add godoc for acctest package

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Megan Marsh 2020-12-11 15:15:25 -08:00
parent 2805a59dbd
commit 7f1456fc50
1 changed files with 244 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
The acctest package provides an acceptance testing framework for testing
builders and provisioners.
Writing Provisioner Acceptance Tests
Packer has implemented a `ProvisionerTestCase` structure to help write
provisioner acceptance tests.
type ProvisionerTestCase struct {
// Check is called after this step is executed in order to test that
// the step executed successfully. If this is not set, then the next
// step will be called
Check func(*exec.Cmd, string) error
// IsCompatible checks whether a provisioner is able to run against a
// given builder type and guest operating system, and returns a boolean.
// if it returns true, the test combination is okay to run. If false, the
// test combination is not okay to run.
IsCompatible func(builderType string, BuilderGuestOS string) bool
// Name is the name of the test case. Be simple but unique and descriptive.
Name string
// Setup, if non-nil, will be called once before the test case
// runs. This can be used for some setup like setting environment
// variables, or for validation prior to the
// test running. For example, you can use this to make sure certain
// binaries are installed, or text fixtures are in place.
Setup func() error
// Teardown will be called before the test case is over regardless
// of if the test succeeded or failed. This should return an error
// in the case that the test can't guarantee all resources were
// properly cleaned up.
Teardown builderT.TestTeardownFunc
// Template is the provisioner template to use.
// The provisioner template fragment must be a json-formatted string
// containing the provisioner definition but no other portions of a packer
// template. For
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// }
// is a valid entry for "template" here, but the complete Packer template:
// ```json
// {
// "provisioners": [
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// }
// ]
// }
// ```
// is invalid as input.
// You may provide multiple provisioners in the same template. For example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world"]
// },
// {
// "type": "shell-local",
// "inline", ["echo hello world 2"]
// }
// ```
Template string
// Type is the type of provisioner.
Type string
To start writing a new provisioner acceptance test, you should add a test file
named `provisioner_acc_test.go` in the same folder as your provisioner is
defined. Create a test case by implementing the above struct, and run it
by calling `provisioneracc.TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders(testCase, t)`
The following example has been adapted from a shell-local provisioner test:
import (
// ...
func TestAccShellProvisioner_basic(t *testing.T) {
// Create a json template fragment containing just the provisioners you want
// to run.
templateString := `{
"type": "shell-local",
"script": "test-fixtures/",
"max_retries" : 5
// instantiate a test case.
testCase := &provisioneracc.ProvisionerTestCase{
IsCompatible: func() bool {return true},
Name: "shell-local-provisioner-basic",
Teardown: func() error {
return nil
Template: templateString,
Type: "shell-local",
Check: func(buildcommand *exec.Cmd, logfile string) error {
if buildcommand.ProcessState != nil {
if buildcommand.ProcessState.ExitCode() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Bad exit code. Logfile: %s", logfile)
filecontents, err := loadFile("file.txt")
if err != nil {
return err
if !strings.Contains(filecontents, "hello") {
return fmt.Errorf("file contents were wrong: %s", filecontents)
return nil
provisioneracc.TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders(testCase, t)
After writing the struct and implementing the interface, now is time to write the test that will run all
of this code you wrote. Your test should be like:
func TestShellProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
acc.TestProvisionersPreCheck("shell", t)
acc.TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders(new(ShellProvisionerAccTest), t)
The method `TestProvisionersAgainstBuilders` will run the provisioner against
all available and compatible builders. If there are not builders compatible with
the test you want to run, you can add a builder using the following steps:
Create a subdirectory in provisioneracc/test-fixtures for the type of builder
you are adding. In this subdirectory, add one json file containing a single
builder fragment. For example, one of our amazon-ebs builders is defined in
provisioneracc/test-fixtures/amazon-ebs/amazon-ebs.txt and contains:
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"ami_name": "packer-acc-test",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"region": "us-east-1",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"virtualization-type": "hvm",
"name": "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*",
"root-device-type": "ebs"
"owners": ["099720109477"],
"most_recent": true
"force_deregister" : true,
"tags": {
"packer-test": "true"
note that this fragment does not contain anything other than a single builder
definition. The testing framework will combine this with the provisioner
fragment to create a working json template.
In order to tell the testing framework how to use this builder fragment, you
need to implement a `BuilderFixture` struct:
type BuilderFixture struct {
// Name is the name of the builder fixture.
// Be simple and descriptive.
Name string
// Setup creates necessary extra test fixtures, and renders their values
// into the BuilderFixture.Template.
Setup func()
// Template is the path to a builder template fragment.
// The builder template fragment must be a json-formatted file containing
// the builder definition but no other portions of a packer template. For
// example:
// ```json
// {
// "type": "null",
// "communicator", "none"
// }
// is a valid entry for "template" here, but the complete Packer template:
// ```json
// {
// "builders": [
// "type": "null",
// "communicator": "none"
// ]
// }
// ```
// is invalid as input.
// Only provide one builder template fragment per file.
TemplatePath string
// GuestOS says what guest os type the builder template fragment creates.
// Valid values are "windows", "linux" or "darwin" guests.
GuestOS string
// HostOS says what host os type the builder is capable of running on.
// Valid values are "any", windows", or "posix". If you set "posix", then
// this builder can run on a "linux" or "darwin" platform. If you set
// "any", then this builder can be used on any platform.
HostOS string
Teardown builderT.TestTeardownFunc
Implement this struct to the file "provisioneracc/builders.go", then add
the new implementation to the `BuildersAccTest` map in
Once you finish these steps, you should be ready to run your new provisioner
acceptance test by setting the name used in the BuildersAccTest map as your
`ACC_TEST_BUILDERS` environment variable.
package acctest