Updated allowed filters to tags, visibility, owner, and name. Test cases updated and passed
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,40 +2,20 @@ package openstack
import (
const (
descendingSort = "desc"
createdAtKey = "created_at"
mostRecentSort = "created_at:desc"
// Retrieve the specific ImageDateFilter using the exported const from images
func getDateFilter(s string) (images.ImageDateFilter, error) {
filters := []images.ImageDateFilter{
for _, filter := range filters {
if string(filter) == s {
return filter, nil
var badFilter images.ImageDateFilter
return badFilter, fmt.Errorf("No valid ImageDateFilter found for %s", s)
var validFields = map[string]string{
"Name": "name",
"Visibility": "visibility",
"Owner": "owner",
"Tags": "tags",
// Retrieve the specific ImageVisibility using the exported const from images
@ -54,155 +34,72 @@ func getImageVisibility(s string) (images.ImageVisibility, error) {
var nilVisibility images.ImageVisibility
return nilVisibility, fmt.Errorf("No valid ImageVisilibility found for %s", s)
return nilVisibility, fmt.Errorf("No valid ImageVisibility found for %s", s)
// Retrieve the specific ImageVisibility using the exported const from images
func getImageStatus(s string) (images.ImageStatus, error) {
activeStatus := images.ImageStatusActive
if string(activeStatus) == s {
return activeStatus, nil
var nilStatus images.ImageStatus
return nilStatus, fmt.Errorf("No valid ImageVisilibility found for %s", s)
// Allows construction of all fields from ListOpts using the "q" tags and
// type detection to set all fields within a provided ListOpts struct
// Allows construction of all supported fields from ListOpts
func buildImageFilters(input map[string]interface{}, listOpts *images.ListOpts) *packer.MultiError {
// fill each field in the ListOpts based on tag/type
metaOpts := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(listOpts))
multiErr := packer.MultiError{}
for i := 0; i < metaOpts.Type().NumField(); i++ {
vField := metaOpts.Field(i)
tField := metaOpts.Type().Field(i)
fieldName := tField.Name
key := metaOpts.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("q")
fieldName := metaOpts.Type().Field(i).Name
// get key from the map and set values if they exist
if val, exists := input[key]; exists && vField.CanSet() {
switch vField.Kind() {
// Handles integer types used in ListOpts
case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
iVal, err := strconv.Atoi(val.(string))
if err != nil {
multierror.Append(err, multiErr.Errors...)
if vField.Kind() == reflect.Int {
} else {
var i64Val int64
i64Val = int64(iVal)
// Handles string and types using string
case reflect.String:
switch vField.Type() {
case reflect.TypeOf(images.ImageVisibility("")):
iv, err := getImageVisibility(val.(string))
if err != nil {
multierror.Append(err, multiErr.Errors...)
case reflect.TypeOf(images.ImageStatus("")):
is, err := getImageStatus(val.(string))
if err != nil {
multierror.Append(err, multiErr.Errors...)
fmt.Errorf("Unsupported kind %s", vField.Kind()),
} else if fieldName == reflect.TypeOf(listOpts.CreatedAtQuery).Name() ||
fieldName == reflect.TypeOf(listOpts.UpdatedAtQuery).Name() {
// Handles ImageDateQuery types
query, err := dateToImageDateQuery(key, val.(string))
if err != nil {
multierror.Append(err, multiErr.Errors...)
// check the valid fields map and whether we can set this field
if key, exists := validFields[fieldName]; exists {
if !vField.CanSet() {
multiErr.Errors = append(multiErr.Errors, fmt.Errorf("Unsettable field: %s", fieldName))
// check that this key was provided by the user, then set the field and have compatible types
if val, exists := input[key]; exists {
} else if fieldName == reflect.TypeOf(listOpts.Tags).Name() {
// Handles "tags" case and processes as slice of string
switch key {
case "owner", "name", "tags":
if val, exists := input["tags"]; exists && vField.CanSet() {
if valType := reflect.TypeOf(val); valType != vField.Type() {
multiErr.Errors = append(multiErr.Errors,
fmt.Errorf("Invalid type '%v' for field %s",
case "visibility":
visibility, err := getImageVisibility(val.(string))
if err != nil {
multiErr.Errors = append(multiErr.Errors, err)
multiErr.Errors = append(multiErr.Errors,
fmt.Errorf("Unsupported filter key provided: %s", key))
// Set defaults for status and member_status
listOpts.Status = images.ImageStatusActive
listOpts.MemberStatus = images.ImageMemberStatusAccepted
return &multiErr
// Apply most recent filtering logic to ListOpts where user has filled fields.
// This does not check whether both are filled. Allow OpenStack to determine which to use.
// It is suggested that users use the newest sort field
// See https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/
func applyMostRecent(listOpts *images.ListOpts) {
// Apply to old sorting properties if user used them. This overwrites previous values.
// The docs don't seem to mention more than one field being allowed here and how they would be
listOpts.SortDir = descendingSort
listOpts.SortKey = createdAtKey
// Apply to new sorting property.
if listOpts.Sort != "" {
listOpts.Sort = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s,%s", createdAtKey, descendingSort, listOpts.Sort)
} else {
listOpts.Sort = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", createdAtKey, descendingSort)
// Sort isn't supported through our API so there should be no existing values.
// Overwriting .Sort is okay.
listOpts.Sort = mostRecentSort
// Converts a given date entry to ImageDateQuery for use in ListOpts
func dateToImageDateQuery(val string, key string) (*images.ImageDateQuery, error) {
q := new(images.ImageDateQuery)
sep := ":"
entries := strings.Split(val, sep)
if len(entries) > 3 {
filter, err := getDateFilter(entries[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse date filter for %s", key)
} else {
q.Filter = filter
dateSubstr := val[len(entries[0])+1:]
date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, dateSubstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse date format for %s.\nDate: %s.\nError: %s",
} else {
q.Date = date
return q, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Incorrect date query format for %s", key)
@ -7,23 +7,22 @@ import (
func TestGetImageFilter(t *testing.T) {
passedExpectedMap := map[string]images.ImageDateFilter{
"gt": images.FilterGT,
"gte": images.FilterGTE,
"lt": images.FilterLT,
"lte": images.FilterLTE,
"neq": images.FilterNEQ,
"eq": images.FilterEQ,
func TestImageFilterOptionsDecode(t *testing.T) {
opts := ImageFilterOptions{}
input := map[string]interface{}{
"most_recent": true,
"filters": map[string]interface{}{
"visibility": "protected",
"tag": []string{"prod", "ready"},
"name": "ubuntu 16.04",
"owner": "tcarrio",
for passed, expected := range passedExpectedMap {
filter, err := getDateFilter(passed)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Passed %s, received error: %s", passed, err.Error())
} else if filter != expected {
t.Errorf("Expected %s, got %s", expected, filter)
err := mapstructure.Decode(input, &opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Did not successfully generate ImageFilterOptions from %v.\nContains %v", input, opts)
} else {
t.Log("Successfully generate ImageFilterOptions.")
@ -35,107 +34,51 @@ func TestBuildImageFilter(t *testing.T) {
"name": "Ubuntu 16.04",
"visibility": "public",
"status": "active",
"size_min": "0",
"size_min": "25",
"sort": "created_at:desc",
"tags": []string{"prod", "ready"},
multiErr := buildImageFilters(filters, &testOpts)
if multiErr != nil {
for _, err := range multiErr.Errors {
if len(multiErr.Errors) > 0 {
if testOpts.Limit != 3 {
t.Errorf("Limit did not parse correctly: %d", testOpts.Limit)
if testOpts.Limit != 0 {
t.Errorf("Limit was parsed: %d", testOpts.Limit)
if testOpts.Name != filters["name"] {
t.Errorf("Name did not parse correctly: %s", filters["name"])
t.Errorf("Name did not parse correctly: %s", testOpts.Name)
var visibility images.ImageVisibility = "public"
if testOpts.Visibility != visibility {
t.Errorf("Visibility did not parse correctly")
if testOpts.Visibility != images.ImageVisibilityPublic {
t.Errorf("Visibility did not parse correctly: %v", testOpts.Visibility)
var imageStatus images.ImageStatus = "active"
if testOpts.Status != imageStatus {
if testOpts.Status != images.ImageStatusActive {
t.Errorf("Image status did not parse correctly: %s", testOpts.Status)
if testOpts.SizeMin != 0 {
t.Errorf("Size min did not parse correctly: %s", filters["size_min"])
t.Errorf("Size min was parsed: %d", testOpts.SizeMin)
if testOpts.Sort != filters["sort"] {
t.Errorf("Sort did not parse correctly: %s", filters["sort"])
if len(testOpts.Sort) > 0 {
t.Errorf("Sort was parsed: %s", testOpts.Sort)
func TestApplyMostRecent(t *testing.T) {
testSortEmptyOpts := images.ListOpts{
Name: "RHEL 7.0",
SizeMin: 0,
testSortOpts := images.ListOpts{
Name: "RHEL 7.0",
Tags: []string{"prod", "ready"},
testSortFilledOpts := images.ListOpts{
Name: "Ubuntu 16.04",
SizeMin: 0,
Sort: "tags:ubuntu",
if testSortEmptyOpts.Sort != "created_at:desc" {
if testSortOpts.Sort != "created_at:desc" {
t.Errorf("Error applying most recent filter: sort")
if testSortEmptyOpts.SortDir != "desc" || testSortEmptyOpts.SortKey != "created_at" {
t.Errorf("Error applying most recent filter: sort_dir/sort_key:\n{sort_dir: %s, sort_key: %s}",
testSortEmptyOpts.SortDir, testSortEmptyOpts.SortKey)
if testSortFilledOpts.Sort != "created_at:desc,tags:ubuntu" {
t.Errorf("Error applying most recent filter: sort")
if testSortFilledOpts.SortDir != "desc" || testSortFilledOpts.SortKey != "created_at" {
t.Errorf("Error applying most recent filter: sort_dir/sort_key:\n{sort_dir: %s, sort_key: %s}",
testSortFilledOpts.SortDir, testSortFilledOpts.SortKey)
func TestDateToImageDateQuery(t *testing.T) {
tests := [][2]string{
{"gt:2012-11-01T22:08:41+00:00", "created_at"},
for _, test := range tests {
if _, err := dateToImageDateQuery(test[0], test[1]); err != nil {
func TestImageFilterOptionsDecode(t *testing.T) {
opts := ImageFilterOptions{}
input := map[string]interface{}{
"most_recent": true,
"filters": map[string]interface{}{
"visibility": "protected",
"tag": []string{"prod", "ready"},
"name": "ubuntu 16.04",
err := mapstructure.Decode(input, &opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Did not successfully generate ImageFilterOptions from %v.\nContains %v", input, opts)
} else {
t.Logf("Successfully generate ImageFilterOptions from %v.\nContains %v", input, opts)
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ builder.
"name": "ubuntu-16.04*",
"visibility": "protected",
"owner": "d1a588cf4b0743344508dc145649372d1",
"tag": "prod"
"tag": ["prod", "ready"]
"most_recent": true
@ -189,8 +189,16 @@ builder.
- `filters` (map of strings) - filters used to select a `source_image`.
NOTE: This will fail unless *exactly* one image is returned, or `most_recent` is set to true.
Any filter described in the docs for [ImageService](https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/)
is valid.
Of the filters described in [ImageService](https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/), the following
are valid:
- name (string)
- owner (string)
- tags (slice of strings)
- visibility (string)
- `most_recent` (boolean) - Selects the newest created image when true.
This is most useful for selecting a daily distro build.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user