Azure Docs: enhanced the copy pasta power

* so that it's easier to just copy & paste commands to get going
This commit is contained in:
Adrien Delorme 2018-08-23 13:08:41 +02:00
parent fdd2a2ac9f
commit 8560fe89e5

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@ -139,15 +139,17 @@ A [resource group](
``` shell
$ azure location list
# ...
$ azure group create -n GROUPNAME -l LOCATION
$ azure group create -n $GROUPNAME -l $LOCATION
$ az group create -n GROUPNAME -l LOCATION
$ az group create -n $GROUPNAME -l $LOCATION
Your storage account (below) will need to use the same `GROUPNAME` and `LOCATION`.
@ -158,8 +160,8 @@ We will need to create a storage account where your Packer artifacts will be sto
``` shell
$ azure storage account create \
--sku-name LRS \
--kind storage STORAGENAME
@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ $ azure storage account create \
$ az storage account create -n STORAGENAME -g GROUPNAME -l LOCATION --sku Standard_LRS
$ az storage account create -n STORAGENAME -g $GROUPNAME -l $LOCATION --sku Standard_LRS
-> `LRS` and `Standard_LRS` are meant as literal "LRS" or "Standard_LRS" and not as variables.
@ -178,21 +180,29 @@ Make sure that `GROUPNAME` and `LOCATION` are the same as above. Also, ensure th
An application represents a way to authorize access to the Azure API. Note that you will need to specify a URL for your application (this is intended to be used for OAuth callbacks) but these do not actually need to be valid URLs.
Password is your `client_secret` and can be anything you like. I recommend using ```openssl rand -base64 24```.
``` shell
$ azure ad app create \
--home-page APPURL \
-i $APPURL \
--home-page $APPURL \
az ad app create --display-name APPNAME --identifier-uris APPURL --homepage APPURL --password PASSWORD
$ az ad app create --display-name $APPNAME --identifier-uris $APPURL --homepage $APPURL --password $PASSWORD
Password is your `client_secret` and can be anything you like. I recommend using `openssl rand -base64 24`.
### Create a Service Principal
@ -201,18 +211,21 @@ You cannot directly grant permissions to an application. Instead, you create a s
First, get the `APPID` for the application we just created.
``` shell
$ azure ad app list --json \
| jq '.[] | select(.displayName | contains("APPNAME")) | .appId'
$ azure ad app show --json --search $APPNAME | jq '.[0] | .appId'
$ APPID=$(!!)
# ...
$ azure ad sp create --applicationId APPID
$ azure ad sp create --applicationId $APPID
$ id=$(az ad app list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName == "Packer") | .appId')
$ az ad sp create --id "$id"
$ az ad app list | jq -r ".[] | select(.displayName == \"${APPNAME}\") | .appId"
$ APPID=$(!!)
$ az ad sp create --id $APPID
### Grant Permissions to Your Application
@ -221,7 +234,7 @@ Finally, we will associate the proper permissions with our application's service
``` shell
$ azure role assignment create \
--spn APPURL \
--spn $APPURL \
-o "Owner" \
-c /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTIONID
@ -230,14 +243,13 @@ Python:
# NOTE: Trying to assign the role to the service principal by name directly yields a HTTP 400 error. See:
$ az role assignment create --assignee "$(az ad sp list | jq -r '.[] | select(.displayName == "APPNAME") | .objectId')" --role Owner
$ az role assignment create --assignee "$(az ad sp list | jq -r ".[] | select(.displayName == \"$APPNAME\") | .objectId")" --role Owner
There are a lot of pre-defined roles and you can define your own with more granular permissions, though this is out of scope. You can see a list of pre-configured roles via:
``` shell
$ azure role list --json \
| jq ".[] | {name:.Name, description:.Description}"
$ azure role list --json | jq ".[] | {name:.Name, description:.Description}"
### Configuring Packer
@ -248,15 +260,15 @@ Python:
$ cat <<EOF
> {
> "subscription_id": $(az account show | jq '.id'),
> "client_id": $(az ad app list | jq '.[] | select(.displayName == "Packer") | .appId'),
> "client_secret": "$password",
> "location": "$location",
> "tenant_id": $(az account show | jq '.tenantId')
> "object_id": $(az ad app list | jq '.[] | select(.displayName == "Packer") | .objectId')
> }
"subscription_id": $(az account show | jq '.id'),
"client_id": $(az ad app list | jq ".[] | select(.displayName == \"$APPNAME\") | .appId"),
"client_secret": "$PASSWORD",
"location": "$LOCATION",
"tenant_id": $(az account show | jq '.tenantId')
"object_id": $(az ad app list | jq ".[] | select(.displayName == \"$APPNAME\") | .objectId")
@ -264,15 +276,14 @@ node.js:
Get `subscription_id`:
``` shell
$ azure account show --json \
| jq ".[] | .id"
$ azure account show --json | jq ".[] | .id"
Get `client_id`
``` shell
$ azure ad app list --json \
| jq '.[] | select(.displayName | contains("APPNAME")) | .appId'
$ azure ad app list --json | jq ".[] | select(.displayName | contains(\"$APPNAME\")) | .appId"
$ CLIENT_ID=$(!!)
@ -283,7 +294,7 @@ This cannot be retrieved. If you forgot this, you will have to delete and re-cre
Get `object_id` (OSTYpe=Windows only)
``` shell
azure ad sp show -n CLIENT_ID
azure ad sp show -n $CLIENT_ID
Get `resource_group_name`