spelling: conservative

This commit is contained in:
Josh Soref 2018-03-13 07:22:23 +00:00
parent 935c8e9a28
commit faf7928a41
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ createServicePrincipal() {
createPermissions() {
echo "==> Creating permissions"
az role assignment create --assignee $azure_object_id --role "Owner" --scope /subscriptions/$azure_subscription_id
# If the user wants to use a more conserative scope, she can. She must
# If the user wants to use a more conservative scope, she can. She must
# configure the Azure builder to use build_resource_group_name. The
# easiest solution is subscription wide permission.
# az role assignment create --spn http://$meta_name -g $azure_group_name -o "API Management Service Contributor"