When an ebs volume fails to delete, Packer reports that there
was an error deleting the volume and the volume id. But it doesn't
give you the details of what that error is. This commit adds the
error reported back to the standard output.
Added the 'kms_key_id' parameter. This supports supplying a customer master key (CMK) when encrypting the EBS volume.
The parameter is optional and only takes effect when 'encrypted' is true. When 'encrypted' is true but 'kms_key_id' is missing the 'aws/ebs' key will be used.
This PR adds the ability for Packer to clean up snapshots in addition to
deregistering AMIs at build time.
To test this, I used the following `test.json` file:
"builders": [
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"region": "us-east-1",
"source_ami": "ami-fce3c696",
"ami_name": "packer-test",
"instance_type": "m3.medium",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"vpc_id": "some-vpc-id",
"subnet_id": "some-subnet-routed-through-igw",
"security_group_id": "some-security-group-with-port-22-access",
"force_delete_snapshot": true
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell-local",
"command": "echo 'hello'"
I appreciate any constructive feedbakc that can be given. Cheers!
While implementing my acceptance test, I stumbled upon a comment stating
that snapshot deletion should also be implemented, so I snuck that in. I
can't help but wonder if there is some generic logic that is implemented
a few times throughout the packer code base that could maybe better serve
us if it were abstracted to the common package.
This commit adds the ability to configure unique tags on snapshots
that are separate from the tags defined on the AMI. Anything applied
to the AMI will also be applied to the snapshots, but `snapshot_tags`
will override and append tags to the tags already applied to the snapshots
This commit adds an option to use the local SSH Agent to authenticate
connections to source instances started by the the EBS and Instance
Store builders.
This is of use when the source AMI _already_ has configuration for
authorized SSH keys - for example if one uses an SSH certificate
A further extension (not implemented in this commit) is to allow SSH
agent use with a pre-defined key pair, in order to allow keys with
passphrases to be used without giving the passphrase to Packer.
This adds support for using amazon-ebs/amazon-instance builder without
a keypair. If a ssh_private_key_file is supplied without a
ssh_keypair_name no temporary ssh keypair is created. If ssh_password is
used no temporary ssh keypair is created and the password is used when
trying to connect.
Fix: Use temporary_key_pair_name when specified.
This is to fix an issue where the temporary_key_pair_name configuration option
for amazon-ebs and amazon-instance builders would be ignored and replaced with
an automatically generated value using UUID, even when the option was explicitly
Remove space from the auto-generated SSH key-pair name.
This removes the unnecessary check for AMIs before cleaning up volumes.
AMIs will exist on a successful run, but not when a build fails after
instance creation (during provisioning for example). The following
check for instance being nil should be sufficient.
It is sometimes desirable to sysprep a windows machine before creating
an EC2 image. The AWS-approved way to do this is to run
ec2configservice.exe -sysprep and let ec2configservice shut down the instance.
This change adds an option to disable the stop instance call issued by packer
so that the user can control when the machine is stopped.
This change allows specification of a new "volume_tags" array in the
amazon-ebs builder in order to allow tagging of volumes used on the
source instance. It is implemented as a new step which is skipped if
there are no tags specified.
Previously, groups were granted launch permissions by submitting a
ModifyImageAttribute request with the UserGroups parameter set
appropriately. This is no longer valid, as the LaunchPermission
parameter must be set.
This commit moves the Amazon builders of Packer away from the Hashicorp
fork of the goamz library to the official AWS SDK for Go, in order that
third party plugins may depend on the more complete official library
more easily.
Relates to #1539
AWS is eventually consistent and instance can be not visibile for
some time after creation. This fix eliminates describe-instances
call before going to the proper wait loop
These changes permit the use of pre-created SSH keypairs with AWS. If
so, the configuration for the builder needs to include an
ssh_keypair_name option and a ssh_private_key_file.
If ssh_private_key_file is *not* defined, it'll go through the
rigamarole of creating a temporary keypair. The ssh_keypair_name option
by itself won't make that change, because it doesn't make sense to
specify a keypair but not tell packer where the private key is, but it
does happen that you could have a private key and the public-key is
"baked in", and not part of your EC2 account.
Adds a 'ssh_keypair_name' option to the configuration
for AWS, along with some munging to create the
temporarily keypair if one isn't specific.
From a 'make' I get the following errors:
builder/amazon/ebs/builder.go:94: b.config.SSHKeyPairName undefined
(type config has no field or method SSHKeyPairName)
builder/amazon/instance/builder.go:199: b.config.SSHKeyPairName
undefined (type Config has no field or method SSHKeyPairName)