#!/usr/bin/env bats # # This tests the googlecompute builder. The teardown function will # delete any images with the text "packerbats" within the name. load test_helper fixtures builder-googlecompute # Required parameters : ${GC_ACCOUNT_FILE:?} : ${GC_PROJECT_ID:?} command -v gcloud >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "'gcloud' must be installed" >&2 exit 1 } USER_VARS="${USER_VARS} -var account_file=${GC_ACCOUNT_FILE}" USER_VARS="${USER_VARS} -var project_id=${GC_PROJECT_ID}" # This tests if GCE has an image that contains the given parameter. gc_has_image() { gcloud compute --format='table[no-heading](name)' --project=${GC_PROJECT_ID} images list \ | grep $1 | wc -l } teardown() { gcloud compute --format='table[no-heading](name)' --project=${GC_PROJECT_ID} images list \ | grep packerbats \ | xargs -n1 gcloud compute --project=${GC_PROJECT_ID} images delete } @test "googlecompute: build minimal.json" { run packer build ${USER_VARS} $FIXTURE_ROOT/minimal.json [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$(gc_has_image "packerbats-minimal")" -eq 1 ] }