--- layout: "docs" page_title: "OpenStack Builder" description: |- The `openstack` Packer builder is able to create new images for use with OpenStack. The builder takes a source image, runs any provisioning necessary on the image after launching it, then creates a new reusable image. This reusable image can then be used as the foundation of new servers that are launched within OpenStack. The builder will create temporary keypairs that provide temporary access to the server while the image is being created. This simplifies configuration quite a bit. --- # OpenStack Builder Type: `openstack` The `openstack` Packer builder is able to create new images for use with [OpenStack](http://www.openstack.org). The builder takes a source image, runs any provisioning necessary on the image after launching it, then creates a new reusable image. This reusable image can then be used as the foundation of new servers that are launched within OpenStack. The builder will create temporary keypairs that provide temporary access to the server while the image is being created. This simplifies configuration quite a bit. The builder does _not_ manage images. Once it creates an image, it is up to you to use it or delete it. ## Configuration Reference There are many configuration options available for the builder. They are segmented below into two categories: required and optional parameters. Within each category, the available configuration keys are alphabetized. In addition to the options listed here, a [communicator](/docs/templates/communicator.html) can be configured for this builder. ### Required: * `flavor` (string) - The ID, name, or full URL for the desired flavor for the server to be created. * `image_name` (string) - The name of the resulting image. * `source_image` (string) - The ID or full URL to the base image to use. This is the image that will be used to launch a new server and provision it. Unless you specify completely custom SSH settings, the source image must have `cloud-init` installed so that the keypair gets assigned properly. * `username` (string) - The username used to connect to the OpenStack service. If not specified, Packer will use the environment variable `OS_USERNAME`, if set. * `password` (string) - The password used to connect to the OpenStack service. If not specified, Packer will use the environment variables `OS_PASSWORD`, if set. ### Optional: * `api_key` (string) - The API key used to access OpenStack. Some OpenStack installations require this. * `availability_zone` (string) - The availability zone to launch the server in. If this isn't specified, the default enforced by your OpenStack cluster will be used. This may be required for some OpenStack clusters. * `floating_ip` (string) - A specific floating IP to assign to this instance. `use_floating_ip` must also be set to true for this to have an affect. * `floating_ip_pool` (string) - The name of the floating IP pool to use to allocate a floating IP. `use_floating_ip` must also be set to true for this to have an affect. * `insecure` (boolean) - Whether or not the connection to OpenStack can be done over an insecure connection. By default this is false. * `networks` (array of strings) - A list of networks by UUID to attach to this instance. * `tenant_id` or `tenant_name` (string) - The tenant ID or name to boot the instance into. Some OpenStack installations require this. If not specified, Packer will use the environment variable `OS_TENANT_NAME`, if set. * `security_groups` (array of strings) - A list of security groups by name to add to this instance. * `region` (string) - The name of the region, such as "DFW", in which to launch the server to create the AMI. If not specified, Packer will use the environment variable `OS_REGION_NAME`, if set. * `ssh_interface` (string) - The type of interface to connect via SSH. Values useful for Rackspace are "public" or "private", and the default behavior is to connect via whichever is returned first from the OpenStack API. * `use_floating_ip` (boolean) - Whether or not to use a floating IP for the instance. Defaults to false. * `rackconnect_wait` (boolean) - For rackspace, whether or not to wait for Rackconnect to assign the machine an IP address before connecting via SSH. Defaults to false. ## Basic Example: Rackspace public cloud Here is a basic example. This is a working example to build a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) on Rackspace OpenStack cloud offering. ```javascript { "type": "openstack", "username": "foo", "password": "foo", "region": "DFW", "ssh_username": "root", "image_name": "Test image", "source_image": "23b564c9-c3e6-49f9-bc68-86c7a9ab5018", "flavor": "2" } ``` ## Basic Example: Private OpenStack cloud This example builds an Ubuntu 14.04 image on a private OpenStack cloud, powered by Metacloud. ```javascript { "type": "openstack", "ssh_username": "root", "image_name": "ubuntu1404_packer_test_1", "source_image": "91d9c168-d1e5-49ca-a775-3bfdbb6c97f1", "flavor": "2" } ``` In this case, the connection information for connecting to OpenStack doesn't appear in the template. That is because I source a standard OpenStack script with environment variables set before I run this. This script is setting environment variables like: * `OS_AUTH_URL` * `OS_TENANT_ID` * `OS_USERNAME` * `OS_PASSWORD`