The refactor of StepRegisterAmi to add the from_scratch parameter
incorrectly replaced iteration over image.BlockDeviceMappings with
iteration over the new mapping array when not using from_scratch. This
fixes the regression and renames the parameters to newMappings and
mappings for better clarity.
Image format was not specified for XXX and probing
guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write
operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
Signed-off-by: Vasiliy Tolstov <>
Add a new option, `use_sftp` to the ansible provisioner. It's default
value is false; ansible provisioner will use SCP by default.
Refactor to consistently set all configure options for ansible
provisioner in the Prepare step.
Remove incorrect information about `ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False`
being set when `ansible_env_vars` is not set in the packer template.
Update BATS tests for the ansible provisioner to actually check that the
fetched directory contains the contents expected. This revealed a
problem with the all_options template that required adding a host to the
hosts list in the test playbook.
Handle running `scp -t` and `scp -f` exec requests in the
ansible-provisioner's SSH
server to allow Ansible to use SCP so that SFTP doesn't have to be
installed on the node.
Update the BATS tests to test the ansible provisioner.
- startup scripts don't run for Windows since it is isn't implemented yet.
- startup scripts use instance metadata instead of serial port output to flag when they are done.
- added licenses to Image data type (to check if an Image is a Windows Image).
- added GetImage and GetImageFromProject to googlecompute Drivers.
- changed some of the builder/googlecompute tests to use
- (in the Packer directory) `go test .`, `go test ./builder/googlecompute`, and `go test ./post-processor/googlecompute-export`
- manual run of `packer build packer_template.json` with the following files
"builders": [
"type": "googlecompute",
"account_file": "creds.json",
"project_id": "",
"source_image": "debian-8-jessie-v20160629",
"zone": "us-central1-a",
"startup_script_file": "",
"metadata": {
"startup-script": "#!/bin/sh\necho \"This should be overwritten.\"",
"startup-script-log-dest": "gs://"
"image_name": "test-packer-modifications",
"ssh_username": "foo"
"post-processors": [
"type": "googlecompute-export",
"paths": [
"keep_input_artifact": true
echo "Hi, my name is Scott. I'm waiting 60 seconds!" >> /scott
sleep 60
echo "I'm done waiting!" >> /scott