azure-arm: rewrap struct comments for documentation generation

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Delorme 2019-06-06 16:45:44 +02:00
parent 8e857d64f1
commit d81ca5728d

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@ -89,53 +89,76 @@ type Config struct {
// Capture
CaptureNamePrefix string `mapstructure:"capture_name_prefix"`
CaptureContainerName string `mapstructure:"capture_container_name"`
// Use a Shared Gallery
// image
// as the source for this build. VHD targets are incompatible with this build
// type - the target must be a Managed Image.
// Use a [Shared Gallery
// image](
// as the source for this build. *VHD targets are incompatible with this
// build type* - the target must be a *Managed Image*.
// "shared_image_gallery": {
// "subscription": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000",
// "resource_group": "ResourceGroup",
// "gallery_name": "GalleryName",
// "image_name": "ImageName",
// "image_version": "1.0.0"
// }
// "managed_image_name": "TargetImageName",
// "managed_image_resource_group_name": "TargetResourceGroup"
SharedGallery SharedImageGallery `mapstructure:"shared_image_gallery" required:"false"`
// PublisherName for your base image. See
// documentation
// [documentation](
// for details.
// CLI example `az vm image list-publishers --location westus`
ImagePublisher string `mapstructure:"image_publisher" required:"true"`
// Offer for your base image. See
// documentation
// [documentation](
// for details.
// CLI example
// `az vm image list-offers --location westus --publisher Canonical`
ImageOffer string `mapstructure:"image_offer" required:"true"`
// SKU for your base image. See
// documentation
// [documentation](
// for details.
// CLI example
// `az vm image list-skus --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer`
ImageSku string `mapstructure:"image_sku" required:"true"`
// Specify a specific version of an OS to boot from.
// Defaults to latest. There may be a difference in versions available
// Defaults to `latest`. There may be a difference in versions available
// across regions due to image synchronization latency. To ensure a consistent
// version across regions set this value to one that is available in all
// regions where you are deploying.
// CLI example
// `az vm image list --location westus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --sku 16.04.0-LTS --all`
ImageVersion string `mapstructure:"image_version" required:"false"`
// Specify a custom VHD to use. If this value is set, do
// not set image_publisher, image_offer, image_sku, or image_version.
ImageUrl string `mapstructure:"image_url" required:"false"`
// Specify the source
// managed image's resource group used to use. If this value is set, do not
// set image_publisher, image_offer, image_sku, or image_version. If this
// value is set, the value custom_managed_image_name must also be set. See
// documentation
// Specify the source managed image's resource group used to use. If this
// value is set, do not set image\_publisher, image\_offer, image\_sku, or
// image\_version. If this value is set, the value
// `custom_managed_image_name` must also be set. See
// [documentation](
// to learn more about managed images.
CustomManagedImageResourceGroupName string `mapstructure:"custom_managed_image_resource_group_name" required:"false"`
// Specify the source managed image's
// name to use. If this value is set, do not set image_publisher,
// image_offer, image_sku, or image_version. If this value is set, the
// value custom_managed_image_resource_group_name must also be set. See
// documentation
// Specify the source managed image's name to use. If this value is set, do
// not set image\_publisher, image\_offer, image\_sku, or image\_version.
// If this value is set, the value
// `custom_managed_image_resource_group_name` must also be set. See
// [documentation](
// to learn more about managed images.
CustomManagedImageName string `mapstructure:"custom_managed_image_name" required:"false"`
customManagedImageID string
Location string `mapstructure:"location"`
// Size of the VM used for building. This can be changed
// when you deploy a VM from your VHD. See
// pricing
// information. Defaults to Standard_A1.
// Size of the VM used for building. This can be changed when you deploy a
// VM from your VHD. See
// [pricing](
// information. Defaults to `Standard_A1`.
// CLI example `az vm list-sizes --location westus`
VMSize string `mapstructure:"vm_size" required:"false"`
ManagedImageResourceGroupName string `mapstructure:"managed_image_resource_group_name"`
@ -155,8 +178,9 @@ type Config struct {
// captured.
ManagedImageDataDiskSnapshotPrefix string `mapstructure:"managed_image_data_disk_snapshot_prefix" required:"false"`
manageImageLocation string
// Store the image in zone-resilient storage. You need to create it
// in a region that supports availability zones.
// Store the image in zone-resilient storage. You need to create it in a
// region that supports [availability
// zones](
ManagedImageZoneResilient bool `mapstructure:"managed_image_zone_resilient" required:"false"`
// the user can define up to 15
// tags. Tag names cannot exceed 512 characters, and tag values cannot exceed
@ -195,20 +219,48 @@ type Config struct {
// containing the virtual network. If the resource group cannot be found, or
// it cannot be disambiguated, this value should be set.
VirtualNetworkResourceGroupName string `mapstructure:"virtual_network_resource_group_name" required:"false"`
// Specify a file containing custom data to inject
// into the cloud-init process. The contents of the file are read and injected
// into the ARM template. The custom data will be passed to cloud-init for
// processing at the time of provisioning. See
// documentation
// Specify a file containing custom data to inject into the cloud-init
// process. The contents of the file are read and injected into the ARM
// template. The custom data will be passed to cloud-init for processing at
// the time of provisioning. See
// [documentation](
// to learn more about custom data, and how it can be used to influence the
// provisioning process.
CustomDataFile string `mapstructure:"custom_data_file" required:"false"`
customData string
// Used for creating images from Marketplace images.
// Please refer to Deploy an image with Marketplace
// terms for more details. Not
// all Marketplace images support programmatic deployment, and support is
// controlled by the image publisher.
// Used for creating images from Marketplace images. Please refer to
// [Deploy an image with Marketplace
// terms]( for more details.
// Not all Marketplace images support programmatic deployment, and support
// is controlled by the image publisher.
// An example plan\_info object is defined below.
// ``` json
// {
// "plan_info": {
// "plan_name": "rabbitmq",
// "plan_product": "rabbitmq",
// "plan_publisher": "bitnami"
// }
// }
// ```
// `plan_name` (string) - The plan name, required. `plan_product` (string) -
// The plan product, required. `plan_publisher` (string) - The plan publisher,
// required. `plan_promotion_code` (string) - Some images accept a promotion
// code, optional.
// Images created from the Marketplace with `plan_info` **must** specify
// `plan_info` whenever the image is deployed. The builder automatically adds
// tags to the image to ensure this information is not lost. The following
// tags are added.
// 1. PlanName
// 2. PlanProduct
// 3. PlanPublisher
// 4. PlanPromotionCode
PlanInfo PlanInformation `mapstructure:"plan_info" required:"false"`
// If either Linux or Windows is specified Packer will
// automatically configure authentication credentials for the provisioned
@ -218,14 +270,24 @@ type Config struct {
// Specify the size of the OS disk in GB
// (gigabytes). Values of zero or less than zero are ignored.
OSDiskSizeGB int32 `mapstructure:"os_disk_size_gb" required:"false"`
// The size(s) of any additional
// hard disks for the VM in gigabytes. If this is not specified then the VM
// will only contain an OS disk. The number of additional disks and maximum
// size of a disk depends on the configuration of your VM. See
// Windows
// The size(s) of any additional hard disks for the VM in gigabytes. If
// this is not specified then the VM will only contain an OS disk. The
// number of additional disks and maximum size of a disk depends on the
// configuration of your VM. See
// [Windows](
// or
// Linux
// [Linux](
// for more information.
// For VHD builds the final artifacts will be named
// `PREFIX-dataDisk-<n>.UUID.vhd` and stored in the specified capture
// container along side the OS disk. The additional disks are included in
// the deployment template `PREFIX-vmTemplate.UUID`.
// For Managed build the final artifacts are included in the managed image.
// The additional disk will have the same storage account type as the OS
// disk, as specified with the `managed_image_storage_account_type`
// setting.
AdditionalDiskSize []int32 `mapstructure:"disk_additional_size" required:"false"`
// Specify the disk caching type. Valid values
// are None, ReadOnly, and ReadWrite. The default value is ReadWrite.