--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Ansible Provisioner" description: |- The `ansible` Packer provisioner allows Ansible playbooks to be run to provision the machine. --- # Ansible Provisioner Type: `ansible` The `ansible` Packer provisioner allows Ansible playbooks to be run to provision the machine. ## Basic Example This is a fully functional template that will provision an image on DigitalOcean. Replace the mock `api_token` value with your own. ```json { "provisioners": [ { "type": "ansible", "playbook_file": "./playbook.yml", "extra_arguments": ["--private-key", "./id_packer-ansible", "-v", "-c", "paramiko"], "ssh_authorized_key_file": "./id_packer-ansible.pub", "ssh_host_key_file": "./packer_host_private_key" } ], "builders": [ { "type": "digitalocean", "api_token": "6a561151587389c7cf8faa2d83e94150a4202da0e2bad34dd2bf236018ffaeeb", "image": "ubuntu-14-04-x64", "region": "sfo1" }, ] } ``` ## Configuration Reference Required Parameters: - `playbook_file` - The playbook file to be run by Ansible. Optional Parameters: - `ssh_host_key_file` (string) - The SSH key that will be used to run the SSH server on the host machine to forward commands to the target machine. Ansible connects to this server and will validate the identity of the server using the system known_hosts. The default behaviour is to generate and use a onetime key, and disable host_key_verification in Ansible to allow it to connect to the server. - `ssh_authorized_key_file` (string) - The SSH public key of the Ansible `ssh_user`. The default behaviour is to generate and use a onetime key. If this file is generated, the corresponding private key will be passed via the `--private-key` option to Ansible. - `local_port` (string) - The port on which to attempt to listen for SSH connections. This value is a starting point. The provisioner will attempt listen for SSH connections on the first available of ten ports, starting at `local_port`. When `local_port` is missing or empty, ansible-provisioner will listen on a system-chosen port. - `sftp_command` (string) - The command to run on the provisioned machine to handle the SFTP protocol that Ansible will use to transfer files. The command should read and write on stdin and stdout, respectively. Defaults to `/usr/lib/sftp-server -e`. - `extra_arguments` (string) - Extra arguments to pass to Ansible. ## Limitations The `ansible` provisioner does not support SCP to transfer files.