Allow Powershell provisioner to use service accounts

Fixes #6104
This commit is contained in:
Matt Dainty 2018-11-08 11:48:27 +00:00
parent 732b08e68a
commit 3b519acebc
3 changed files with 22 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $log = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("{{.LogFile}}")
$s = New-Object -ComObject "Schedule.Service"
$t = $s.NewTask($null)
$t.XmlText = @'
$xml = [xml]@'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
@ -59,9 +59,20 @@ $t.XmlText = @'
$logon_type = 1
$password = "{{.Password}}"
if ($password.Length -eq 0) {
$logon_type = 5
$password = $null
$ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable)
$ns.AddNamespace("ns", $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
$node = $xml.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Task/ns:Principals/ns:Principal/ns:LogonType", $ns)
$node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) | Out-Null
$t.XmlText = $xml.OuterXml
if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){$ProgressPreference="SilentlyContinue"}
$f = $s.GetFolder("\")
$f.RegisterTaskDefinition($name, $t, 6, "{{.User}}", "{{.Password}}", 1, $null) | Out-Null
$f.RegisterTaskDefinition($name, $t, 6, "{{.User}}", $password, $logon_type, $null) | Out-Null
$t = $f.GetTask("\$name")
$t.Run($null) | Out-Null
$timeout = 10

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@ -190,11 +190,6 @@ func (p *Provisioner) Prepare(raws ...interface{}) error {
errors.New("Only one of script or scripts can be specified."))
if p.config.ElevatedUser != "" && p.config.ElevatedPassword == "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("Must supply an 'elevated_password' if 'elevated_user' provided"))
if p.config.ElevatedUser == "" && p.config.ElevatedPassword != "" {
errs = packer.MultiErrorAppend(errs,
errors.New("Must supply an 'elevated_user' if 'elevated_password' provided"))

View File

@ -120,6 +120,14 @@ Optional parameters:
"elevated_password": "{{.WinRMPassword}}",
If you specify an empty `elevated_password` value then the PowerShell
script is run as a service account. For example:
``` json
"elevated_user": "SYSTEM",
"elevated_password": "",
- `remote_path` (string) - The path where the PowerShell script will be
uploaded to within the target build machine. This defaults to
`C:/Windows/Temp/script-UUID.ps1` where UUID is replaced with a dynamically