// CODE GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT package yandexexport var ( CloudInitScript = `#!/usr/bin/env bash GetMetadata() { curl -f -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"$1 2>/dev/null } InstallPackages() { sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y qemu-utils awscli } WaitFile() { local RETRIES=60 while [[ ${RETRIES} -gt 0 ]]; do echo "Wait ${1}" if [ -f "${1}" ]; then echo "[${1}] has been found" return 0 fi RETRIES=$((RETRIES-1)) sleep 5 done echo "[${1}] not found" return 1 } PATHS=$(GetMetadata paths) S3_ENDPOINT="https://storage.yandexcloud.net" export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE="/tmp/aws-credentials" export AWS_REGION=ru-central1 Exit() { for i in ${PATHS}; do LOGDEST="${i}.exporter.log" echo "Uploading exporter log to ${LOGDEST}..." aws s3 --endpoint-url="${S3_ENDPOINT}" cp /var/log/syslog "${LOGDEST}" done exit $1 } InstallPackages echo "####### Export configuration #######" echo "Export paths - ${PATHS}" echo "####################################" if ! WaitFile "${AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE}"; then echo "Failed wait credentials" Exit 1 fi echo "Dumping disk..." if ! qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -o cluster_size=2M /dev/disk/by-id/virtio-doexport disk.qcow2; then echo "Failed to dump disk to qcow2 image." Exit 1 fi for i in ${PATHS}; do echo "Uploading qcow2 disk image to ${i}..." if ! aws s3 --endpoint-url="${S3_ENDPOINT}" cp disk.qcow2 "${i}"; then echo "Failed to upload image to ${i}." FAIL=1 fi done Exit ${FAIL} ` )