--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Google Compute Builder" description: |- The `googlecompute` Packer builder is able to create images for use with Google Compute Engine (GCE) based on existing images. Google Compute Engine doesn't allow the creation of images from scratch. --- # Google Compute Builder Type: `googlecompute` The `googlecompute` Packer builder is able to create [images](https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/images) for use with [Google Compute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/products/compute-engine)(GCE) based on existing images. Google Compute Engine doesn't allow the creation of images from scratch. ## Authentication Authenticating with Google Cloud services requires at most one JSON file, called the _account file_. The _account file_ is **not** required if you are running the `googlecompute` Packer builder from a GCE instance with a properly-configured [Compute Engine Service Account](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/authentication). ### Running With a Compute Engine Service Account If you run the `googlecompute` Packer builder from a GCE instance, you can configure that instance to use a [Compute Engine Service Account](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/authentication). This will allow Packer to authenticate to Google Cloud without having to bake in a separate credential/authentication file. To create a GCE instance that uses a service account, provide the required scopes when launching the instance. For `gcloud`, do this via the `--scopes` parameter: ```sh gcloud compute --project YOUR_PROJECT instances create "INSTANCE-NAME" ... \ --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute" \ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control" \ ... ``` For the [Google Developers Console](https://console.developers.google.com): 1. Choose "Show advanced options" 2. Tick "Enable Compute Engine service account" 3. Choose "Read Write" for Compute 4. Chose "Full" for "Storage" **The service account will be used automatically by Packer as long as there is no _account file_ specified in the Packer configuration file.** ### Running Without a Compute Engine Service Account The [Google Developers Console](https://console.developers.google.com) allows you to create and download a credential file that will let you use the `googlecompute` Packer builder anywhere. To make the process more straightforwarded, it is documented here. 1. Log into the [Google Developers Console](https://console.developers.google.com) and select a project. 2. Under the "APIs & Auth" section, click "Credentials." 3. Click the "Create new Client ID" button, select "Service account", and click "Create Client ID" 4. Click "Generate new JSON key" for the Service Account you just created. A JSON file will be downloaded automatically. This is your _account file_. ## Basic Example Below is a fully functioning example. It doesn't do anything useful, since no provisioners are defined, but it will effectively repackage an existing GCE image. The account file is obtained in the previous section. ```javascript { "type": "googlecompute", "account_file": "account.json", "project_id": "my-project", "source_image": "debian-7-wheezy-v20150127", "zone": "us-central1-a" } ``` ## Configuration Reference Configuration options are organized below into two categories: required and optional. Within each category, the available options are alphabetized and described. ### Required: * `project_id` (string) - The project ID that will be used to launch instances and store images. * `source_image` (string) - The source image to use to create the new image from. Example: `"debian-7-wheezy-v20150127"` * `zone` (string) - The zone in which to launch the instance used to create the image. Example: `"us-central1-a"` ### Optional: * `account_file` (string) - The JSON file containing your account credentials. Not required if you run Packer on a GCE instance with a service account. Instructions for creating file or using service accounts are above. * `disk_size` (integer) - The size of the disk in GB. This defaults to `10`, which is 10GB. * `image_name` (string) - The unique name of the resulting image. Defaults to `"packer-{{timestamp}}"`. * `image_description` (string) - The description of the resulting image. * `instance_name` (string) - A name to give the launched instance. Beware that this must be unique. Defaults to `"packer-{{uuid}}"`. * `machine_type` (string) - The machine type. Defaults to `"n1-standard-1"`. * `metadata` (object of key/value strings) * `network` (string) - The Google Compute network to use for the launched instance. Defaults to `"default"`. * `ssh_port` (integer) - The SSH port. Defaults to `22`. * `ssh_timeout` (string) - The time to wait for SSH to become available. Defaults to `"1m"`. * `ssh_username` (string) - The SSH username. Defaults to `"root"`. * `state_timeout` (string) - The time to wait for instance state changes. Defaults to `"5m"`. * `tags` (array of strings) ## Gotchas Centos images have root ssh access disabled by default. Set `ssh_username` to any user, which will be created by packer with sudo access. The machine type must have a scratch disk, which means you can't use an `f1-micro` or `g1-small` to build images.