- `access_key` (string) - Access Key - `secret_key` (string) - Secret Key - `member_server_image_no` (string) - Previous image code. If there is an image previously created, it can be used to create a new image. (server_image_product_code is required if not specified) - `server_image_name` (string) - Name of an image to create. - `server_image_description` (string) - Description of an image to create. - `user_data` (string) - User data to apply when launching the instance. Note that you need to be careful about escaping characters due to the templates being JSON. It is often more convenient to use user_data_file, instead. Packer will not automatically wait for a user script to finish before shutting down the instance this must be handled in a provisioner. - `user_data_file` (string) - Path to a file that will be used for the user data when launching the instance. - `block_storage_size` (int) - You can add block storage ranging from 10 GB to 2000 GB, in increments of 10 GB. - `region` (string) - Name of the region where you want to create an image. (default: Korea) - `access_control_group_configuration_no` (string) - This is used to allow winrm access when you create a Windows server. An ACG that specifies an access source ( and allowed port (5985) must be created in advance.