--- modeline: | vim: set ft=pandoc: description: | This VMware Packer builder starts from an ISO and creates a vm using the vSphere API to build on a remote VMWare machine. layout: docs page_title: VSphere ISO - Builders sidebar_title: VSphere ISO --- # Packer Builder for VMware vSphere Type: `vsphere-iso` This builder uses the vSphere API, and creates virtual machines remotely. It starts from an ISO file and creates new VMs from scratch. - VMware Player is not required. - It uses the official vCenter API, and does not require ESXi host [modification](/docs/builders/vmware-iso#building-on-a-remote-vsphere-hypervisor) - This builder is supported for vSphere version 6.5 and greater. Builds on lower versions may work, but some configuration options may throw errors because they do not exist in the older versions of the vSphere API. ## Examples See complete Ubuntu, Windows, and macOS templates in the [examples folder](https://github.com/hashicorp/packer/tree/master/builder/vsphere/examples/). # Configuration Reference There are many configuration options available for this builder. In addition to the items listed here, you will want to look at the general configuration references for [HTTP](#http-directory-configuration), [Floppy](#floppy-configuration), [Boot](#boot-configuration), [Hardware](#hardware-configuration), [Output](#output-configuration), [Run](#run-configuration), [Shutdown](#shutdown-configuration), [Communicator](#communicator-configuration), [Export](#export-configuration), configuration references, which are necessary for this build to succeed and can be found further down the page. @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/Config-not-required.mdx' ### Boot Configuration @include 'common/bootcommand/BootConfig.mdx' We send each character to the VM with a default delay of 100ms between groups. The delay alleviates possible issues with latency and CPU contention. If you notice missing keys, you can tune this delay by specifying "boot_keygroup_interval" in your Packer template, for example: ```json { "builders": [ { "type": "vsphere-iso", "boot_keygroup_interval": "500ms" ... } ] } ``` #### Optional: @include 'common/bootcommand/BootConfig-not-required.mdx' @include 'builder/vsphere/common/BootConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Http directory configuration @include 'common/HTTPConfig.mdx' #### Optional: @include 'common/HTTPConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Floppy configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/FloppyConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Connection Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ConnectConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Hardware Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/HardwareConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Location Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/LocationConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Run Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/RunConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Shutdown Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ShutdownConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Wait Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/WaitIpConfig-not-required.mdx' ### ISO Configuration @include 'common/ISOConfig.mdx' #### Required: @include 'common/ISOConfig-required.mdx' #### Optional: @include 'common/ISOConfig-not-required.mdx' ### CDRom Configuration Each iso defined in the CDRom Configuration adds a new drive. If the "iso_url" is defined in addition to the "iso_paths", the "iso_url" is added to the VM first. This keeps the "iso_url" first in the boot order by default allowing the boot iso being defined by the iso_url and the vmware tools iso added from the datastore. Example: ```json "iso_urls": [ "win10.iso", "http://example.org/isos/win10.iso" ], "iso_paths": [ "[] /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso" ], ``` @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/CDRomConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Create Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/CreateConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Network Adapter Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/NIC.mdx' @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/NIC-required.mdx' #### Optional @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/NIC-not-required.mdx' ### Storage Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/DiskConfig.mdx' @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/DiskConfig-required.mdx' #### Optional @include 'builder/vsphere/iso/DiskConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Export Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ExportConfig.mdx' #### Optional: @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ExportConfig-not-required.mdx' #### Output Configuration: @include 'builder/vsphere/common/OutputConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Content Library Import Configuration @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ContentLibraryDestinationConfig.mdx' @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ContentLibraryDestinationConfig-not-required.mdx' Minimal example of usage: ```json "content_library_destination" : { "library": "Packer Library Test" } ``` ```hcl content_library_destination { library = "Packer Library Test" } ``` ### Extra Configuration Parameters @include 'builder/vsphere/common/ConfigParamsConfig-not-required.mdx' ### Communicator configuration #### Optional common fields: @include 'helper/communicator/Config-not-required.mdx' #### Optional SSH fields: @include 'helper/communicator/SSH-not-required.mdx' #### Optional WinRM fields: @include 'helper/communicator/WinRM-not-required.mdx' ## Working with Clusters #### Standalone Hosts Only use the `host` option. Optionally specify a `resource_pool`: ```json "host": "esxi-1.vsphere65.test", "resource_pool": "pool1", ``` #### Clusters Without DRS Use the `cluster` and `host`parameters: ```json "cluster": "cluster1", "host": "esxi-2.vsphere65.test", ``` #### Clusters With DRS Only use the `cluster` option. Optionally specify a `resource_pool`: ```json "cluster": "cluster2", "resource_pool": "pool1", ``` ## Required vSphere Permissions - VM folder (this object and children): ```text Virtual machine -> Inventory Virtual machine -> Configuration Virtual machine -> Interaction Virtual machine -> Snapshot management Virtual machine -> Provisioning ``` Individual privileges are listed in https://github.com/jetbrains-infra/packer-builder-vsphere/issues/97#issuecomment-436063235. - Resource pool, host, or cluster (this object): ```text Resource -> Assign virtual machine to resource pool ``` - Host in clusters without DRS (this object): ```text Read-only ``` - Datastore (this object): ```text Datastore -> Allocate space Datastore -> Browse datastore Datastore -> Low level file operations ``` - Network (this object): ```text Network -> Assign network ``` - Distributed switch (this object): ```text Read-only ``` For floppy image upload: - Datacenter (this object): ```text Datastore -> Low level file operations ``` - Host (this object): ```text Host -> Configuration -> System Management ```