len .TestGoFiles) 0}}"go test -covermode count -coverprofile {{.Name}}.coverprofile -coverpkg ./... {{.ImportPath}}"{{end}}' ./... | xargs -I {} bash -c {}
- gocovmerge `ls *.coverprofile` > coverage.txt
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
package proxmox
// inspired by https://github.com/Telmate/vagrant-proxmox/blob/master/lib/vagrant-proxmox/proxmox/connection.rb
import (
// TaskTimeout - default async task call timeout in seconds
const TaskTimeout = 300
// TaskStatusCheckInterval - time between async checks in seconds
const TaskStatusCheckInterval = 2
const exitStatusSuccess = "OK"
// Client - URL, user and password to specifc Proxmox node
type Client struct {
session *Session
ApiUrl string
Username string
Password string
// VmRef - virtual machine ref parts
// map[type:qemu node:proxmox1-xx id:qemu/132 diskread:5.57424738e+08 disk:0 netin:5.9297450593e+10 mem:3.3235968e+09 uptime:1.4567097e+07 vmid:132 template:0 maxcpu:2 netout:6.053310416e+09 maxdisk:3.4359738368e+10 maxmem:8.592031744e+09 diskwrite:1.49663619584e+12 status:running cpu:0.00386980694947209 name:appt-app1-dev.xxx.xx]
type VmRef struct {
vmId int
node string
vmType string
func (vmr *VmRef) SetNode(node string) {
vmr.node = node
func (vmr *VmRef) SetVmType(vmType string) {
vmr.vmType = vmType
func (vmr *VmRef) VmId() int {
return vmr.vmId
func (vmr *VmRef) Node() string {
return vmr.node
func NewVmRef(vmId int) (vmr *VmRef) {
vmr = &VmRef{vmId: vmId, node: "", vmType: ""}
func NewClient(apiUrl string, hclient *http.Client, tls *tls.Config) (client *Client, err error) {
var sess *Session
sess, err = NewSession(apiUrl, hclient, tls)
if err == nil {
client = &Client{session: sess, ApiUrl: apiUrl}
return client, err
func (c *Client) Login(username string, password string) (err error) {
c.Username = username
c.Password = password
return c.session.Login(username, password)
func (c *Client) GetJsonRetryable(url string, data *map[string]interface{}, tries int) error {
var statErr error
for ii := 0; ii < tries; ii++ {
_, statErr = c.session.GetJSON(url, nil, nil, data)
if statErr == nil {
return nil
// if statErr != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { // don't give up on ErrUnexpectedEOF
// return statErr
// }
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
return statErr
func (c *Client) GetNodeList() (list map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.GetJsonRetryable("/nodes", &list, 3)
func (c *Client) GetVmList() (list map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.GetJsonRetryable("/cluster/resources?type=vm", &list, 3)
func (c *Client) CheckVmRef(vmr *VmRef) (err error) {
if vmr.node == "" || vmr.vmType == "" {
_, err = c.GetVmInfo(vmr)
func (c *Client) GetVmInfo(vmr *VmRef) (vmInfo map[string]interface{}, err error) {
resp, err := c.GetVmList()
vms := resp["data"].([]interface{})
for vmii := range vms {
vm := vms[vmii].(map[string]interface{})
if int(vm["vmid"].(float64)) == vmr.vmId {
vmInfo = vm
vmr.node = vmInfo["node"].(string)
vmr.vmType = vmInfo["type"].(string)
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Vm '%d' not found", vmr.vmId))
func (c *Client) GetVmRefByName(vmName string) (vmr *VmRef, err error) {
resp, err := c.GetVmList()
vms := resp["data"].([]interface{})
for vmii := range vms {
vm := vms[vmii].(map[string]interface{})
if vm["name"] != nil && vm["name"].(string) == vmName {
vmr = NewVmRef(int(vm["vmid"].(float64)))
vmr.node = vm["node"].(string)
vmr.vmType = vm["type"].(string)
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Vm '%s' not found", vmName))
func (c *Client) GetVmState(vmr *VmRef) (vmState map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data map[string]interface{}
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/status/current", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
err = c.GetJsonRetryable(url, &data, 3)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if data["data"] == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Vm STATE not readable")
vmState = data["data"].(map[string]interface{})
func (c *Client) GetVmConfig(vmr *VmRef) (vmConfig map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data map[string]interface{}
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/config", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
err = c.GetJsonRetryable(url, &data, 3)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if data["data"] == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Vm CONFIG not readable")
vmConfig = data["data"].(map[string]interface{})
func (c *Client) GetVmSpiceProxy(vmr *VmRef) (vmSpiceProxy map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data map[string]interface{}
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/spiceproxy", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
_, err = c.session.PostJSON(url, nil, nil, nil, &data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if data["data"] == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Vm SpiceProxy not readable")
vmSpiceProxy = data["data"].(map[string]interface{})
type AgentNetworkInterface struct {
MACAddress string
IPAddresses []net.IP
Name string
Statistics map[string]int64
func (a *AgentNetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var intermediate struct {
HardwareAddress string `json:"hardware-address"`
IPAddresses []struct {
IPAddress string `json:"ip-address"`
IPAddressType string `json:"ip-address-type"`
Prefix int `json:"prefix"`
} `json:"ip-addresses"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Statistics map[string]int64 `json:"statistics"`
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &intermediate)
if err != nil {
return err
a.IPAddresses = make([]net.IP, len(intermediate.IPAddresses))
for idx, ip := range intermediate.IPAddresses {
a.IPAddresses[idx] = net.ParseIP(ip.IPAddress)
if a.IPAddresses[idx] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse %s as IP", ip.IPAddress)
a.MACAddress = intermediate.HardwareAddress
a.Name = intermediate.Name
a.Statistics = intermediate.Statistics
return nil
func (c *Client) GetVmAgentNetworkInterfaces(vmr *VmRef) ([]AgentNetworkInterface, error) {
var ifs []AgentNetworkInterface
err := c.doAgentGet(vmr, "network-get-interfaces", &ifs)
return ifs, err
func (c *Client) doAgentGet(vmr *VmRef, command string, output interface{}) error {
err := c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return err
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/agent/%s", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId, command)
resp, err := c.session.Get(url, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return TypedResponse(resp, output)
func (c *Client) CreateTemplate(vmr *VmRef) error {
err := c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return err
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/template", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
_, err = c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Client) MonitorCmd(vmr *VmRef, command string) (monitorRes map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reqbody := ParamsToBody(map[string]interface{}{"command": command})
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/monitor", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
resp, err := c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
monitorRes, err = ResponseJSON(resp)
// WaitForCompletion - poll the API for task completion
func (c *Client) WaitForCompletion(taskResponse map[string]interface{}) (waitExitStatus string, err error) {
if taskResponse["errors"] != nil {
errJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(taskResponse["errors"], "", " ")
return string(errJSON), errors.New("Error reponse")
if taskResponse["data"] == nil {
return "", nil
waited := 0
taskUpid := taskResponse["data"].(string)
for waited < TaskTimeout {
exitStatus, statErr := c.GetTaskExitstatus(taskUpid)
if statErr != nil {
if statErr != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { // don't give up on ErrUnexpectedEOF
return "", statErr
if exitStatus != nil {
waitExitStatus = exitStatus.(string)
time.Sleep(TaskStatusCheckInterval * time.Second)
waited = waited + TaskStatusCheckInterval
return "", errors.New("Wait timeout for:" + taskUpid)
var rxTaskNode = regexp.MustCompile("UPID:(.*?):")
func (c *Client) GetTaskExitstatus(taskUpid string) (exitStatus interface{}, err error) {
node := rxTaskNode.FindStringSubmatch(taskUpid)[1]
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/tasks/%s/status", node, taskUpid)
var data map[string]interface{}
_, err = c.session.GetJSON(url, nil, nil, &data)
if err == nil {
exitStatus = data["data"].(map[string]interface{})["exitstatus"]
if exitStatus != nil && exitStatus != exitStatusSuccess {
err = errors.New(exitStatus.(string))
func (c *Client) StatusChangeVm(vmr *VmRef, setStatus string) (exitStatus string, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/status/%s", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId, setStatus)
var taskResponse map[string]interface{}
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
_, err = c.session.PostJSON(url, nil, nil, nil, &taskResponse)
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
if exitStatus == "" {
time.Sleep(TaskStatusCheckInterval * time.Second)
} else {
func (c *Client) StartVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "start")
func (c *Client) StopVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "stop")
func (c *Client) ShutdownVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "shutdown")
func (c *Client) ResetVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "reset")
func (c *Client) SuspendVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "suspend")
func (c *Client) ResumeVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
return c.StatusChangeVm(vmr, "resume")
func (c *Client) DeleteVm(vmr *VmRef) (exitStatus string, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
var taskResponse map[string]interface{}
_, err = c.session.RequestJSON("DELETE", url, nil, nil, nil, &taskResponse)
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
func (c *Client) CreateQemuVm(node string, vmParams map[string]interface{}) (exitStatus string, err error) {
// Create VM disks first to ensure disks names.
createdDisks, createdDisksErr := c.createVMDisks(node, vmParams)
if createdDisksErr != nil {
return "", createdDisksErr
// Then create the VM itself.
reqbody := ParamsToBody(vmParams)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/qemu", node)
var resp *http.Response
resp, err = c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
exitStatus = string(b)
taskResponse, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
// Delete VM disks if the VM didn't create.
if exitStatus != "OK" {
deleteDisksErr := c.DeleteVMDisks(node, createdDisks)
if deleteDisksErr != nil {
return "", deleteDisksErr
func (c *Client) CloneQemuVm(vmr *VmRef, vmParams map[string]interface{}) (exitStatus string, err error) {
reqbody := ParamsToBody(vmParams)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/qemu/%d/clone", vmr.node, vmr.vmId)
resp, err := c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
if err == nil {
taskResponse, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
return "", err
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
func (c *Client) RollbackQemuVm(vmr *VmRef, snapshot string) (exitStatus string, err error) {
err = c.CheckVmRef(vmr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/snapshot/%s/rollback", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId, snapshot)
var taskResponse map[string]interface{}
_, err = c.session.PostJSON(url, nil, nil, nil, &taskResponse)
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
// SetVmConfig - send config options
func (c *Client) SetVmConfig(vmr *VmRef, vmParams map[string]interface{}) (exitStatus interface{}, err error) {
reqbody := ParamsToBody(vmParams)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/config", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
resp, err := c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
if err == nil {
taskResponse, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
func (c *Client) ResizeQemuDisk(vmr *VmRef, disk string, moreSizeGB int) (exitStatus interface{}, err error) {
// PUT
if disk == "" {
disk = "virtio0"
size := fmt.Sprintf("+%dG", moreSizeGB)
reqbody := ParamsToBody(map[string]interface{}{"disk": disk, "size": size})
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/%s/%d/resize", vmr.node, vmr.vmType, vmr.vmId)
resp, err := c.session.Put(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
if err == nil {
taskResponse, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitStatus, err = c.WaitForCompletion(taskResponse)
// GetNextID - Get next free VMID
func (c *Client) GetNextID(currentID int) (nextID int, err error) {
var data map[string]interface{}
var url string
if currentID >= 100 {
url = fmt.Sprintf("/cluster/nextid?vmid=%d", currentID)
} else {
url = "/cluster/nextid"
_, err = c.session.GetJSON(url, nil, nil, &data)
if err == nil {
if data["errors"] != nil {
if currentID >= 100 {
return c.GetNextID(currentID + 1)
} else {
return -1, errors.New("error using /cluster/nextid")
nextID, err = strconv.Atoi(data["data"].(string))
// CreateVMDisk - Create single disk for VM on host node.
func (c *Client) CreateVMDisk(
nodeName string,
storageName string,
fullDiskName string,
diskParams map[string]interface{},
) error {
reqbody := ParamsToBody(diskParams)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/storage/%s/content", nodeName, storageName)
resp, err := c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, &reqbody)
if err == nil {
taskResponse, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if diskName, containsData := taskResponse["data"]; !containsData || diskName != fullDiskName {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot create VM disk %s", fullDiskName))
} else {
return err
return nil
// createVMDisks - Make disks parameters and create all VM disks on host node.
func (c *Client) createVMDisks(
node string,
vmParams map[string]interface{},
) (disks []string, err error) {
var createdDisks []string
vmID := vmParams["vmid"].(int)
for deviceName, deviceConf := range vmParams {
rxStorageModels := `(ide|sata|scsi|virtio)\d+`
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(rxStorageModels, deviceName); matched {
deviceConfMap := ParseConf(deviceConf.(string), ",", "=")
// This if condition to differentiate between `disk` and `cdrom`.
if media, containsFile := deviceConfMap["media"]; containsFile && media == "disk" {
fullDiskName := deviceConfMap["file"].(string)
storageName, volumeName := getStorageAndVolumeName(fullDiskName, ":")
diskParams := map[string]interface{}{
"vmid": vmID,
"filename": volumeName,
"size": deviceConfMap["size"],
err := c.CreateVMDisk(node, storageName, fullDiskName, diskParams)
if err != nil {
return createdDisks, err
} else {
createdDisks = append(createdDisks, fullDiskName)
return createdDisks, nil
// DeleteVMDisks - Delete VM disks from host node.
// By default the VM disks are deteled when the VM is deleted,
// so mainly this is used to delete the disks in case VM creation didn't complete.
func (c *Client) DeleteVMDisks(
node string,
disks []string,
) error {
for _, fullDiskName := range disks {
storageName, volumeName := getStorageAndVolumeName(fullDiskName, ":")
url := fmt.Sprintf("/nodes/%s/storage/%s/content/%s", node, storageName, volumeName)
_, err := c.session.Post(url, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getStorageAndVolumeName - Extract disk storage and disk volume, since disk name is saved
// in Proxmox with its storage.
func getStorageAndVolumeName(
fullDiskName string,
separator string,
) (storageName string, diskName string) {
storageAndVolumeName := strings.Split(fullDiskName, separator)
storageName, volumeName := storageAndVolumeName[0], storageAndVolumeName[1]
// when disk type is dir, volumeName is `file=local:100/vm-100-disk-0.raw`
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+/(?P<filename>\S+.\S+)`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(volumeName)
if len(match) == 2 {
volumeName = match[1]
return storageName, volumeName
@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
package proxmox
import (
type (
QemuDevices map[int]map[string]interface{}
QemuDevice map[string]interface{}
QemuDeviceParam []string
// ConfigQemu - Proxmox API QEMU options
type ConfigQemu struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"desc"`
Onboot bool `json:"onboot"`
Agent string `json:"agent"`
Memory int `json:"memory"`
QemuOs string `json:"os"`
QemuCores int `json:"cores"`
QemuSockets int `json:"sockets"`
QemuIso string `json:"iso"`
FullClone *int `json:"fullclone"`
QemuDisks QemuDevices `json:"disk"`
QemuNetworks QemuDevices `json:"network"`
// Deprecated single disk.
DiskSize float64 `json:"diskGB"`
Storage string `json:"storage"`
StorageType string `json:"storageType"` // virtio|scsi (cloud-init defaults to scsi)
// Deprecated single nic.
QemuNicModel string `json:"nic"`
QemuBrige string `json:"bridge"`
QemuVlanTag int `json:"vlan"`
QemuMacAddr string `json:"mac"`
// cloud-init options
CIuser string `json:"ciuser"`
CIpassword string `json:"cipassword"`
Searchdomain string `json:"searchdomain"`
Nameserver string `json:"nameserver"`
Sshkeys string `json:"sshkeys"`
// arrays are hard, support 2 interfaces for now
Ipconfig0 string `json:"ipconfig0"`
Ipconfig1 string `json:"ipconfig1"`
// CreateVm - Tell Proxmox API to make the VM
func (config ConfigQemu) CreateVm(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (err error) {
if config.HasCloudInit() {
return errors.New("Cloud-init parameters only supported on clones or updates")
params := map[string]interface{}{
"vmid": vmr.vmId,
"name": config.Name,
"onboot": config.Onboot,
"agent": config.Agent,
"ide2": config.QemuIso + ",media=cdrom",
"ostype": config.QemuOs,
"sockets": config.QemuSockets,
"cores": config.QemuCores,
"cpu": "host",
"memory": config.Memory,
"description": config.Description,
// Create disks config.
config.CreateQemuDisksParams(vmr.vmId, params, false)
// Create networks config.
config.CreateQemuNetworksParams(vmr.vmId, params)
exitStatus, err := client.CreateQemuVm(vmr.node, params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating VM: %v, error status: %s (params: %v)", err, exitStatus, params)
// HasCloudInit - are there cloud-init options?
func (config ConfigQemu) HasCloudInit() bool {
return config.CIuser != "" ||
config.CIpassword != "" ||
config.Searchdomain != "" ||
config.Nameserver != "" ||
config.Sshkeys != "" ||
config.Ipconfig0 != "" ||
config.Ipconfig1 != ""
Example: Request
func (config ConfigQemu) CloneVm(sourceVmr *VmRef, vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (err error) {
fullclone := "1"
if config.FullClone != nil {
fullclone = strconv.Itoa(*config.FullClone)
storage := config.Storage
if disk0Storage, ok := config.QemuDisks[0]["storage"].(string); ok && len(disk0Storage) > 0 {
storage = disk0Storage
params := map[string]interface{}{
"newid": vmr.vmId,
"target": vmr.node,
"name": config.Name,
"storage": storage,
"full": fullclone,
_, err = client.CloneQemuVm(sourceVmr, params)
if err != nil {
return config.UpdateConfig(vmr, client)
func (config ConfigQemu) UpdateConfig(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (err error) {
configParams := map[string]interface{}{
"name": config.Name,
"description": config.Description,
"onboot": config.Onboot,
"agent": config.Agent,
"sockets": config.QemuSockets,
"cores": config.QemuCores,
"memory": config.Memory,
// Create disks config.
config.CreateQemuDisksParams(vmr.vmId, configParams, true)
// Create networks config.
config.CreateQemuNetworksParams(vmr.vmId, configParams)
// cloud-init options
if config.CIuser != "" {
configParams["ciuser"] = config.CIuser
if config.CIpassword != "" {
configParams["cipassword"] = config.CIpassword
if config.Searchdomain != "" {
configParams["searchdomain"] = config.Searchdomain
if config.Nameserver != "" {
configParams["nameserver"] = config.Nameserver
if config.Sshkeys != "" {
sshkeyEnc := url.PathEscape(config.Sshkeys + "\n")
sshkeyEnc = strings.Replace(sshkeyEnc, "+", "%2B", -1)
sshkeyEnc = strings.Replace(sshkeyEnc, "@", "%40", -1)
sshkeyEnc = strings.Replace(sshkeyEnc, "=", "%3D", -1)
configParams["sshkeys"] = sshkeyEnc
if config.Ipconfig0 != "" {
configParams["ipconfig0"] = config.Ipconfig0
if config.Ipconfig1 != "" {
configParams["ipconfig1"] = config.Ipconfig1
_, err = client.SetVmConfig(vmr, configParams)
return err
func NewConfigQemuFromJson(io io.Reader) (config *ConfigQemu, err error) {
config = &ConfigQemu{QemuVlanTag: -1}
err = json.NewDecoder(io).Decode(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
rxIso = regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?),media`)
rxDeviceID = regexp.MustCompile(`\d+`)
rxDiskName = regexp.MustCompile(`(virtio|scsi)\d+`)
rxDiskType = regexp.MustCompile(`\D+`)
rxNicName = regexp.MustCompile(`net\d+`)
func NewConfigQemuFromApi(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (config *ConfigQemu, err error) {
var vmConfig map[string]interface{}
for ii := 0; ii < 3; ii++ {
vmConfig, err = client.GetVmConfig(vmr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this can happen:
// {"data":{"lock":"clone","digest":"eb54fb9d9f120ba0c3bdf694f73b10002c375c38","description":" qmclone temporary file\n"}})
if vmConfig["lock"] == nil {
} else {
time.Sleep(8 * time.Second)
if vmConfig["lock"] != nil {
return nil, errors.New("vm locked, could not obtain config")
// vmConfig Sample: map[ cpu:host
// net0:virtio=62:DF:XX:XX:XX:XX,bridge=vmbr0
// ide2:local:iso/xxx-xx.iso,media=cdrom memory:2048
// smbios1:uuid=8b3bf833-aad8-4545-xxx-xxxxxxx digest:aa6ce5xxxxx1b9ce33e4aaeff564d4 sockets:1
// name:terraform-ubuntu1404-template bootdisk:virtio0
// virtio0:ProxmoxxxxISCSI:vm-1014-disk-2,size=4G
// description:Base image
// cores:2 ostype:l26
name := ""
if _, isSet := vmConfig["name"]; isSet {
name = vmConfig["name"].(string)
description := ""
if _, isSet := vmConfig["description"]; isSet {
description = vmConfig["description"].(string)
onboot := true
if _, isSet := vmConfig["onboot"]; isSet {
onboot = Itob(int(vmConfig["onboot"].(float64)))
agent := "1"
if _, isSet := vmConfig["agent"]; isSet {
agent = vmConfig["agent"].(string)
ostype := "other"
if _, isSet := vmConfig["ostype"]; isSet {
ostype = vmConfig["ostype"].(string)
memory := 0.0
if _, isSet := vmConfig["memory"]; isSet {
memory = vmConfig["memory"].(float64)
cores := 1.0
if _, isSet := vmConfig["cores"]; isSet {
cores = vmConfig["cores"].(float64)
sockets := 1.0
if _, isSet := vmConfig["sockets"]; isSet {
sockets = vmConfig["sockets"].(float64)
config = &ConfigQemu{
Name: name,
Description: strings.TrimSpace(description),
Onboot: onboot,
Agent: agent,
QemuOs: ostype,
Memory: int(memory),
QemuCores: int(cores),
QemuSockets: int(sockets),
QemuVlanTag: -1,
QemuDisks: QemuDevices{},
QemuNetworks: QemuDevices{},
if vmConfig["ide2"] != nil {
isoMatch := rxIso.FindStringSubmatch(vmConfig["ide2"].(string))
config.QemuIso = isoMatch[1]
if _, isSet := vmConfig["ciuser"]; isSet {
config.CIuser = vmConfig["ciuser"].(string)
if _, isSet := vmConfig["cipassword"]; isSet {
config.CIpassword = vmConfig["cipassword"].(string)
if _, isSet := vmConfig["searchdomain"]; isSet {
config.Searchdomain = vmConfig["searchdomain"].(string)
if _, isSet := vmConfig["sshkeys"]; isSet {
config.Sshkeys, _ = url.PathUnescape(vmConfig["sshkeys"].(string))
if _, isSet := vmConfig["ipconfig0"]; isSet {
config.Ipconfig0 = vmConfig["ipconfig0"].(string)
if _, isSet := vmConfig["ipconfig1"]; isSet {
config.Ipconfig1 = vmConfig["ipconfig1"].(string)
// Add disks.
diskNames := []string{}
for k, _ := range vmConfig {
if diskName := rxDiskName.FindStringSubmatch(k); len(diskName) > 0 {
diskNames = append(diskNames, diskName[0])
for _, diskName := range diskNames {
diskConfStr := vmConfig[diskName]
diskConfList := strings.Split(diskConfStr.(string), ",")
id := rxDeviceID.FindStringSubmatch(diskName)
diskID, _ := strconv.Atoi(id[0])
diskType := rxDiskType.FindStringSubmatch(diskName)[0]
storageName, fileName := ParseSubConf(diskConfList[0], ":")
diskConfMap := QemuDevice{
"type": diskType,
"storage": storageName,
"file": fileName,
// Add rest of device config.
// And device config to disks map.
if len(diskConfMap) > 0 {
config.QemuDisks[diskID] = diskConfMap
// Add networks.
nicNameRe := regexp.MustCompile(`net\d+`)
nicNames := []string{}
for k, _ := range vmConfig {
if nicName := nicNameRe.FindStringSubmatch(k); len(nicName) > 0 {
nicNames = append(nicNames, nicName[0])
for _, nicName := range nicNames {
nicConfStr := vmConfig[nicName]
nicConfList := strings.Split(nicConfStr.(string), ",")
id := rxDeviceID.FindStringSubmatch(nicName)
nicID, _ := strconv.Atoi(id[0])
model, macaddr := ParseSubConf(nicConfList[0], "=")
// Add model and MAC address.
nicConfMap := QemuDevice{
"model": model,
"macaddr": macaddr,
// Add rest of device config.
// And device config to networks.
if len(nicConfMap) > 0 {
config.QemuNetworks[nicID] = nicConfMap
// Useful waiting for ISO install to complete
func WaitForShutdown(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (err error) {
for ii := 0; ii < 100; ii++ {
vmState, err := client.GetVmState(vmr)
if err != nil {
log.Print("Wait error:")
} else if vmState["status"] == "stopped" {
return nil
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
return errors.New("Not shutdown within wait time")
// This is because proxmox create/config API won't let us make usernet devices
func SshForwardUsernet(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (sshPort string, err error) {
vmState, err := client.GetVmState(vmr)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if vmState["status"] == "stopped" {
return "", errors.New("VM must be running first")
sshPort = strconv.Itoa(vmr.VmId() + 22000)
_, err = client.MonitorCmd(vmr, "netdev_add user,id=net1,hostfwd=tcp::"+sshPort+"-:22")
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = client.MonitorCmd(vmr, "device_add virtio-net-pci,id=net1,netdev=net1,addr=0x13")
if err != nil {
return "", err
// device_del net1
// netdev_del net1
func RemoveSshForwardUsernet(vmr *VmRef, client *Client) (err error) {
vmState, err := client.GetVmState(vmr)
if err != nil {
return err
if vmState["status"] == "stopped" {
return errors.New("VM must be running first")
_, err = client.MonitorCmd(vmr, "device_del net1")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = client.MonitorCmd(vmr, "netdev_del net1")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func MaxVmId(client *Client) (max int, err error) {
resp, err := client.GetVmList()
vms := resp["data"].([]interface{})
max = 0
for vmii := range vms {
vm := vms[vmii].(map[string]interface{})
vmid := int(vm["vmid"].(float64))
if vmid > max {
max = vmid
func SendKeysString(vmr *VmRef, client *Client, keys string) (err error) {
vmState, err := client.GetVmState(vmr)
if err != nil {
return err
if vmState["status"] == "stopped" {
return errors.New("VM must be running first")
for _, r := range keys {
c := string(r)
lower := strings.ToLower(c)
if c != lower {
c = "shift-" + lower
} else {
switch c {
case "!":
c = "shift-1"
case "@":
c = "shift-2"
case "#":
c = "shift-3"
case "$":
c = "shift-4"
case "%%":
c = "shift-5"
case "^":
c = "shift-6"
case "&":
c = "shift-7"
case "*":
c = "shift-8"
case "(":
c = "shift-9"
case ")":
c = "shift-0"
case "_":
c = "shift-minus"
case "+":
c = "shift-equal"
case " ":
c = "spc"
case "/":
c = "slash"
case "\\":
c = "backslash"
case ",":
c = "comma"
case "-":
c = "minus"
case "=":
c = "equal"
case ".":
c = "dot"
case "?":
c = "shift-slash"
_, err = client.MonitorCmd(vmr, "sendkey "+c)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Create parameters for each Nic device.
func (c ConfigQemu) CreateQemuNetworksParams(vmID int, params map[string]interface{}) error {
// For backward compatibility.
if len(c.QemuNetworks) == 0 && len(c.QemuNicModel) > 0 {
deprecatedStyleMap := QemuDevice{
"model": c.QemuNicModel,
"bridge": c.QemuBrige,
"macaddr": c.QemuMacAddr,
if c.QemuVlanTag > 0 {
deprecatedStyleMap["tag"] = strconv.Itoa(c.QemuVlanTag)
c.QemuNetworks[0] = deprecatedStyleMap
// For new style with multi net device.
for nicID, nicConfMap := range c.QemuNetworks {
nicConfParam := QemuDeviceParam{}
// Set Nic name.
qemuNicName := "net" + strconv.Itoa(nicID)
// Set Mac address.
if nicConfMap["macaddr"] == nil || nicConfMap["macaddr"].(string) == "" {
// Generate Mac based on VmID and NicID so it will be the same always.
macaddr := make(net.HardwareAddr, 6)
macaddr[0] = (macaddr[0] | 2) & 0xfe // fix from github issue #18
macAddrUppr := strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("%v", macaddr))
// use model=mac format for older proxmox compatability
macAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", nicConfMap["model"], macAddrUppr)
// Add Mac to source map so it will be returned. (useful for some use case like Terraform)
nicConfMap["macaddr"] = macAddrUppr
// and also add it to the parameters which will be sent to Proxmox API.
nicConfParam = append(nicConfParam, macAddr)
} else {
macAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", nicConfMap["model"], nicConfMap["macaddr"].(string))
nicConfParam = append(nicConfParam, macAddr)
// Set bridge if not nat.
if nicConfMap["bridge"].(string) != "nat" {
bridge := fmt.Sprintf("bridge=%v", nicConfMap["bridge"])
nicConfParam = append(nicConfParam, bridge)
// Keys that are not used as real/direct conf.
ignoredKeys := []string{"id", "bridge", "macaddr", "model"}
// Rest of config.
nicConfParam = nicConfParam.createDeviceParam(nicConfMap, ignoredKeys)
// Add nic to Qemu prams.
params[qemuNicName] = strings.Join(nicConfParam, ",")
return nil
// Create parameters for each disk.
func (c ConfigQemu) CreateQemuDisksParams(
vmID int,
params map[string]interface{},
cloned bool,
) error {
// For backward compatibility.
if len(c.QemuDisks) == 0 && len(c.Storage) > 0 {
dType := c.StorageType
if dType == "" {
if c.HasCloudInit() {
dType = "scsi"
} else {
dType = "virtio"
deprecatedStyleMap := QemuDevice{
"type": dType,
"storage": c.Storage,
"size": c.DiskSize,
"storage_type": "lvm", // default old style
"cache": "none", // default old value
c.QemuDisks[0] = deprecatedStyleMap
// For new style with multi disk device.
for diskID, diskConfMap := range c.QemuDisks {
// skip the first disk for clones (may not always be right, but a template probably has at least 1 disk)
if diskID == 0 && cloned {
diskConfParam := QemuDeviceParam{
// Device name.
deviceType := diskConfMap["type"].(string)
qemuDiskName := deviceType + strconv.Itoa(diskID)
// Set disk storage.
// Disk size.
diskSizeGB := fmt.Sprintf("size=%v", diskConfMap["size"])
diskConfParam = append(diskConfParam, diskSizeGB)
// Disk name.
var diskFile string
// Currently ZFS local, LVM, and Directory are considered.
// Other formats are not verified, but could be added if they're needed.
rxStorageTypes := `(zfspool|lvm)`
storageType := diskConfMap["storage_type"].(string)
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(rxStorageTypes, storageType); matched {
diskFile = fmt.Sprintf("file=%v:vm-%v-disk-%v", diskConfMap["storage"], vmID, diskID)
} else {
diskFile = fmt.Sprintf("file=%v:%v/vm-%v-disk-%v.%v", diskConfMap["storage"], vmID, vmID, diskID, diskConfMap["format"])
diskConfParam = append(diskConfParam, diskFile)
// Set cache if not none (default).
if diskConfMap["cache"].(string) != "none" {
diskCache := fmt.Sprintf("cache=%v", diskConfMap["cache"])
diskConfParam = append(diskConfParam, diskCache)
// Keys that are not used as real/direct conf.
ignoredKeys := []string{"id", "type", "storage", "storage_type", "size", "cache"}
// Rest of config.
diskConfParam = diskConfParam.createDeviceParam(diskConfMap, ignoredKeys)
// Add back to Qemu prams.
params[qemuDiskName] = strings.Join(diskConfParam, ",")
return nil
// Create the parameters for each device that will be sent to Proxmox API.
func (p QemuDeviceParam) createDeviceParam(
deviceConfMap QemuDevice,
ignoredKeys []string,
) QemuDeviceParam {
for key, value := range deviceConfMap {
if ignored := inArray(ignoredKeys, key); !ignored {
var confValue interface{}
if bValue, ok := value.(bool); ok && bValue {
confValue = "1"
} else if sValue, ok := value.(string); ok && len(sValue) > 0 {
confValue = sValue
} else if iValue, ok := value.(int); ok && iValue > 0 {
confValue = iValue
if confValue != nil {
deviceConf := fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", key, confValue)
p = append(p, deviceConf)
return p
// readDeviceConfig - get standard sub-conf strings where `key=value` and update conf map.
func (confMap QemuDevice) readDeviceConfig(confList []string) error {
// Add device config.
for _, conf := range confList {
key, value := ParseSubConf(conf, "=")
confMap[key] = value
return nil
func (c ConfigQemu) String() string {
jsConf, _ := json.Marshal(c)
return string(jsConf)
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
package proxmox
// inspired by https://github.com/openstack/golang-client/blob/master/openstack/session.go
import (
var Debug = new(bool)
type Response struct {
Resp *http.Response
Body []byte
type Session struct {
httpClient *http.Client
ApiUrl string
AuthTicket string
CsrfToken string
Headers http.Header
func NewSession(apiUrl string, hclient *http.Client, tls *tls.Config) (session *Session, err error) {
if hclient == nil {
// Only build a transport if we're also building the client
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: tls,
DisableCompression: true,
hclient = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
session = &Session{
httpClient: hclient,
ApiUrl: apiUrl,
AuthTicket: "",
CsrfToken: "",
Headers: http.Header{},
return session, nil
func ParamsToBody(params map[string]interface{}) (body []byte) {
vals := url.Values{}
for k, intrV := range params {
var v string
switch intrV.(type) {
// Convert true/false bool to 1/0 string where Proxmox API can understand it.
case bool:
if intrV.(bool) {
v = "1"
} else {
v = "0"
v = fmt.Sprintf("%v", intrV)
vals.Set(k, v)
body = bytes.NewBufferString(vals.Encode()).Bytes()
func decodeResponse(resp *http.Response, v interface{}) error {
if resp.Body == nil {
return nil
rbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading response body: %s", err)
if err = json.Unmarshal(rbody, &v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ResponseJSON(resp *http.Response) (jbody map[string]interface{}, err error) {
err = decodeResponse(resp, &jbody)
return jbody, err
func TypedResponse(resp *http.Response, v interface{}) error {
var intermediate struct {
Data struct {
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
} `json:"data"`
err := decodeResponse(resp, &intermediate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading response envelope: %v", err)
if err = json.Unmarshal(intermediate.Data.Result, v); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling result %v", err)
return nil
func (s *Session) Login(username string, password string) (err error) {
reqbody := ParamsToBody(map[string]interface{}{"username": username, "password": password})
olddebug := *Debug
*Debug = false // don't share passwords in debug log
resp, err := s.Post("/access/ticket", nil, nil, &reqbody)
*Debug = olddebug
if err != nil {
return err
if resp == nil {
return errors.New("Login error reading response")
dr, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
jbody, err := ResponseJSON(resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if jbody == nil || jbody["data"] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid login response:\n-----\n%s\n-----", dr)
dat := jbody["data"].(map[string]interface{})
s.AuthTicket = dat["ticket"].(string)
s.CsrfToken = dat["CSRFPreventionToken"].(string)
return nil
func (s *Session) NewRequest(method, url string, headers *http.Header, body io.Reader) (req *http.Request, err error) {
req, err = http.NewRequest(method, url, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if headers != nil {
req.Header = *headers
if s.AuthTicket != "" {
req.Header.Add("Cookie", "PVEAuthCookie="+s.AuthTicket)
req.Header.Add("CSRFPreventionToken", s.CsrfToken)
func (s *Session) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Add session headers
for k := range s.Headers {
req.Header.Set(k, s.Headers.Get(k))
if *Debug {
d, _ := httputil.DumpRequestOut(req, true)
log.Printf(">>>>>>>>>> REQUEST:\n", string(d))
resp, err := s.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if *Debug {
dr, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
log.Printf("<<<<<<<<<< RESULT:\n", string(dr))
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 {
return resp, errors.New(resp.Status)
return resp, nil
// Perform a simple get to an endpoint
func (s *Session) Request(
method string,
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
body *[]byte,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
// add params to url here
url = s.ApiUrl + url
if params != nil {
url = url + "?" + params.Encode()
// Get the body if one is present
var buf io.Reader
if body != nil {
buf = bytes.NewReader(*body)
req, err := s.NewRequest(method, url, headers, buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
return s.Do(req)
// Perform a simple get to an endpoint and unmarshall returned JSON
func (s *Session) RequestJSON(
method string,
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
body interface{},
responseContainer interface{},
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
var bodyjson []byte
if body != nil {
bodyjson, err = json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if headers == nil {
// headers = &http.Header{}
// headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
// }
resp, err = s.Request(method, url, params, headers, &bodyjson)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
// err = util.CheckHTTPResponseStatusCode(resp)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
rbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return resp, errors.New("error reading response body")
if err = json.Unmarshal(rbody, &responseContainer); err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
func (s *Session) Delete(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return s.Request("DELETE", url, params, headers, nil)
func (s *Session) Get(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return s.Request("GET", url, params, headers, nil)
func (s *Session) GetJSON(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
responseContainer interface{},
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return s.RequestJSON("GET", url, params, headers, nil, responseContainer)
func (s *Session) Head(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return s.Request("HEAD", url, params, headers, nil)
func (s *Session) Post(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
body *[]byte,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
if headers == nil {
headers = &http.Header{}
headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
return s.Request("POST", url, params, headers, body)
func (s *Session) PostJSON(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
body interface{},
responseContainer interface{},
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
return s.RequestJSON("POST", url, params, headers, body, responseContainer)
func (s *Session) Put(
url string,
params *url.Values,
headers *http.Header,
body *[]byte,
) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
if headers == nil {
headers = &http.Header{}
headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
return s.Request("PUT", url, params, headers, body)
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# vscode
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
language: go
- 1.6
- 1.7
- 1.8
- go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
sudo: false
language: go
- 1.6
- go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
- test -z "$(go fmt -s -l -w ./... | tee /dev/stderr)"
- golint -set_exit_status ./...
- go vet ./...
- go build -v ./...
- go test -v ./...
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
language: go
- tip
@ -0,0 +1 @@
module github.com/armon/go-radix
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ func (n *node) addEdge(e edge) {
func (n *node) replaceEdge(e edge) {
func (n *node) updateEdge(label byte, node *node) {
num := len(n.edges)
idx := sort.Search(num, func(i int) bool {
return n.edges[i].label >= e.label
return n.edges[i].label >= label
if idx < num && n.edges[idx].label == e.label {
n.edges[idx].node = e.node
if idx < num && n.edges[idx].label == label {
n.edges[idx].node = node
panic("replacing missing edge")
@ -198,10 +198,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Insert(s string, v interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
child := &node{
prefix: search[:commonPrefix],
label: search[0],
node: child,
parent.updateEdge(search[0], child)
// Restore the existing node
@ -292,6 +289,53 @@ DELETE:
return leaf.val, true
// DeletePrefix is used to delete the subtree under a prefix
// Returns how many nodes were deleted
// Use this to delete large subtrees efficiently
func (t *Tree) DeletePrefix(s string) int {
return t.deletePrefix(nil, t.root, s)
// delete does a recursive deletion
func (t *Tree) deletePrefix(parent, n *node, prefix string) int {
// Check for key exhaustion
if len(prefix) == 0 {
// Remove the leaf node
subTreeSize := 0
//recursively walk from all edges of the node to be deleted
recursiveWalk(n, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
return false
if n.isLeaf() {
n.leaf = nil
n.edges = nil // deletes the entire subtree
// Check if we should merge the parent's other child
if parent != nil && parent != t.root && len(parent.edges) == 1 && !parent.isLeaf() {
t.size -= subTreeSize
return subTreeSize
// Look for an edge
label := prefix[0]
child := n.getEdge(label)
if child == nil || (!strings.HasPrefix(child.prefix, prefix) && !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, child.prefix)) {
return 0
// Consume the search prefix
if len(child.prefix) > len(prefix) {
prefix = prefix[len(prefix):]
} else {
prefix = prefix[len(child.prefix):]
return t.deletePrefix(n, child, prefix)
func (n *node) mergeChild() {
e := n.edges[0]
child := e.node
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
Original version Copyright © 2010 Fazlul Shahriar <fshahriar@gmail.com>. Newer
portions Copyright © 2014 Blake Gentry <blakesgentry@gmail.com>.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Blake Gentry
This license applies to the non-Windows portions of this library. The Windows
portion maintains its own Apache 2.0 license.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
password, err := speakeasy.Ask("Please enter a password: ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Password result: %q\n", password)
fmt.Printf("Password len: %d\n", len(password))
@ -14,16 +14,18 @@ func Ask(prompt string) (password string, err error) {
return FAsk(os.Stdout, prompt)
// Same as the Ask function, except it is possible to specify the file to write
// the prompt to.
func FAsk(file *os.File, prompt string) (password string, err error) {
if prompt != "" {
fmt.Fprint(file, prompt) // Display the prompt.
// FAsk is the same as Ask, except it is possible to specify the file to write
// the prompt to. If 'nil' is passed as the writer, no prompt will be written.
func FAsk(wr io.Writer, prompt string) (password string, err error) {
if wr != nil && prompt != "" {
fmt.Fprint(wr, prompt) // Display the prompt.
password, err = getPassword()
// Carriage return after the user input.
fmt.Fprintln(file, "")
if wr != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(wr, "")
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Original code is based on code by RogerV in the golang-nuts thread:
// https://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/browse_thread/thread/40cc41e9d9fc9247
// +build darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
package speakeasy
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
package speakeasy
import (
@ -12,18 +11,17 @@ import (
const ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 0x0004
func getPassword() (password string, err error) {
hStdin := syscall.Handle(os.Stdin.Fd())
var oldMode uint32
err = syscall.GetConsoleMode(hStdin, &oldMode)
err = syscall.GetConsoleMode(syscall.Stdin, &oldMode)
if err != nil {
var newMode uint32 = (oldMode &^ ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)
err = setConsoleMode(hStdin, newMode)
defer setConsoleMode(hStdin, oldMode)
err = setConsoleMode(syscall.Stdin, newMode)
defer setConsoleMode(syscall.Stdin, oldMode)
if err != nil {
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ISC License
Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Dave Collins <dave@davec.name>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
// when the code is not running on Google App Engine, compiled by GopherJS, and
// "-tags safe" is not added to the go build command line. The "disableunsafe"
// tag is deprecated and thus should not be used.
// +build !js,!appengine,!safe,!disableunsafe
// Go versions prior to 1.4 are disabled because they use a different layout
// for interfaces which make the implementation of unsafeReflectValue more complex.
// +build !js,!appengine,!safe,!disableunsafe,go1.4
package spew
@ -34,80 +36,49 @@ const (
ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof((*byte)(nil))
var (
// offsetPtr, offsetScalar, and offsetFlag are the offsets for the
// internal reflect.Value fields. These values are valid before golang
// commit ecccf07e7f9d which changed the format. The are also valid
// after commit 82f48826c6c7 which changed the format again to mirror
// the original format. Code in the init function updates these offsets
// as necessary.
offsetPtr = uintptr(ptrSize)
offsetScalar = uintptr(0)
offsetFlag = uintptr(ptrSize * 2)
type flag uintptr
// flagKindWidth and flagKindShift indicate various bits that the
// reflect package uses internally to track kind information.
// flagRO indicates whether or not the value field of a reflect.Value is
// read-only.
// flagIndir indicates whether the value field of a reflect.Value is
// the actual data or a pointer to the data.
// These values are valid before golang commit 90a7c3c86944 which
// changed their positions. Code in the init function updates these
// flags as necessary.
flagKindWidth = uintptr(5)
flagKindShift = uintptr(flagKindWidth - 1)
flagRO = uintptr(1 << 0)
flagIndir = uintptr(1 << 1)
var (
// flagRO indicates whether the value field of a reflect.Value
// is read-only.
flagRO flag
// flagAddr indicates whether the address of the reflect.Value's
// value may be taken.
flagAddr flag
func init() {
// Older versions of reflect.Value stored small integers directly in the
// ptr field (which is named val in the older versions). Versions
// between commits ecccf07e7f9d and 82f48826c6c7 added a new field named
// scalar for this purpose which unfortunately came before the flag
// field, so the offset of the flag field is different for those
// versions.
// This code constructs a new reflect.Value from a known small integer
// and checks if the size of the reflect.Value struct indicates it has
// the scalar field. When it does, the offsets are updated accordingly.
vv := reflect.ValueOf(0xf00)
if unsafe.Sizeof(vv) == (ptrSize * 4) {
offsetScalar = ptrSize * 2
offsetFlag = ptrSize * 3
// flagKindMask holds the bits that make up the kind
// part of the flags field. In all the supported versions,
// it is in the lower 5 bits.
const flagKindMask = flag(0x1f)
// Commit 90a7c3c86944 changed the flag positions such that the low
// order bits are the kind. This code extracts the kind from the flags
// field and ensures it's the correct type. When it's not, the flag
// order has been changed to the newer format, so the flags are updated
// accordingly.
upf := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&vv)) + offsetFlag)
upfv := *(*uintptr)(upf)
flagKindMask := uintptr((1<<flagKindWidth - 1) << flagKindShift)
if (upfv&flagKindMask)>>flagKindShift != uintptr(reflect.Int) {
flagKindShift = 0
flagRO = 1 << 5
flagIndir = 1 << 6
// Different versions of Go have used different
// bit layouts for the flags type. This table
// records the known combinations.
var okFlags = []struct {
ro, addr flag
// From Go 1.4 to 1.5
ro: 1 << 5,
addr: 1 << 7,
}, {
// Up to Go tip.
ro: 1<<5 | 1<<6,
addr: 1 << 8,
// Commit adf9b30e5594 modified the flags to separate the
// flagRO flag into two bits which specifies whether or not the
// field is embedded. This causes flagIndir to move over a bit
// and means that flagRO is the combination of either of the
// original flagRO bit and the new bit.
// This code detects the change by extracting what used to be
// the indirect bit to ensure it's set. When it's not, the flag
// order has been changed to the newer format, so the flags are
// updated accordingly.
if upfv&flagIndir == 0 {
flagRO = 3 << 5
flagIndir = 1 << 7
var flagValOffset = func() uintptr {
field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{}).FieldByName("flag")
if !ok {
panic("reflect.Value has no flag field")
return field.Offset
// flagField returns a pointer to the flag field of a reflect.Value.
func flagField(v *reflect.Value) *flag {
return (*flag)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)) + flagValOffset))
// unsafeReflectValue converts the passed reflect.Value into a one that bypasses
@ -119,34 +90,56 @@ func init() {
// This allows us to check for implementations of the Stringer and error
// interfaces to be used for pretty printing ordinarily unaddressable and
// inaccessible values such as unexported struct fields.
func unsafeReflectValue(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value) {
indirects := 1
vt := v.Type()
upv := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + offsetPtr)
rvf := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + offsetFlag))
if rvf&flagIndir != 0 {
vt = reflect.PtrTo(v.Type())
} else if offsetScalar != 0 {
// The value is in the scalar field when it's not one of the
// reference types.
switch vt.Kind() {
case reflect.Uintptr:
case reflect.Chan:
case reflect.Func:
case reflect.Map:
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.UnsafePointer:
upv = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) +
func unsafeReflectValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
if !v.IsValid() || (v.CanInterface() && v.CanAddr()) {
return v
flagFieldPtr := flagField(&v)
*flagFieldPtr &^= flagRO
*flagFieldPtr |= flagAddr
return v
// Sanity checks against future reflect package changes
// to the type or semantics of the Value.flag field.
func init() {
field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{}).FieldByName("flag")
if !ok {
panic("reflect.Value has no flag field")
if field.Type.Kind() != reflect.TypeOf(flag(0)).Kind() {
panic("reflect.Value flag field has changed kind")
type t0 int
var t struct {
A t0
// t0 will have flagEmbedRO set.
// a will have flagStickyRO set
a t0
vA := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("A")
va := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("a")
vt0 := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("t0")
// Infer flagRO from the difference between the flags
// for the (otherwise identical) fields in t.
flagPublic := *flagField(&vA)
flagWithRO := *flagField(&va) | *flagField(&vt0)
flagRO = flagPublic ^ flagWithRO
// Infer flagAddr from the difference between a value
// taken from a pointer and not.
vPtrA := reflect.ValueOf(&t).Elem().FieldByName("A")
flagNoPtr := *flagField(&vA)
flagPtr := *flagField(&vPtrA)
flagAddr = flagNoPtr ^ flagPtr
// Check that the inferred flags tally with one of the known versions.
for _, f := range okFlags {
if flagRO == f.ro && flagAddr == f.addr {
pv := reflect.NewAt(vt, upv)
rv = pv
for i := 0; i < indirects; i++ {
rv = rv.Elem()
return rv
panic("reflect.Value read-only flag has changed semantics")
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dave Collins <dave@davec.name>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
// NOTE: Due to the following build constraints, this file will only be compiled
// when the code is running on Google App Engine, compiled by GopherJS, or
// "-tags safe" is added to the go build command line. The "disableunsafe"
// tag is deprecated and thus should not be used.
// +build js appengine safe disableunsafe !go1.4
package spew
import "reflect"
const (
// UnsafeDisabled is a build-time constant which specifies whether or
// not access to the unsafe package is available.
UnsafeDisabled = true
// unsafeReflectValue typically converts the passed reflect.Value into a one
// that bypasses the typical safety restrictions preventing access to
// unaddressable and unexported data. However, doing this relies on access to
// the unsafe package. This is a stub version which simply returns the passed
// reflect.Value when the unsafe package is not available.
func unsafeReflectValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
return v
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func printComplex(w io.Writer, c complex128, floatPrecision int) {
// printHexPtr outputs a uintptr formatted as hexidecimal with a leading '0x'
// printHexPtr outputs a uintptr formatted as hexadecimal with a leading '0x'
// prefix to Writer w.
func printHexPtr(w io.Writer, p uintptr) {
// Null pointer.
@ -35,16 +35,16 @@ var (
// cCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo char.
// It is used to detect character arrays to hexdump them.
cCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_char$")
cCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*\._Ctype_char$`)
// cUnsignedCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo unsigned
// char. It is used to detect unsigned character arrays to hexdump
// them.
cUnsignedCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_unsignedchar$")
cUnsignedCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*\._Ctype_unsignedchar$`)
// cUint8tCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo uint8_t.
// It is used to detect uint8_t arrays to hexdump them.
cUint8tCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_uint8_t$")
cUint8tCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*\._Ctype_uint8_t$`)
// dumpState contains information about the state of a dump operation.
@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ func (d *dumpState) dumpPtr(v reflect.Value) {
// Display dereferenced value.
switch {
case nilFound == true:
case nilFound:
case cycleFound == true:
case cycleFound:
@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ func (f *formatState) formatPtr(v reflect.Value) {
// Display dereferenced value.
switch {
case nilFound == true:
case nilFound:
case cycleFound == true:
case cycleFound:
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ func (client *Client) NewInit(endpoint, version, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, s
client.Init(endpoint, version, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret)
client.serviceCode = serviceCode
client.regionID = regionID
client.setEndpointByLocation(regionID, serviceCode, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, client.securityToken)
// Intialize client object when all properties are ready
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ func (client *Client) InitClient() *Client {
TLSHandshakeTimeout: time.Duration(handshakeTimeout) * time.Second}
client.httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: t}
client.setEndpointByLocation(client.regionID, client.serviceCode, client.AccessKeyId, client.AccessKeySecret, client.securityToken)
return client
@ -95,9 +93,17 @@ func (client *Client) NewInitForAssumeRole(endpoint, version, accessKeyId, acces
client.securityToken = securityToken
func (client *Client) getEndpointByLocation() string {
locationClient := NewLocationClient(client.AccessKeyId, client.AccessKeySecret, client.securityToken)
return locationClient.DescribeOpenAPIEndpoint(client.regionID, client.serviceCode)
//NewClient using location service
func (client *Client) setEndpointByLocation(region Region, serviceCode, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, securityToken string) {
locationClient := NewLocationClient(accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, securityToken)
ep := locationClient.DescribeOpenAPIEndpoint(region, serviceCode)
if ep == "" {
ep = loadEndpointFromFile(region, serviceCode)
@ -251,12 +257,34 @@ func (client *Client) SetSecurityToken(securityToken string) {
client.securityToken = securityToken
func (client *Client) initEndpoint() error {
// if set any value to "CUSTOMIZED_ENDPOINT" could skip location service.
// example: export CUSTOMIZED_ENDPOINT=true
if os.Getenv("CUSTOMIZED_ENDPOINT") != "" {
return nil
if client.serviceCode != "" && client.regionID != "" {
endpoint := client.getEndpointByLocation()
if endpoint == "" {
return GetCustomError("InvalidEndpoint", "endpoint is empty,pls check")
client.endpoint = endpoint
return nil
// Invoke sends the raw HTTP request for ECS services
func (client *Client) Invoke(action string, args interface{}, response interface{}) error {
if err := client.ensureProperties(); err != nil {
return err
//init endpoint
if err := client.initEndpoint(); err != nil {
return err
request := Request{}
request.init(client.version, action, client.AccessKeyId, client.securityToken, client.regionID)
@ -330,6 +358,11 @@ func (client *Client) InvokeByFlattenMethod(action string, args interface{}, res
return err
//init endpoint
if err := client.initEndpoint(); err != nil {
return err
request := Request{}
request.init(client.version, action, client.AccessKeyId, client.securityToken, client.regionID)
@ -406,6 +439,11 @@ func (client *Client) InvokeByAnyMethod(method, action, path string, args interf
return err
//init endpoint
if err := client.initEndpoint(); err != nil {
return err
request := Request{}
request.init(client.version, action, client.AccessKeyId, client.securityToken, client.regionID)
data := util.ConvertToQueryValues(request)
@ -500,3 +538,13 @@ func GetClientErrorFromString(str string) error {
func GetClientError(err error) error {
return GetClientErrorFromString(err.Error())
func GetCustomError(code, message string) error {
return &Error{
ErrorResponse: ErrorResponse{
Code: code,
Message: message,
StatusCode: 400,
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import (
const (
@ -50,6 +52,12 @@ var (
"rds": "https://rds.eu-central-1.aliyuncs.com",
"vpc": "https://vpc.eu-central-1.aliyuncs.com",
EUWest1: {
"ecs": "https://ecs.eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com",
"slb": "https://slb.eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com",
"rds": "https://rds.eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com",
"vpc": "https://vpc.eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com",
Zhangjiakou: {
"ecs": "https://ecs.cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com",
"slb": "https://slb.cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com",
@ -140,7 +148,6 @@ func (client *LocationClient) DescribeOpenAPIEndpoint(region Region, serviceCode
if endpoint := getProductRegionEndpoint(region, serviceCode); endpoint != "" {
return endpoint
defaultProtocols := HTTP_PROTOCOL
args := &DescribeEndpointsArgs{
@ -149,8 +156,18 @@ func (client *LocationClient) DescribeOpenAPIEndpoint(region Region, serviceCode
Type: "openAPI",
endpoint, err := client.DescribeEndpoints(args)
if err != nil || len(endpoint.Endpoints.Endpoint) <= 0 {
var endpoint *DescribeEndpointsResponse
var err error
for index := 0; index < 5; index++ {
endpoint, err = client.DescribeEndpoints(args)
if err == nil && endpoint != nil && len(endpoint.Endpoints.Endpoint) > 0 {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil || endpoint == nil || len(endpoint.Endpoints.Endpoint) <= 0 {
log.Printf("aliyungo: can not get endpoint from service, use default. endpoint=[%v], error=[%v]\n", endpoint, err)
return ""
@ -163,7 +180,7 @@ func (client *LocationClient) DescribeOpenAPIEndpoint(region Region, serviceCode
ep := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", defaultProtocols, endpoint.Endpoints.Endpoint[0].Endpoint)
//setProductRegionEndpoint(region, serviceCode, ep)
setProductRegionEndpoint(region, serviceCode, ep)
return ep
@ -1336,6 +1336,17 @@
<Endpoint name="eu-west-1">
<Endpoint name="cn-zhangjiakou">
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const (
MEEast1 = Region("me-east-1")
EUCentral1 = Region("eu-central-1")
EUWest1 = Region("eu-west-1")
ShenZhenFinance = Region("cn-shenzhen-finance-1")
ShanghaiFinance = Region("cn-shanghai-finance-1")
@ -39,6 +40,16 @@ var ValidRegions = []Region{
APNorthEast1, APSouthEast1, APSouthEast2, APSouthEast3, APSouthEast5,
EUCentral1, EUWest1,
ShenZhenFinance, ShanghaiFinance,
// IsValidRegion checks if r is an Ali supported region.
func IsValidRegion(r string) bool {
for _, v := range ValidRegions {
if r == string(v) {
return true
return false
@ -113,3 +113,12 @@ func NewVPCClientWithEndpointAndSecurityToken(endpoint string, accessKeyId strin
return client
// ---------------------------------------
// NewVPCClientWithRegion creates a new instance of VPC client automatically get endpoint
// ---------------------------------------
func NewVPCClientWithRegion(endpoint string, accessKeyId string, accessKeySecret string, regionID common.Region) *Client {
client := &Client{}
client.NewInit(endpoint, VPCAPIVersion, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, VPCServiceCode, regionID)
return client
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ type DescribeDisksArgs struct {
Category DiskCategory //enum for all(default) | cloud | ephemeral
Status DiskStatus //enum for In_use | Available | Attaching | Detaching | Creating | ReIniting | All(default)
SnapshotId string
Name string
DiskName string
Portable *bool //optional
DeleteWithInstance *bool //optional
DeleteAutoSnapshot *bool //optional
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ type DiskItemType struct {
DiskName string
Description string
Type DiskType
Encrypted bool
Category DiskCategory
Size int
ImageId string
@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ func (client *Client) DetachDisk(instanceId string, diskId string) error {
type ResizeDiskArgs struct {
DiskId string
DiskId string
NewSize int
@ -255,15 +256,14 @@ type ResizeDiskResponse struct {
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/25522.html
func (client *Client) ResizeDisk(diskId string, sizeGB int) error {
args := ResizeDiskArgs{
DiskId: diskId,
NewSize: sizeGB,
response := ResizeDiskResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("ResizeDisk", &args, &response)
return err
type ResetDiskArgs struct {
DiskId string
SnapshotId string
@ -273,7 +273,6 @@ type ResetDiskResponse struct {
// ResetDisk resets disk to original status
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/disk&resetdisk
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package ecs
import (
type CreateNetworkInterfaceArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
VSwitchId string
PrimaryIpAddress string // optional
SecurityGroupId string
NetworkInterfaceName string // optional
Description string // optional
ClientToken string // optional
type CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse struct {
NetworkInterfaceId string
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
NetworkInterfaceId string
type DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse struct {
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
VSwitchId string
PrimaryIpAddress string
SecurityGroupId string
NetworkInterfaceName string
Type string
InstanceId string
NetworkInterfaceId []string `query:"list"`
PageNumber int
PageSize int
type NetworkInterfaceType struct {
NetworkInterfaceId string
NetworkInterfaceName string
PrimaryIpAddress string
MacAddress string
Status string
PrivateIpAddress string
type DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse struct {
NetworkInterfaceSets struct {
NetworkInterfaceSet []NetworkInterfaceType
TotalCount int
PageNumber int
PageSize int
type AttachNetworkInterfaceArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
NetworkInterfaceId string
InstanceId string
type AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse common.Response
type DetachNetworkInterfaceArgs AttachNetworkInterfaceArgs
type DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse common.Response
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
NetworkInterfaceId string
SecurityGroupId []string
NetworkInterfaceName string
Description string
type ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse common.Response
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
NetworkInterfaceId string
PrivateIpAddress []string `query:"list"`
type UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse common.Response
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
NetworkInterfaceId string
PrivateIpAddress []string `query:"list"` // optional
SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int // optional
type AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse common.Response
func (client *Client) CreateNetworkInterface(args *CreateNetworkInterfaceArgs) (resp *CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error) {
resp = &CreateNetworkInterfaceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateNetworkInterface", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) DeleteNetworkInterface(args *DeleteNetworkInterfaceArgs) (resp *DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error) {
resp = &DeleteNetworkInterfaceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DeleteNetworkInterface", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) DescribeNetworkInterfaces(args *DescribeNetworkInterfacesArgs) (resp *DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse, err error) {
resp = &DescribeNetworkInterfacesResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeNetworkInterfaces", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) AttachNetworkInterface(args *AttachNetworkInterfaceArgs) error {
resp := &AttachNetworkInterfaceResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("AttachNetworkInterface", args, resp)
return err
func (client *Client) DetachNetworkInterface(args *DetachNetworkInterfaceArgs) (resp *DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse, err error) {
resp = &DetachNetworkInterfaceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DetachNetworkInterface", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(args *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeArgs) (resp *ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse, err error) {
resp = &ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) UnassignPrivateIpAddresses(args *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesArgs) (resp *UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error) {
resp = &UnassignPrivateIpAddressesResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("UnassignPrivateIpAddresses", args, resp)
return resp, err
func (client *Client) AssignPrivateIpAddresses(args *AssignPrivateIpAddressesArgs) (resp *AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse, err error) {
resp = &AssignPrivateIpAddressesResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("AssignPrivateIpAddresses", args, resp)
return resp, err
// Default timeout value for WaitForInstance method
const NetworkInterfacesDefaultTimeout = 120
// WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (client *Client) WaitForNetworkInterface(regionId common.Region, eniID string, status string, timeout int) error {
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = NetworkInterfacesDefaultTimeout
for {
eniIds := []string{eniID}
describeNetworkInterfacesArgs := DescribeNetworkInterfacesArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
NetworkInterfaceId: eniIds,
nisResponse, err := client.DescribeNetworkInterfaces(&describeNetworkInterfacesArgs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to describe network interface %v: %v", eniID, err)
if len(nisResponse.NetworkInterfaceSets.NetworkInterfaceSet) > 0 && nisResponse.NetworkInterfaceSets.NetworkInterfaceSet[0].Status == status {
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Timeout for waiting available status for network interfaces")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
return nil
@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ const (
ImageUsageNone = ImageUsage("none")
type ImageFormatType string
const (
RAW = ImageFormatType("RAW")
VHD = ImageFormatType("VHD")
// DescribeImagesArgs repsents arguments to describe images
type DescribeImagesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
@ -63,8 +70,10 @@ type DescribeImagesResponse struct {
type DiskDeviceMapping struct {
SnapshotId string
//Why Size Field is string-type.
Size string
Device string
Size string
// Now the key Size change to DiskImageSize
DiskImageSize string
Device string
//For import images
Format string
OSSBucket string
@ -151,6 +160,7 @@ func (client *Client) CreateImage(args *CreateImageArgs) (imageId string, err er
type DeleteImageArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ImageId string
Force bool
type DeleteImageResponse struct {
@ -170,6 +180,20 @@ func (client *Client) DeleteImage(regionId common.Region, imageId string) error
return client.Invoke("DeleteImage", &args, &response)
// DeleteImage deletes Image
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/image&deleteimage
func (client *Client) DeleteImageWithForce(regionId common.Region, imageId string, force bool) error {
args := DeleteImageArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
ImageId: imageId,
Force: force,
response := &DeleteImageResponse{}
return client.Invoke("DeleteImage", &args, &response)
// ModifyImageSharePermission repsents arguments to share image
type ModifyImageSharePermissionArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
@ -9,10 +9,19 @@ type DescribeInstanceTypesArgs struct {
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&instancetypeitemtype
type InstanceTypeItemType struct {
InstanceTypeId string
CpuCoreCount int
MemorySize float64
InstanceTypeFamily string
InstanceTypeId string
CpuCoreCount int
MemorySize float64
InstanceTypeFamily string
GPUAmount int
GPUSpec string
InitialCredit int
BaselineCredit int
EniQuantity int
EniPrivateIpAddressQuantity int
LocalStorageCapacity int
LocalStorageAmount int
LocalStorageCategory string
type DescribeInstanceTypesResponse struct {
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ type InstanceAttributesType struct {
SerialNumber string
Status InstanceStatus
OperationLocks OperationLocksType
SecurityGroupIds struct {
SecurityGroupIds struct {
SecurityGroupId []string
PublicIpAddress IpAddressSetType
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ type InstanceAttributesType struct {
IoOptimized StringOrBool
InstanceChargeType common.InstanceChargeType
ExpiredTime util.ISO6801Time
Tags struct {
Tags struct {
Tag []TagItemType
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
@ -440,6 +440,28 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeInstancesWithRaw(args *DescribeInstancesArgs) (res
return response, nil
type ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
AutoReleaseTime string
type ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeResponse struct {
// 对给定的实例设定自动释放时间。
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/47576.html
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTime(instanceId, time string) error {
args := ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeArgs{
InstanceId: instanceId,
AutoReleaseTime: time,
response := ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTimeResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTime", &args, &response)
return err
type DeleteInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceId string
@ -512,34 +534,43 @@ var (
IoOptimizedOptimized = IoOptimized("optimized")
type SecurityEnhancementStrategy string
var (
InactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Active")
DeactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Deactive")
type CreateInstanceArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ZoneId string
ImageId string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroupId string
InstanceName string
Description string
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
InternetMaxBandwidthIn int
InternetMaxBandwidthOut int
HostName string
Password string
IoOptimized IoOptimized
SystemDisk SystemDiskType
DataDisk []DataDiskType
VSwitchId string
PrivateIpAddress string
ClientToken string
InstanceChargeType common.InstanceChargeType
Period int
UserData string
AutoRenew bool
AutoRenewPeriod int
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
SpotPriceLimit float64
KeyPairName string
RamRoleName string
RegionId common.Region
ZoneId string
ImageId string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroupId string
InstanceName string
Description string
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
InternetMaxBandwidthIn int
InternetMaxBandwidthOut int
HostName string
Password string
IoOptimized IoOptimized
SystemDisk SystemDiskType
DataDisk []DataDiskType
VSwitchId string
PrivateIpAddress string
ClientToken string
InstanceChargeType common.InstanceChargeType
Period int
PeriodUnit common.TimeType
UserData string
AutoRenew bool
AutoRenewPeriod int
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
SpotPriceLimit float64
KeyPairName string
RamRoleName string
SecurityEnhancementStrategy SecurityEnhancementStrategy
type CreateInstanceResponse struct {
@ -682,3 +713,120 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceRamRole(args *AttachInstancesArgs) (resp *
return response, nil
type ModifyInstanceSpecArgs struct {
InstanceId string
InstanceType string
InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int
InternetMaxBandwidthIn *int
ClientToken string
type ModifyInstanceSpecResponse struct {
//ModifyInstanceSpec modify instance specification
// Notice: 1. An instance that was successfully modified once cannot be modified again within 5 minutes.
// 2. The API only can be used Pay-As-You-Go (PostPaid) instance
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/57633.htm
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceSpec(args *ModifyInstanceSpecArgs) error {
response := ModifyInstanceSpecResponse{}
return client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceSpec", args, &response)
type ModifyInstanceVpcAttributeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
VSwitchId string
PrivateIpAddress string
type ModifyInstanceVpcAttributeResponse struct {
//ModifyInstanceVpcAttribute modify instance vswitchID and private ip address
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/25504.htm
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceVpcAttribute(args *ModifyInstanceVpcAttributeArgs) error {
response := ModifyInstanceVpcAttributeResponse{}
return client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceVpcAttribute", args, &response)
type ModifyInstanceChargeTypeArgs struct {
InstanceIds string
RegionId common.Region
Period int
PeriodUnit common.TimeType
IncludeDataDisks bool
DryRun bool
AutoPay bool
ClientToken string
type ModifyInstanceChargeTypeResponse struct {
Order string
//ModifyInstanceChargeType modify instance charge type
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/25504.htm
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceChargeType(args *ModifyInstanceChargeTypeArgs) (*ModifyInstanceChargeTypeResponse, error) {
response := &ModifyInstanceChargeTypeResponse{}
if err := client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceChargeType", args, response); err != nil {
return response, err
return response, nil
type RenewalStatus string
const (
RenewAutoRenewal = RenewalStatus("AutoRenewal")
RenewNormal = RenewalStatus("Normal")
RenewNotRenewal = RenewalStatus("NotRenewal")
type ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttributeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
RegionId common.Region
Duration int
AutoRenew bool
RenewalStatus RenewalStatus
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/52843.htm
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute(args *ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttributeArgs) error {
response := &common.Response{}
return client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute", args, response)
type DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
RegionId common.Region
type InstanceRenewAttribute struct {
InstanceId string
Duration int
AutoRenewEnabled bool
PeriodUnit string
RenewalStatus RenewalStatus
type DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeResponse struct {
InstanceRenewAttributes struct {
InstanceRenewAttribute []InstanceRenewAttribute
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/52844.htm
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute(args *DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeArgs) (*DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeResponse, error) {
response := &DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttributeResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute", args, response)
return response, err
@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ type SnatTableIdType struct {
SnatTableId []string
type IpListsType struct {
IpList []IpListItem
type IpListItem struct {
IpAddress string
AllocationId string
UsingStatus string
type BandwidthPackageIdType struct {
BandwidthPackageId []string
@ -57,6 +67,7 @@ type NatGatewaySetType struct {
BandwidthPackageIds BandwidthPackageIdType
ForwardTableIds ForwardTableIdType
SnatTableIds SnatTableIdType
IpLists IpListsType
InstanceChargeType string
Name string
NatGatewayId string
@ -147,7 +158,8 @@ func (client *Client) DeleteNatGateway(args *DeleteNatGatewayArgs) error {
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
RegionId common.Region
BandwidthPackageId string
NatGatewayId string
@ -170,12 +182,13 @@ type DescribeBandwidthPackageType struct {
type DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse struct {
BandwidthPackages struct {
BandwidthPackage []DescribeBandwidthPackageType
func (client *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages(args *DescribeBandwidthPackagesArgs) ([]DescribeBandwidthPackageType, error) {
func (client *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages(args *DescribeBandwidthPackagesArgs) (*DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse, error) {
response := &DescribeBandwidthPackagesResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DescribeBandwidthPackages", args, response)
@ -183,7 +196,7 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeBandwidthPackages(args *DescribeBandwidthPackagesA
return nil, err
return response.BandwidthPackages.BandwidthPackage, err
return response, err
type DeleteBandwidthPackageArgs struct {
@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ func (client *Client) AllocatePublicIpAddress(instanceId string) (ipAddress stri
type ModifyInstanceNetworkSpec struct {
InstanceId string
InternetMaxBandwidthOut int
InternetMaxBandwidthIn int
InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int
InternetMaxBandwidthIn *int
NetworkChargeType common.InternetChargeType
type ModifyInstanceNetworkSpecResponse struct {
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ type AllocateEipAddressArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
Bandwidth int
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
ISP string
ClientToken string
@ -81,9 +83,19 @@ func (client *Client) AllocateEipAddress(args *AllocateEipAddressArgs) (EipAddre
return response.EipAddress, response.AllocationId, nil
type EipInstanceType string
const (
EcsInstance = "EcsInstance"
SlbInstance = "SlbInstance"
Nat = "Nat"
HaVip = "HaVip"
type AssociateEipAddressArgs struct {
AllocationId string
InstanceId string
InstanceType EipInstanceType
type AssociateEipAddressResponse struct {
@ -102,6 +114,11 @@ func (client *Client) AssociateEipAddress(allocationId string, instanceId string
return client.Invoke("AssociateEipAddress", &args, &response)
func (client *Client) NewAssociateEipAddress(args *AssociateEipAddressArgs) error {
response := ModifyInstanceNetworkSpecResponse{}
return client.Invoke("AssociateEipAddress", args, &response)
// Status of disks
type EipStatus string
@ -112,11 +129,22 @@ const (
EipStatusAvailable = EipStatus("Available")
type AssociatedInstanceType string
const (
AssociatedInstanceTypeEcsInstance = AssociatedInstanceType("EcsInstance")
AssociatedInstanceTypeSlbInstance = AssociatedInstanceType("SlbInstance")
AssociatedInstanceTypeNat = AssociatedInstanceType("Nat")
AssociatedInstanceTypeHaVip = AssociatedInstanceType("HaVip")
type DescribeEipAddressesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
Status EipStatus //enum Associating | Unassociating | InUse | Available
EipAddress string
AllocationId string
RegionId common.Region
Status EipStatus //enum Associating | Unassociating | InUse | Available
EipAddress string
AllocationId string
AssociatedInstanceType AssociatedInstanceType //enum EcsInstance | SlbInstance | Nat | HaVip
AssociatedInstanceId string //绑定的资源的Id。 这是一个过滤器性质的参数,若不指定,则表示不适用该条件对结果进行过滤。 如果要使用该过滤器,必须同时使用AssociatedInstanceType。若InstanceType为EcsInstance,则此处填写ECS实例Id。若InstanceType为SlbInstance,则此处填写VPC类型的私网SLB 的实例ID。若InstanceType为Nat,则此处填写NAT 的实例ID。。若InstanceType为HaVip,则此处填写HaVipId。
@ -128,6 +156,7 @@ type EipAddressSetType struct {
AllocationId string
Status EipStatus
InstanceId string
InstanceType string
Bandwidth string // Why string
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
OperationLocks OperationLocksType
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeRouteTablesWithRaw(args *DescribeRouteTablesArgs)
type NextHopType string
const (
NextHopIntance = NextHopType("Instance") //Default
NextHopTunnel = NextHopType("Tunnel")
NextHopIntance = NextHopType("Instance") //Default
NextHopTunnel = NextHopType("Tunnel")
NextHopTunnelRouterInterface = NextHopType("RouterInterface")
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package ecs
import (
@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ const (
Idl = InterfaceStatus("Idl")
Active = InterfaceStatus("Active")
Inactive = InterfaceStatus("Inactive")
// 'Idle' means the router interface is not connected. 'Idl' may be a incorrect status.
Idle = InterfaceStatus("Idle")
InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide")
AcceptingSide = Role("AcceptingSide")
@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ type Filter struct {
type DescribeRouterInterfacesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
Filter []Filter
Filter []Filter
type RouterInterfaceItemType struct {
@ -225,3 +229,29 @@ func (client *Client) DeleteRouterInterface(args *OperateRouterInterfaceArgs) (r
return response, nil
// WaitForRouterInterface waits for router interface to given status
func (client *Client) WaitForRouterInterfaceAsyn(regionId common.Region, interfaceId string, status InterfaceStatus, timeout int) error {
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = InstanceDefaultTimeout
for {
interfaces, err := client.DescribeRouterInterfaces(&DescribeRouterInterfacesArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
Filter: []Filter{Filter{Key: "RouterInterfaceId", Value: []string{interfaceId}}},
if err != nil {
return err
} else if interfaces != nil && InterfaceStatus(interfaces.RouterInterfaceSet.RouterInterfaceType[0].Status) == status {
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return common.GetClientErrorFromString("Timeout")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
return nil
@ -6,10 +6,15 @@ import (
type NicType string
type Direction string
const (
NicTypeInternet = NicType("internet")
NicTypeIntranet = NicType("intranet")
DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress")
DirectionEgress = Direction("egress")
DirectionAll = Direction("all")
type IpProtocol string
@ -29,11 +34,18 @@ const (
PermissionPolicyDrop = PermissionPolicy("drop")
type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string
const (
GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept")
GroupInnerDrop = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop")
type DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeArgs struct {
SecurityGroupId string
RegionId common.Region
NicType NicType //enum for internet (default) |intranet
Direction string // enum ingress egress
NicType NicType //enum for internet (default) |intranet
Direction Direction // enum ingress egress
@ -64,7 +76,8 @@ type DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse struct {
Permissions struct {
Permission []PermissionType
VpcId string
VpcId string
InnerAccessPolicy GroupInnerAccessPolicy
@ -197,6 +210,21 @@ func (client *Client) ModifySecurityGroupAttribute(args *ModifySecurityGroupAttr
return err
type ModifySecurityGroupPolicyArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
SecurityGroupId string
InnerAccessPolicy GroupInnerAccessPolicy
// ModifySecurityGroupPolicy modifies inner access policy of security group
// You can read doc at https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/57315.htm
func (client *Client) ModifySecurityGroupPolicy(args *ModifySecurityGroupPolicyArgs) error {
response := common.Response{}
err := client.Invoke("ModifySecurityGroupPolicy", args, &response)
return err
type AuthorizeSecurityGroupArgs struct {
SecurityGroupId string
RegionId common.Region
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ type SnapshotType struct {
SourceDiskSize int
SourceDiskType string //enum for System | Data
ProductCode string
Status string
Usage string
CreationTime util.ISO6801Time
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeSnatTableEntries(args *DescribeSnatTableEntriesArg
return response.SnatTableEntries.SnatTableEntry, &response.PaginationResult, nil
func (client *Client) DescribeSnatTableEntriesWithRaw(args *DescribeSnatTableEntriesArgs) ( response *DescribeSnatTableEntriesResponse, err error) {
func (client *Client) DescribeSnatTableEntriesWithRaw(args *DescribeSnatTableEntriesArgs) (response *DescribeSnatTableEntriesResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeSnatTableEntriesResponse{}
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type CreateKeyPairResponse struct {
// CreateKeyPair creates keypair
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/51771.html?spm=5176.doc51775.6.910.cedjfr
func (client *Client) CreateKeyPair(args *CreateKeyPairArgs) (resp *CreateKeyPairResponse,err error) {
func (client *Client) CreateKeyPair(args *CreateKeyPairArgs) (resp *CreateKeyPairResponse, err error) {
response := CreateKeyPairResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateKeyPair", args, &response)
if err != nil {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type ImportKeyPairResponse struct {
// ImportKeyPair import keypair
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/51774.html?spm=5176.doc51771.6.911.BicQq2
func (client *Client) ImportKeyPair(args *ImportKeyPairArgs) (resp *ImportKeyPairResponse,err error) {
func (client *Client) ImportKeyPair(args *ImportKeyPairArgs) (resp *ImportKeyPairResponse, err error) {
response := ImportKeyPairResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("ImportKeyPair", args, &response)
if err != nil {
@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ type DescribeKeyPairsResponse struct {
RegionId common.Region
KeyPairs struct {
KeyPair []KeyPairItemType
KeyPair []KeyPairItemType
// DescribeKeyPairs describe keypairs
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/51773.html?spm=5176.doc51774.6.912.lyE0iX
func (client *Client) DescribeKeyPairs(args *DescribeKeyPairsArgs) (KeyPairs []KeyPairItemType, pagination *common.PaginationResult, err error) {
func (client *Client) DescribeKeyPairs(args *DescribeKeyPairsArgs) (KeyPairs []KeyPairItemType, pagination *common.PaginationResult, err error) {
response, err := client.DescribeKeyPairsWithRaw(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -149,5 +149,3 @@ func (client *Client) DeleteKeyPairs(args *DeleteKeyPairsArgs) (err error) {
return nil
@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ type VpcSetType struct {
Description string
IsDefault bool
CreationTime util.ISO6801Time
RouterTableIds struct{
RouterTableIds []string
type DescribeVpcsResponse struct {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package ecs
import "github.com/denverdino/aliyungo/common"
import (
type ResourceType string
@ -15,19 +17,20 @@ const (
type SupportedResourceType string
const (
SupportedInstanceType = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceType")
SupportedInstanceTypeFamily = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceTypeFamily")
SupportedInstanceGeneration = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceGeneration")
SupportedSystemDiskCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedSystemDiskCategory")
SupportedDataDiskCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedDataDiskCategory")
SupportedNetworkCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedNetworkCategory")
SupportedInstanceType = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceType")
SupportedInstanceTypeFamily = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceTypeFamily")
SupportedInstanceGeneration = SupportedResourceType("supportedInstanceGeneration")
SupportedSystemDiskCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedSystemDiskCategory")
SupportedDataDiskCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedDataDiskCategory")
SupportedNetworkCategory = SupportedResourceType("supportedNetworkCategory")
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/25670.html?spm=5176.doc25640.2.1.J24zQt
type ResourcesInfoType struct {
ResourcesInfo []AvailableResourcesType
// Because the sub-item of AvailableResourcesType starts with supported and golang struct cann't refer them, this uses map to parse ResourcesInfo
type AvailableResourcesType struct {
IoOptimized bool
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ type AvailableInstanceTypesType struct {
type ZoneType struct {
ZoneId string
LocalName string
AvailableResources ResourcesInfoType
AvailableResources ResourcesInfoType
AvailableInstanceTypes AvailableInstanceTypesType
AvailableResourceCreation AvailableResourceCreationType
AvailableDiskCategories AvailableDiskCategoriesType
@ -101,3 +104,55 @@ func (client *Client) DescribeZonesWithRaw(regionId common.Region) (response *De
return nil, err
type DescribeAvailableResourceArgs struct {
RegionId string
DestinationResource string
ZoneId string
InstanceChargeType string
SpotStrategy string
IoOptimized string
InstanceType string
SystemDiskCategory string
DataDiskCategory string
NetworkCategory string
type DescribeAvailableResourceResponse struct {
AvailableZones struct {
AvailableZone []AvailableZoneType
type AvailableZoneType struct {
RegionId string
ZoneId string
Status string
AvailableResources struct {
AvailableResource []NewAvailableResourcesType
type NewAvailableResourcesType struct {
Type string
SupportedResources struct {
SupportedResource []SupportedResourcesType
type SupportedResourcesType struct {
Value string
Status string
Min string
Max string
Unit string
// https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/66186.htm
func (client *Client) DescribeAvailableResource(args *DescribeAvailableResourceArgs) (response *DescribeAvailableResourceResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeAvailableResourceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeAvailableResource", args, response)
return response, err
@ -81,4 +81,7 @@ type RamClientInterface interface {
ClearAccountAlias() (RamCommonResponse, error)
SetPasswordPolicy(passwordPolicy PasswordPolicyRequest) (PasswordPolicyResponse, error)
GetPasswordPolicy() (PasswordPolicyResponse, error)
// Common Client Methods
SetUserAgent(userAgent string)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type GroupListResponse struct {
IsTruncated bool
Marker string
Groups struct {
Groups struct {
Group []Group
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type PolicyQueryResponse struct {
IsTruncated bool
Marker string
Policies struct {
Policies struct {
Policy []Policy
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package slb
import "github.com/denverdino/aliyungo/common"
type UploadServerCertificateArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ServerCertificate string
ServerCertificateName string
PrivateKey string
type UploadServerCertificateResponse struct {
ServerCertificateId string
ServerCertificateName string
Fingerprint string
// UploadServerCertificate Upload server certificate
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#pub/slb/api-reference/api-servercertificate&UploadServerCertificate
func (client *Client) UploadServerCertificate(args *UploadServerCertificateArgs) (response *UploadServerCertificateResponse, err error) {
response = &UploadServerCertificateResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("UploadServerCertificate", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type DeleteServerCertificateArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ServerCertificateId string
type DeleteServerCertificateResponse struct {
// DeleteServerCertificate Delete server certificate
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#pub/slb/api-reference/api-servercertificate&DeleteServerCertificate
func (client *Client) DeleteServerCertificate(regionId common.Region, serverCertificateId string) (err error) {
args := &DeleteServerCertificateArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
ServerCertificateId: serverCertificateId,
response := &DeleteServerCertificateResponse{}
return client.Invoke("DeleteServerCertificate", args, response)
type SetServerCertificateNameArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ServerCertificateId string
ServerCertificateName string
type SetServerCertificateNameResponse struct {
// SetServerCertificateName Set name of server certificate
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#pub/slb/api-reference/api-servercertificate&SetServerCertificateName
func (client *Client) SetServerCertificateName(regionId common.Region, serverCertificateId string, name string) (err error) {
args := &SetServerCertificateNameArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
ServerCertificateId: serverCertificateId,
ServerCertificateName: name,
response := &SetServerCertificateNameResponse{}
return client.Invoke("SetServerCertificateName", args, response)
type DescribeServerCertificatesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ServerCertificateId string
type ServerCertificateType struct {
RegionId common.Region
ServerCertificateId string
ServerCertificateName string
Fingerprint string
type DescribeServerCertificatesResponse struct {
ServerCertificates struct {
ServerCertificate []ServerCertificateType
// DescribeServerCertificates Describe server certificates
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#pub/slb/api-reference/api-servercertificate&DescribeServerCertificates
func (client *Client) DescribeServerCertificatesArgs(regionId common.Region, serverCertificateId string) (serverCertificates []ServerCertificateType, err error) {
args := &DescribeServerCertificatesArgs{
RegionId: regionId,
ServerCertificateId: serverCertificateId,
response := &DescribeServerCertificatesResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeServerCertificates", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.ServerCertificates.ServerCertificate, err
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package slb
import (
type Client struct {
const (
// SLBDefaultEndpoint is the default API endpoint of SLB services
SLBDefaultEndpoint = "https://slb.aliyuncs.com"
SLBAPIVersion = "2014-05-15"
SLBServiceCode = "slb"
// NewClient creates a new instance of ECS client
func NewClient(accessKeyId, accessKeySecret string) *Client {
endpoint := os.Getenv("SLB_ENDPOINT")
if endpoint == "" {
endpoint = SLBDefaultEndpoint
return NewClientWithEndpoint(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret)
func NewClientWithEndpoint(endpoint string, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret string) *Client {
client := &Client{}
client.Init(endpoint, SLBAPIVersion, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret)
return client
func NewSLBClient(accessKeyId, accessKeySecret string, regionID common.Region) *Client {
endpoint := os.Getenv("SLB_ENDPOINT")
if endpoint == "" {
endpoint = SLBDefaultEndpoint
return NewClientWithRegion(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, regionID)
func NewClientWithRegion(endpoint string, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret string, regionID common.Region) *Client {
client := &Client{}
client.NewInit(endpoint, SLBAPIVersion, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, SLBServiceCode, regionID)
return client
@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
package slb
import (
type ListenerStatus string
const (
Starting = ListenerStatus("starting")
Running = ListenerStatus("running")
Configuring = ListenerStatus("configuring")
Stopping = ListenerStatus("stopping")
Stopped = ListenerStatus("stopped")
type SchedulerType string
const (
WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr")
WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc")
type FlagType string
const (
OnFlag = FlagType("on")
OffFlag = FlagType("off")
type StickySessionType string
const (
InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert")
ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server")
const BackendServerPort = -520
type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string
const (
HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx")
HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx")
HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx")
HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx")
func EncodeHealthCheckHttpCodeType(healthCheckHttpCodes []HealthCheckHttpCodeType) (HealthCheckHttpCodeType, error) {
code := ""
if nil == healthCheckHttpCodes || len(healthCheckHttpCodes) < 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid size of healthCheckHttpCodes")
for _, healthCheckHttpCode := range healthCheckHttpCodes {
if strings.EqualFold(string(HTTP_2XX), string(healthCheckHttpCode)) ||
strings.EqualFold(string(HTTP_3XX), string(healthCheckHttpCode)) ||
strings.EqualFold(string(HTTP_4XX), string(healthCheckHttpCode)) ||
strings.EqualFold(string(HTTP_5XX), string(healthCheckHttpCode)) {
if "" == code {
code = string(healthCheckHttpCode)
} else {
if strings.Contains(code, string(healthCheckHttpCode)) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Duplicates healthCheckHttpCode(%v in %v)", healthCheckHttpCode, healthCheckHttpCodes)
code += code + "," + string(healthCheckHttpCode)
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid healthCheckHttpCode(%v in %v)", healthCheckHttpCode, healthCheckHttpCodes)
return HealthCheckHttpCodeType(code), nil
type CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse struct {
type HTTPListenerType struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
BackendServerPort int
Bandwidth int
Scheduler SchedulerType
StickySession FlagType
StickySessionType StickySessionType
CookieTimeout int
Cookie string
HealthCheck FlagType
HealthCheckDomain string
HealthCheckURI string
HealthCheckConnectPort int
HealthyThreshold int
UnhealthyThreshold int
HealthCheckTimeout int
HealthCheckInterval int
HealthCheckHttpCode HealthCheckHttpCodeType
VServerGroup FlagType
VServerGroupId string
Gzip FlagType
type CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListenerArgs HTTPListenerType
// CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener create HTTP listener on loadbalancer
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener
func (client *Client) CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener(args *CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListenerArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener", args, response)
return err
type HTTPSListenerType struct {
ServerCertificateId string
type CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerArgs HTTPSListenerType
// CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener create HTTPS listener on loadbalancer
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener
func (client *Client) CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener(args *CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener", args, response)
return err
type HealthCheckType string
const (
TCPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("tcp")
HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http")
type TCPListenerType struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
BackendServerPort int
Bandwidth int
Scheduler SchedulerType
PersistenceTimeout int
HealthCheck FlagType
HealthCheckType HealthCheckType
HealthCheckDomain string
HealthCheckURI string
HealthCheckConnectPort int
HealthyThreshold int
UnhealthyThreshold int
HealthCheckConnectTimeout int
HealthCheckInterval int
HealthCheckHttpCode HealthCheckHttpCodeType
VServerGroup FlagType
VServerGroupId string
type CreateLoadBalancerTCPListenerArgs TCPListenerType
// CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener create TCP listener on loadbalancer
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener
func (client *Client) CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener(args *CreateLoadBalancerTCPListenerArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener", args, response)
return err
type UDPListenerType struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
BackendServerPort int
Bandwidth int
Scheduler SchedulerType
PersistenceTimeout int
HealthCheck FlagType
HealthCheckConnectPort int
HealthyThreshold int
UnhealthyThreshold int
HealthCheckConnectTimeout int
HealthCheckInterval int
VServerGroup FlagType
VServerGroupId string
type CreateLoadBalancerUDPListenerArgs UDPListenerType
// CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener create UDP listener on loadbalancer
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener
func (client *Client) CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener(args *CreateLoadBalancerUDPListenerArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener", args, response)
return err
type CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
// DeleteLoadBalancerListener Delete listener
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DeleteLoadBalancerListener
func (client *Client) DeleteLoadBalancerListener(loadBalancerId string, port int) (err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DeleteLoadBalancerListener", args, response)
return err
// StartLoadBalancerListener Start listener
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&StartLoadBalancerListener
func (client *Client) StartLoadBalancerListener(loadBalancerId string, port int) (err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("StartLoadBalancerListener", args, response)
return err
// StopLoadBalancerListener Stop listener
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&StopLoadBalancerListener
func (client *Client) StopLoadBalancerListener(loadBalancerId string, port int) (err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("StopLoadBalancerListener", args, response)
return err
type AccessControlStatus string
const (
OpenWhileList = AccessControlStatus("open_white_list")
Close = AccessControlStatus("close")
type SetListenerAccessControlStatusArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
AccessControlStatus AccessControlStatus
// SetListenerAccessControlStatus Set listener access control status
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&SetListenerAccessControlStatus
func (client *Client) SetListenerAccessControlStatus(loadBalancerId string, port int, status AccessControlStatus) (err error) {
args := &SetListenerAccessControlStatusArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
AccessControlStatus: status,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetListenerAccessControlStatus", args, response)
return err
type CommonListenerWhiteListItemArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
SourceItems string
// AddListenerWhiteListItem Add listener white-list item
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&AddListenerWhiteListItem
func (client *Client) AddListenerWhiteListItem(loadBalancerId string, port int, sourceItems string) (err error) {
args := &CommonListenerWhiteListItemArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
SourceItems: sourceItems,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("AddListenerWhiteListItem", args, response)
return err
// RemoveListenerWhiteListItem Remove listener white-list item
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&RemoveListenerWhiteListItem
func (client *Client) RemoveListenerWhiteListItem(loadBalancerId string, port int, sourceItems string) (err error) {
args := &CommonListenerWhiteListItemArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
SourceItems: sourceItems,
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("RemoveListenerWhiteListItem", args, response)
return err
type SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttributeArgs CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListenerArgs
// SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute Set HTTP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute(args *SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttributeArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute", args, response)
return err
type SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttributeArgs CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerArgs
// SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute Set HTTPS listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute(args *SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttributeArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute", args, response)
return err
type SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributeArgs CreateLoadBalancerTCPListenerArgs
// SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute Set TCP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute(args *SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributeArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute", args, response)
return err
type SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttributeArgs CreateLoadBalancerUDPListenerArgs
// SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute Set UDP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute(args *SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttributeArgs) (err error) {
response := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute", args, response)
return err
type DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttributeResponse struct {
Status ListenerStatus
type DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute Describe HTTP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int) (response *DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttributeResponse, err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response = &DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute Describe HTTPS listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int) (response *DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttributeResponse, err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response = &DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute Describe TCP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int) (response *DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributeResponse, err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response = &DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute Describe UDP listener attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int) (response *DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttributeResponse, err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response = &DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type ListenerType string
const (
UDP = ListenerType("UDP")
TCP = ListenerType("TCP")
HTTP = ListenerType("HTTP")
HTTPS = ListenerType("HTTPS")
const DefaultWaitForInterval = 5 //5 seconds
const DefaultTimeout = 60 //60 seconds
// WaitForListener waits for listener to given status
func (client *Client) WaitForListener(loadBalancerId string, port int, listenerType ListenerType) (status ListenerStatus, err error) {
timeout := DefaultTimeout
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
method := fmt.Sprintf("DescribeLoadBalancer%sListenerAttribute", listenerType)
response := &DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttributeResponse{}
for {
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return response.Status, common.GetClientErrorFromString("Timeout")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
//Sleep first to ensure the previous request is sent
err = client.Invoke(method, args, response)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if response.Status == Running || response.Status == Stopped {
return response.Status, nil
// WaitForListener waits for listener to given status
func (client *Client) WaitForListenerAsyn(loadBalancerId string, port int, listenerType ListenerType, status ListenerStatus, timeout int) error {
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = DefaultTimeout
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
method := fmt.Sprintf("DescribeLoadBalancer%sListenerAttribute", listenerType)
response := &DescribeLoadBalancerListenerAttributeResponse{}
for {
err := client.Invoke(method, args, response)
e, _ := err.(*common.Error)
if e != nil {
if e.StatusCode == 404 || e.Code == "InvalidLoadBalancerId.NotFound" {
return err
} else if response != nil && response.Status == status {
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return common.GetClientErrorFromString("Timeout")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
return nil
type DescribeListenerAccessControlAttributeResponse struct {
AccessControlStatus AccessControlStatus
SourceItems string
// DescribeListenerAccessControlAttribute Describe listener access control attribute
// You can read doc at https://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-listener&DescribeListenerAccessControlAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeListenerAccessControlAttribute(loadBalancerId string, port int) (response *DescribeListenerAccessControlAttributeResponse, err error) {
args := &CommonLoadBalancerListenerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
ListenerPort: port,
response = &DescribeListenerAccessControlAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeListenerAccessControlAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
package slb
import (
type AddressType string
const (
InternetAddressType = AddressType("internet")
IntranetAddressType = AddressType("intranet")
type InternetChargeType string
const (
PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("paybybandwidth")
PayByTraffic = InternetChargeType("paybytraffic")
type CreateLoadBalancerArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerName string
AddressType AddressType
VSwitchId string
InternetChargeType InternetChargeType
Bandwidth int
ClientToken string
type CreateLoadBalancerResponse struct {
LoadBalancerId string
Address string
NetworkType string
VpcId string
VSwitchId string
LoadBalancerName string
// CreateLoadBalancer create loadbalancer
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&CreateLoadBalancer
func (client *Client) CreateLoadBalancer(args *CreateLoadBalancerArgs) (response *CreateLoadBalancerResponse, err error) {
response = &CreateLoadBalancerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateLoadBalancer", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
type DeleteLoadBalancerArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
type DeleteLoadBalancerResponse struct {
// DeleteLoadBalancer delete loadbalancer
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&DeleteLoadBalancer
func (client *Client) DeleteLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId string) (err error) {
args := &DeleteLoadBalancerArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
response := &DeleteLoadBalancerResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DeleteLoadBalancer", args, response)
return err
type ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpecArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
InternetChargeType InternetChargeType
Bandwidth int
type ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpecResponse struct {
// ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec Modify loadbalancer internet spec
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec
func (client *Client) ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec(args *ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpecArgs) (err error) {
response := &ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpecResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec", args, response)
return err
type Status string
const InactiveStatus = Status("inactive")
const ActiveStatus = Status("active")
const LockedStatus = Status("locked")
type SetLoadBalancerStatusArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
LoadBalancerStatus Status
type SetLoadBalancerStatusResponse struct {
// SetLoadBalancerStatus Set loadbalancer status
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&SetLoadBalancerStatus
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerStatus(loadBalancerId string, status Status) (err error) {
args := &SetLoadBalancerStatusArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
LoadBalancerStatus: status,
response := &SetLoadBalancerStatusResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerStatus", args, response)
return err
type SetLoadBalancerNameArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
LoadBalancerName string
type SetLoadBalancerNameResponse struct {
// SetLoadBalancerName Set loadbalancer name
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&SetLoadBalancerName
func (client *Client) SetLoadBalancerName(loadBalancerId string, name string) (err error) {
args := &SetLoadBalancerNameArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
LoadBalancerName: name,
response := &SetLoadBalancerNameResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetLoadBalancerName", args, response)
return err
type DescribeLoadBalancersArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerId string
LoadBalancerName string
AddressType AddressType
NetworkType string
VpcId string
VSwitchId string
Address string
InternetChargeType InternetChargeType
ServerId string
type ListenerPortAndProtocolType struct {
ListenerPort int
ListenerProtocol string
type BackendServerType struct {
ServerId string
Weight int
type LoadBalancerType struct {
LoadBalancerId string
LoadBalancerName string
LoadBalancerStatus string
Address string
RegionId common.Region
RegionIdAlias string
AddressType AddressType
VSwitchId string
VpcId string
NetworkType string
Bandwidth int
InternetChargeType InternetChargeType
CreateTime string //Why not ISO 6801
CreateTimeStamp util.ISO6801Time
ListenerPorts struct {
ListenerPort []int
ListenerPortsAndProtocol struct {
ListenerPortAndProtocol []ListenerPortAndProtocolType
BackendServers struct {
BackendServer []BackendServerType
type DescribeLoadBalancersResponse struct {
LoadBalancers struct {
LoadBalancer []LoadBalancerType
// DescribeLoadBalancers Describe loadbalancers
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&DescribeLoadBalancers
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancers(args *DescribeLoadBalancersArgs) (loadBalancers []LoadBalancerType, err error) {
response := &DescribeLoadBalancersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.LoadBalancers.LoadBalancer, err
type DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
type DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute Describe loadbalancer attribute
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute
func (client *Client) DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute(loadBalancerId string) (loadBalancer *LoadBalancerType, err error) {
args := &DescribeLoadBalancersArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
response := &DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response.LoadBalancerType, err
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package slb
import "github.com/denverdino/aliyungo/common"
type DescribeRegionsArgs struct {
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype®iontype
type RegionType struct {
RegionId common.Region
LocalName string
type DescribeRegionsResponse struct {
Regions struct {
Region []RegionType
// DescribeRegions describes regions
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-loadbalancer&DescribeRegions
func (client *Client) DescribeRegions() (regions []RegionType, err error) {
response := DescribeRegionsResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeRegions", &DescribeRegionsArgs{}, &response)
if err != nil {
return []RegionType{}, err
return response.Regions.Region, nil
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
package slb
import "github.com/denverdino/aliyungo/common"
type CreateRulesResponse struct {
type CreateRulesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
RuleList string
type Rule struct {
RuleId string
RuleName string
Domain string
Url string `json:",omitempty"`
VServerGroupId string
// Create forward rules
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/35226.html?spm=5176.doc35226.6.671.625Omh
func (client *Client) CreateRules(args *CreateRulesArgs) error {
response := CreateRulesResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("CreateRules", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
type DeleteRulesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
RuleIds string
type DeleteRulesResponse struct {
// Delete forward rules
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/35227.html?spm=5176.doc35226.6.672.6iNBtR
func (client *Client) DeleteRules(args *DeleteRulesArgs) error {
response := DeleteRulesResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DeleteRules", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
type SetRuleArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
RuleId string
VServerGroupId string
type SetRuleResponse struct {
// Modify forward rules
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/35228.html?spm=5176.doc35227.6.673.rq40a9
func (client *Client) SetRule(args *SetRuleArgs) error {
response := SetRuleResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("SetRule", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
type DescribeRuleAttributeArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
RuleId string
type DescribeRuleAttributeResponse struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
// Describe rule
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/35229.html?spm=5176.doc35226.6.674.DRJeKJ
func (client *Client) DescribeRuleAttribute(args *DescribeRuleAttributeArgs) (*DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error) {
response := &DescribeRuleAttributeResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DescribeRuleAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
type DescribeRulesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
type DescribeRulesResponse struct {
Rules struct {
Rule []Rule
// Describe rule
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/35229.html?spm=5176.doc35226.6.674.DRJeKJ
func (client *Client) DescribeRules(args *DescribeRulesArgs) (*DescribeRulesResponse, error) {
response := &DescribeRulesResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DescribeRules", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
package slb
import (
type AddBackendServersArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
BackendServers string
type SetBackendServersArgs AddBackendServersArgs
type AddBackendServersResponse struct {
LoadBalancerId string
BackendServers struct {
BackendServer []BackendServerType
type SetBackendServersResponse AddBackendServersResponse
// SetBackendServers set weight of backend servers
func (client *Client) SetBackendServers(loadBalancerId string, backendServers []BackendServerType) (result []BackendServerType, err error) {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(backendServers)
args := &SetBackendServersArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
BackendServers: string(bytes),
response := &SetBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.BackendServers.BackendServer, err
// AddBackendServers Add backend servers
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-backendserver&AddBackendServers
func (client *Client) AddBackendServers(loadBalancerId string, backendServers []BackendServerType) (result []BackendServerType, err error) {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(backendServers)
args := &AddBackendServersArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
BackendServers: string(bytes),
response := &AddBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("AddBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.BackendServers.BackendServer, err
type RemoveBackendServersArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
BackendServers []string
type RemoveBackendServersResponse struct {
LoadBalancerId string
BackendServers struct {
BackendServer []BackendServerType
// RemoveBackendServers Remove backend servers
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-backendserver&RemoveBackendServers
func (client *Client) RemoveBackendServers(loadBalancerId string, backendServers []string) (result []BackendServerType, err error) {
args := &RemoveBackendServersArgs{
LoadBalancerId: loadBalancerId,
BackendServers: backendServers,
response := &RemoveBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("RemoveBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.BackendServers.BackendServer, err
type HealthStatusType struct {
ServerId string
ServerHealthStatus string
type DescribeHealthStatusArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
ListenerPort int
type DescribeHealthStatusResponse struct {
BackendServers struct {
BackendServer []HealthStatusType
// DescribeHealthStatus Describe health status
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/slb/api-reference/api-related-backendserver&DescribeHealthStatus
func (client *Client) DescribeHealthStatus(args *DescribeHealthStatusArgs) (response *DescribeHealthStatusResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeHealthStatusResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeHealthStatus", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
package slb
import "github.com/denverdino/aliyungo/common"
type TagItem struct {
TagKey string
TagValue string
type AddTagsArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerID string
Tags string
type AddTagsResponse struct {
// AddTags Add tags to resource
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/42871.html
func (client *Client) AddTags(args *AddTagsArgs) error {
response := AddTagsResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("AddTags", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
type RemoveTagsArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerID string
Tags string
type RemoveTagsResponse struct {
// RemoveTags remove tags to resource
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/42872.html
func (client *Client) RemoveTags(args *RemoveTagsArgs) error {
response := RemoveTagsResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("RemoveTags", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
type TagItemType struct {
InstanceCount int
type DescribeTagsArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
LoadBalancerID string
Tags string
type DescribeTagsResponse struct {
TagSets struct {
TagSet []TagItemType
// DescribeResourceByTags describe resource by tags
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/42873.html?spm=5176.doc42872.6.267.CP1iWu
func (client *Client) DescribeTags(args *DescribeTagsArgs) (tags []TagItemType, pagination *common.PaginationResult, err error) {
response := DescribeTagsResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeTags", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return response.TagSets.TagSet, &response.PaginationResult, nil
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
package slb
import (
type VBackendServerType struct {
ServerId string
Weight int
Port int
type VServerGroup struct {
VServerGroupName string
VServerGroupId string
type VBackendServers struct {
BackendServer []VBackendServerType
type CreateVServerGroupArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
RegionId common.Region
VServerGroupName string
VServerGroupId string
BackendServers string
type SetVServerGroupAttributeArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
RegionId common.Region
VServerGroupName string
VServerGroupId string
BackendServers string
type AddVServerGroupBackendServersArgs CreateVServerGroupArgs
type RemoveVServerGroupBackendServersArgs CreateVServerGroupArgs
type ModifyVServerGroupBackendServersArgs struct {
VServerGroupId string
RegionId common.Region
OldBackendServers string
NewBackendServers string
type DeleteVServerGroupArgs struct {
VServerGroupId string
RegionId common.Region
type DescribeVServerGroupsArgs struct {
LoadBalancerId string
RegionId common.Region
type DescribeVServerGroupAttributeArgs struct {
VServerGroupId string
RegionId common.Region
type CreateVServerGroupResponse struct {
VServerGroupId string
VServerGroupName string
BackendServers VBackendServers
type SetVServerGroupAttributeResponse struct {
VServerGroupId string
VServerGroupName string
BackendServers VBackendServers
type AddVServerGroupBackendServersResponse CreateVServerGroupResponse
type RemoveVServerGroupBackendServersResponse CreateVServerGroupResponse
type ModifyVServerGroupBackendServersResponse CreateVServerGroupResponse
type DeleteVServerGroupResponse struct{ common.Response }
type DescribeVServerGroupsResponse struct {
VServerGroups struct {
VServerGroup []VServerGroup
type DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse CreateVServerGroupResponse
func (client *Client) CreateVServerGroup(args *CreateVServerGroupArgs) (response *CreateVServerGroupResponse, err error) {
response = &CreateVServerGroupResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateVServerGroup", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) SetVServerGroupAttribute(args *SetVServerGroupAttributeArgs) (response *SetVServerGroupAttributeResponse, err error) {
response = &SetVServerGroupAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("SetVServerGroupAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) AddVServerGroupBackendServers(args *AddVServerGroupBackendServersArgs) (response *AddVServerGroupBackendServersResponse, err error) {
response = &AddVServerGroupBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("AddVServerGroupBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) RemoveVServerGroupBackendServers(args *RemoveVServerGroupBackendServersArgs) (response *RemoveVServerGroupBackendServersResponse, err error) {
response = &RemoveVServerGroupBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("RemoveVServerGroupBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) ModifyVServerGroupBackendServers(args *ModifyVServerGroupBackendServersArgs) (response *ModifyVServerGroupBackendServersResponse, err error) {
response = &ModifyVServerGroupBackendServersResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("ModifyVServerGroupBackendServers", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) DeleteVServerGroup(args *DeleteVServerGroupArgs) (response *DeleteVServerGroupResponse, err error) {
response = &DeleteVServerGroupResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DeleteVServerGroup", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) DescribeVServerGroups(args *DescribeVServerGroupsArgs) (response *DescribeVServerGroupsResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeVServerGroupsResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeVServerGroups", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
func (client *Client) DescribeVServerGroupAttribute(args *DescribeVServerGroupAttributeArgs) (response *DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeVServerGroupAttribute", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, err
@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ func setQueryValues(i interface{}, values *url.Values, prefix string) {
fieldName := elemType.Field(i).Name
anonymous := elemType.Field(i).Anonymous
tag := elemType.Field(i).Tag.Get("query")
argName := elemType.Field(i).Tag.Get("ArgName")
field := elem.Field(i)
// TODO Use Tag for validation
// tag := typ.Field(i).Tag.Get("tagname")
@ -116,15 +118,26 @@ func setQueryValues(i interface{}, values *url.Values, prefix string) {
case reflect.String:
l := field.Len()
if l > 0 {
strArray := make([]string, l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
strArray[i] = field.Index(i).String()
bytes, err := json.Marshal(strArray)
if err == nil {
value = string(bytes)
if tag == "list" {
name := argName
if argName == "" {
name = fieldName
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
valueName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", name, (i + 1))
values.Set(valueName, field.Index(i).String())
} else {
log.Printf("Failed to convert JSON: %v", err)
strArray := make([]string, l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
strArray[i] = field.Index(i).String()
bytes, err := json.Marshal(strArray)
if err == nil {
value = string(bytes)
} else {
log.Printf("Failed to convert JSON: %v", err)
@ -162,8 +175,8 @@ func setQueryValues(i interface{}, values *url.Values, prefix string) {
if value != "" {
name := elemType.Field(i).Tag.Get("ArgName")
if name == "" {
name := argName
if argName == "" {
name = fieldName
if prefix != "" {
@ -35,6 +35,5 @@ func CreateSignatureForRequest(method string, values *url.Values, accessKeySecre
canonicalizedQueryString := percentReplace(values.Encode())
stringToSign := method + "&%2F&" + url.QueryEscape(canonicalizedQueryString)
return CreateSignature(stringToSign, accessKeySecret)
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
srand "crypto/rand"
@ -64,6 +66,34 @@ func Encode(v url.Values) string {
return buf.String()
// Like Encode, but key and value are not escaped
func EncodeWithoutEscape(v url.Values) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
vs := v[k]
prefix := k
for _, v := range vs {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if v != "" {
return buf.String()
func GetGMTime() string {
return time.Now().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)
@ -145,3 +175,11 @@ func GenerateRandomECSPassword() string {
return string(s)
func PrettyJson(object interface{}) string {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(object, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: PrettyJson, %v\n %s\n", err, b)
return string(b)
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
language: go
- go vet ./...
- go test -v ./...
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
- tip
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
language: go
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- "1.10"
- tip
@ -1,5 +1,53 @@
# Change Log
## [v1.11.1] - 2019-04-04
- #222 Fix Create Database Pools json fields - @sunny-b
## [v1.11.0] - 2019-04-03
- #220 roll out vpc functionality - @jheimann
## [v1.10.1] - 2019-03-27
- #219 Fix Database Pools json field - @sunny-b
## [v1.10.0] - 2019-03-20
- #215 Add support for Databases - @mikejholly
## [v1.9.0] - 2019-03-18
- #214 add support for enable_proxy_protocol. - @mregmi
## [v1.8.0] - 2019-03-13
- #210 Expose tags on storage volume create/list/get. - @jcodybaker
## [v1.7.5] - 2019-03-04
- #207 Add support for custom subdomains for Spaces CDN [beta] - @xornivore
## [v1.7.4] - 2019-02-08
- #202 Allow tagging volumes - @mchitten
## [v1.7.3] - 2018-12-18
- #196 Expose tag support for creating Load Balancers.
## [v1.7.2] - 2018-12-04
- #192 Exposes more options for Kubernetes clusters.
## [v1.7.1] - 2018-11-27
- #190 Expose constants for the state of Kubernetes clusters.
## [v1.7.0] - 2018-11-13
- #188 Kubernetes support [beta] - @aybabtme
## [v1.6.0] - 2018-10-16
- #185 Projects support [beta] - @mchitten
@ -22,3 +22,27 @@ When working on code in this repository, tests can be run via:
go test .
## Versioning
Godo follows [semver](https://www.semver.org) versioning semantics. New functionality should be accompanied by increment to the minor version number. The current strategy is to release often. Any code which is complete, tested, reviewed, and merged to master is worthy of release.
## Releasing
Releasing a new version of godo is currently a manual process.
1. Update the `CHANGELOG.md` with your changes. If a version header for the next (unreleased) version does not exist, create one. Include one bullet point for each piece of new functionality in the release, including the pull request ID, description, and author(s).
## [v1.8.0] - 2019-03-13
- #210 Expose tags on storage volume create/list/get. - @jcodybaker
- #123 Update test dependencies - @digitalocean
2. Update the `libraryVersion` number in `godo.go`.
3. Make a pull request with these changes. This PR should be separate from the PR containing the godo changes.
4. Once the pull request has been merged, visit [https://github.com/digitalocean/godo/releases](https://github.com/digitalocean/godo/release) and click `Draft a new release`.
5. Update the `Tag version` and `Release title` field with the new godo version. Be sure the version has a `v` prefixed in both places. Ex `v1.8.0`.
6. Copy the changelog bullet points to the description field.
7. Publish the release.
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ type CDNService interface {
List(context.Context, *ListOptions) ([]CDN, *Response, error)
Get(context.Context, string) (*CDN, *Response, error)
Create(context.Context, *CDNCreateRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
UpdateTTL(context.Context, string, *CDNUpdateRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
UpdateTTL(context.Context, string, *CDNUpdateTTLRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
UpdateCustomDomain(context.Context, string, *CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
FlushCache(context.Context, string, *CDNFlushCacheRequest) (*Response, error)
Delete(context.Context, string) (*Response, error)
@ -29,11 +30,13 @@ var _ CDNService = &CDNServiceOp{}
// CDN represents a DigitalOcean CDN
type CDN struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Origin string `json:"origin"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Origin string `json:"origin"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id,omitempty"`
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain,omitempty"`
// CDNRoot represents a response from the DigitalOcean API
@ -48,15 +51,23 @@ type cdnsRoot struct {
// CDNCreateRequest represents a request to create a CDN.
type CDNCreateRequest struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
Origin string `json:"origin"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain,omitempty"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id,omitempty"`
// CDNUpdateRequest represents a request to update the ttl of a CDN.
type CDNUpdateRequest struct {
// CDNUpdateTTLRequest represents a request to update the ttl of a CDN.
type CDNUpdateTTLRequest struct {
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
// CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest represents a request to update the custom domain of a CDN.
type CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest struct {
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id"`
// CDNFlushCacheRequest represents a request to flush cache of a CDN.
type CDNFlushCacheRequest struct {
Files []string `json:"files"`
@ -128,8 +139,17 @@ func (c CDNServiceOp) Create(ctx context.Context, createRequest *CDNCreateReques
return root.Endpoint, resp, err
// UpdateTTL updates the ttl of individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateTTL(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *CDNUpdateRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
// UpdateTTL updates the ttl of an individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateTTL(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *CDNUpdateTTLRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
return c.update(ctx, id, updateRequest)
// UpdateCustomDomain sets or removes the custom domain of an individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateCustomDomain(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
return c.update(ctx, id, updateRequest)
func (c CDNServiceOp) update(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest interface{}) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
if updateRequest == nil {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("updateRequest", "cannot be nil")
@ -137,7 +157,6 @@ func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateTTL(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *C
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("id", "cannot be an empty string")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cdnBasePath, id)
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, path, updateRequest)
@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
package godo
import (
const (
databaseBasePath = "/v2/databases"
databaseSinglePath = databaseBasePath + "/%s"
databaseResizePath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/resize"
databaseMigratePath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/migrate"
databaseMaintenancePath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/maintenance"
databaseBackupsPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/backups"
databaseUsersPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/users"
databaseUserPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/users/%s"
databaseDBPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/dbs/%s"
databaseDBsPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/dbs"
databasePoolPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/pools/%s"
databasePoolsPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/pools"
databaseReplicaPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/replicas/%s"
databaseReplicasPath = databaseBasePath + "/%s/replicas"
// DatabasesService is an interface for interfacing with the databases endpoints
// of the DigitalOcean API.
// See: https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2#databases
type DatabasesService interface {
List(context.Context, *ListOptions) ([]Database, *Response, error)
Get(context.Context, string) (*Database, *Response, error)
Create(context.Context, *DatabaseCreateRequest) (*Database, *Response, error)
Delete(context.Context, string) (*Response, error)
Resize(context.Context, string, *DatabaseResizeRequest) (*Response, error)
Migrate(context.Context, string, *DatabaseMigrateRequest) (*Response, error)
UpdateMaintenance(context.Context, string, *DatabaseUpdateMaintenanceRequest) (*Response, error)
ListBackups(context.Context, string, *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseBackup, *Response, error)
GetUser(context.Context, string, string) (*DatabaseUser, *Response, error)
ListUsers(context.Context, string, *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseUser, *Response, error)
CreateUser(context.Context, string, *DatabaseCreateUserRequest) (*DatabaseUser, *Response, error)
DeleteUser(context.Context, string, string) (*Response, error)
ListDBs(context.Context, string, *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseDB, *Response, error)
CreateDB(context.Context, string, *DatabaseCreateDBRequest) (*DatabaseDB, *Response, error)
GetDB(context.Context, string, string) (*DatabaseDB, *Response, error)
DeleteDB(context.Context, string, string) (*Response, error)
ListPools(context.Context, string, *ListOptions) ([]DatabasePool, *Response, error)
CreatePool(context.Context, string, *DatabaseCreatePoolRequest) (*DatabasePool, *Response, error)
GetPool(context.Context, string, string) (*DatabasePool, *Response, error)
DeletePool(context.Context, string, string) (*Response, error)
GetReplica(context.Context, string, string) (*DatabaseReplica, *Response, error)
ListReplicas(context.Context, string, *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseReplica, *Response, error)
CreateReplica(context.Context, string, *DatabaseCreateReplicaRequest) (*DatabaseReplica, *Response, error)
DeleteReplica(context.Context, string, string) (*Response, error)
// DatabasesServiceOp handles communication with the Databases related methods
// of the DigitalOcean API.
type DatabasesServiceOp struct {
client *Client
var _ DatabasesService = &DatabasesServiceOp{}
// Database represents a DigitalOcean managed database product. These managed databases
// are usually comprised of a cluster of database nodes, a primary and 0 or more replicas.
// The EngineSlug is a string which indicates the type of database service. Some examples are
// "pg", "mysql" or "redis". A Database also includes connection information and other
// properties of the service like region, size and current status.
type Database struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
EngineSlug string `json:"engine,omitempty"`
VersionSlug string `json:"version,omitempty"`
Connection *DatabaseConnection `json:"connection,omitempty"`
Users []DatabaseUser `json:"users,omitempty"`
NumNodes int `json:"num_nodes,omitempty"`
SizeSlug string `json:"size,omitempty"`
DBNames []string `json:"db_names,omitempty"`
RegionSlug string `json:"region,omitempty"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
MaintenanceWindow *DatabaseMaintenanceWindow `json:"maintenance_window,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
// DatabaseConnection represents a database connection
type DatabaseConnection struct {
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
Database string `json:"database,omitempty"`
Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
Port int `json:"port,omitempty"`
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
SSL bool `json:"ssl,omitempty"`
// DatabaseUser represents a user in the database
type DatabaseUser struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Role string `json:"role,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
// DatabaseMaintenanceWindow represents the maintenance_window of a database
// cluster
type DatabaseMaintenanceWindow struct {
Day string `json:"day,omitempty"`
Hour string `json:"hour,omitempty"`
Pending bool `json:"pending,omitempty"`
Description []string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// DatabaseBackup represents a database backup.
type DatabaseBackup struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
SizeGigabytes float64 `json:"size_gigabytes,omitempty"`
// DatabaseCreateRequest represents a request to create a database cluster
type DatabaseCreateRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
EngineSlug string `json:"engine,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
SizeSlug string `json:"size,omitempty"`
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`
NumNodes int `json:"num_nodes,omitempty"`
// DatabaseResizeRequest can be used to initiate a database resize operation.
type DatabaseResizeRequest struct {
SizeSlug string `json:"size,omitempty"`
NumNodes int `json:"num_nodes,omitempty"`
// DatabaseMigrateRequest can be used to initiate a database migrate operation.
type DatabaseMigrateRequest struct {
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`
// DatabaseUpdateMaintenanceRequest can be used to update the database's maintenance window.
type DatabaseUpdateMaintenanceRequest struct {
Day string `json:"day,omitempty"`
Hour string `json:"hour,omitempty"`
// DatabaseDB represents an engine-specific database created within a database cluster. For SQL
// databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL, a "DB" refers to a database created on the RDBMS. For instance,
// a PostgreSQL database server can contain many database schemas, each with it's own settings, access
// permissions and data. ListDBs will return all databases present on the server.
type DatabaseDB struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// DatabaseReplica represents a read-only replica of a particular database
type DatabaseReplica struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Connection *DatabaseConnection `json:"connection"`
Region string `json:"region"`
Status string `json:"status"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
// DatabasePool represents a database connection pool
type DatabasePool struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int `json:"size"`
Database string `json:"db"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Connection *DatabaseConnection `json:"connection"`
// DatabaseCreatePoolRequest is used to create a new database connection pool
type DatabaseCreatePoolRequest struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int `json:"size"`
Database string `json:"db"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
// DatabaseCreateUserRequest is used to create a new database user
type DatabaseCreateUserRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// DatabaseCreateDBRequest is used to create a new engine-specific database within the cluster
type DatabaseCreateDBRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// DatabaseCreateReplicaRequest is used to create a new read-only replica
type DatabaseCreateReplicaRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Region string `json:"region"`
Size string `json:"size"`
type databaseUserRoot struct {
User *DatabaseUser `json:"user"`
type databaseUsersRoot struct {
Users []DatabaseUser `json:"users"`
type databaseDBRoot struct {
DB *DatabaseDB `json:"db"`
type databaseDBsRoot struct {
DBs []DatabaseDB `json:"dbs"`
type databasesRoot struct {
Databases []Database `json:"databases"`
type databaseRoot struct {
Database *Database `json:"database"`
type databaseBackupsRoot struct {
Backups []DatabaseBackup `json:"backups"`
type databasePoolRoot struct {
Pool *DatabasePool `json:"pool"`
type databasePoolsRoot struct {
Pools []DatabasePool `json:"pools"`
type databaseReplicaRoot struct {
Replica *DatabaseReplica `json:"replica"`
type databaseReplicasRoot struct {
Replicas []DatabaseReplica `json:"replicas"`
// List returns a list of the Databases visible with the caller's API token
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) List(ctx context.Context, opts *ListOptions) ([]Database, *Response, error) {
path := databaseBasePath
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databasesRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Databases, resp, nil
// Get retrieves the details of a database cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) Get(ctx context.Context, databaseID string) (*Database, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseSinglePath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Database, resp, nil
// Create creates a database cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) Create(ctx context.Context, create *DatabaseCreateRequest) (*Database, *Response, error) {
path := databaseBasePath
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, create)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Database, resp, nil
// Delete deletes a database cluster. There is no way to recover a cluster once
// it has been destroyed.
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) Delete(ctx context.Context, databaseID string) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", databaseBasePath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// Resize resizes a database cluster by number of nodes or size
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) Resize(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, resize *DatabaseResizeRequest) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseResizePath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, path, resize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// Migrate migrates a database cluster to a new region
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) Migrate(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, migrate *DatabaseMigrateRequest) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseMigratePath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, path, migrate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// UpdateMaintenance updates the maintenance window on a cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) UpdateMaintenance(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, maintenance *DatabaseUpdateMaintenanceRequest) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseMaintenancePath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, path, maintenance)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// ListBackups returns a list of the current backups of a database
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) ListBackups(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, opts *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseBackup, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseBackupsPath, databaseID)
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseBackupsRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Backups, resp, nil
// GetUser returns the database user identified by userID
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) GetUser(ctx context.Context, databaseID, userID string) (*DatabaseUser, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseUserPath, databaseID, userID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseUserRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.User, resp, nil
// ListUsers returns all database users for the database
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, opts *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseUser, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseUsersPath, databaseID)
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseUsersRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Users, resp, nil
// CreateUser will create a new database user
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, createUser *DatabaseCreateUserRequest) (*DatabaseUser, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseUsersPath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, createUser)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseUserRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.User, resp, nil
// DeleteUser will delete an existing database user
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, databaseID, userID string) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseUserPath, databaseID, userID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// ListDBs returns all databases for a given database cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) ListDBs(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, opts *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseDB, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseDBsPath, databaseID)
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseDBsRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.DBs, resp, nil
// GetDB returns a single database by name
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) GetDB(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*DatabaseDB, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseDBPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseDBRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.DB, resp, nil
// CreateDB will create a new database
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) CreateDB(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, createDB *DatabaseCreateDBRequest) (*DatabaseDB, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseDBsPath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, createDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseDBRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.DB, resp, nil
// DeleteDB will delete an existing database
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) DeleteDB(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseDBPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// ListPools returns all connection pools for a given database cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) ListPools(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, opts *ListOptions) ([]DatabasePool, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databasePoolsPath, databaseID)
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databasePoolsRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Pools, resp, nil
// GetPool returns a single database connection pool by name
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) GetPool(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*DatabasePool, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databasePoolPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databasePoolRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Pool, resp, nil
// CreatePool will create a new database connection pool
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) CreatePool(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, createPool *DatabaseCreatePoolRequest) (*DatabasePool, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databasePoolsPath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, createPool)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databasePoolRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Pool, resp, nil
// DeletePool will delete an existing database connection pool
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) DeletePool(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databasePoolPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
// GetReplica returns a single database replica
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) GetReplica(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*DatabaseReplica, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseReplicaPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseReplicaRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Replica, resp, nil
// ListReplicas returns all read-only replicas for a given database cluster
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) ListReplicas(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, opts *ListOptions) ([]DatabaseReplica, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseReplicasPath, databaseID)
path, err := addOptions(path, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseReplicasRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Replicas, resp, nil
// CreateReplica will create a new database connection pool
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) CreateReplica(ctx context.Context, databaseID string, createReplica *DatabaseCreateReplicaRequest) (*DatabaseReplica, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseReplicasPath, databaseID)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, createReplica)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(databaseReplicaRoot)
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Replica, resp, nil
// DeleteReplica will delete an existing database replica
func (svc *DatabasesServiceOp) DeleteReplica(ctx context.Context, databaseID, name string) (*Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(databaseReplicaPath, databaseID, name)
req, err := svc.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := svc.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
// Package godo is the DigtalOcean API v2 client for Go
// Databases
// The Databases service provides access to the DigitalOcean managed database
// suite of products. Customers can create new database clusters, migrate them
// between regions, create replicas and interact with their configurations.
// Each database service is refered to as a Database. A SQL database service
// can have multiple databases residing in the system. To help make these
// entities distinct from Databases in godo, we refer to them here as DatabaseDBs.
package godo
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