package fix

// A Fixer is something that can perform a fix operation on a template.
type Fixer interface {
	// Fix takes a raw map structure input, potentially transforms it
	// in some way, and returns the new, transformed structure. The
	// Fix method is allowed to mutate the input.
	Fix(input map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)

	// Synopsis returns a string description of what the fixer actually
	// does.
	Synopsis() string

// Fixers is the map of all available fixers, by name.
var Fixers map[string]Fixer

// FixerOrder is the default order the fixers should be run.
var FixerOrder []string

func init() {
	Fixers = map[string]Fixer{
		"iso-md5":                    new(FixerISOMD5),
		"createtime":                 new(FixerCreateTime),
		"pp-vagrant-override":        new(FixerVagrantPPOverride),
		"virtualbox-gaattach":        new(FixerVirtualBoxGAAttach),
		"virtualbox-rename":          new(FixerVirtualBoxRename),
		"vmware-rename":              new(FixerVMwareRename),
		"parallels-headless":         new(FixerParallelsHeadless),
		"parallels-deprecations":     new(FixerParallelsDeprecations),
		"sshkeypath":                 new(FixerSSHKeyPath),
		"sshdisableagent":            new(FixerSSHDisableAgent),
		"manifest-filename":          new(FixerManifestFilename),
		"amazon-shutdown_behavior":   new(FixerAmazonShutdownBehavior),
		"amazon-enhanced-networking": new(FixerAmazonEnhancedNetworking),
		"amazon-private-ip":          new(FixerAmazonPrivateIP),
		"docker-email":               new(FixerDockerEmail),
		"powershell-escapes":         new(FixerPowerShellEscapes),
		"hyperv-deprecations":        new(FixerHypervDeprecations),
		"hyperv-vmxc-typo":           new(FixerHypervVmxcTypo),
		"vmware-compaction":          new(FixerVMwareCompaction),

	FixerOrder = []string{