package profitbricks import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" packersdk "" "" ) type stepCreateServer struct{} func (s *stepCreateServer) Run(ctx context.Context, state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction { ui := state.Get("ui").(packersdk.Ui) c := state.Get("config").(*Config) profitbricks.SetAuth(c.PBUsername, c.PBPassword) profitbricks.SetDepth("5") if sshkey, ok := state.GetOk("publicKey"); ok { c.SSHKey = sshkey.(string) } ui.Say("Creating Virtual Data Center...") img := s.getImageId(c.Image, c) alias := "" if img == "" { alias = s.getImageAlias(c.Image, c.Region, ui) } datacenter := profitbricks.Datacenter{ Properties: profitbricks.DatacenterProperties{ Name: c.SnapshotName, Location: c.Region, }, } server := profitbricks.Server{ Properties: profitbricks.ServerProperties{ Name: c.SnapshotName, Ram: c.Ram, Cores: c.Cores, }, Entities: &profitbricks.ServerEntities{ Volumes: &profitbricks.Volumes{ Items: []profitbricks.Volume{ { Properties: profitbricks.VolumeProperties{ Type: c.DiskType, Size: c.DiskSize, Name: c.SnapshotName, ImageAlias: alias, Image: img, }, }, }, }, }, } if c.SSHKey != "" { server.Entities.Volumes.Items[0].Properties.SshKeys = []string{c.SSHKey} } if c.Comm.SSHPassword != "" { server.Entities.Volumes.Items[0].Properties.ImagePassword = c.Comm.SSHPassword } datacenter = profitbricks.CompositeCreateDatacenter(datacenter) if datacenter.StatusCode > 299 { if datacenter.StatusCode > 299 { var restError RestError err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(datacenter.Response), &restError) if err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error decoding json response: %s", err.Error())) return multistep.ActionHalt } if len(restError.Messages) > 0 { ui.Error(restError.Messages[0].Message) } else { ui.Error(datacenter.Response) } return multistep.ActionHalt } } err := s.waitTillProvisioned(datacenter.Headers.Get("Location"), *c) if err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred while creating a datacenter %s", err.Error())) return multistep.ActionHalt } state.Put("datacenter_id", datacenter.Id) server = profitbricks.CreateServer(datacenter.Id, server) if server.StatusCode > 299 { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred %s", parseErrorMessage(server.Response))) return multistep.ActionHalt } err = s.waitTillProvisioned(server.Headers.Get("Location"), *c) if err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred while creating a server %s", err.Error())) return multistep.ActionHalt } lan := profitbricks.CreateLan(datacenter.Id, profitbricks.CreateLanRequest{ Properties: profitbricks.CreateLanProperties{ Public: true, Name: c.SnapshotName, }, }) if lan.StatusCode > 299 { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred %s", parseErrorMessage(lan.Response))) return multistep.ActionHalt } err = s.waitTillProvisioned(lan.Headers.Get("Location"), *c) if err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred while creating a LAN %s", err.Error())) return multistep.ActionHalt } lanId, _ := strconv.Atoi(lan.Id) nic := profitbricks.CreateNic(datacenter.Id, server.Id, profitbricks.Nic{ Properties: &profitbricks.NicProperties{ Name: c.SnapshotName, Lan: lanId, Dhcp: true, }, }) if lan.StatusCode > 299 { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred %s", parseErrorMessage(nic.Response))) return multistep.ActionHalt } err = s.waitTillProvisioned(nic.Headers.Get("Location"), *c) if err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred while creating a NIC %s", err.Error())) return multistep.ActionHalt } state.Put("volume_id", server.Entities.Volumes.Items[0].Id) server = profitbricks.GetServer(datacenter.Id, server.Id) // instance_id is the generic term used so that users can have access to the // instance id inside of the provisioners, used in step_provision. state.Put("instance_id", server.Id) state.Put("server_ip", server.Entities.Nics.Items[0].Properties.Ips[0]) return multistep.ActionContinue } func (s *stepCreateServer) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) { c := state.Get("config").(*Config) ui := state.Get("ui").(packersdk.Ui) ui.Say("Removing Virtual Data Center...") profitbricks.SetAuth(c.PBUsername, c.PBPassword) if dcId, ok := state.GetOk("datacenter_id"); ok { resp := profitbricks.DeleteDatacenter(dcId.(string)) if err := s.checkForErrors(resp); err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf( "Error deleting Virtual Data Center. Please destroy it manually: %s", err)) } if err := s.waitTillProvisioned(resp.Headers.Get("Location"), *c); err != nil { ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf( "Error deleting Virtual Data Center. Please destroy it manually: %s", err)) } } } func (d *stepCreateServer) waitTillProvisioned(path string, config Config) error { d.setPB(config.PBUsername, config.PBPassword, config.PBUrl) waitCount := 120 if config.Retries > 0 { waitCount = config.Retries } for i := 0; i < waitCount; i++ { request := profitbricks.GetRequestStatus(path) if request.Metadata.Status == "DONE" { return nil } if request.Metadata.Status == "FAILED" { return errors.New(request.Metadata.Message) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) i++ } return nil } func (d *stepCreateServer) setPB(username string, password string, url string) { profitbricks.SetAuth(username, password) profitbricks.SetEndpoint(url) } func (d *stepCreateServer) checkForErrors(instance profitbricks.Resp) error { if instance.StatusCode > 299 { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred %s", string(instance.Body))) } return nil } type RestError struct { HttpStatus int `json:"httpStatus,omitempty"` Messages []Message `json:"messages,omitempty"` } type Message struct { ErrorCode string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` } func (d *stepCreateServer) getImageId(imageName string, c *Config) string { d.setPB(c.PBUsername, c.PBPassword, c.PBUrl) images := profitbricks.ListImages() for i := 0; i < len(images.Items); i++ { imgName := "" if images.Items[i].Properties.Name != "" { imgName = images.Items[i].Properties.Name } diskType := c.DiskType if c.DiskType == "SSD" { diskType = "HDD" } if imgName != "" && strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(imgName), strings.ToLower(imageName)) && images.Items[i].Properties.ImageType == diskType && images.Items[i].Properties.Location == c.Region && images.Items[i].Properties.Public == true { return images.Items[i].Id } } return "" } func (d *stepCreateServer) getImageAlias(imageAlias string, location string, ui packersdk.Ui) string { if imageAlias == "" { return "" } locations := profitbricks.GetLocation(location) if len(locations.Properties.ImageAliases) > 0 { for _, i := range locations.Properties.ImageAliases { alias := "" if i != "" { alias = i } if alias != "" && strings.EqualFold(alias, imageAlias) { return alias } } } return "" } func parseErrorMessage(raw string) (toreturn string) { var tmp map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw), &tmp) for _, v := range tmp["messages"].([]interface{}) { for index, i := range v.(map[string]interface{}) { if index == "message" { toreturn = toreturn + i.(string) + "\n" } } } return toreturn }