Add an `inventory_directory` setting to the Ansible provisioner that
allows a user to specify a directory in which the Packer Ansible
provisioner would write the generated inventory file. If a value is
specified for this setting, then have the Packer Ansible provisioner
pass this directory as the -i arg when it calls ansible.
This would allow an Ansible playbook used by the Packer Ansible
provisioner to use variables specified in `host_vars` and `group_vars`
in this inventory directory.
I've spent 1 hour today debugging why packer does not want to work with
ansible. It turns out `ansible-playbook` command was returning non-zero
exit status because of the file system permission problem.
Output before change:
% packer build rabbitmq.json
amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
1 error(s) occurred:
* exit status 1
Output after change:
amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
1 error(s) occurred:
* Error running "ansible-playbook --version": exit status 1
Ansible 2.0 deprecated ansible_ssh_user, ansible_ssh_port, ansible_ssh_host
instead use ansible_user, ansible_port, and ansible_host in the
inventory file.