--- description: | The masterless Puppet Packer provisioner configures Puppet to run on the machines by Packer from local modules and manifest files. Modules and manifests can be uploaded from your local machine to the remote machine or can simply use remote paths. Puppet is run in masterless mode, meaning it never communicates to a Puppet master. layout: docs page_title: 'Puppet Masterless - Provisioners' sidebar_current: 'docs-provisioners-puppet-masterless' --- # Puppet (Masterless) Provisioner Type: `puppet-masterless` The masterless Puppet Packer provisioner configures Puppet to run on the machines by Packer from local modules and manifest files. Modules and manifests can be uploaded from your local machine to the remote machine or can simply use remote paths (perhaps obtained using something like the shell provisioner). Puppet is run in masterless mode, meaning it never communicates to a Puppet master. -> **Note:** Puppet will *not* be installed automatically by this provisioner. This provisioner expects that Puppet is already installed on the machine. It is common practice to use the [shell provisioner](/docs/provisioners/shell.html) before the Puppet provisioner to do this. ## Basic Example The example below is fully functional and expects the configured manifest file to exist relative to your working directory. ``` json { "type": "puppet-masterless", "manifest_file": "site.pp" } ``` ## Configuration Reference The reference of available configuration options is listed below. Required parameters: - `manifest_file` (string) - This is either a path to a puppet manifest (`.pp` file) *or* a directory containing multiple manifests that puppet will apply (the ["main manifest"](https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/dirs_manifest.html)). These file(s) must exist on your local system and will be uploaded to the remote machine. Optional parameters: - `execute_command` (string) - The command-line to execute Puppet. This also has various [configuration template variables](/docs/templates/engine.html) available. - `extra_arguments` (array of strings) - Additional options to pass to the Puppet command. This allows for customization of `execute_command` without having to completely replace or subsume its contents, making forward-compatible customizations much easier to maintain. This string is lazy-evaluated so one can incorporate logic driven by template variables as well as private elements of ExecuteTemplate (see source: provisioner/puppet-masterless/provisioner.go). [ {{if ne "{{user environment}}" ""}}--environment={{user environment}}{{end}}, {{if ne ".ModulePath" ""}}--modulepath="{{.ModulePath}}{{.ModulePathJoiner}}$(puppet config print {{if ne "{{user `environment`}}" ""}}--environment={{user `environment`}}{{end}} modulepath)"{{end}} ] - `facter` (object of key:value strings) - Additional [facts](https://docs.puppet.com/facter/) to make available to the Puppet run. - `guest_os_type` (string) - The remote host's OS type ('windows' or 'unix') to tailor command-line and path separators. (default: unix). - `hiera_config_path` (string) - Local path to self-contained Hiera data to be uploaded. NOTE: If you need data directories they must be previously transferred with a File provisioner. - `ignore_exit_codes` (boolean) - If true, Packer will ignore failures. - `manifest_dir` (string) - Local directory with manifests to be uploaded. This is useful if your main manifest uses imports, but the directory might not contain the `manifest_file` itself. \~> `manifest_dir` is passed to Puppet as `--manifestdir` option. This option was deprecated in puppet 3.6, and removed in puppet 4.0. If you have multiple manifests you should use `manifest_file` instead. - `module_paths` (array of strings) - Array of local module directories to be uploaded. - `prevent_sudo` (boolean) - On Unix platforms Puppet is typically invoked with `sudo`. If true, it will be omitted. (default: false) - `puppet_bin_dir` (string) - Path to the Puppet binary. Ideally the program should be on the system (unix: `$PATH`, windows: `%PATH%`), but some builders (eg. Docker) do not run profile-setup scripts and therefore PATH might be empty or minimal. On Windows, spaces should be `^`-escaped, i.e. `c:/program^ files/puppet^ labs/puppet/bin`. - `staging_directory` (string) - Directory to where uploaded files will be placed (unix: "/tmp/packer-puppet-masterless", windows: "%SYSTEMROOT%/Temp/packer-puppet-masterless"). It doesn't need to pre-exist, but the parent must have permissions sufficient for the account Packer connects as to create directories and write files. Use a Shell provisioner to prepare the way if needed. - `working_directory` (string) - Directory from which `execute_command` will be run. If using Hiera files with relative paths, this option can be helpful. (default: `staging_directory`) - `elevated_user` and `elevated_password` (string) - If specified, Puppet will be run with elevated privileges using the given Windows user. See the [powershell](/docs/provisioners/powershell.html) provisioner for the full details. <%= partial "partials/provisioners/common-config" %> ## Execute Command By default, Packer uses the following command (broken across multiple lines for readability) to execute Puppet: cd {{.WorkingDir}} && {{if ne .FacterVars ""}}{{.FacterVars}} {{end}} {{if .Sudo}}sudo -E {{end}} {{if ne .PuppetBinDir ""}}{{.PuppetBinDir}}/{{end}} puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes {{if .Debug}}--debug {{end}} {{if ne .ModulePath ""}}--modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .HieraConfigPath ""}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir ""}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ExtraArguments ""}}{{.ExtraArguments}} {{end}} {{.ManifestFile}} The following command is used if guest OS type is windows: cd {{.WorkingDir}} && {{if ne .FacterVars ""}}{{.FacterVars}} && {{end}} {{if ne .PuppetBinDir ""}}{{.PuppetBinDir}}/{{end}} puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes {{if .Debug}}--debug {{end}} {{if ne .ModulePath ""}}--modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .HieraConfigPath ""}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir ""}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ExtraArguments ""}}{{.ExtraArguments}} {{end}} {{.ManifestFile}} ## Default Facts In addition to being able to specify custom Facter facts using the `facter` configuration, the provisioner automatically defines certain commonly useful facts: - `packer_build_name` is set to the name of the build that Packer is running. This is most useful when Packer is making multiple builds and you want to distinguish them in your Hiera hierarchy. - `packer_builder_type` is the type of the builder that was used to create the machine that Puppet is running on. This is useful if you want to run only certain parts of your Puppet code on systems built with certain builders.