- `account_file` (string) - The JSON file containing your account credentials. Not required if you run Packer on a GCE instance with a service account. Instructions for creating the file or using service accounts are above. - `accelerator_type` (string) - Full or partial URL of the guest accelerator type. GPU accelerators can only be used with `"on_host_maintenance": "TERMINATE"` option set. Example: `"projects/project_id/zones/europe-west1-b/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-k80"` - `accelerator_count` (int64) - Number of guest accelerator cards to add to the launched instance. - `address` (string) - The name of a pre-allocated static external IP address. Note, must be the name and not the actual IP address. - `disable_default_service_account` (bool) - If true, the default service account will not be used if service_account_email is not specified. Set this value to true and omit service_account_email to provision a VM with no service account. - `disk_name` (string) - The name of the disk, if unset the instance name will be used. - `disk_size` (int64) - The size of the disk in GB. This defaults to 10, which is 10GB. - `disk_type` (string) - Type of disk used to back your instance, like pd-ssd or pd-standard. Defaults to pd-standard. - `image_name` (string) - The unique name of the resulting image. Defaults to "packer-{{timestamp}}". - `image_description` (string) - The description of the resulting image. - `image_encryption_key` (*compute.CustomerEncryptionKey) - Image encryption key to apply to the created image. Possible values: * kmsKeyName - The name of the encryption key that is stored in Google Cloud KMS. * RawKey: - A 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encodes in RFC 4648 base64. example: ``` json { "kmsKeyName": "projects/${project}/locations/${region}/keyRings/computeEngine/cryptoKeys/computeEngine/cryptoKeyVersions/4" } ``` - `image_family` (string) - The name of the image family to which the resulting image belongs. You can create disks by specifying an image family instead of a specific image name. The image family always returns its latest image that is not deprecated. - `image_labels` (map[string]string) - Key/value pair labels to apply to the created image. - `image_licenses` ([]string) - Licenses to apply to the created image. - `instance_name` (string) - A name to give the launched instance. Beware that this must be unique. Defaults to "packer-{{uuid}}". - `labels` (map[string]string) - Key/value pair labels to apply to the launched instance. - `machine_type` (string) - The machine type. Defaults to "n1-standard-1". - `metadata` (map[string]string) - Metadata applied to the launched instance. - `metadata_files` (map[string]string) - Metadata applied to the launched instance. Values are files. - `min_cpu_platform` (string) - A Minimum CPU Platform for VM Instance. Availability and default CPU platforms vary across zones, based on the hardware available in each GCP zone. [Details](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/specify-min-cpu-platform) - `network` (string) - The Google Compute network id or URL to use for the launched instance. Defaults to "default". If the value is not a URL, it will be interpolated to projects/((network_project_id))/global/networks/((network)). This value is not required if a subnet is specified. - `network_project_id` (string) - The project ID for the network and subnetwork to use for launched instance. Defaults to project_id. - `omit_external_ip` (bool) - If true, the instance will not have an external IP. use_internal_ip must be true if this property is true. - `on_host_maintenance` (string) - Sets Host Maintenance Option. Valid choices are `MIGRATE` and `TERMINATE`. Please see [GCE Instance Scheduling Options](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/setting-instance-scheduling-options), as not all machine\_types support `MIGRATE` (i.e. machines with GPUs). If preemptible is true this can only be `TERMINATE`. If preemptible is false, it defaults to `MIGRATE` - `preemptible` (bool) - If true, launch a preemptible instance. - `state_timeout` (string) - The time to wait for instance state changes. Defaults to "5m". - `region` (string) - The region in which to launch the instance. Defaults to the region hosting the specified zone. - `scopes` ([]string) - The service account scopes for launched instance. Defaults to: ``` json [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control" ] ``` - `service_account_email` (string) - The service account to be used for launched instance. Defaults to the project's default service account unless disable_default_service_account is true. - `source_image_project_id` (string) - The project ID of the project containing the source image. - `startup_script_file` (string) - The path to a startup script to run on the VM from which the image will be made. - `subnetwork` (string) - The Google Compute subnetwork id or URL to use for the launched instance. Only required if the network has been created with custom subnetting. Note, the region of the subnetwork must match the region or zone in which the VM is launched. If the value is not a URL, it will be interpolated to projects/((network_project_id))/regions/((region))/subnetworks/((subnetwork)) - `tags` ([]string) - Assign network tags to apply firewall rules to VM instance. - `use_internal_ip` (bool) - If true, use the instance's internal IP instead of its external IP during building.