remove old/unused progress code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
package common
import (
// This is the arrow from packer/ui.go -> TargetedUI.prefixLines
const targetedUIArrowText = "==>"
// The ProgressBar interface is used for abstracting cheggaaa's progress-
// bar, or any other progress bar. If a UI does not support a progress-
// bar, then it must return a null progress bar.
const (
DefaultProgressBarWidth = 80
type ProgressBar = *pb.ProgressBar
// Figure out the terminal dimensions and use it to calculate the available rendering space
func calculateProgressBarWidth(length int) int {
// If the UI's width is signed, then this is an interface that doesn't really benefit from a progress bar
if length < 0 {
log.Println("Refusing to render progress-bar for unsupported UI.")
return length
// Figure out the terminal width if possible
width, _, err := GetTerminalDimensions()
if err != nil {
newerr := fmt.Errorf("Unable to determine terminal dimensions: %v", err)
log.Printf("Using default width (%d) for progress-bar due to error: %s", DefaultProgressBarWidth, newerr)
return DefaultProgressBarWidth
// If the terminal width is smaller than the requested length, then complain
if width < length {
newerr := fmt.Errorf("Terminal width (%d) is smaller than UI message width (%d).", width, length)
log.Printf("Using default width (%d) for progress-bar due to error: %s", DefaultProgressBarWidth, newerr)
return DefaultProgressBarWidth
// Otherwise subtract the minimum length and return it
return width - length
// Get a progress bar with the default appearance
func GetDefaultProgressBar() ProgressBar {
bar := pb.New64(0)
bar.ShowPercent = true
bar.ShowCounters = true
bar.ShowSpeed = false
bar.ShowBar = true
bar.ShowTimeLeft = false
bar.ShowFinalTime = false
bar.SetRefreshRate(5 * time.Second)
return bar
// Return a dummy progress bar that doesn't do anything
func GetDummyProgressBar() ProgressBar {
bar := pb.New64(0)
bar.ManualUpdate = true
return bar
// Given a packer.Ui, calculate the number of characters that a packer.Ui will
// prefix a message with. Then we can use this to calculate the progress bar's width.
func calculateUiPrefixLength(ui packer.Ui) int {
var recursiveCalculateUiPrefixLength func(packer.Ui, int) int
// Define a recursive closure that traverses through all the known packer.Ui types
// and aggregates the length of the message prefix from each particular type
recursiveCalculateUiPrefixLength = func(ui packer.Ui, agg int) int {
switch ui.(type) {
case *packer.ColoredUi:
// packer.ColoredUi is simply a wrapper around .Ui
u := ui.(*packer.ColoredUi)
return recursiveCalculateUiPrefixLength(u.Ui, agg)
case *packer.TargetedUI:
// A TargetedUI adds the .Target and an arrow by default
u := ui.(*packer.TargetedUI)
res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: ", targetedUIArrowText, u.Target)
return recursiveCalculateUiPrefixLength(u.Ui, agg+len(res))
case *packer.BasicUi:
// The standard BasicUi appends only a newline
return agg + len("\n")
// packer.rpc.Ui returns 0 here to trigger the hack described later
case *rpc.Ui:
return 0
case *packer.MachineReadableUi:
// MachineReadableUi doesn't emit at all
return 0
log.Printf("Calculating the message prefix length for packer.Ui type (%T) is not implemented. Using the current aggregated length of %d.", ui, agg)
return agg
return recursiveCalculateUiPrefixLength(ui, 0)
func GetPackerConfigFromStateBag(state multistep.StateBag) *PackerConfig {
config := state.Get("config")
rConfig := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(config))
iPackerConfig := rConfig.FieldByName("PackerConfig").Interface()
packerConfig := iPackerConfig.(PackerConfig)
return &packerConfig
func GetProgressBar(ui packer.Ui, config *PackerConfig) ProgressBar {
// Figure out the prefix length by quering the UI
uiPrefixLength := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui)
// hack to deal with packer.rpc.Ui courtesy of @Swampdragons
if _, ok := ui.(*rpc.Ui); uiPrefixLength == 0 && config != nil && ok {
res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: \n", targetedUIArrowText, config.PackerBuildName)
uiPrefixLength = len(res)
// Now we can use the prefix length to calculate the progress bar width
width := calculateProgressBarWidth(uiPrefixLength)
log.Printf("ProgressBar: Using progress bar width: %d\n", width)
// Get a default progress bar and set some output defaults
bar := GetDefaultProgressBar()
bar.Callback = func(message string) {
return bar
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
package common
import (
// test packer.Ui implementation to verify that progress bar is being written
type testProgressBarUi struct {
messageCalled bool
messageMessage string
func (u *testProgressBarUi) Say(string) {}
func (u *testProgressBarUi) Error(string) {}
func (u *testProgressBarUi) Machine(string, ...string) {}
func (u *testProgressBarUi) Ask(string) (string, error) {
return "", nil
func (u *testProgressBarUi) Message(message string) {
u.messageCalled = true
u.messageMessage = message
// ..and now let's begin our actual tests
func TestCalculateUiPrefixLength_Unknown(t *testing.T) {
ui := &testProgressBarUi{}
expected := 0
if res := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui); res != expected {
t.Fatalf("calculateUiPrefixLength should have returned a length of %d", expected)
func TestCalculateUiPrefixLength_BasicUi(t *testing.T) {
ui := &packer.BasicUi{}
expected := 1
if res := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui); res != expected {
t.Fatalf("calculateUiPrefixLength should have returned a length of %d", expected)
func TestCalculateUiPrefixLength_TargetedUI(t *testing.T) {
ui := &packer.TargetedUI{}
ui.Target = "TestTarget"
arrowText := "==>"
expected := len(arrowText + " " + ui.Target + ": ")
if res := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui); res != expected {
t.Fatalf("calculateUiPrefixLength should have returned a length of %d", expected)
func TestCalculateUiPrefixLength_TargetedUIWrappingBasicUi(t *testing.T) {
ui := &packer.TargetedUI{}
ui.Target = "TestTarget"
ui.Ui = &packer.BasicUi{}
arrowText := "==>"
expected := len(arrowText + " " + ui.Target + ": " + "\n")
if res := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui); res != expected {
t.Fatalf("calculateUiPrefixLength should have returned a length of %d", expected)
func TestCalculateUiPrefixLength_TargetedUIWrappingMachineUi(t *testing.T) {
ui := &packer.TargetedUI{}
ui.Target = "TestTarget"
ui.Ui = &packer.MachineReadableUi{}
expected := 0
if res := calculateUiPrefixLength(ui); res != expected {
t.Fatalf("calculateUiPrefixLength should have returned a length of %d", expected)
func TestDefaultProgressBar(t *testing.T) {
var callbackCalled bool
// Initialize the default progress bar
bar := GetDefaultProgressBar()
bar.Callback = func(state string) {
callbackCalled = true
t.Logf("TestDefaultProgressBar emitted %#v", state)
// Set it off
progressBar := bar.Start()
// Check to see that the callback was hit
if !callbackCalled {
t.Fatalf("TestDefaultProgressBar.Callback should be called")
func TestDummyProgressBar(t *testing.T) {
var callbackCalled bool
// Initialize the dummy progress bar
bar := GetDummyProgressBar()
bar.Callback = func(state string) {
callbackCalled = true
t.Logf("TestDummyProgressBar emitted %#v", state)
// Now we can go
progressBar := bar.Start()
// Check to see that the callback was hit
if callbackCalled {
t.Fatalf("TestDummyProgressBar.Callback should not be called")
func TestUiProgressBar(t *testing.T) {
ui := &testProgressBarUi{}
// Initialize the Ui progress bar
bar := GetProgressBar(ui, nil)
// Ensure that callback has been set to something
if bar.Callback == nil {
t.Fatalf("TestUiProgressBar.Callback should be initialized")
// Now we can go
progressBar := bar.Start()
// Check to see that the callback was hit
if !ui.messageCalled {
t.Fatalf("TestUiProgressBar.messageCalled should be called")
t.Logf("TestUiProgressBar emitted %#v", ui.messageMessage)
Reference in New Issue